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Lab Report- Activity –Synthesis of Esters

Name-Tiago Dantas
Partners: Adriano, Mathew Barras, Marchello De Marchi
Due Date: Sept 24, 2023 11:59 PM
Course Code: SCH4U-Chemistry
Teacher Name: Mr. Spensieri
The purpose of this experiment is to use a given carboxylic acid and an alcohol to create
an eater which gives off a specific aroma. This allows students to understand the esterification
reaction associated with this lab activity.

Refer to “Lab activity 5. Synthesis of Esters handout for the materials.

Refer to “Lab activity 5. Synthesis of Esters handout for the materials.


Test Carboxylic Acid Alcohol Ester Produced Aroma


A Ethanoic (acetic) acid 1-ethanol Ethyl Ethanoate Nail Polish

B Ethanoic (acetic) acid 2-or-3-pentanol Pentyl Ethanoate Artifical


C Salicylic Acid 1-methanol Methyl salicylate Wintergreen

D ethanoic (acetic) acid 1-pentanol Pentyl Ethanoate Strawberry

E methanoic (formic) acid 1-ethanol Ethyl Methanoate Rum

F methanoic (formic) acid 2-butanol Butyl methanoate Raspberry

Pre- Lab Questions:

1. How many drops of sulfuric acid are added to each test tube?

In test tube A and B 3 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid is added, however in test tube C 5
drops were added.

2. When benzoic acid reacts with ethan-1-ol, name the product that we should expect.

When benzoic acid reacts with ethan-1-ol, it will produce ethyl benzoate which has a pear
aroma and water.

1. What is the purpose of …

(a) adding sulfuric acid to the mixtures?

Sulfuric acid plays a vital role in the condensation reaction of carboxylic acid and an alcohol to
produce an ester. Firstly, sulfuric acid is used as a crucial catalyst, this is because this acid
causes the reaction between alcohol and carboxylic acid as it pronates the hydroxyl group on
the carboxylic acid and the oxygen bonded to the alcohol which makes the two molecules more
reactive with each other. While also being a catalyst, sulfuric acid also serves as a dehydration
agent, as it removes water causing equilibrium.

(b) heating each mixture in a warm water bath?

Heat is very important in facilitating the reactions of molecules. In the case of forming an ester
from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol, heat serves to allow the mixture to meet the activation
energy needed for esterification and it also increases the rate of reaction due to heat exciting
the atoms of the mixture.

2. What evidence is observed that indicates that a reaction has occurred & an ester is

There are multiple pieces of evidence that indicate that a reaction has occurred and an ester is formed.
Firstly, esters usually produce a very distinct aroma that is easily recognized, therefore if one notices a
often fruit-like smell coming from a mixture, most likely an ester has been formed. Another way to tell
that you have just formed an ester is when a gas is produced from the reaction, in some cases bubbling is
a telltale sign that you have just made an ester.

This lab turned out to be very successful in the formation of esters, through esterification using a
carboxylic acid and alcohol. This is because our group managed to get the correct aromas for each of the
esters used. Although it was successful there are always areas for improvement. One area in this lab that
we could have done better for the next time came during our handling of equipment. Although it did not
occur in our group, other groups accidentally broke equipment. This may have been caused by different
things, however it is always important to stay aware of your surroundings when handling materials.

Work Cited
ble,acting%20as%20a%20 dehydrating%20agent.

Fischer Esterification, Reflux, Isolation and Purification of Esters.

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