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Thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us today to attend
this seminar, entitled “Mental Health Awareness”. For this year’s mental health slogan,
the World Health Organization decided for a theme that says “Mental Health is a
Universal Right”. Today is an opportunity for us to unite behind this theme to improve
knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s
mental health as a universal human right.
I would like to warmly welcome and special thanks to our guest speaker (Name).
It is an honor to be graced by the presence of such an accomplished teacher. And to
our facilitators, who have generously agreed to share their expertise with us and come
up with such a relevant seminar.
Today's event promises an engaging and enlightening experience for all of us
about Mental Health. This is a great opportunity for us to understand the importance of
having a good mental health to our overall health and well-being. Let's open our minds
and hearts to new ideas as we come together to learn new facts and share knowledge.
Therefore, without further ado, I am formally opening this seminar. Thank you.

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