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Running head: HR MANAGEMENT 1

Assignment 1 – HR Management

Vrenda Parham

Professor Michael K. Johnson

BUS 310: Human Resource Management

January 15, 2018

HR Management 2

Conversation with female co-worker

When an employee complains that he or she is experiencing sexual harassment of any

type, the employer has a legal, ethical, and employee relations obligation to thoroughly

investigate the allegations. In my conversation with the female employee, I would begin by

acknowledging her concerns and assure her that Human Resources (HR) takes her complaint

seriously. I would inform her that sexual harassment is defined by the EEOC as unwelcome

sexual advances in the work environment and I would assure her that she had taken the

appropriate action in reporting the incident regardless of the investigation outcome. I would ask

that she inform me immediately of any retaliation or ongoing harassment she might experience

as it would not be tolerated. To begin my investigation, I would ask her for any dates, times,

situations and witnesses present when she felt sexually harassed. I would listen carefully and

thoroughly document the details of her version to what had taken place. We would discuss

possible options to resolve the issue such as relocating to another department, changing working

hours, or other possible options. We would discuss her rights and possible outcomes from this

complaint, which could include a warning, reprimand, or perhaps dismissal of the harasser. I

would advise her that her complaint will be kept confidential within the HR Department and I

would strive to find a resolution that creates a safe and comfortable work environment for her

and every employee.

It is my role as a human resource manager to thoroughly investigate any possible sexual

harassment within the company. I would inform her that a fair and just investigation will be

conducted on her behalf as well as that of the accused and I would ask that she be patient while

we conduct a thorough investigation.

HR Management 3

Conversation with male coworker

I would set up a private meeting with the accused male coworker to inform him that a

complaint has been filed and to allow him to address the coworker’s allegations. I would request

that he provide details of the events which resulted in this claim of sexual harassment. It is of

utmost importance to hear his response and explanation as to why or if he continued to request

dates from his female coworker after repeated denials. I would inform him that no acts of

retaliation or unethical actions will be tolerated and would request that he refrain from any future

personal conversations with the female coworker. I would assure him that a fair and just

assessment would be conducted on his behalf as well as that of the accuser to determine if any

further action proceeding this conversation and/or warning would be necessary.

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