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Create your own dynamic warm-up exercise for badminton. (not more than 1 minute). Follow the
drills in my video which will be presented in class.


1.Wrist Rolls (9 seconds)

-Put your hands in fists and extend your arms in front of you.
-Put your wrists in an outward rotation and slowly form circles with your fists.
-Rotate your wrists in one direction for 10 rotations before changing to another rotation (5
clockwise, 5 counterclockwise on both wrist)

2. Arm Rotation (16 seconds)

-Put your legs shoulder-width apart.
-Keep your arms by your sides, straight.
-rotate the arms simultaneously with both arms:
-8 seconds clockwise
-8 seconds counterclockwise rotations

3. Feet Rotation (14 seconds)

-Standing on the toes of the opposite leg, space your feet slightly apart, then shift your weight to
one foot.
-Rotate the lifted foot in a clockwise and counterclockwise motion.
-Perform 16 seconds of this exercise for each leg (4 secs clockwise, 4secs counterclockwise in
each leg)

4.Hips Rotation (16 seconds)

-Holding your head straight, place your hands on your hips.
-Extend your hip rotation.
-Perform 8 seconds in a clockwise direction and 8 seconds in a counterclockwise direction.

5. Neck Stretch (15 seconds)

8 seconds right
8 seconds left

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