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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Caitlyn Hall Program: Secondary Education Course: EDU460

Social Studies Student Teaching
Lesson Topic / Title: Senior Seminar; 9/11 Free Choice Small Group Large Group
Documentary Day 1 (circle one)
Lesson Date: October 19, 2023 Lesson Length: 75 Minutes Grade/Age: Grade 12

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
(Write 2 objectives that are clear, attainable, measurable, (Connect developmental goal with
and age/content appropriate. Start with “Children will”) learning objectives)

Children will be clear and effective communicators I chose this objective because it is
important for student to communicate
in clear and effective ways to get their
points across to those whom they are
talking to. Being clear, and straight to
the point, with effective
communication skills such as
effectively supporting one’s opinion by
knowing all sides to a topic. Students
will have to communicate their needs,
beliefs, and issues effectively and
clearly to many counterparts of jobs.

Children will be integrative and informed thinkers I chose this objective because it is
important for students to be informed
of political issues (current events), that
are happening around the world, and in
the United States. Students should be
able to build the ability to face and
discuss controversial topics, amidst
tension, and opposing ideas, as well as
understand and integrate opposing
sides into the student’s debate. This
will allow students to strengthen
debates, as well as be able to face
controversial intense conversations
they will face outside of school.
Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
(Identify MELDS domain, element, and indicators aligned (Clearly explain the relationship
with objectives) between MELDS and learning

This standard was selected because it

aligns with both the learning sequence
Students draw on concepts and processes using primary and learning objectives. Students need
and secondary sources from history to develop a historical to be able to identify and understand
perspective and understand issues of continuity and major historical eras and understand
change in the community, Maine, the United States, and themes in U.S history. Students also
the world. need to be able to analyze and critique
varying interpretations of historical
History 1: Students understand major eras, major issues. Students are expected to be able
enduring themes, and historical influences in the United to use sources to support their opinion
States and world history, including the roots of democratic on several different topics and
philosophy, ideals, and institutions in the world by controversial aspects in history such as
political leaders, their public opinions
(F2) Analyzing and critiquing major historical eras: major on laws and amendments, regulations
enduring themes, turning points, events, consequences, and degranulation of businesses, and
and people in the history of the United States and the foreign policies. These aspects of being
implications for the present and future. a clear, effective communicator will
also benefit future conversations that
may not highlight historical topics but
help students build strong
communication skills when addressing
bosses or hiring committees. An
integrative and informed thinker seeks
information and builds their opinion
with evidence, this will be beneficial in
many aspects of these students’
futures, not only in their educational
career, but as a parent, leader, or boss.
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
(How will you assess the children’s progress on your (Indicate formative/summative
learning objectives? How will the assessment results be assessment. How will analysis of this
used?) data inform instruction)

Documentary Reflection Questions Formative

This is given during the documentary,
but students do not complete until
after the documentary. Students are
expected to reflect on the documentary
shown in class and answer questions
related to the events of 9/11 with their
opinions and understanding of the
event. Students are expected to be able
to understand the historical influence
on American security and on society as
a whole. Students also need to be able
to analyze and critique sources that
present information about historical
eras or events.
Students are presented with the
documentary, which highlights the
general information about the 9/11
Students are then presented with more
information through the unit about
these incidents, and discuss their
opinions and understandings of
influences and effects of these events.
This information will assist students in
the summative assessment for this unit,
which talks about free speech, and flag
desecration, which is addressed
throughout the documentary.

This assessment will be reviewed after
all students have given thoughtful
written responses, and have shared out
in class. Students are expected to share
what they wrote and have a discussion
about themes and effects seen in
security and free speech regulations.
This classwide conversation is
monitored, and answers are collected.
Questions that arise during the
discussion are taken into account for
further instruction. Misunderstandings
are also taken into account. This data
will help structure further instruction
needed, for comprehension of the

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and/or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
(Include list of all materials, resources, handouts, and (Include sources of information such as
technology needed to implement activity) websites and books)

Laptop Laptop;
● Attendance
● Needed for the teacher to play a
● Used for students to see a

Documentary Reflection Questions Reflection Questions;

● Paper copies
○ Can be available on
● Questions further students
ability to apply critical
thinking and opinions to build
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
(Show the plan and sequence of your lesson that is (Include questions you will ask and
connected to the objectives including; introduction, steps of vocabulary you will introduce)
activity, description of what the children are doing, closure

Attendance (5 min.) Attendance

● Taking attendance after the final bell ● Greeting all students
● Talk with students briefly about the day ● Checking in on how they are
feeling to see if I need to make
any modifications to activities
during the class
● Taking attendance and noting
who is not in class
● Passing out work that students
have submitted
● Reminding students of work that
is late

Intro (Agenda) (7 min.) Intro

● Go over what we are doing for the day ● Going over the agenda will
● Remind students of what we did previous class allow students to prepare for
● Transition students into work time what's to come in class that day
● Phone's away ○ Warning; heavy topic
● Remind them of expectations ○ Please be respectful
● Explain to students ● Students will know what they
expected to complete that day
○ to watch the first part of
the documentary
○ discuss/answer any
questions students have
● Phones away
○ to be active respectful

Introduction of Documentary (5 min.) Introduction of the documentary

● Expectations - Students should be paying
● Highlight important, confusing aspects of the attention
documentary they are going to watch - No phones
● Warnings - This is a large horrific event
● Uncormfortablity for many people
- Be respectful
- Tower 1 was hit first, then
Tower 2
- But Tower 2 fell first
- These were not the
only buildings that fell
- The majority of what we will
be watching in class will be
filmmakers following the
- We will only see up to the first
tower being hit in class
- We will not see anyone falling
out of towers, or who have
been seriously injured, but will
hear a lot of creams etc
- Please feel free to
leave the classroom
and take a break when
needed. this is a long
and heavy
Documentary Reflection Questions (2 min)
Reflection Questions
- We will go over these more
after we finish the
- Just present students with
questions as a way for them to
pay attention throughout the
- They won’t be answering the
questions until after the
- Keep in mind
- Feelings around the
evens, from those in
the documentary
- How firefighters are
- comments made
about how many
planes were hijacked
- Misinformatio
- little use of cellphones

Watching the Documentary (50 min.) Watching the Documentary

Closure (2 min.) Closure

- Remind students what we will
be doing next class
- FIishing this
Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
modifications, accommodations) (Discuss your reasoning for including
(How will you meet the needs of all the students who need specific activities or strategies; special
more or less challenge?) needs, age differences, cultural diversity,

- Having the agenda written on

Adaptations/Modifications the board will allow students to
- The agenda will be written out on the board, and I
prepare for the class for what we
will read out and explain what I have written
- All work will be paper, but students will have the will be doing
option to use technology - Adaptations will be available to
all students (no matter the
- Speech to text
- Reflection piece
- Students have the
option to to do this on
google docs
- remind students
spelling is not as
important as getting
their opinion down on
paper, and for it to be

Students missing prior knowledge needed for success in - Information will be integrated
this lesson into lesson
- Such as vocabulary definitions
- More explinantions on topics
students are unaware of/do
not understand completely

- One student needs to be able

Ability to move frequently to get up and move frequently
- Attention is not brought to this
studnet in these times
- Arranging seating so student
can walk in the back of class
(by my desk), will allow them
to stay concentrated to class
Students who are absent - These students are expected to
come to me, for my note
- Students are not expected to
take notes
- The note outline will
allow them to see
what was discussed in
class, and be prepared
for the next discussion
- This allows students
to have the previous
knowledge their
classmates have
- Allows for more
success in future

Field Course Only – Post lesson

(Produce a thoughtful reflection addressing the following: strengths of the lesson and areas for
growth; evidence of student learning and interpretation of assessment results. Consider the
following questions:
● Did the students meet the objective(s)/learning goal(s) of the lesson? How do you know?
● What does your assessment data tell you?
● What went well?
● What would you change?
● What did you learn? How will this impact your next lesson?
How many students met the objective(s)? Partially met? Did not meet? After analyzing the
assessment data what will you do to help ALL students meet the objective(s)?)

All students who were present were engaged and watching the movie, with no
Student A
Student B
Student C
Student D
Student E
Student F
Student G
Student H
Student I
Student J- Student was not present for documentary
Student K
Student L
Student M

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