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Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

understand the teachings of Islam deeply, help us become better and closer
Almukarom K.H. Ibrohim Hafidz and his family...
individuals to Allah and make us more tolerant individuals towards the diversity that
Almukarom K. Abdurrohman Hafidz and his family...
exists in this world.
Almukarom K. Sholeh Hamdan Hafidz and family..
Islam is a religion of peace, this religion teaches us about goodness and justice and
Dear Mrs. Nina Hidayanti...
respects diversity, through Madrassas we can realize a peaceful Islam in our lives. So
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury...
it has equal rights before God. The Word of Allah in Q.S Al-Baqoroh verse 228,
And happy friends...
which reads:

First of all, let us offer praise and thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, who has
given us His mercy and blessings so that we can gather here on this happy occasion in
good health and wal'afiyat.

May prayers and greetings always be poured out and bestowed upon His Majesty the
Great Prophet Muhammad SAW. And hopefully in the future we will get intercession
from him, aamiin... With the Islamic religion, we become peaceful, I believe we have all been nurtured

To the honorable ladies and gentlemen and all the audience… and raised from Madrasah education. Therefore, it is appropriate to respect our

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the opportunity given to me to speak Madrasas and teachers, because behind our success are the services of our teachers.
in front of you all. Today, I would like to talk about " Madrasah Education Therefore, let us pray together for our parents and our teachers so that the knowledge
Realizing a Peaceful Islam "
we gain will be useful in this world and in the afterlife, Amiiiiiiin Yarobbal 'alamin.
Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Education helps us
This is how Islam teaches about peaceful Islamic teachings in our lives through
understand, develop our potential, and helps us understand the world around us.
studying at Madrasah.
Education also helps us become better individuals, be able to understand human

values and appreciate the diversity that exists in this world. Madrassah help us
Great Madrasas, Strong Madrasas, dignified Madrasas that create a developed


I hope that's all I can say on this good opportunity, more or less I apologize

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

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