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One summer morning, a long time ago, a boy named Tajín arrived in the jungles of

Totonacapan. He was walking along the road looking for noise because he was a mean kid. I
couldn't be at peace with anyone. If he found an anthill he would jump on it; If he saw a band
of monkeys he would stone them; He shook the trees and ripped off their branches without
any consideration.

Everyone ran away as soon as they saw him coming.

"Here comes Tajín," said the red ants and the black ants in their tight rows, and they hurried
to enter their tunnels with the usual discipline.

"Here comes Tajín," the monkeys said between howls and gestures, and they hurried to
climb the highest branches, the steepest rocks, where the stones of the intruder could not
reach them.

"Here comes Tajín," said the trees, trembling with fear, because they could not flee.

That's why the boy lived alone. Because no one could stand his company.And what do they
do?- Tajín then asked.

– We are the seven thunders. We are the ones who climb into the clouds and cause storms.

– Really? – the boy asked incredulously.

Since Tajín had nothing to lose and was dying of curiosity to see what it was like, he decided
to accept the offer.The seven thunders lived in a small stone house on top of a hill. The six
brothers of Trueno Mayor, who was the one who arrived with Tajín, were a little reluctant to
the young man's arrival.

– We don't know him, we don't know him! – said Double Thunder.– And we must be careful
who observes our secrets… – Old Thunder reminded.

– Yes, I know – said the Major Thunder – But we need someone to take care of the house
and prepare the food, to clean our work clothes and shoes...

The seven Thunders then decided to accept Tajín into their home. And the boy seemed to
learn quickly. He already knew how to clean the house, prepare the beans, and attend to all
the Thunders' demands, although what Tajín really wanted was to see them in action.

And soon that day came: the clouds began to cover the sky and the seven Thunders said:

- Is our turn.

They went to a huge chest where they kept their clothes, boots and swords.

– Don't be scared when you feel the strongest wind: it's our capes when they move up there
– said Old Thunder.
– Don't even be afraid when you see lightning, because it is the glow of our swords – added
the Old Thunder.

– And when you hear the thunder, it is our heels, heels – said the double thunder.

And the six thunderclaps climbed the enormous staircase next to his house and Tajín lost
sight of them when they finally reached the clouds.

The elders began to ascend through the sky and soon the storm broke out: wind, lightning,
thunder... and finally it began to rain.

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