ICC Module 1

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The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

1 2023


Prepared: Jaried M. Millare

Faculty,Humanities Department,CAL

TITLE: “The total environment framework”

INTRODUCTION: This topic is an introduction to the nature and culture, how

branches of knowledge are interdependent, nature as divided into physical
and biological, culture, society and communication. The arts and crafts it’s
meaning and classifications.


By the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Define and discuss the nature, culture, and the branches of knowledge.
2. Identify the meaning and classifications of arts and crafts.
3. Write an essay about nature and culture, the arts and crafts.


Each branches of knowledge has its own purpose, they may be different
in many ways but they are connected to each other. We may not live in this
world if we stand alone, we live for others to survive and to be alive just as
natural things. Nature is one of the things that we rely on, living with other
species, the flora and fauna, the raw materials that have made to produce a
products.Native crafts are made with all natural materials that signify our
indigenous people, historical connection to the land, which they have
historically been dependent on for survival.Depictions of nature can also be
about intellectual thought and spirituality. Art involving nature can be done
simply to display the beauty of the natural world around us, to make specific
observations in an environment, or to open our minds to philosophical ideas
about our own connection to nature.Art influences society by changing
opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time,
art in the sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures are
different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds and
stories, art is often a vehicle for social change. Figure 1: “Man &
Artist: Jaried M. Millare

The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

2 2023
Culture are rooted in a time and place. They define how people relate to
nature and their physical environment, to the earth and to the cosmos, and
they express our attitudes to and beliefs in other forms of life, both animal and
plant. Even in our globalization world of cosmopolitan communities, made of
transnational, people, cultures tend to make roots in and adapt to the
particularity of specific environment and geo -historical context.

This is because, at the fundamental level, biological and cultural diversities

are closely interdependent. They have developed over time through mutual
adaptation between humans and the environment, and therefore, rather than
existing in separate and parallel realms, they interact with and affect one
another in complex ways in a sort of co- evolutionary process.

For the reason, traditional and indigenous practices for the stewardship and
use of environmental resources, including buildings techniques, are in general
green ‘by design’. They embody an intrinsically more sustainable pattern of
land use, consumption and production, contributing also to food security and
water access, based on knowledge and practices developed over centuries of
adaptation. “Biological and Cultural diversity are intrinsically and inextricably
linked and together hold key to sustainable development” www. Unesco.org.

Figure 2: The total environment framework.

To wrap up, figure 2 shows the connections of nature and culture are
interdependent, each branches of knowledge has its own role to play in life,
environmental resources. On culture it is clearly we live on a society and each
culture has its own languages that they used to communicate, each culture
has its own representation, meaning, and purpose of their arts and crafts. Art,
culture, and Context has a profound influence in style.Historical context is the
record of events that affected the artist and the development of his/her
work.political, social, economic, scientific, technological, and intellectual
background.Variations in style are sometimes linked to cultural contexts such
as period style is the general characteristics common to much of the work
given period of time or cultural phase,also regional style is the manner of

The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

3 2023
expression common in the work of artist working in the same country or are
and individual style is the manner of expression used by particular artist.

The components of art; subject, style, content, form, media, and technique is
the duty of an artist to strain against the bonds of the existing style. Subject
matter is the main theme of a work of art, the person,place, thing, or abstract
idea selected by the artist was mainly influenced by his own culture living on
society. Iconography- the study of the subject matter and symbolism,
awareness of symbolism can enrich the viewing experience. style- the
characteristics manner of executing the visual elements and media associated
with the work of an individual artist, a school or movement, or specific culture
or time period.

The elements of art include line, texture, shape, and value, are the most
basic, indispensable, and immediate building blocks for expression. Their
characteristics, determined by the artist’s choice of media and techniques,
can communicate a wide range of complex feelings.

Arts is consider as the major art, to express beauty, a non- functional

art,intellectual thought and spirituality, art records history, preserved
objects,person,place through immortal artworks and art masterpieces.

Figure 3: “Piritikan” Artist: Jaried M. Millare

The Major art are literature, painting, sculpture, and music as the main four
arts, of which the others are derivative; drama is literature with acting, dance
is music expressed through motion, and song is music with literature and

The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

4 2023
Art performs a number of public functions. Aesthetic forms taste, allows you to
reproduce reality according to the canons of beauty. The social renders
ideological influence, transforms social reality. Compensatory fills the lack of
beauty and harmony in everyday life, hedonistic brings pleasure to man. The
cognitive function makes it possible to understand reality with the help of
artistic images, educational, it forms the personality of a person. Functional art

represents fine art which serves utilitarian purposes. It includes all things we
may see in our daily life from lighting and furniture to small decorative
elements. We can say that functional art has regards more usefulness rather
than beauty or ornamentation.

Figure 4: Arts and Crafts

Clear quality art like drawings, paintings, plays, and poems are made with
inner cause and motive to come up with tasteful artistic experiences. But
when we speak about interior or industrial purposes, functional side of the
equation plays a role in the design process, because the intent of the design
is not judged from beauty or aesthetic aspects, but also it should be functional
and handy. www.hedcorativesurfaces.com. The Minor arts are drawing,
drafting, weaving, furniture, blacksmith, jewelry, handicrafts, ceramics,
ikebana, calligraphy etc.

The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

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Figure 5: “Sa pamitisan kan bulkan”
Artist Jaried M.Millare


The questions wil be given on onsite face to face moadality and repare a sheet of

Written Essay Rubrics

CATEGORY Outstanding (1.0-1.4) Very Satisfactory (1.5-1.9) Satisfactory (2.5) Poor (2.6-3.0)

Purpose and The paper The paper items are The paper items There is no
points to specific clearly, but the clearly, but the supporting
examples to supporting supporting information or
illustrates and information is information is support is
includes only
general. The paper incomplete. The incomplete.
the relevant
information. includes only the paper may include

Information. information that is

not relevant.

Organization The paper breaks The paper breaks The paper breaks Many details are
the information the information the information not in a logical or
into whole-to into whole-to into whole-to-whole, expected order.
whole, whole, There is little
point-by-point sense
point-by-point point-by-point
structure, but some that the writing is
structure. It follows structure but does
information is in the organized.
a consistent order not follow a
wrong section.
when discussing. consistent order Some

when discussing. details are not in a

logical or expected

order, and this

The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

6 2023
distracts the reader.

Transition The paper moves The paper moves Some transitions The transitions

smoothly from one from one idea to the work well; but between ideas are

idea to the next. next, but there is connections unclear or

The paper uses a little variety. between other nonexistent.

variety of sentence ideas are fuzzy.

structures and


Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes
Spelling errors in grammar errors in grammar errors in grammar
than 4 errors in
(Conventions) or spelling that or spelling that or spelling that
grammar or
distract the reader distract the reader distract the reader spelling

from the content. from the content. from the content. that distract the

reader from the



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Faculty, Humanities Department
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The Total Environment Framework: Jaried M. MIllare

9 2023

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