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ROBO 247 – Robotic Applications – GC&E Assignment (Group Essay)

Write an essay not exceeding 500 words based on your case study of choice to reflect
on all of the following learning outcomes:

Learning outcome #2:

Identify beliefs, values and behaviors that form individual and community identities and
the basis for respectful relationships

Learning outcome #5:

Identify and challenge unjust practices in local and global systems

Learning outcome #6:

Support personal and social responsibility initiatives at the local, national and global

In your essay try to answer the following questions:

1. Should A&R technicians/technologists be concerned about 'why' and 'how'

robotics/applications are intended to be used in society? Please explain.
2. Identify an example of a positive way your case study/research can or may have a:
a. positive impact on the industry/society/environment
b. negative impact to the industry/society/environment
3. Reflect on question 2. b: Does recognizing a negative impact to society affect your
responsibility as a technician/technologist? Why or why not?

• Copying and plagiarizing will be severely penalized. You need to reference any
sources used in the essay
• This is a group (3 students in a group) assignment which weighs 5% of the total
• Due in the week# 12

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