Question of Reflection

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1. How is technology a mode of revealing?

Ans: Technology, according to Martin Heidegger, is a means of disclosing since it discloses many
new facts about a person and the world. Technology demonstrates its being or being by displaying
its various traits, designs, and functions. It also displays its connections to the materials utilized and
the ideas that inspired its creation. Technology allows us to learn new and mysterious things, as well
as reveal the truths of our world.

2. Why should technology be questioned?

Ans: The entire nature of technology should be questioned in light of the threats it poses. For
example, social media has connected billions of people from all over the world. However, it also
brought with it problems such as invasion of privacy, the dissemination of fake news, and online
disinhibition. Furthermore, technological growth has had an impact on Mother Nature. It has
generated a large amount of trash and pollution, which will exacerbate global warming. To prevent
similar incidents from occurring, the essence of technology must be grasped. Its progression must
be regulated and restrained in order to avoid negative repercussions.

3. How is the questioning the piety of thought?

Ans: Martin Heidegger claims in his book "The Question Concerning Technology" that questioning is
the piety of thought. It is because the more we question things, the more we think about them and
learn new things about them. Because we continue to question out of interest, questioning serves
as thought's piety. We are still seeking and discovering the meaning of truth.

4. How does art provide a way out of enframing?

Ans: Art helps us escape enframing by bringing us closer to the truth, which is that contemporary
technology is slowly destroying our surroundings. We should view nature as an art form and not try
to change it to suit our needs. We should use renewable energy that is not detrimental to the
environment and keep it in place. From an artistic standpoint, we can see how a basic building, such
as a windmill, is much more in sync with natural cycles than a hydropower plant.

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