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Nowadays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and other educational institutions

were forced to adapt to the situation in order to meet and cater the needs of the learners to

maintain their learning competencies and global expertise. This current crisis results to have

restrictions with any kind of social gathering, hence, forbidding face-to-face classes to every

educational institutions. As the Internet blurs the line between near and far, distance learning is

set to disrupt the current model of education, with everything from AI-driven teaching

algorithms to simple message boards, there are more options than ever to learn whatever you

need to know. While skilled educators will continue to be an integral part of every student’s life,

technology will bridge the physical spaces between teachers and learners.

Distance learning describes any learning that happens without the students being

physically present in the lesson. It is any form of remote education where the student is not

physically present for the lesson. With a variety of course types to choose from, there is a rise in

flexible and affordable education options. In fact, there are a number of advantages of learning

remotely over even traditional teaching models. Historically, this described correspondence

courses in which students would communicate with their schools or teachers by mail. More

recently, distance education has moved online to include a huge range of systems and methods

on practically any connected device.

Though there are lots of learning and teaching options online, there are a few types that

are well supported by existing systems and established pedagogies. Here are some common

types of distance learning:

 Video conferencing is a common way for teachers to interact directly with students in

live lessons. This could be a one-on-one session or a class-like scenario in which

multiple students connect to the teacher live.

 Synchronous learning is when all the students learn together at the same time and

often even place but the instructor is at another location. It often features video or

teleconferencing that connects teachers and learners digitally.

 Asynchronous learning is a less connected but also less constrained format. Instead

of live online lessons, students are given learning tasks with deadlines. They then self-

study to complete the assignments.

 Open-schedule online courses add yet another layer of flexibility. It is a type of

asynchronous course setup, except there aren’t any deadlines either. This is ideal for

learners with other demands on their time, such as professionals or stay-at-home


 Fixed-time online courses are a type of synchronous course that requires online users

to all visit a specific virtual location at a set time and place (e.g. a webinar). Unlike

more rigid synchronous lessons, this does allow students from anywhere in the world

to connect and interact online.

 Computer-based distance education is a fixed-time, synchronous lesson on

computers, usually a computer lab. This is most common in existing institutions that

already have access to the necessary devices.

 Hybrid learning is a specific type of blended learning where students are learning the

same lesson in real-time but some of the students are physically present while others

are learning remotely.

Additionally, it translates into increased freedom for both learners and educators, but it

also requires higher degrees of discipline and planning to successfully complete the course of

study. The enhanced freedom of remote learning is most clearly seen in the fact that students can

choose courses that fit their schedules and resources, as well as the teachers. And in the case of

digital learning, students can also choose the location and teaching styles that best suit their

needs. However, the flip side of this so called, “freedom” is the discipline required to make the

most of the lessons. Students need to self-motivate in order to actually get the work done,

especially in systems that don’t require them to be present in some specific time or place.

Teachers also need to be better organized with contingencies should their students need

additional explanation, again especially if they are not teaching live and able to “read the room.”

The distance learning is foreseen to be the most appropriate setting of learning at this time

of pandemic. And in the case of digital learning, students can also choose the location and

teaching styles that best suit their needs.


The study aims to determine the effects of modular and online classes on the academic learning

of the BSOA students on the Aklan States University.

Specifically, it pursues to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of modular class in the academic learning of students?
2. What are the effects of online class in the academic learning of students?

3. What are the challenges faced by the students in the conduct of:

a) Online class

b) Modular class

4. What are the strategies adopted by the students in facing the challenges associated with

modular and online learning?


Virtual learning, also known as Online learning or distance learning has been

transforming the face of the education system for quite some time. Now, it is fast becoming an

integral aspect, and a common tool, in the wider aspect of higher education, as a result of the

COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from providing an alternative method of learning in the digital age,

online and modular learning offers students the chance to learn new skills or improve existing

ones. According to Vimbi Petrus Mahlangu (2014) “Students who cannot afford higher

education are discouraged from seeking or completing a degree. Distance learning-based

programs could increase access for students to higher education, whereas open and distance-

learning programs may be difficult to implement in the laboratory sciences, but they have real

potential to maximize the use of technology.” This definition is relevant to the study for the

reason that distance learning such as modular and online learning embodied advantages and

disadvantages that can give positive and negative effects to the students.




What are the effects of What are the effects of online

modular class in the class in the academic learning
academic learning of of students?


Students. This study will help the learners to further understand the circumstances of distance

learning including the challenges and opportunities it can offer, also, empowers their engagement and

initiative in continuing their education with the course/discipline that they took up.

Teachers. The study will provide data that may be use by educators to efficiently formulate

appropriate approach and teaching strategies so that they can fulfill the essence of education and

provide an efficient learning experience to the students.

Schools. The research will be a good use to the educational institutions in assessing, planning

and executing their curriculum fostering the continual growth of the learner’s academic competencies

and learning development.

Future Researcher. This study will be a source of ideas and information that will help

future researchers to further expand and elaborate to contribute in the developing of knowledge.


The researcher will use Descriptive research design; it aims to accurately and

systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. Through this, the researcher will

be able to gather the relevant data needed for the study.

The respondents of the study are consisted of BSOA 3 students attending at Aklan State

University. The researcher will use simple random sampling in selecting the participants. In this

kind of sampling there are no certain standards that should be met, in order for the participants to
be qualified for the study. The participants are randomly selected for data gathering collection in

order to avoid selection bias.

A survey questionnaire made by the researcher to gather the information relevant to this


Definition of Terms

Online Learning – it is when you take courses online instead of in a physical classroom.

Modular Learning – it features individualized instruction that allows learners to

use self-learning modules in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is

applicable to the learner.

Distance Learning – any form of remote education where the student is not

physically present for the lesson – is booming thanks to the power of the Internet.

With a variety of course types to choose from, there is a rise in flexible and affordable

education options.

COVID 19 – coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the

SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Pandemic – is basically a global epidemic.



Covid-19 Pandemic and the Implementation of Modular and Online Learning Education

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, affecting almost

all countries and territories. The outbreak was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan,

China. The countries around the world cautioned the public to take responsive care. The public

care strategies have included handwashing, wearing face masks, physical distancing, and

avoiding mass gathering and assemblies. Lockdown and staying home strategies have been put in

place as the needed action to flatten the curve and control the transmission of the disease

(Sintema, 2020).

Education is no exception. Students from privileged backgrounds, supported by their

parents and eager and able to learn, could find their way past closed school doors to alternative

learning opportunities. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds often remained shut out when

their schools shut down. This crisis has exposed the many inadequacies and inequities in our

education systems – from access to the broadband and computers needed for online education,

and the supportive environments needed to focus on learning, up to the misalignment between

resources and needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a severe impact on higher education

as universities closed their premises and countries shut their borders in response to lockdown

measures. Although higher education institutions were quick to replace face-to-face lectures with

online learning, these closures affected learning and examinations as well as the safety and legal

status of international students in their host country. (Schleicher 2020).

I. Modular Distance Learning

Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the Philippines, this

learning modality is currently used by all public schools because according to a survey
conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd), learning through printed and digital

modules emerged as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with children who

are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, J). This is also in consideration of the learners in rural

areas where internet is not accessible for online learning.

Implementing modular distance learning has negative effects from the students; 1. Not all

students do their modules wholeheartedly. Yes, this is 100% true as per survey. Most students do

their modules for formality purposes. It is very devastating in the part of the teacher to know that

students are taking modules for granted. The truth is, teachers don’t have the ability to foresee

their students in the premises of their homes.

2. Some parents spoil their children and do the deed instead of their children

Many parents spoil their children by doing the modules all by themselves. Parents are the ones

who should inculcate the value of patience to their children. Some of the parents hire tutors for

their children and the tutors answers all the modules.

3. Some students tend to copy their answers from others without reading the module. Students

are now techie enough and they used it to their advantage. They make group chats on their own

as pass the answers from one to another and copy it. This sounds very obvious because even

during face to face classes, student do it all the time.

4. Many students said they actually never learn from the modules. Yes, this is very true and sad

at the same time. More students say they didn’t understand much what is in the modules. They

even have difficulty understanding lessons during face to face.

5. Modules are for formality cause and not internalized by the students. For formality cause only.

Students suppose should understand their modules but the opposite reigns. It is more difficult if

the parents as well can’t teach or answer the quarries of their own children. The reality may be so

devastating but it is also the truth. Only time can tell when this pandemic ends. The present

situation may be annoying but let us motivate ourselves to still tick to our goals. Education

should not be stagnant because of this pandemic.

On the other hand it has also positive effects;

1. Learning continues depending on the students willingness to accept change. There are more

students who learn from the modules because they are open-minded. They are those who are

willing to accept changes and are flexible enough to handle their lessons. The entire pandemic is

a challenge to them to still learn their lessons from the modules.

2. Parents realize their role as it is very important in education. This is the time where the parents

realize that teaching is never easy. They tend to absorb the feeling that they become the teachers

now that this pandemic is roaming. Those parents that realize this are those who are optimistic

and flexible as well. They don’t blame the teachers for this at all.

3. Students learn to value their time. The students learn time management and scheduling. Many

students nowadays find it fulfilling to manage their time in doing the modules.

4. Modular learning teach the students values, not specific lessons which is repetitive. There are

actually lessons which are not found in the modules but the students learn this pandemic. These

are the values of making an effort, time management, discipline and experimentation. They also

build their relationships with their parents from it. Patience as well is evident in the making.
5. Teachers amidst the busy schedule find their way to challenge. Most teachers think of this

pandemic as a challenge for them. It is this time when they tend to put all their time and effort in

doing their modules into a realization. The lesson put into one module alone is a very rigorous

thing. In every hardship, there is always positivity that waits. It depends on the people involve on

how to open their minds and make it a bright-side of life. (Helpline, 2020).

I. Online Learning

Online learning defines as the use of electronic technology and media to deliver, support,

and enhance both learning and teaching and involves communication between learners and

teachers utilizing online content (Howlett). Online learning changes the way that students of all

types and ages interact with and access information. Its effect depends both on the student and

the institution making the change. A well-developed online course, just like a well-developed

traditional course, can open up new worlds of learning for students.

Online learning can be useful for the reason of its positive effects;

1. Efficiency, online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students.

Online learning has a number of tools such as videos, PDFs, podcasts, and teachers can use all

these tools as part of their lesson plans. By extending the lesson plan beyond traditional

textbooks to include online resources, teachers are able to become more efficient educators.

2. Accessibility Of Time And Place, that it allows students to attend classes from any location of

their choice. It also allows schools to reach out to a more extensive network of students, instead

of being restricted by geographical boundaries. Additionally, online lectures can be recorded,

archived, and shared for future reference. This allows students to access the learning material at a
time of their comfort. Thus, online learning offers students the accessibility of time and place in


3. Affordability reduced financial costs. Online education is far more affordable as compared to

physical learning. This is because online learning eliminates the cost points of student

transportation, student meals, and most importantly, real estate. Additionally, all the course or

study materials are available online, thus creating a paperless learning environment which is

more affordable, while also being beneficial to the environment.

4. Improved Student Attendance, since online classes can be taken from home or location of

choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons.

5. Suits A Variety Of Learning Styles, every student has a different learning journey and a

different learning style. Some students are visual learners, while some students prefer to learn

through audio. Similarly, some students thrive in the classroom, and other students are solo

learners who get distracted by large groups. The online learning system, with its range of options

and resources, can be personalized in many ways. It is the best way to create a perfect learning

environment suited to the needs of each student.

Nevertheless, it has also negative effects which can affect both teachers and students;

1. Inability To Focus On Screens, for many students, one of the biggest challenges of online

learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for long periods of time. With online

learning, there is also a greater chance for students to be easily distracted by social media or

other sites. Therefore, it is imperative for the teachers to keep their online classes crisp,

engaging, and interactive to help students stay focused on the lesson.

2. Technology Issues, another key challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. While

internet penetration has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years, in smaller cities and

towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet

connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child.

This is detrimental to the education process.

3. Sense Of Isolation, students can learn a lot from being in the company of their peers.

However, in an online class, there are minimal physical interactions between students and

teachers. This often results in a sense of isolation for the students. In this situation, it is

imperative that the school allow for other forms of communication between the students, peers,

and teachers. This can include online messages, emails and video conferencing that will allow

for face-to-face interaction and reduce the sense of isolation.

4. Teacher Training, online learning requires teachers to have a basic understanding of using

digital forms of learning. However, this is not the case always. Very often, teachers have a very

basic understanding of technology. Sometimes, they don’t even have the necessary resources and

tools to conducts online classes. To combat this, it is important for schools to invest in training

teachers with the latest technology updates so that they can conduct their online classes


5. Manage Screen Time, many parents are concerned about the health hazards of having their

children spend so many hours staring at a screen. This increase in screen time is one of the

biggest concerns and disadvantages of online learning. Sometimes students also develop bad

posture and other physical problems due to staying hunched in front of a screen. A good solution
to this would be to give the students plenty of breaks from the screen to refresh their mind and

their body. (Gautam, 2020)



Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Aklan State University – Main Campus Banga, Aklan. The researcher

chooses this location for the reason that it where the respondents of the study are involve that is why it is

an appropriate area to conduct the study.

Research Design

The researcher will use Descriptive research design; it aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or
phenomenon. It uses a wide variety of methods to investigate one
or more variables and can help to provide answers to the
questions of who, what, when, where and how associated with a
particular research problem; a descriptive study cannot
conclusively ascertain answers to why. Also it can yield rich
data that lead to important recommendations. Approach collects a
large amount of data for detailed analysis.

Respondents of the Study

The participants of this study is consisted of Bachelor of
Science in Office Administration Third Year students of Aklan
State University – Main Campus.

Data Gathering

The researcher will conduct a survey for data gathering; the

researcher will give a questionnaire to the BSOA students of
Aklan State University main campus to identify what are the
effects of modular and online learning due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Data Analysis

The researcher will evaluate and tallied the data gathered from
the study with the use of the researcher instrument which is the
questionnaire to came up with the final conclusions.



NAME: _______________________________ AGE: ____________

ECONOMIC STATUS (Income per month)

( ) Php 0.00- Php 15,000.00

( ) Php 16,000.00 – Php 30,000.00

( ) Php 31,000.00 – Php 50,000.00

( ) Php 51,000.00 and above

1. How would you rate your satisfaction about online and modular learning?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Dissatisfactory
d. Poor

2. Do you have any device/gadgets can be use for distance learning?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe, (e.i borrowing, rent)
3. What device do you use for distance learning?
a. Mobile Phones
b. Laptop
c. Tablet
d. Desktop
e. Others (___________)
4. How often do you have online classes and modular activities?
a. Very often
b. Often
c. Seldom
5. How many hours per day do you spend for your online and modular learning?
a. 1-2 hours
b. 3-4 hours
c. 5 hours and above
6. How effiecient is your online and modular learning experience?
a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Dissatisfactory
d. Poor
7. How stressful is online and modular learning?
a. Very stressful
b. Stressful
d. Not Stressful
8. Do you find online and modular learning enjoyable?
a. Yes
b. No (Why? ___________________________________)

9. How efficient are your teachers/professors in teaching through distance learning?

a. Excellent
b. Satisfactory
c. Dissatisfactory
d. Poor
10. Would you prefer distance learning than face to face?
a. Yes
b. No (Why?)



 Ysthr Rave and Johnine (n.d.). The Implementation of
Modular Distance Learning in the Philippine Secondary Public
Schools. Retrieved from
 Helpline PH. (2020). Disadvantages of modular learning.
Retrieved from
 Sarah M. (n.d.). The effect of online learning. Retrieved
 Priyanka G. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Online
learning. Retrieved from

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