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THESIS APPROVAL………………………………………………………………………i


LETTEROF NOTICE…………………………………………………………………….iii

THESIS GUIDANCEAGENDA………………………………………………………….iv



TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………..vii

LIST OF TABLE…………………...……………………………………………………..xi

LIST OF DIAGRAM……………………………………………………………………..xii

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………...xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES………………………………………………………………….xv


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Problem..............................................................................................1

1.2 Identification of the Problem ...........................................................................................6

1.3 Focus of the Problem..................................................................................................... ....6

1.4 Research Question........................................................................................................... 7

1.5 Objective of the Research.................................................................................................7

1.6 Significance of the Research.............................................................................................7

1.7 Definition of the Key Terms.............................................................................................8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................9

2.1 Relevance Theories ..........................................................................................................9

2.1.1 Definition of Writing......................................................................................................9

2.1.2 The Purpose of Writing................................................................................................1 2

2.1.3 The Process of Writing ................................................................................................13

2.1.4 Essay Structure............................................................................................................15

2.1.5 The Type of Essay Writing .........................................................................................16

2.1.6 Students’ Writing Problems ........................................................................................18

2.1.7 The Factors of Problem in Writing .............................................................................19

2.2 Relevance Studies ..........................................................................................................22

2.3 Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................. 23

2.4 Assumption ...................................................................................................................24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................25

3.1 Research Design............................................................................................................. 25

3.2 Location and Time of the Research ................................................................................25

3.3 Participant of the Research ............................................................................................2 6

3.4 Instrument of the Research .............................................................................................26

3.5 Data Collection Technique .............................................................................................31

3.6 Data Analysis Technique ...............................................................................................31

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS………………………………………………..34

4.1 Data Description………………………………………………….……….…………....34

4.2 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………..36

4.3 Data Discussion………………………………………………………….…………......67


5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………...74

5.2 Suggestion…………………………………………………………………………...…75


APPENDICES.................................................................................................................... 80

Table 3.2 The Blue Print of Questionnaire…………….……………………………31

Table 3.3 The list of Interview…………………………………...…………………33

Table 3.4 Category of Questionnaire Score……………………………….………...36

Table 4.1 The students’ difficulties in essay writing…………………………….….38

Table 4.2 Interpretation Data………………………………………………………..58


Diagram 4.2 The percentage of students’ difficulties in poor organization…………39

Diagram 4.3 The percentage of students’ difficulties in word of choice .................... 42

Diagram 4.4 The percentage of students’ difficulties in grammatical………………45

Diagram 4.5 The percentage of students’ difficulties in spelling……………………47

Diagram 4.6 The percentage of students’ difficulties in supporting ideas………..…50

Diagram 4.7 The percentage of students’ difficulties in punctuation……………….53

Diagram 4.8 The percentage of students’ difficulties in capitalization………….......55

Figure 4. 2. 1 The responses of students in lack of knowledge about writing

Figure 4. 2. 2 The responses of students in lack of learners’ motivation...............60

Figure 4. 2. 3 The responses of students in inadequate time…….……………….63

Figure 4. 3. 4 The responses of students in lack of practice……………………..65

Figure 4.3. 5 The responses of students in teachers’ feedback…………………..68


APPENDIX 1 Research Questionnaire…………………………………….…….79

APPENDIX 2 Interview……………………………………………………..…..85

APPENDIX 3 Script of Interview…………………………………………….…87


Nur Anisa Zakiah. 2022. An Analysis of Essay Writing Difficulties

Faced By the Third Semester Students in English Language Education
of FKIP Universitas Islam Riau. Thesis Pekanbaru: English Study
Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Islam Riau.

Keywords: Students’ Difficulties, Writing, Essay Writing.

Writing is a very complex skill and difficult to master. Difficulties

in writing can be seen in various aspects of writing. There are various
factors that cause difficulties in writing. This study aims to analyze the
kind of writing difficulties faced by the third semester students in
Universitas Islam Riau. We used survey and the population of this
research was the third semester students consisting of 101 students.

This descriptive research employed qualitative techniques was

considered as an appropriate approach as a type of research. The
population of this study was third semester students of English Education
at Universitas Islam Riau, while the sample was selected through
random sampling technique that consists of 15 students. The data were
collected from made questionnaire in the Google form and interview
through Google meet.

The result of this research was presented descriptively in order to

indicate that student difficulties in essay writing. The result of
percentage showed that, the third students at Universitas Islam Riau
faced difficulties in essay writing. The overall mean of students'
problems in writing in the third semester students in Universitas Islam
Riau was (4.10) categorized as "high". Specifically, students problems in
poor organization was (3.78), problem of word choice (4.10),
grammatical error (3.88), spelling problem (3.25), confused on
supporting the ideas (3.63), punctuation problem (3.42), capitalization
(2.80). Moreover, from the interpretation of the mean, and most of the
students agreed that they had dominant problems; word choice and
grammar. Meanwhile, lack of motivation was the most common factors
of students' writing problems.


1.1 Background of the Problem

English as an international language is used as a means of communication in many

countries, and it plays an important role in many aspects of life, including politics,

commerce, trade, and diplomatic relations. Furthermore, English is strongly intertwined

with advancements in technology, research, economics, and education. Because of the

importance of English, the Indonesian government has made it the first foreign language

and a core subject in our educational system. In junior and senior high school, English is

taught as one of the key compulsory subjects.

There are four English skills that students have to master: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing.The researcher focuses on writing ability in this section. Apart from

the other skills, writing is one of the language skills that should be learned. Writing is

regarded as a useful ability that aids students in expressing their thoughts in writing. Abbas

and Herdi (2018) writing places thoughts on paper to communicate, create, and organize.

The better the writing result would be, the more ideas the authors have. However, to

express, develop, and organize ideas into written form is not easy. Writers must understand

two aspects of writing. Pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing are all part

of the writing process. Secondly, micro and macro writing skills include using word

diction, grammar, fact-checking, and reasoning.

Writing is the process of creating a piece of written language to be read. Writing,

on the other hand, is more than just converting language into symbols. Writing is much

more than the generation of graphic symbols, just as speech is more than producing

sounds; these symbols must be arranged according to some standards to make words and

then combined to produce sentences. Moreover, writing should be included in a second or

foreign language curriculum for a variety of reasons. The fact that writing aids learning is

one of the most important reasons. It allows students to try new things with the language

and expand on what they have learned. For instance, to help students remember new

language elements or consolidate new structures or vocabulary. Furthermore, writing is

important for students because it helps their learning and affects students' learning

abilities. Writing encourages students to use critical thinking to analyze their

understanding of arguments, vocabulary, and writing style. Moreover, students may

convey their thoughts or feelings to the readers through writing.

For non-native students, learning to write is a difficult task. It is critical to have a

large vocabulary, master grammatical structure, and be familiar with text organization to

produce good writing. Therefore, when teaching writing to non-native students, those three

things should be emphasized. Writing is a continuous process. It means that when you

write something down for the first time, you are already planning what you will say and

how you will say. After you have finished writing, you go back to what you have written

and make any necessary changes or corrections. As a result, writing is never a one-step

process; it is a process that has several steps.

Most Indonesian students struggle to write in English as a second language,

especially when writing essays. Many students make mistakes when writing essays to

express their thoughts and opinions. On the one hand, writing essays will help students

improve their grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Students can boost their self-esteem and

develop their writing skills by writing essays. In reality, we do not know how to take the

first statement, which is the fundamental problem in essay writing. Thus it is important to

organize first before we start to write. As a result, the researcher's goal in this study is to

create an environment in which students enjoy writing.

It is necessary to comprehend more than those aspects of writing, especially when

writing an essay since it requires students to create logical ideas systematically. However,
presenting only ideas or arguments without presenting proofs, facts, or examples is

inadequate. It needs a well-thought-out, and coherent argument backed up by credible

evidence. Serving such authoritative proof would support the suggested concept or


Furthermore, essay writing is the most effective way for students to practice and

develop their writing skills. The best explanations are that when writing an essay, students

are forced to confidently express their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and arguments about the

subject they learned in class in writing form. According to Greetham (2013), writing an

essay is a valuable learning experience that should be embraced. If you hide behind the

letter, simply paraphrasing or repeating what you have read without processing and

making those ideas your own, your teacher will not see you, your talents, or your issues,

and you will never know the full extent of your abilities or how much you understand.

Eventually, writing an essay will assist the lecturer and students in the learning process.

Particularly in writing classes, to see how well students understand what they are learning

and improve their writing skills. According to preliminary research conducted by the

researcher with some English students at the Islamic University of Riau, the third-semester

students still have some difficulties in writing an essay.

The first is poor organization. Information should be delivered to readers structured

during the writing process; even tiny writing pieces should follow consistent, predictable

organizational patterns. The most amazing benefit of organizing is that it makes it easier

for the reader to trust what you are saying and understand the intended written messages in

the essay.

The second problem is logical development of ideas; content. The students become

confused when it comes to assigned topic. They are occasionally confused as to how to

write more ideas. Supporting concepts will help you develop any ideas from the title and

make the readers interested in your writing.

The third problem is grammar .Grammar is an important part of not only writing

but also of language as a whole. To write effectively, we must comprehend the structure of

the language, the functions of speech, how words relate to one another, the meaning of

individual words, and the rules of grammar and punctuation.

The fourth problem is mechanics (spelling, punctuation and Capitalization). The

term "mechanics" in composition relates to the appearance of words, such as how they are

spelled or placed on paper. According to writing conventions, a sentence must start with a

capital letter and end with full-stop punctuation (period, question mark, or exclamation

point). These conventions or mechanics are very important in putting together a good

quality piece of writing because no matter how innovative the learner's thoughts are if they

cannot articulate them in a clear and precise manner, they will not be able to write a good

quality piece of writing. The use of capitalization in writing becomes a challenge for

students. In written English, capitalization is a must. “It shows pauses and sentence

borders, as well as removing ambiguity.’’ A well-capitalized piece of writing will make it

easier to read and understand your work, resulting in a more favorable impression on your


The last problem is vocabulary or precise vocabulary usage. Choosing the

appropriate words are the most effective technique for learners to explain their ideas in

writing accurately. As a result, the reader will be able to understand what the writer is truly

saying. Therefore, students must expand their vocabulary knowledge to be fluent in

constructing sentences and choosing the suitable vocabulary in writing.

Based on the fact above, the researcher is interested in identifying some of the

students' obstacles in their writing process, especially in essay writing. In concluding a

research study entitled “An Analysis of Essay Writing Difficulties Faced By the Third

Semester Students in English Language Education of FKIP Universitas Islam Riau.”

1.2 Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the study, students have some difficulties in writing

essays. The students are unable to express themselves in writing in a simple, accurate, and

comprehensible manner. Many problems can be identified related to students in essay

writing. The problem is: (1) Organization; introduction, body, and conclusion, (2) Logical

development of ideas; content, (3) Grammar, (4) Mechanics; punctuation, spelling and

capitalization, (5) Precise vocabulary usage. Some of these difficulties must also be caused

by several things in students. Therefore, the researcher will identify the factors of students'

problems in writing.

1.3 Focus of the problem

Based on the explanation of identification above, the researcher needs to limit the

problem. The researcher focused on analyzing the students’ difficulties faced by the third-

semester students of FKIP UIR in essay writing. Then, to know what are the factors of

students’ difficulties in writing that makes them got stuck in essay writing?

1.4 Research Question

Based on the background of the study as stated before, the researcher formulates

the research question as follow:

1. What are the difficulties faced by third-semester English Language

Education students at UIR?

2. What are the factors that influence students’ difficulties in writing essays?

1.5 Objective of the Research

Based on the problem above, the objective of the research is:

1. To analyze the difficulties faced by third-semester English Language Education

students at UIR while writing essays.

2. To recognize the factors of students' writing problems in writing essays.

1.6 Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to contribute:

1. For students

Students need to realize their difficulties in writing an essay and provide them with

any information they need to consider in writing. So, it can improve the quality of

writing students.

2. For lecturer

To give the lecturer information about the difficulties students face in the third

semester of English Language Education at the Islamic University of Riau in

writing an essay. So, it can help the lecturer prepare the strategies and recognize

the students’ problems in writing.

3. Other Researcher

This research can refer to other researchers interested in developing student writing

by understanding students' challenges while writing essays. Moreover, figure out

what is causing the students' writing problems.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

To specify the research topic, the researcher delivered some definitions of key

terms related to the research.

1. Analysis

An analysis is a detailed study or examination of something in order to understand

more about it.

2. Difficulties

Difficulty is problem, thing or situation that causes problem.

3. Essay Writing
Essay writing is a subject that instructs students on how to compose an essay




2.1 Relevance Theories

2.1.1 Definition of Writing

Writing has long been recognized as essential language ability for learners to be

mastered. According to Pasand and Haghi(2013), writing is one of the most critical skills

in studying a foreign language, whose essence has become more evident in recent years. It

entails the development of an idea, the documenting of mental representations of

knowledge, and the observation of subjects. Hidayati (2018) supports that, writing is a type

of communication in which a writer communicates his or her ideas and thoughts to readers

in written form.
Nunan (2003) believes that writing is a component of process and product. The

way writers do it is to imagine, organize, draft, edit, read, and reread. Negari (2011)

supports that, writing is a difficult process requiring various cognitive and meta cognitive

skills, such as brainstorming, planning, outlining, organizing, drafting, and revising.

Meanwhile, Anh (2019) regards that people may express their ideas, emotions, and

opinions in writing, which is essential. Writing is the actual act of committing words or

thoughts to paper. On the other hand, writing is the mental process of generating ideas,

deciding how to convey them, and arranging them into sentences and paragraphs that are

understandable to a reader.

As Yulansari (2019), supported writing and other skills such as speaking, reading,

and listening have become the most critical skills for students to learn. It enables students

to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions in written form. Students may develop their

knowledge by presenting their ideas in writing since they must convey many ideas and

facts. They have to make their ideas and thoughts visible and concrete because it also helps

them develop their critical thinking skills. Writing allows us to communicate our ideas to

others. It means that we can express our thoughts in writing as well as in speaking.

Moreover, Rao (2007) states that writing has long been considered crucial in

teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). On the one hand, it helps

students think, allowing them to concentrate and organize their thoughts while also

improving their ability to summarize, analyze, and criticize. On the other hand, it

encourages students to read, think, and reflect on English.

According to Ahmed (2010), writing is described as "a reflective activity that

involves appropriate time to think about a particular topic as well as to analyze and

identify any prior knowledge. Then, the writers need a suitable language to organize their

thoughts into a logical type of writing.

On the other hand, According to Aditya et al. (2013), writing is retained as a tool

for expressing ideas in daily life, such as industry, innovation, and education. In the

educational sense, writing has been defined as a sign language skill that learners must


Furthermore, According to Sapkota (2012), writing is the process of putting down

the graphic symbols that make up a language to express meaning to the reader to

understand what the writer is trying to convey.

According to Rass (2015), writing is a tough skill for native and non-native

speakers because writers must balance numerous issues in their writing, such as content,

organization, purpose, audience, vocabulary, and mechanics, including punctuation and

spelling capitalization.

To sum up, writing is the use of letters, symbols, and words to represent meaning.

On the other hand, writing is the mental process of generating ideas, deciding how to

convey them, and arranging them into concise statements and paragraphs. Apart from the

grammar, vocabulary, or mechanics (spelling and punctuation), the students should also

discover the idea because argument or point of view is required in writing, especially in

essay writing.

The majority of students should struggle with writing tasks, especially essay

writing. Students face many writing problems as a result of their inability to use English in

real-life situations. According to Ulugbek and Anora (2020), one of the most complex

forms of writing is the essay. To write an essay in English, you must gather information

about strangers' expressions and thoughts in writing. An essay includes a self-written

subject plan (cluster), the ability to assess events independently. So, writing an essay is

extremely important, particularly for university students, since they must write in English.
Even though writing is a difficult task for students, people cannot ignore that

having good writing skills means effective text communication. In addition, Ariyanti and

Fitriana (2017) explain that a lecturer is an important factor in motivating students to

achieve high levels of success in writing tasks, especially in essay writing. Because “a

good teacher teaches, a great teacher explains, and the best teacher inspires,” So, the

teachers’ feedback and any motivations of people around can have a great impact on the

students’ interest in writing.

2.1.2 The Purpose of Writing

Harris et al. (2014) state that writing is not only the act of putting symbols of

language into written form, but it also serves to deliver ideas. When people begin writing,

they do not simply write down all of their thoughts. They need to convey and organize

their thoughts into a readable text with some meaning. They must consider how to make

their theories easily understandable.

Meanwhile, Alfaki (2015)defines that the general purpose of writing is for people

to openly express their thoughts, emotions and persuade and convince others.

In addition, Abdallah (2015) also says that the writing process should be guided

and informed by a clear purpose in mind. The first type of purpose is referred to as general

purpose. There are four general purposes for writing: to educate, to persuade, to express, or

to entertain. These are always mixed. For example, most expository writing is supposed to

inform, but it also has a convincing secondary component: persuade the reader that it is

accurate and reliable. Certain writing is primarily expressive, allowing the writer to convey

feelings and thoughts, mostly through the recounting of personal experience, but it may

also contain details and factual points. Personal essays, journal writing, diaries, poetry,

prose, and plays are all examples of expressive writing. Furthermore, although some

humorous writing seems to be solely for entertainment, it may also be making a serious

point. On the other hand, the specific purpose of writing can be implied or expressed.
Usually, in the literature, the purpose is always conveyed through the themes embodied in

the section. However, the purpose is usually expressed directly in expository writing,

either on a topic sentence or thesis.

2.1.3 The Process of Writing

Writing is a continuous creative process that needs more than one phase. There are

approximately four stages in the writing process. The first step is to generate ideas. The

ideas are arranged in the second phase. You write a rough draft in the third step. You

polish your rough draft in the final stage by editing and revising it. Oshima and

Hogue(2007), there are four steps in writing;

1. Pre-writing

Pre-writing is a technique for generating ideas. The students select a topic and

gather information to explain that topic. Listening is the prewriting technique where

students will write the interesting topic at the top of a piece of paper and then quickly

make a list of the terms or phrases that come to mind.

2. Organizing

The following step in the writing process is to arrange your thoughts into a simple


3. Writing

Students use the outline as a guide when writing a rough draft in this step, ignoring

grammar, punctuation, and spelling. While writing, the students would almost certainly

contain several errors. After all, this is perfectly normal and appropriate. It is just a first

draft. You will correct the errors later.

4. Polishing: Revising and Editing

This procedure is also known as revising and editing. Polishing is most effective

when done in two stages. To begin, address the major issues of content and organization

(revising). Then focus on minor grammatical, punctuation, and mechanics problems


It is also supported by Maysuroh et al.(2017), who do more than write the words

and put them together on paper to make sentences when writing. A good writer through

several steps to produce a piece of writing;

Pre-writing: the students were given some subjects to write about, and then the lecturer

used brainstorming to unlock the students' prior knowledge. The lecturer also

demonstrated to the students the vocabulary and grammatical structures related to the

subject they were interested in or had many ideas about during this process.

Drafting: after they were given some subjects, the lecturer instructed them to write down

their key ideas and organize the supporting sentences, which would later be formed into a


Revising: at this point, the students combined all of their key ideas into paragraphs and

delved deeper into them.

Editing: students were asked to review and correct their spelling, punctuation, and

grammar as part of the editing process.

Publishing: they will publish their writing after they have revised it. The lecturer asked

the students to share their writing with their classmates and check it collaboratively with

the lecturer during this process.

2.1.4 Essay Structure

According to Eunson (2014), your essay needs to be structured in a particular way

to maximize its effectiveness. An essay has three basic structures. They are as follows;
introduction, body or argument, and conclusion. It also supports by Zemach and Rumisek


1. Introduction

An introduction provides a general overview of the subject. A thesis statement is

also included. It is a sentence that expresses the core idea. It is usually seen at the

end of a paragraph.

2. Body Paragraph

These are the paragraphs between the introduction and the conclusion and clarify

and support the thesis argument. In the main body of an essay, one or more

paragraphs are needed.

3. Conclusion

It is the essay's last paragraph. It restates or summarizes the essay's argument and

supporting ideas.

2.1.5 The Types of Essay Writing

According to Abdallah (2015), there are several types of essay writing, they are;

1. Expository Essay

An expository essay aims to illustrate something to the reader by providing

directions or instructions on accomplishing a task or how something is done. You

are demonstrating your own experience and elaborating with evidence rather than

your own opinion.

2. Compare and Contrast Essay

The essay may be a neutral discussion or an attempt to persuade the reader of the

benefits of a particular item, individual, or idea. It may also be published to

entertain the reader or gain insight into human nature. The essay could cover all

similarities and differences, or it could concentrate solely on one. The similarities

between two items are usually discussed in a comparison essay, while the

differences are usually discussed in a contrast essay.

3. Cause and Effect Essay

The cause and effect essay discusses why or how an event occurred, as well as

what happened as a result of the event. The relationship between two or more

events or interactions is the subject of this essay. The causes for anything

happening are generally addressed in a cause essay. An effective essay examines

what occurs as a result of a particular occurrence or situation.

4. Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay attempts to persuade the reader to agree with the author's

point of view. The writer may be serious or humorous, but he or she must still try

to persuade the reader of the importance of his or her point of view. The essay may

make a straightforward statement or use irony or sarcasm to convince the reader

subtly. Your strategy is to take a stand on a subject and back it up with facts, not

dive into an unresolved issue.

5. Narrative Essay

A narrative essay accomplishes a goal by telling a story, engaging the reader, and

conveying a message. The following are some of the goals of writing narratives: to

build a sense of common history, to entertain, to educate, and to provide insight.

2.1.6 Students’ Writing Problems

According to Brown (2010: 246) there are seven aspects of writing as follows:

content, organization, vocabulary, syntax; grammar, and mechanics; capitalization,

punctuation, and spelling.

1. Organization such as introduction, body and conclusion.

2. Vocabulary means the writers have to choose the right words in explaining their

ideas in their writing.

3. Mechanics such as correct use of English Writing conventions: left and right

margins, all needed capitals, paragraphs indented, punctuation and spelling: very neat.

4. Content means it addresses the assigned topic: the ideas are concrete and

thoroughly develop.

5. Syntax means such as precise vocabulary usage: use of parallel structures:


According to Al-Khasawneh(2010), the problems faced by students are; vocabulary,

grammar, organization of ideas, spelling, and referencing.

According to Mohammad and Hazarika (2016), writing is generally a struggle for

EFL students because it is regarded as the most time-consuming and difficult language

skill. It is, in some ways, a combination of various other skills like reading, listening. As a

result, students are rarely motivated to write. Motivation is crucial in the development of

any skill. Students are learning English as a second language encounter significant writing

challenges, particularly in capitalization, punctuation, language use, tenses, prepositions,

and spelling.

2.1.7 The Factors of Problem in Writing

According Byrne (1988) states that, writing is a difficult activity for most people

since it requires them to use their mother tongue as well as a foreign language. Writing-

related issues are divided into three categories; psychological, linguistic, and cognitive.
1. Psychological Problems

Writing is a complicated thing since it does not come naturally and must be

learned through constant work and practice.A student must also write a lot in

order to become a good writer. The students will be more motivated to do it if

someone is physically present when they use language and they receive some

form of feedback.

2. Linguistics Problems

In oral communication related to a process of interaction and, except in special

circumstances, such as lecturer or other participants who help it to keep going.

In speech is normally spontaneous, we have a little time to pay attention with

the sentences structure. We repeat, backtrack and so on, depending how people

react what we say. In writing, we must compensate for the lack of these

features; we must keep the communication channel open through our own

efforts and ensure that the text we produce can be interpreted on its own, both

through our choice of sentence structure and the way our sentences are linked

together and sequenced. So, the learners require time to gather information,

organize their thoughts, write drafts, proofread, and rewrite to make their work

can be understood by the reader.

3. Cognitive Problems

Writing, on the other hand, is learnt through instruction; we must master the

written form of the language as well as some structures that are less commonly

used in speech. We must also learn how to organize our thoughts so that they

may be understood by a reader who is not present, and possibly by a reader

who is unfamiliar to us.

Adas and Bakir(2013), classifying some of the factors of problems in writing, they

are; the students described the key factors of their English shortcomings as the teaching

method and the environment. Their lack of English proficiency is due to either a lack of

student motivation to the teacher. Learners of English have a small vocabulary. As a result,

students tend to repeat the same sentences. Learners of English do not use invented

spelling, and their written texts are limited to familiar words. Because of the ill-structured

sentences in composition, the students' writing is difficult to understand. Students are

unable to share their work with their peers and do not receive enough feedback. When the

students read their work aloud, they could not say if what they read or wrote was correct or


According to Maysuroh (2017), it is critical to explain some aspects that contribute to

students' issues in their writing classes.

1. Lack Practice

Writing is considered the most difficult skill. As a result, both teachers and students

will require much practice and constant effort.The findings revealed that the

students only practiced writing on a very limited basis. They also did not have

much time at home to learn writing. As a result, students found it challenging to

write down their thoughts.

2. Low Motivation

The majority of students appeared to write to complete their assignments rather

than for writing. They did not want to write since they thought it was too difficult.

One of the causes of writing difficulties could be a lack of enthusiasm and


3. Time Allocation

Another element contributing to the students' problem is that the writing process

necessitated time to compose the text and revise. As a result, the kids could not

complete it in the classroom because the time limit had expired.

2.2 Relevance Studies

To support the results of this proposal, the following researcher attach two other

researchers who have examined in advance about this title, namely:

The previous study was conducted by Msanjila (2005)with the title “Problems of

Writing in Kiswahili: A Case Study of Kigurunyembe and Morogoro Secondary Schools

in Tanzania.” This research aims to identify and discuss writing problems in Kiswahili in

Tanzanian secondary schools. This study focuses on the problems students face in writing

systematically and logically, in which students mix English structures and expressions

with Kiswahili. Understanding becomes difficult in this case, and the intended meaning is

severely harmed. The results of this analysis show six major writing flaws: capitalization

and punctuation issues, fuzziness or inexplicitness, poor organization or illogical sequence,

spelling issues, and grammatical errors. She discovered 171 errors in capital letter use, 147

errors in punctuation, 72 errors in explicitness/fuzziness sentences, 63 errors in poor

organization/illogical sequence, 31 errors in spelling terms, and 24 errors in grammatical

essay writing from 60 students.

The second research is by Peragita Agdia and Anfauzia Rozani Syafei (2020)

entitled “Kinds of Writing Difficulties in Academic Writing Faced by English Teachers of

SMKN 8 Padang”. Based on the finding data of this research, it found that students have

difficulties in writing academic essays. The difficulties in writing were found in every

aspect of writing include difficulties in the content, organization, language use,

vocabulary, and mechanics. As result, the highest frequency problems happened in

content, which consisted of 20,3. For content, 13,8 for organizations, 17,6 for language

use, 13,6 for vocabulary, and 3,8 for mechanics. It can be concluded that the kind of
teachers difficulties in writing were in content, organization, language use, vocabulary and


From all of the previous studies, the researcher do a research on college students,

and it is not only focused on students' difficulties in essay writing but also the factors of

students' difficulties in writing faced by the third-semester students. Hopefully, this

research will give new information about the difficulties and the factors in writing to all

students and the lecturer.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Students’ Difficulties in
Writing Essay

Indicators Factors

Organization Lack of Knowledge

about writing stages
Mechanics; Lack of Motivation
Lack of Time
Capitalization Lack of Practice
Grammar Teacher Feedback
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

2.4 Assumption

In this research, the writer assumed that the third semester students of English

Department of UIR have faced some difficulties in Essay Writing. The researcher assumed

the highest problems of students come from in grammar.



1.1 Research Design

Research design is a strategy used to arrange the research arrangements to

achieve valid data. According to Creswell (2018), research designs are forms of inquiry

that provide clear direction for procedures in a research study, and they can be contained in

qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. This research is qualitative. As

stated by Hancock et al. (2009), qualitative research is focused on establishing

explanations for social phenomena. The statement implies that qualitative research

describes, investigates, and researches social phenomena involving interesting individuals

or cases. This study aims to understand the phenomena that occur in society. More

specifically, the researcher will use descriptive qualitative research wherein processing the

data; the researcher needs to describe, provide deep analysis and elaborate the results in
detail. In this study, the researcher tries to analyze students' writing difficulties in essay


1.2 Location and Time of Research

The location of this research was conducted in the third semester in English

Language Education of UIR Pekanbaru, which is located on Kaharuddin Nst. Street,

Number.113, Simpang Tiga, Bukit Raya, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau. The time of the research

started from June-August 2021.

3.3 Participant of the Research

Participant in this research is the third-semester students of English Language

Education of FKIP UIR academic year 2021/2022. The total of the third-semester students

is 101 students.

In this research, the researcher needs to accomplish a sampling and decide the

participant that participates in this study. The method of selecting a representative number

of individuals from a large population is known as sampling. According to Majid (2018),

sampling is choosing a sample of the population of interest that is statistically


In addition, According Muslih and Sari (2017) the number of respondents is less

than 100, with all samples taken. If that is the subject large or more than 100 people can be

taken 10% - 15% percent or 20% - 25% or more.

Based on the explanation, the researcher used random sampling and chooses 15

students from 3A and 3B class as a participant. The researcher will choose 8 students from

3A, and 7 students from 3B.

3.4 Instruments of the Research

In this research, the researcher used questionnaires and interviews from the third-

semester students in English Language Education.

a. Questionnaire. A Google form is used to offer the questioner a set of

questions. The questionnaire was sent to all students of the third semester in English

Language Education. The questionnaire aims to learn more about how students understand

writing skills and the necessity of being aware of the writing process.

b. Interview. An interview was conducted to obtain more specific information

on the questionnaire data. Interviews have done with several students who are chosen at

random. Furthermore, the choice is made based on the specialization of the answers

provided, and it is thought to be beneficial and fascinating to elaborate more.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a list of some questions or statements that the researcher

provides to the participants. It is a close-ended question for students, which the researcher

will provide the question and some answers for students to choose from. The questionnaire

in this study had twenty-eight questions and was divided into seven writing difficulties;

organization, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, supporting detail, punctuation, and

capitalization. The researcher adopted the questionnaire from Habibi et al. (2017);

Table 3.2. Questionnaire

No Indicator Item Total

1 Poor Organization / Students' problems in learning 5

illogical sequences related to writing techniques,

poorly writing organize, outlining,

and making mind mapping in

2 The problem of Word Problems faced by students in 5

Choice learning that related to using

simple words, being confident in

using simple words, lack of

vocabulary, spending time to use

new vocabularies.

3 Grammatical Error Problems faced by students in 5

learning related to using the correct

tenses, using passive voice, poor

grammar, take a long time to make

the correct tenses with grammar.

4 Spelling Problem Problems faced by students in 5

learning that related to checking

new words in spelling, reviewing

writing to check to spell, spending

time while checking to spell.

5 Confused on supporting Problems faced by students in 5

the ideas learning that relate to constructing

the words, define the items, Having

no idea, finding the source.

6 Punctuation Problems Problems faced by students in 5

learning that related to putting the

correct punctuation, using stop

and coma position, using

apostrophes, conjunction.
7 Capitalization Problems faced by students in 5

learning that are related to using

capitalization in the right way,

forget using capitalization.

(Adopted by Habibi et al. (2017)

3.4.2 Interview

Interviews are other instruments used by the researcher in this study to find the

causes of students’ writing. The researcher interviewed the students by giving a question

based on a guidance interview indicator by recording the students’ statements of third-

semester students of the English Language Education program of UIR.

Table 3.3. Interview Guidance

No Category Question

1 Lack of Knowledge about Do you know the sequence in the

Writing Stages writing stages?

2 Lack of Learners’ Do you like Essay Writing Subjects?

Motivation Please give the reason!

3 Inadequate Time What do you think about the schedule

of Essay Writing? Is it appropriate to

produce good writing at the time? Do

you feel any different if there is an

essay writing inthe morning like your

body or physical situation?

4 Lack of Practice How many times does your lecturer

givethe opportunity to write one topic

or title? Have you practiced your

essay writing at home or cost? How

about in the class? Do you have

enough time to practice your writing?

5 Teachers’ Feedback How many essays have you learned

during this semester? How many

exercises? Is there any feedback

from your lecturer? Is it helpful for


6 There are five factors of students’

problems in writing. So what is the

biggest cause of your problem in


(Adapted by Novariana et al. (2018)

3.5 Data Collection Technique

The researcher collected the data by providing questionnaires and interview. For the

first, the researcher asked permission to Head of English Language Education of FKIP

UIR to do the research. Second, the researcher asked for the agreements from 15 students

who will be choose the researcher give questionnaire and interview them. Third, the

researcher made a schedule with the students to conduct the questionnaires and interview.

In this research the research will provide questionnaire in Google form and interview by

using Google meet. Fourth, after collecting the data the researcher analyzed it. The

questionnaire is used to analyze the students’ difficulties in writing by using close-ended

questions. Therefore, the interview instrument made the type of question open-ended to

explore the statements of students based on their experiences.

3.6 The Data Analysis Technique

The researcher acquired data using two instruments: a questionnaire and an

interview. Participants were asked to choose one of these options when completing out the

questionnaire, based on how they thought and felt about their condition at the time. In this

study, students were given a questionnaire to fill out in order to obtain numerical data on

the difficulties they face when writing essays. The questionnaire is divided into five


Table 3.4. Category of Questionnaire Score

Category Score

Strongly Disagree ( SD) 1

Disagree ( D) 2

Neutral ( N) 3

Agree ( A) 4

Strongly Agree ( A) 5

After the students completed the questionnaire, the researcher tabulated each

student's overall score by category. There were 28 questions in total. Every category was

divided into groups by the researcher. After that, calculate the percentage. Determine the

percentage of alternative respondents' answers using the following formula:



P= the amount of percentage of alternative answers

F= the frequency of respondents’ alternative answers

N= the amount of research samples

After finding the mean score of the students' responses, the writer interpreted them.

Interpretation of Mean Score;

Mean Score Interpretation

1.00-1.80 Very Low

1.81-2.60 Low

2.61-3.40 Medium

3.41-4.20 High

4.21-5.00 Very High

Habibi et al, (2017)

After getting the questionnaire data and interpreted them, the researcher goes for

the next step, the researcher interviewed the participants and analyzed the data with using

the word cloud (https://www.wordclouds.com/ ). Last, the researcher makes conclusions

from the result of the analysis.


4.1 Data Description

This research was conducted with qualitative research. The objective of this

study was to find out the third semester students’ difficulties in Essay Writing at English

Department of Universitas Islam Riau. The result of this data was taken from the third

semester class, which amount is 15 people. This study has two ways of data collection

technique they are Interview and Questionnaire. There are seven indicators based on

Brown’ theories in the questionnaires. From the questionnaire it can be showed the

difficulties that students faced while learn Essay Writing. And for the interviews there are

six questions that related with the factors of students difficulties in Essay Writing. In the

other hand, interviews aimed to know the factors of students have difficulties in Essay


After getting the data, the writer calculated the data (per sub-indicators)

using scoring diagram and described it one by one. After that, the writer showed the final

results of the third semester students' difficulties in Essay Writing category such as 1.00-

1.80= Very Low, 1.82-2.60= Low, 2.61-3.40= Medium, 3.41-4.20= High, 4.21-5.00= Very

High Habibi et al (2017).

Table4.1TheStudents’DifficultiesinEssayWriting Table

Table Options

F % F % F % F % F %

4.1 1 6,7 3 20 0 0 9 60 2 13,3

4.2 4 26,7 8 53,3 1 6,7 1 6,7 1 6,7
4.3 0 0 3 20 1 6,7 8 53,3 3 20
4.4 4 26,7 5 33,3 1 6,7 3 20 2 13,3
4.5 2 13,3 5 33,3 1 6,7 3 20 4 26,7
4.6 2 13,3 3 20 0 0 4 26,7 6 40
4.7 0 0 1 6,7 2 13,3 5 33,3 7 46,7
4.8 3 20 2 13,3 0 0 6 40 4 26,7
4.9 0 0 2 13,3 1 6,7 2 13,3 10 66,7
4.10 1 6,7 3 20 1 6,7 8 53,3 2 13,3
4.11 0 0 1 6,7 2 13,3 6 40 6 40
4.12 1 6,7 2 13,3 0 0 3 20 9 60
4.13 5 33,3 5 33,3 2 13,3 3 20 0 0
4.14 1 6,7 5 33,3 0 0 6 40 3 20
4.15 0 0 2 13,3 2 13,3 6 40 5 33,3
4.16 2 13,3 7 46,7 3 20 3 20 0 0
4.17 2 13,3 4 26,7 0 0 9 60 0 0
4.18 3 20 8 53,3 2 13,3 2 13,3 0 0
4.19 2 13,3 3 20 2 13,3 7 46,7 1 6,7
4.20 5 33,3 5 33,3 1 6,7 3 20 1 6,7
4.21 2 13,3 2 13,3 1 6,7 5 33,3 5 33,3
4.22 2 13,3 7 46,7 1 6,7 3 20 2 13,3
4.23 0 0 5 33,3 1 6,7 4 26,7 5 33,3
4.24 2 13,3 3 20 2 13,3 5 33,3 3 20
4.25 7 46,7 5 33,3 1 6,7 2 13,3 0 0
4.26 6 40 8 53,3 0 0 1 6,7 0 0
4.27 5 33,3 7 46,7 0 0 2 13,3 1 6,7
4.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 60 6 40
Total 62 80 114 120 28 20 128 480 88 240

Mean 2.2 8 4.1 17.1 1 2 4.6 34.3 3.1 18.5

From the table result above, the highest percentage is 34.3% which 4.6

respondents who choose “Agree”. It proves that students have struggle in Essay Writing

and they got difficulties while writing.

4.2 Data Analysis

Here are the tables of each sub indicator from all the seven indicators

with the percentage of the third semester students’ difficulties in Essay Writing:

4.2.1 The Difficulties Faced by The Third Semester in Essay writing

In this part, the researcher discussed seven indicators about students’

difficulties in essay writing, namely;

a. Poor Organization

b. Word Choice

c. Grammar

d. Spelling

e. Supporting Ideas

f. Punctuation

g. Capitalization

On students' difficulties in writing essays, poor organization is the first

indicator in this discussion. The statements of the questionnaire below also told us

that its result is in agreeing category for this issue. For further detail see diagrams


1. Getting difficulties in writing techniques (brainstorming)

Diagram 4.1 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 1

Based on table 4.1 it can be seen that the “getting difficulties in writing

techniques (brainstorming)” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of "Strongly Agree". From the 15 respondents, the

"Strongly Disagree” has 1 respondent with 6,7% percentage, 3 respondents with

percentage of 20% answered "Disagree", the "Neutral" has no percentage, 9

respondents with percentage 60% with answered “Agree”, and 2 respondents

with percentage of 13,3% answered "Strongly Agree”.

2. Having poorly writing to organize sometimes fail to select a topic

Diagram 4.2 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 2

Based on diagram 4.2 it can be seen that the “having poorly writing to

organize sometimes fail to select a topic” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents,

the "Strongly Disagree” category has 4 respondents with percentage 26,7%, 8

respondents with percentage of 53,3% answered "Disagree", 1 respondent with

percentage of 6,7% answered "Neutral", 1 respondent with percentage 6,7% with

answered “Agree”, and 1 respondent with percentage of 6,7% answered

"Strongly Agree”.

3. Making an outline before writing

Diagram 4.3 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 3

Based on diagram 4.3 it can be seen that the “Making an outline

before writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was in the

category of "Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” category

has no percentage, 3 respondents with percentage of 20% answered "Disagree", 1

respondent with percentage of 6,7% answered "Neutral", 8 respondents with

percentage 53,3% with answered “Agree”, and 3 respondents with percentage of

20% answered "Strongly Agree”.

4. Making mind mapping in writing

Diagram 4.4 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 4

Based on diagram 4.4 it can be seen that the “Making mind mapping in

writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was in the

category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has 4

respondents with percentage 26,7%, category of “Disagree” has 5 respondents

with percentage of 33,3% , 1 respondent with percentage of 6,7% answered

"Neutral", 3 respondents with percentage 20% with answered “Agree”, and 2

respondents with percentage of 13,3% answered "Strongly Agree”.

In the second part of the indicator is the students' difficulty in word choice.

For further detail see the diagrams below:

5. Always using the simple words in writing.

Diagram 4.5 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 5

Based on diagram 4.5 it can be seen that the “always using the simple

words in writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was in

the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree”

category has 2 respondents with percentage of 13,3% , 5 respondents with

percentage of 33,3% answered "Disagree", 1 respondents with percentage of 6,7%

answered "Neutral", 3 respondents with percentage 20% with answered “Agree”,

and 4 respondents with percentage of 26,7% answered "Strongly Agree”.

6. By using the simple words in writing make me more confident.

Diagram 4.5 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 6

Based on diagram 4.6 it can be seen that the “by using the simple

words in writing make me more confident” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Strongly Agree". From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” category has 2 respondents with percentage

of 13,3%, 3 respondents with percentage of 20% answered "Disagree", category

"Neutral" has no percentage, 4 respondents with percentage 26,7% with answered

“Agree”, and 6 respondents with percentage of 40% answered “Strongly Agree”.

7. Lack of vocabularies makes me get confusing in writing.

Diagram 4.7 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 7

Based on diagram 4.7 it can be seen that the “lack of vocabularies

make me get confusing in writing” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Strongly Agree". From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” category has no percentage, 1 respondents

with percentage of 6,7% answered "Disagree", 2 respondents with percentage of

13,3% answered "Neutral", 5 respondents with percentage 33,3% with answered

“Agree”, and 7 respondents with percentage of 46,7% answered "Strongly


8. Using new vocabularies take long time

Diagram 4.8 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 8

Based on diagram 4.8 it can be seen that the “using new vocabularies
take long time” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was in the

category of "Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” with 20%

and got 3 respondents, 2 respondents with percentage of 13,3% answered

"Disagree", "Neutral" has no percentage, 6 respondents with percentage 40% with

answered “Agree”, and 4 respondents with percentage of 26,7% answered

"Strongly Agree”.

In the third part of the indicator is the difficulty of students in

grammar. For further detail see the diagrams below:

9. Frequent problem in writing is to use correct of tenses.

Diagram 4.9 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 9

Based on diagram 4.9 it can be seen that the “frequent problem in

writing is to use correct of tenses” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Strongly Agree". From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has no respondent, 2 respondents with

percentage of 13,3% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" with 6,7% and has 1

respondent, 2 respondents with percentage 13,3% with answered “Agree”, and 10

respondents with percentage of 66,7% answered "Strongly Agree”.

10. Getting difficulties using passive voice in writing.

Diagram 4.10 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 10

Based on diagram 4.10 it can be seen that the “getting difficulties

using passive voice in writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of " Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” with 6,7% and has 1 respondent, 3 respondents with percentage of 20%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" with 6,7% and has 1 respondent, 8 respondents

with percentage 53,3% with answered “Agree”, and 2 respondents with

percentage of 13,3% answered "Strongly Agree”.

11. Having poor grammar make my writing not so good.

Diagram 4.11 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 11

Based on diagram 4.11 it can be seen that the “having poor grammar

make my writing not so good” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of " Agree" and has the same percentage with “

Strongly Agree”. From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has no

respondent, 1 respondent with percentage of 6,7% answered "Disagree",

"Neutral" with 13,3% and has 2 respondents, 6 respondents with percentage 40%

with answered “Agree”, and 6 respondents with percentage of 40% answered

"Strongly Agree”.

12. Grammar makes me take long time to put the correct tenses which
appropriate to the event.

Diagram 4.12 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 12

Based on diagram 4.12 it can be seen that the “grammar makes me

take long time to put the correct tenses which appropriate to the event” statement

in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was in the category of "Strongly

Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” with 6,7% and has 1

respondent, 2 respondents with percentage of 13,3% answered "Disagree",

"Neutral" has no respondent, 3 respondents with percentage 20% with answered

“Agree”, and 9 respondents with percentage of 60% answered "Strongly Agree”.

In the fourth part of the indicator is the difficulty of students in

spelling. For further details see the diagrams below;

13. Spelling of word is not important in writing.

Diagram 4.13 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 13

Based on diagram 4.13 it can be seen that the “spelling of word is not

important in writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was

in the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree”

with 33,3% and has 5 respondents, 5 respondents with percentage of 53,3%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 3 respondents with

percentage 20% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has no


14. Getting difficulties in checking spelling of new words.

Diagram 4.14 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 14

Based on diagram 4.14 it can be seen that the “getting difficulties in

checking spelling of new words” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of "Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” with 6,7% and has 1 respondent, 5 respondents with percentage of

53,3% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has no respondent, 6 respondents with

percentage 40% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 3 respondents

with 20%.

15. Review your writing to check spelling of the words.

Diagram 4.15 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 15

Based on diagram 4.15 it can be seen that the “review your writing to

check spelling of the words” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of "Agree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly
Disagree” has no respondent, 2 respondents with percentage of 13,3% answered

"Disagree", "Neutral" has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 6 respondents with

percentage 40% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 5 respondents

with 33,3%.

16. Checking spelling of words take long time for me.

Diagram 4.16 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 16

Based on diagram 4.16 it can be seen that the “checking spelling of

words take longtime for me” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 7 respondents with percentage of 46,7%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" with 20% and has 3 respondents, 3 respondents

with percentage 20% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has no


In the fifth part of the indicator is the difficulty of students in

supporting ideas. For further details see the diagrams below

17. I face many problems constructing the words in making supporting

the ideas.

Diagram 4.17 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 17

Based on diagram 4.17 it can be seen that the “I face many problems

constructing the words in making supporting the ideas” statement in general, the

dominant respondents’ answer was in the category of "Agree". From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 4

respondents with percentage of 26,7% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has no

respondent, 9 respondents with percentage 60% with answered “Agree”, and

"Strongly Agree” has no respondent.

18. I am difficult to define what items that related to the topic.

Diagram 4.18 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 18

Based on diagram 4.18 it can be seen that the “I am difficult to define

what items that related to the topic” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents,

the "Strongly Disagree” has 3 respondents with 20%, 8 respondents with

percentage of 53,3% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 2 respondents with

13,3%, 2 respondents with percentage 13,3% with answered “Agree”, and

"Strongly Agree” has no respondent.

19. Getting confused and having no idea in supporting sentence.

Diagram 4.19 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 19

Based on diagram 4.19 it can be seen that the “getting confused and

having no idea in supporting sentence” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Agree". From the 15 respondents, the
"Strongly Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 3 respondents with percentage

of 20% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 7

respondents with percentage 46,7% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly

Agree” has 1 respondent with 6,7%.

20. I have difficulties to find the source. Not only from the internet but
also the book. I am lazy to read some books. Because I should make a
summary from the book that I have read. To make the idea to be
coherent. It is very difficult.

Diagram 4.20 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 20

Based on diagram 4.20 it can be seen that the “I have difficulties to

find the source. not only from the internet but also the book. I am lazy to read

some books. Because I should make a summary from the book that I have read. To

make the idea to be coherent, it is very difficult” statement in general, the

dominant respondents’ answer was in the category of "Disagree" and same with

“Strongly Disagree”. From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has 5

respondents with 33,3%, 5 respondents with percentage of 33,3% answered

"Disagree", "Neutral" has 1 respondent with 6,7%, 3 respondents with percentage

20% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 1 respondent with 6,7%.

In the next part of the indicator is the difficulty of students in

punctuation. For further details see the diagrams below

21. Feeling confused to put the correct punctuation

Diagram 4.21 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 21

Based on diagram 4.21 it can be seen that the “feeling confused to put

the correct punctuation” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer

was in the category of "Agree" and same with “Strongly Agree”. From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 2

respondents with percentage of 13,3% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 1

respondents with 6,7%, 5 respondents with percentage 33,3% with answered

“Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 5 respondents with 33,3%.

22. Getting confused to put between full stop and comma.

Diagram 4.22 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 22

Based on diagram 4.22 it can be seen that the “getting confused to put
between full stop and comma” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of "Disagree". From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 7 respondents with percentage of 46,7%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 1 respondents with 6,7%, 3 respondents with

percentage 20% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 2 respondents

with 13,3%.

23. Facing trouble in using apostrophes in contraction and possessive.

Diagram 4.23 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 23

Based on diagram 4.23 it can be seen that the “facing trouble in using

apostrophes in contraction and possessive” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Disagree" and same with “Strongly

Agree”. From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has no respondent, 5

respondents with percentage of 33,3% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 1

respondents with 6,7%, 4 respondents with percentage 26,7% with answered

“Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 5 respondents with 33,3%.

24. Getting confused to put comma or conjunction to continue the next


Diagram 4.24 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 24

Based on diagram 4.24 it can be seen that the “getting confused to put

comma or conjunction to continue the next sentence” statement in general, the

dominant respondents’ answer was in the category of "Agree”. From the 15

respondents, the "Strongly Disagree” has 2 respondents with 13,3%, 3

respondents with percentage of 20% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 2

respondents with 13,3%, 5 respondents with percentage 33,3% with answered

“Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has 3 respondents with 20%.

In the last part of the indicator is the difficulty of students in

capitalization. For further details see the diagrams below:

25. Capitalization is not important in writing

Diagram 4.25 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 25

Based on diagram 4.25 it can be seen that the “capitalization is not

important in writing” statement in general, the dominant respondents’ answer was

in the category of "Strongly Disagree”. From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” has 7 respondents with 46,7%, 5 respondents with percentage of 33,3%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has 1 respondent with 6,7%, 2 respondents with

percentage 13,3% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has no


26. Sometimes forget to put capitalization after full stop.

Diagram 4.26 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 26

Based on diagram 4.26 it can be seen that the “sometimes forget to put

capitalization after full stop” statement in general, the dominant respondents’

answer was in the category of " Disagree”. From the 15 respondents, the "Strongly

Disagree” has 6 respondents with 40%, 8 respondents with percentage of 53,3%

answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has no respondent, 1 respondents with percentage

6,7% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly Agree” has no respondent.

27. Getting confused to put capitalization in the first letter name of city.

Diagram 4.27 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 27

Based on diagram 4.27 it can be seen that the “getting confused to put

capitalization in the first letter name of city” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Disagree”. From the 15 respondents,

the "Strongly Disagree” has 5 respondents with 33,3%, 7 respondents with

percentage of 46,7% answered "Disagree", "Neutral" has no respondent, 2

respondents with percentage 13,3% with answered “Agree”, and "Strongly

Agree” has 1 respondent with 6,7%.

28. Capitalization is needed in the first letter of person’s name.

Diagram 4.28 Questionnaire’s Statement Result No. 28

Based on diagram 4.28 it can be seen that the “capitalization is needed

in the first letter of person’s name” statement in general, the dominant

respondents’ answer was in the category of "Agree”. From the 15 respondents, the

"Strongly Disagree” has no respondent, "Disagree" has no respondent, "Neutral"

has no respondent, 9 respondents with percentage 60% with answered “Agree”,

and "Strongly Agree” has 6 respondents with 40%.

Those were all of the result from the questionnaire which were consist 28

statements that grouped in seven indicators. It aimed to analyze of essay writing

difficulties of the third semester students in English language education of UIR.

From the result of the data above, the researcher interpreted they based on the

interpretation data in chapter 3 pages 33. It can be seen as follows;

Indicators Mean Score Interpretation

Word Choice/Vocabulary 4.10 High

Grammar 3.88 High

Organization 3.78 High

Supporting Ideas 3.63 High

Punctuation 3.42 High

Spelling 3.25 Medium

Capitalization 2.80 Medium

Based on the result above, the highest percentage of student’s difficulties

in Essay Writing is 4.10 which interpretation “High”. Then the second highest

percentage is grammar 3.88 which interpretation “High”.

The data above have similar results with the relevant study researched by

Agdia and Syafei (2020). Which in his research entitled "Kinds of writing

difficulties in academic writing faced by English teachers of SMKN 8 Padang”

the finding also showed that the each faces difficulties in vocabulary and
mechanics. It was proved by the average score of those aspects that were fair to

poor. It also support by this research, that proved the difficulties students in

vocabulary and grammar.

4.2.2 The results of qualitative data that the researcher produced

with 10 selected students.

In this section, various explanations have been used to answer research

questions about problems in essay writing. This finding was developed from the

results of interviews with prospective students. Below is a transcript of the results

of the interviews with the prospective students.

Table 1. Lack of Knowledge about Writing Stages.

Question: Do you know the sequence in the writing stages?

Interviewee Speech

APS Actually I don’t really know and forgot some parts of writing


MB Yes I know the sequence in the writing.

DA Yes i know the sequence in the writing but not for a whole

writing that i know.

FAA I don’t really understand much about the sequence of writing


AT I don’t really know about the sequence in the writing subject.

JS I don’t really know it.

LN To be honest, I don’t understand it and I prefer to write on my

own techniques.

MI No, I don’t have an idea about the sequence of the writing


MM Yes I know a little bit of the sequence in the writing stages.

Firstly i need to do the research, and then find the topic theme,

and next revise the writing.

MA I don’t know.

RPA I don’t really know it for honestly. I am used to writing only

with the knowledge I have, and what I feel is necessary and

not necessary

RE Yes I know, but sometimes I need to reread again the rules in


SN I don’t really know much about it. Because I only write as best

I can and then discuss it with the lecturer.

Table 2. Lack of Learners’ Motivation

Question: Do you like Essay Writing Subject? Give your reason!

Interviewee Speech

APS I don’t like essay writing subject, but i like writing. I do love

in writing but not in subject because it’s too formal and many
kinds to understand.

MB I don’t like writing subjects because writing is the most

difficult subjects for me.

DA Yes I like writing, because it’s fun for me, and i believe what i

write today someday it will be a prayer for me later.

FAA I think it’s depending on the lecturer, because for me the way

teacher give the best explanation and good treatments for us, it

will give the good impact also.

AT I don’t like essay writing, because I prefer to improve my

speaking than my writing.

JS Yes I like essay writing subjects, because there are things that

i can do or i learn from the writing like a new vocabulary, a

patterns and i have to consider the right sentences. I also have

motivation from my lecturer that is ma’am shalawati.

LN Honestly I like writing subjects, but in some parts I don’t like

when there are many assignments that lecturer given to us. It

makes us force any energy just in one subject.

MI I don’t really like writing, because this subject too difficult

and i need to focus on. And I have a little bit motivation

surrounded. I still lack on my grammar, and also lack on

MM Actually I don’t really like essay writing, but sometimes if the

topic that lecturer give to me is something I loved, I definitely

do that much better.

MA Sometimes I feel not loved in writing. It’s hard to me to learn

the writing. So, I can say that I don’t like writing because it’s

too hard to me. My grammar is not good to produce as well


RPA I think I love essay writing, because i can explore myself

while writing. I also learn more about the grammar, new

vocabulary and so on. By writing I motivated to write on diary

or daily life of me.

RE I don’t like the essay writing subject, because I have a lack on

grammar, less vocabulary and don’t know how to write well.

And I have a less motivation in learn writing

SN Yes, I like essay writing because it can improve my grammar

and my vocabulary. And I have a motivation from my sister

that has a same major in Thailand, so that’s make me

motivated as well.

Table 3. Inadequate Time

Question: What do you think about the schedule of Essay Writing? Is

it appropriate to produce good writing at the time? Do you feel any different if

there is essay writing in the morning like your body or physical situation?

Interviewee Speech

APS I don’t really care about the schedule in essay writing subject,

because the point is how the situation in the class. How the

learning process itself. Because when the teacher teaching so

monotone i feel bored at the time. And the time isn’t


MB The time for me it’s quite appropriate. And also the lecturer

also did well to teach us in the class.

DA I think for the time of my schedule is right. And for me, I’d

better to learn at night before i go to sleep. Its make me so

much focus.

FAA For the time, I think its need much time to do the writing.

Because of writing for me not as easy as that, in writing we

need to think the appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and

information. And i think it’s better to me to have afternoon


AT For the time I think is appropriate. And also for me to produce

a good writing at the morning, because my mind will run well

and still fresh to think more.

JS I think the time of essay writing schedule is still less for me.
And it makes me only learn independently without know the

right and wrong way I do. For me in the morning the best time

to have a schedule like essay writing, because it has impact of

my body and my mind to produce good writing. consider the

right sentences

LN Personally I think all the time is okay to learn essay writing

subjects, but for me my skill is depend on my preparing

myself when I ready to write and my brain is okay and also the

time it’s perfectly.

MI The time is enough for me, I mean not too short and not long.

If it has a long time will make me feel confused and feel bored

while learning essay writing. So the time that lecturer give is

perfect timing.

MM I think the time that lecturer given to us is enough to produce a

good writing. So for the perfect time to do the essay writing, I

think it doesn’t matter in which conditions. It is dependent on


MA For the time I prefer to learn essay writing in the morning,

because I still have a fresh mind and easy to catch the

knowledge. And I think the essay writing schedule have

appropriate time. But I still need more longer time to learn

essay writing
RPA In my opinion the time that has given to us not appropriate,

because the time is afternoon that’s make my friends and I feel

sleepy while learning the essay writing.

RE The essay writing schedule I think is enough. And I prefer to

have a time of essay writing in the morning, because my mind

still fresh when I get up.

SN The schedule of essay writing is still less for me, because I

need to ask so many things that I confused. And the time that

lecturer gives to learn essay writing not appropriate. I feel very

better if the schedule in the morning.

Table 4. Lack of Practice

Question: How many times your lecturer gives the opportunity to

write one topic or title? Have you practice your essay writing at home? How about

in the class? Do you have enough time to practice your writing?

Interviewee Speech

APS My lecturer only gives 30 minutes in the class to write one

topics. And the end of the time we discussed that topic

together. I do practice writing at home also, but not in detail.

Such as for grammar and improving my vocabulary. I always

give my time to practice of any skills in writing.

MB Honestly, I don’t practice my skill in writing at home. Because

I think the time to learn it is enough in the class. So, I will

focus on do the tasks on any subjects.

DA For the practice is still lack for me, because too busy to do the

assignments. And also lazy to think and try by myself because

there is a Google translate for now, and makes me not really

care about this writing.

FAA Unfortunately, I rarely practice it alone at home to improve

my writing skills. For the opportunity that lecturer given to us

is fine, because the lecturer give the extra time at home before

do the meeting in one topic.

AT For one topic the time given by my lecturer on the subject of

essay writing is 2 hours or more. In class we write and discuss

it together. However, to do practical writing again at home, I

rarely do it. I rarely to practically write.

JS The opportunity of time used is around 30-1hours, it more

than enough but it also depends of the person itself. They will

do practice consistently or not to have a good skills in writing.

I always take my time at home to do practically every English

skill, including writing. I do practice every night before go to


LN My lecturer gives us one topic a week and it must be

completed by a predetermined time limit. In writing I only

focus on doing it when I'm in essay writing class. when I'm at

home or at other times, I don't have anything practical to do

and even hone my writing skills

MI In writing class, I am very confident to do it, because I can ask

the lecturers and even discuss with my classmates. However, I

rarely practice my writing outside of class hours because, I

still can't practice writing essays alone, so I need a friend to

explain and practice with me.

MM I don't practice writing essays when I'm at home or even in

any other free time. I feel I've had enough in class. Because to

do the practical itself is very difficult for me because, as I said

before that I don't have enough good intentions in writing.

MA As I said before, the time given to learn to write essays is still

not enough for me because in writing I need a lot of practice

during class. Because I still feel unsatisfied with the abilities I

have when studying essay writing in class. But, gosh, when I

don't repeat my skills at home either, I don't practice at all.

RPA For me I don’t have enough time to practice at home, also in

the class. But unfortunately, I only do the practice while in the


RE Every learning the lecturer always gives the opportunity to us.

And i also do the practice writing at home because there’s a

lecturer to help. But I don’t do practice at my home. I feel

quite enough to learn writing in the class.

SN My lecturer has given the opportunity time to me. Because in

the class have a less of time, I do practice writing at home.

Table 5. Teachers’ Feedback

Question: How many essays that you have learned during this

semester? Is there any feedback from your lecturer? Is it helpful for you?

Interviewee Speech

APS Only two kinds of essays that I learned in essay writing

subjects, and I don’t get the helpful feedback from my lecturer

so I did it by myself only.

MB I don’t really know how many essays I did, but for me the

lecturer who teach writing subject is good. And the lecturer

also gives us the helpful feedback while learning.

DA In every meeting we usually practice one topic in one paper,

the maximum is around 3-6 sentences. And the lecturer has

given the good feedback while in the class and that’s so

helpful for me.

FAA I learned two or maybe three essays, and we always have a

time to discuss about the topic. Sometimes I am confused and

the lecturer has explanation to me. The lecturer’s feedback is

helpful for me.

AT We learned 2-3 kinds of essay writing that I remember. For the

lecturer’s feedback is helpful for me because the lecturer

always give the corrections when we have a wrong way, and

also answers the questions of us in the class.

JS The lecturer’s feedback is perfect, because the lecturer before

start the class always give us the motivation and makes the

class not to bore.

LN I can’t count the kinds of essay writing used. And the lecturer

always gives us the feedback when one topic is finished and

also has the evaluation. It’s so helpful for me so far.

MI The lecturer’s feedback is very helpful for me. Because we

can freely ask the lecturer about what we don’t know in that

subject. I forgot about how many essays that I learned.

MM We have 3 kinds of essay writing. Descriptive, narrative, cause

and effect essay. So I think the feedback of my lecturer is

good. When we have a problem in something, the lecturer will

re-explain it slowly.

MA I don’t really remember the kinds of essay writing itself. But

so far I feel the lecturer’s feedback is very helpful for me as a

time that we have.

RPA To learn writing there are many things to understand, so it’s

need more time in the class. And for the lecturer’s feedbacks

also have a impact from the short time, so I don’t feel satisfied

about the feedback.

RE The lecturer gives us the best feedback when we have

confused things while writing.

SN The kinds of essay writing I learned; narrative, recount,

descriptive and new items essay. While in the class i have

practice those essays in several times. So the lecturer also

teaches us in good feedback.

4.3 Discussion

To rank the list of factors that influence the difficulties of students in essay

writing, the researcher used a word generator to find out which factors are

common with each classification in this study. According to Jin (2016), a word

cloud is a visual representation of language or text data that uses a weighted list.

In this study, we employed the size of the typeface in the frequency type denotes

the number of terms in the collection. The frequency type is the most fundamental

in text data mining. There are some online word cloud generators available right

now, such as "Wordclouds.com" and "jasondavies.com." Word clouds (or tag

clouds) are popular, entertaining ways to visualize text data in a graphical format;

however, we believe they can also be valuable assessment tools.

It supports by, DePaolo and Wilkinson (2014) state that, Word clouds

can be used to analyze any type of text data, such as essays, short answers, or

written responses to surveys or opinion polls. From the results of the interview, it

was found that lack of motivation was the main factor that students had difficulty

in writing essays. Because they do not like the subject and feel they are still

lacking in grammar and vocab. This is the same as the result of Maysuroh (2017),

one of the biggest factors in students’ problem is low motivation.

4.3.1 Lack of Learners’ Motivation

This is the highest factor that influences students to have difficulty in

writing essays, students' motivation in essay writing class was discussed. The

majority of participants stated that they dislike essay writing because it is difficult

for them to find the suitable grammar and vocabulary structures, and they are

unsure how to organize words in their sentences. Then there were four students

who enjoyed essay writing subjects but did not enjoy writing in the formal way

that an essay writing subject requires. The conclusion is that students who lack

motivation in this topic are experiencing some writing difficulties. Other

individuals appreciate the essay writing subject because they prefer writing about

their daily lives. As the result show about the most common appeared in this item

are [don’t], [writing], [like].

4.3.2 Lack of Knowledge about Writing Stages

In the first question of interview is about students’ knowledge in writing

stages. But, lack of knowledge is the second highest factor in the results of this

interview. There are ten students said they don’t know about the sequence in the

writing stages. It means the students still have a lack in this part. Mostly students

said don’t know and only writing with their own techniques in essay writing.

4.3.3 Lack of Practice

The research revealed that lecturers allow students to compose one

idea or title for one hour. Furthermore, the majority of students do not practice
their writing at home, despite the fact that doing so will increase their overall

quality. In addition, three students practice at home before going to bed. However,

the majority of students does not practice at home and only study essay writing in

class. They are bored, and some of them claim that they have other assignments to

complete at home. As the result show about the most common appeared in this

item are [practice], [don’t], [home].

4.3.4 Inadequate Time

And, according to the data from the interview, the majority of students

claimed that they are comfortable with the schedule time. Furthermore, three

participants have expressed dissatisfaction with the essay writing timetable.

Because there isn't enough time to write a good essay. They, on the other hand,

feel sleepy and tired if they attend an essay writing class in the afternoon rather

than the morning. As the result show about the most common appeared in this

item are [time], [appropriate], [writing].

4.3.5 Teachers’ Feedback

The next question revealed that the participants have learned two

different types of essays this semester. There are two types of essays: descriptive

and argumentative. The lecturer has given all of the student’s favorable feedback.

All of the students agreed that it was really beneficial to revise their writing skills,

and that the lecturer provided constant feedback and inspiration throughout the

essay writing process. As a result, the participants have responded well to the

lecturer evaluation. As the result show about the most common appeared in this

item are [helpful], [feedback], [lecturer].

4.3.6 The Biggest Factors of Students ‘difficulties in Writing

The data from all student responses revealed that the most common

reason students struggle to write essays is a lack of motivation. Students are

uninterested in learning how to write essays. The most of these students dislike

essays because they find them excessively challenging. They are lacking in

understanding, particularly in terms of grammar and structure, as well as

vocabulary competence. As the result show about the most common appeared in

this item are [lack], [motivation], [lecturer], [problems].



This chapter was divided into two sections: conclusion and suggestion.

The conclusion of data drawn from the results and discussions of the data gathered

in order to answer the research questions. The recommendation are presented to

the students, the lecturer, and the future researcher.

5.1 Conclusion

This chapter presented the researcher conclusion about essay writing

difficulties of third semester students in English language education of Universitas

Islam Riau. This is the answer research questions “What are the difficulties faced

by the third semester students of English Language Education of UIR ? and What

are the factors of students’ difficulties in writing an essay ?.

This research focused in seven indicators which adopted from brown

(2010), the seven points of students’ difficulties were Organization, Word

Choice/Vocabulary, Grammar, Spelling, Supporting Ideas, Punctuation, and


The lowest percentage may mean that there are not too many difficult that

are capitalization, which is 2.80%. In addition, the spelling goes up to 3.25%, next

the punctuationgoes up to 3.42%. Then supporting ideas 3.63%, and then

organization with 3.78%, grammar with 3.88%, which the second higher

percentage of students problems. Surprisingly, Word choice/vocabulary got the

highest percentage, which is 4.10%.

It shows this percentage is the highest of the existing student problems.

With this data, it gives another view to the researcher because, at first, the

researcher assumed that it was grammar that would get the highest percentage of

difficulty for students.

Result of interview showed that, most of students got lack of motivation in

learning Essay Writing. Students are uninterested in learning more about essay

writing. As a result, a lecturer's responsibility in delivering inspiration and

enjoyable lessons for students is very necessary.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher provided several suggestions as a result of this research.

Those suggestions can be taken into consideration by writing instructors or

teachers, students, and future researchers who are interested in conducting similar

studies. The writer would like to provide the following suggestions based on the

findings of the study:

a. Suggestion for Students

In this part, the researcher will discuss a few points that may perhaps aid

students in their writing. They can analyze what the most common essay writing

difficulties are. Furthermore, they can improve the quality of their writing when

they have overcome the problems of essay writing. Furthermore, they are aware of

not just the difficulties, but also the factors that influence to students' writing

difficulties. As a result, it is quite beneficial for students to identify the factors and

determine why something occurred. They can develop and produce better writing

for the next assignment after they understand their difficulty.

b. Suggestion for the Teacher

The teacher can create extra exercises for students to improve their

writing because more writing assignments will help them grow. Hopefully, the

students will get more experience and improve their critical thinking skills by
exploring more ideas in writing because they will be able to apply what they have

learned in class. Furthermore, the majority of students stated that they lack

motivation to write. As a result, the teacher may make the class enjoyable and

encourage students to like writing. In the end, the student's writing ability will


c. Suggestion for Future Researcher

For other researchers, it is preferable to explore new difficulties in

essay writing and to provide solutions to faults committed by students when it

comes to the subject of essay writing.


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