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1. Physics examination cannot be done on Tuesday because all the question sheets had been flooded. The school
decides to delay the examination and it will be held on Monday next week. All the students who will take the
exam are required to bring a ruler with a length of 30 cm.
Thank you for attention.
The topic of the above text is…
A. The size of a ruler
B. The wet question sheets
C. The change of exam day
D. The cancelation of the exam
E. The information to bring a ruler

2. Bryan : “Nugy, where are you?”

Nugy : “I’m in the house. What’s matter?”
Bryan : “Oh ............. “
Nugy : “I’d like to help you. For what?”

Complete the dialogue above with suitable expression….

A. Would you like some help?
B. Sorry, I can’t help you
C. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
D. Let me help you
E. No, you don’t need to help

3. Judy : Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shpkeeper : Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. Would you like me to show the shelf?
Judy : I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too.
Shopkeeper : ___________ Take your time.
Judy : Thank you, Sir.
What should the shopkeeper say?
A. I am busy
B. Sorry
C. That’s okay
D. Will you go?
E. Thank you

4. Andry : “Some of our friend will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with?”
Sintya : “it will very interesting.! ..................................Need to refresh my mind this time.”
Andry : “ok we waiting you in front of main gate”
Sintya : “Ok, thanks”
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
B. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. What a great idea!
E. Not for me, thanks

5. Receptioninst : “Of course Ma’am, what can I do for you?

Guest : “I want some fresh vegetable”
Receptioninst : “yes Ma’am,”
What does the sentence mean?”
A. Offering a help
B. Refusing a help
C. Declining an offer
D. Accepting an offer
E. Refusing a help

6. Dear Sir,
I understand that my payment is three weeks late, but that does not justify your collections office’s actions.
During the past five days I have received three telephone calls and four letters. In addition, one of your
representatives has contacted two of my relatives who have nothing to do with my finances. By anyone’s
definition this is harassment. I expect you to stop contacting me every day and to stop calling my relatives.
In the meantime, please know that I plan to send you a payment within the next few days. The money will reach
your office in about a week.

Sincerely yours
Andrew Barkley

What does the letter tell us about?

A. A complaint about the harassment done by the writer’s relatives.
B. A complaint about improper actions of payment collection
C. A complaint about the late payment over something.
D. An apology for being late of payment.
E. A promise to do payment in about a week

7. Every American is proud of the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty, one of the largest
ever built, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor and has greeted millions of American immigrants who
have come from Europe to the New World.
The Statue of Liberty was built by Fredrick Bartholdi. The French gave it to America as a gift in honour of the
revolutions for freedom and liberty in both countries.
The monument was built out of copper plates that were put on a steel frame. Together with the concrete which it
stands on the statue rises almost 100 metres into the sky. It shows a woman in a robe, wearing a crown with 7
spikes and holding a torch in her hand. In her left hand she holds a tablet with the inscription “July 4, 1776”, the
date of the Declaration of Independence.
What was the reason for the French give the Statue of Liberty to America?
A. America needed it to greet millions of immigrants.
B. French presented to American people as a present for their struggle
C. French wanted to protect a lot of immigrants in new world.
D. French intended the Statue of Liberty as the representative of Europe.
E. American wanted to make giant statue for independence day.

8. Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior
Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I
also have experiences in other electronic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a
marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good
relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies,
marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks
Why does the sender write the letter?
A. To apply for a certain position.
B. To provide inputs for the company.
C. To give information about his speciality.
D. To convince the readers about his experience.
E. To make appointment with Marketing Manager

9. Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today’s time, I would like to be considered for Marketing Senior
Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special responsibility for home appliances. I
also have experiences in other electronic goods, like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a
marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good
relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies,
marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks
What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
A. Wait for the response of the recipient.
B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.
C. Work as a marketing specialist.
D. Complete his firs degree
E. write an curriculum vitae

10. Physics examination cannot be done on Tuesday because all the question sheets had been flooded. The school
decides to delay the examination and it will be held on Monday next week. All the students who will take the
exam are required to bring a ruler with a length of 30 cm.
Thank you for attention.
What can be inferred from the text?
A. The principal will get a meeting
B. The question sheets are very wet
C. Some students join a competition
D. Students do not pay the school fee
E. Students do not bring a ruler with a length of 35 cm

11. 175A Fairmont Ave.

Toronto, ON
M5W 1F2
August 18, 2016
Dear Leonard:
I (would like to express my sincere condolences on) was shocked with the recent passing of your father.
Pamela and the children also send their thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.
Although I didn’t know your dad that well, on the half dozen or so occasions that I spent time in his company
over the years, I did come to realize his great kindness and compassion towards those less fortunate than him.
And I do know that he was very highly respected throughout this community and profession, and his good
works changed the lives of many.

You were truly fortunate to have such a man as a model in your life. As you know, it was not that long ago
that my own father passed away, so I have some idea of what you and your family are going through. I realize
that no words of comfort are quite enough to replace the loss.
Please pass my deepest sympathies on to your mother, and brother, and sister, and to all of your father’s
Yours in sympathy,
Gord Henderson
Here are five habits done by people
1. He visited his hospitalized staffs.
2. He built some companies for people
3. He respected others more than himself.
4. He inspired people through his hard works.
5. He gave some scholarships for poor students.
Which activities had Leonard’s father possibly done?
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 4, 5
D. 2, 3, 4
E. 2, 4, 5

12. Mr. Iqbal : “Andy, come here please!”

Andy : “Yes, sir. I’m coming.”
Mr. Iqbal : ....................... the goods to the shop, please?”
Andy : “With pleasure, Sir.”
Iqbql : “Don’t forget to put into the correct case!”
Andy : Yes Sir.”
Mr. Iqbqal : “Thanks.”

a. Can you bring

b. Can I bring
c. May I bring
d. Don’t bring
e. I would like to bring

13. Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two of my friends and I had been
chosen to take a part in the final round at the district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition.
For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well.My teacher guided and taught me
pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before performing, my friends and I were busy to
prepare the props and costumes for the competition. Thing that me sad was my teacher rented the props and
costumes for my friends but not for me. My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I
just wore the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition.
The competition started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my
best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone after I had
finished performing. And then, the announcement came which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was
chosen as the first winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and
money. I was very happy.

What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A.To tell his achievement
B.To win the competition
C.To describe his feeling to the teacher
D.To show his disappointment to teacher.
E.To tell his expectation to be the winner.

14. Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two of my friends and I had been
chosen to take a part in the final round at the district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition.
For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well.My teacher guided and taught me
pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before performing, my friends and I were busy to
prepare the props and costumes for the competition. Thing that me sad was my teacher rented the props and
costumes for my friends but not for me. My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I
just wore the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition.
The competition started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my
best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone after I had
finished performing. And then, the announcement came which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was
chosen as the first winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and
money. I was very happy.

Why did the writer feel sad before the competition?

A. She had no luxurious gown.
B. Her teacher really cares about her.
C. Her teacher was not fair to her
D. Her friends did not support her.
E. She only had a very simple dress

15. Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two of my friends and I had been
chosen to take a part in the final round at the district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition.
For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well.My teacher guided and taught me
pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before performing, my friends and I were busy to
prepare the props and costumes for the competition. Thing that me sad was my teacher rented the props and
costumes for my friends but not for me. My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I
just wore the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition.
The competition started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my
best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone after I had
finished performing. And then, the announcement came which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was
chosen as the first winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and
money. I was very happy.

From the text it can be concluded that ….

A. Practice makes performance go well
B. Being nervous helps perform well on the stage.
C. Wearing simple clothes can help win the competition.
D. It is necessary to wear beautiful costumes for the competition
E. Beautiful costumes and luxurious props are the requirements for the competition.

16. Mr. Bean : “Hello, Miss Smith. Would you Like a cup of coffee? I’m just making some.”
Miss Smith : “Oh. Yes please, that would be Lovely.”
Mr. Bean : “How do you take it?”
Miss. Smith : “With milk and sugar please.”
Mr. Bean : “Here you are.”
Miss. Smith : “Thank you.”

The underline expression expresses….

A. Offering something
B. Offering help
C. Accepting an offer
D. Declining an offer
E. Refusing an offer

17. Mr. Iqbal : “Andy, come here please!”

Andy : “Yes, sir. I’m coming.”
Mr. Iqbal : can you help me to bring the goods to the shop, please?”
Andy : “With pleasure, Sir.”
Iqbql : “Don’t forget to put into the correct case!”
Andy : “.........................,Sir.”
Mr. Iqbqal : “Thanks.”
A. Sorry, I can’t
B. I wish I could help you
C. I’m busy
D. I need some help
E. Don’t worry
18. In daily life, every person faces many kinds of problems. He/she must find ways to solve the problems. One of
the ways is compromise. A compromise is an agreement in which people involved in an argument reduce their
demands or changes their opinion in order to agree with each other. In other word, They can make a win-win
In the traditional market, a seller and a buyer meet to do a trading process. They discuss to get the deal for the
price of some goods. The buyer usually bargains for the low prices until the seller agrees. If there is a deal
between two sides, a compromise has done. Compromise makes both the seller and the buyer solve the
problems without any disappointment.
A compromise is also necessary for people to work in group to discuss a we know, they may have
different opinions and ideas to solve the problems. For example, while they are discussing the problem, they
sometimes argue to each other. By having a compromise, they can accept the agreement.
In conclusion, compromise makes the problem solved in a simple way and also gives benefits to both sides.
We know that from the text that a compromise ….

A. Can lead to a simple and useful solution

B. Forces someone to make an agreement
C. Makes people argue with each other
D. Faces many kinds of problems
E. Makes both side happy

19. Andy: I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Sam: I’m afraid I cannot.
Andy: Why? I think you really love the band.
Sam: Yes, I do. But I have many works at home.
Andy: Let me help you, then.
Sam: ___________
Andy: Never mind. That’s what friend should do.

What should Sam say?

A. I really appreciate your help
B. I don’t need your help
C. I am fine, thank you
D. I will go, too
E. Don’t worry

20. Tourist : Excuse me, do you mind to tell me where the nearest coffee shop is?
Sandra: It is nearby. I want to go to that direction.
Tourist : Do you mind if we walk together?
Sandra : never mind

The underlined expression shows ….

A. the tourist offers some help
B. the tourist accepts some help
C. the tourist asks for help
D. Someone offers some help
E. Someone accept the help

21. Guest : “Excuse me, but….?”

Staff : “Of course Ma’am. What can I do for you?”
Guest : “Someone just stole my purse off my shoulder outside the hotel”
Staff : “Are you OK?”
Guest : “Yes, just shaken up a bit.”
Staff : “Why don’t you sit down here and I’II call the police for you.”
Guest : “Thank you; I appreciate you help.”
Guest : “I don’t understand what the taxi driver is trying to say. Could you translate for me?”
Staff : “Of course sir, I’d be delighted to help.”

The suitable answer to complete the dialogue is….

A. Could I help you
B. Can you help me
C. May you need my favor
D. Would you need my help
E. No, thanks

22. 78 Jalan Balai Raya

East Jakarta
April 2, 2007
Ms. Dina Siregar.
Directory of Administration Navaro Inc.
27 Jalan Edelweis.
Dear Ms. Siregar,
Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the ‘Republika’ was attractive because I believe I have the proven
skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Linda and I’m 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer System. These
specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief
accountant at Galaxy Building.
Since ‘proven skills’ are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with you. Please phone me in
the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me know the day and time most convenient for you.

What position is needed?

A. Receptionist.
B. Interviewer.
C. Chief accountant.
D. Administrative assistant.
E. Accountant

23. Dany : “Good morning Jane, do you want help me?”

Jane : “ ................... “
Dany : “Thank you.”
Jane : “You’re welcome”
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
A. Of course, I can
B. No thanks
C. Don’t bother
D. Never mind
E. Not for me

24. Amid the Pokemon Go hype, a dating service influenced by the augmented-reality game was introduced on
Wednesday. Dubbed Poke Dates, the service allows singles in the US to explore their city playing pokemon Go
with someone.The dates are organized based on questionnaire on preference and a mutual desire to play the
game. PokeDates coordinates all the details, like selecting a convenient gym or a PokeStop meeting point.
PokeDates was launched by project fixup, a popular off offline dating startup launched in 2012 in Chicago.
“People dating online are spending more time online than out there dating, and since it all comes down to
human chemistry, we wanted to cut out all the steps between signing up to a service and going on a date.
PokeDates and project fixup give people their time back and turns online dating into offline dating,” said chief
project fixup officer Dank Korenevsky in a press release on Wednesday.The first PokeDates is free, and
members can earn more PokeDates by referring a friend or paying US$20 per date.
What is the topic of the text?
A. Pokedates was launched by Project Fixup
B. The augmented reality game influences a dating service.
C. PokeDates and Project Fixup give people their time back.
D. Dating service PokeDates wants to ride the Pokemon Go wave.
E. People dating online are spending more time online than out there dating.

25. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear, I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
Ela : Ok Mom.........
The sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing

26. 175A Fairmont Ave.

Toronto, ON
M5W 1F2
August 18, 2016
Dear Leonard:
I (would like to express my sincere condolences on) was shocked with the recent passing of your father.
Pamela and the children also send their thoughts and prayers to you and your family at this difficult time.
Although I didn’t know your dad that well, on the half dozen or so occasions that I spent time in his company
over the years, I did come to realize his great kindness and compassion towards those less fortunate than him.
And I do know that he was very highly respected throughout this community and profession, and his good
works changed the lives of many.
You were truly fortunate to have such a man as a model in your life. As you know, it was not that long ago
that my own father passed away, so I have some idea of what you and your family are going through. I realize
that no words of comfort are quite enough to replace the loss.
Please pass my deepest sympathies on to your mother, and brother, and sister, and to all of your father’s
Yours in sympathy,
Gord Henderson
Here are five habits done by people
1. He visited his hospitalized staffs.
2. He built some companies for people
3. He respected others more than himself.
4. He inspired people through his hard works.
5. He gave some scholarships for poor students.

Which activities had Leonard’s father possibly done?

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 4, 5
D. 2, 3, 4
E. 2, 4, 5

27. Dany : “Good morning jane, do you want help me?”

Jane : “ ................... “
Dany : “Thank you.”
Jane : “You’re welcome”

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….

A. Not for me
B. No thanks
C. Don’t bother
D. Never mind
E. Of course, I can

28. 225 New Station Road,

Agra – 7
March 2, 2007
To: The Manager,
Navajivan Trading Co.
Dear Sir, ,
In response to your advertisement in “The Times of India” of today that you are on the lookout for
enterprising and capable men who can take up market research for you, I respectfully offer myself as
candidate for the post. I give below in brief my qualifications and experience in the line for your kind
I am a diploma holder in commercial courses from S.D. College of Commerce, Agra, and had taken
marketing as my .special subject of study. I have worked as a field investigator with Messrs Kirpal
Marketing and Trading Co., Agra for about two years on a salary of Rs. 1 800/-p.m. and had the
privilege of winning laurels from my superiors in regard to my work as well as general conduct.
I am a young man of about 24 years and possess good health and personality. I have pleasing manners,
hardworking disposition and keenness for outdoor jobs. I am unmarried and can be posted to any area
of the country for market study. I can speak, beside Hindi, Punjabi, and English, some southern
languages too. I can join immediately.
I shall highly appreciate if an opportunity is given to me to explain my experience to you in person
during my interview. Would you kindly let me know the time and date when it will be convenient for
you? Thanking you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
B.K. Bhalla
What position does Bhalla apply for?
A. A candidate of a reporter in ‘The Times of India’.
B. A candidate of a university lecturer.
C. A candidate of a field investigator.
D. A candidate of a market researcher.
E. A candidate of a assistant of lecturer
29. Judy: Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shopkeeper: Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. Would you like me to show the shelf?
Judy: I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too.
Shopkeeper: ___________ Take your time.
Judy: Thank you, Sir.
What should the shopkeeper say?
A. I am busy
B. Sorry
C. That’s okay
D. Will you go?
E. Thank you

30. Dear Sir,

I understand that my payment is three weeks late, but that does not justify your collections office’s
actions. During the past five days I have received three telephone calls and four letters. In addition,
one of your representatives has contacted two of my relatives who have nothing to do with my
finances. By anyone’s definition this is harassment. I expect you to stop contacting me every day and
to stop calling my relatives.In the meantime, please know that I plan to send you a payment within the
next few days. The money will reach your office in about a week.

Sincerely yours

Andrew Barkley

What does the letter tell us about?

A. A complaint about the harassment done by the writer’s relatives.
B. A complaint about improper actions of payment collection
C. A complaint about the late payment over something.
D. An apology for being late of payment.
E. A promise to do payment in about a week

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