Mech Energy Practice

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Near schools the speed limit is 20 mph. It is claimed that reducing

the speed limit from 30 mph (13.3 m s1) to 20 mph (8.9 m s1) halves
the risk of serious injury in a car accident.
When a car is involved in a crash, the collision energy depends upon
the cars speed just before impact.


kinetic energy of car travelling at 20 mph

Determine kinetic energy of car travelling at 30 mph .

kinetic energy of car travelling at 20 mph

kinetic energy of car travelling at 30 mph = ........................................................


To what extent does your answer support the claim?



A car of mass 1200 kg is in a crash. The front bumper of the car

deforms, and the car is brought to rest from an initial speed of 10 m s
1 in a distance of 0.12 m.
By considering the work done on the car as it is brought to rest,
calculate the average impact force that acts.

Plume School

Average impact force = .................................



Modern cars include crumple zones to reduce the size of the impact
force. Suggest how the crumple zones do this.
(Total 7 marks)


A student reads the following statement in a novel.

A man weighing 70 kilograms will fall 100 metres in less than 5 seconds.

Comment on the use of the word weighing.



Make an appropriate calculation to check whether the statement is

correct. Assume the man falls from rest.


Calculate the kinetic energy of the man after falling 100 m from rest.

Plume School

Kinetic energy = ...............................................
(Total 6 marks)


A weightlifter raised a bar of mass of 110 kg through a height of 2.22 m. The

bar was then dropped and fell freely to the floor.

Show that the work done in raising the bar was about 2400 J.


It took 3.0 s to raise the bar. Calculate the average power used.
Power = .


State the principle of conservation of energy.


(iv) Describe how the principle of conservation of energy applies to


lifting the bar,


the bar falling to the floor. Do not include the impact with the






Calculate the speed of the bar at the instant it reaches the floor.
Speed = .
(Total 12 marks)

A car of mass m is travelling in a straight line along a
horizontal road at a speed u when the driver applies the brakes. They exert
a constant force F on the car to bring the car to rest after a distance d.

Write down expressions for the initial kinetic energy of the car
and the work done by the brakes in bringing the car to rest.
energy .............................................................................................

Plume School

done ................................................................................................


Show that the base units for your expressions for kinetic energy
and work done are the same.


A car is travelling at 13.4 m sl. The driver applies the brakes to

decelerate the car at
6.5 m s2. Show that the car travels about 14 m before coming to rest.


On another occasion, the same car is travelling at twice the speed. The
driver again applies the brakes and the car decelerates at 6.5 m s2.
The car travels just over 55 m before coming to rest. Explain why the

braking distance has more than doubled. You may be awarded a mark
for the clarity of your answer.
(Total 10 marks)


Two of the worlds biggest roller-coasters are Apollos Chariot in Busch

Gardens, USA, and The Big One in Blackpool, England. The principle of all
roller-coasters is that gravitational potential energy possessed by the
vehicle at the top of a track is converted into kinetic energy at the bottom.
In Apollos Chariot the vehicle drops a vertical distance of 64 m from rest.
Show that the expected speed of the vehicle at the bottom of the track is
about 35 m s1.

State one assumption you have made in this calculation.


Plume School

The Busch Gardens brochure states that the speed of Apollos Chariot at the
bottom is in fact 32.5 m s1. Suggest and explain one reason why the speed
might be less than 35 m s1.

Calculate the efficiency of this energy conversion as the vehicle runs down
the track.
Efficiency = ...............................................

Vehicles on The Big One fall through an almost identical vertical distance to
those on Apollos Chariot; but the owners of The Big One claim that the
speed at the bottom is 38 m s1.
Assume their claim is truthful, and that the vertical falls are the same.
Suggest how the vehicles on The Big One could have a speed of 38 m s 1
at the bottom.

(Total 10 marks)


A certain power station generates electricity from falling water. The diagram
shows a simplified sketch of the system.

r e s e r v

T o
t u r n
a t e r f
f r o m
t h
r e s e r v o
T h e
b e
p u m



l o
i r
t e


i r

t u r b i n e ,
s d o w
t o p

c a n
e d
b a
T u r
T o
t h e
c o n

B o t t o m
a l s o
r e s e r v o i r
c k
u p
b i n e .
g e n e r a t e
e l e c t r i c i t y ,
t u r b i n e
i s
n e c t e d
t o
g e n e r a t o r s .

In what form is the energy of the water initially stored?


What energy form is this transformed into in order to drive the



State the principal of conservation of energy.


Plume School


The force of the water at the turbine is 3.5 108 N and the output
power generated is 1.7 109 W. Use this data to calculate the
minimum speed at which the water must enter the turbine.


Explain why, in practice, the speed at which the water enters the
turbine is much greater than this.


When working at this output power, 390 m3 of water flows through the
turbine each second. The top reservoir holds 7.0 106 m3 of water.
For how long will electricity be generated?
Time = .....................................................


This power station is used at peak periods, after which the water is
pumped back to the top reservoir. The water has to be raised by 500
m. How much work is done to return all the water to the top reservoir?
(The density of water is 1000 kg m3.)

Work done = ............................................
(Total 10 marks)

Plume School



An exciting new ride in a theme park is described as follows:

The vehicle plus riders takes only a few seconds to accelerate to a spinetingling 53 m s1. Then (with motor off) it shoots vertically upwards to the
height of a forty-two storey building and pauses.
The mass of the vehicle plus riders is 1800 kg. Calculate the kinetic energy
of the loaded vehicle at a speed of 53 m s1.
Kinetic energy = .............................................

Show that from a starting speed of 53 m s1, the theoretical maximum

height the vehicle could reach with the motor off would be about 140 m.
Ignore resistive forces.

The actual height reached is 126 m. Show that the total loss of energy from
the vehicle during the vertical climb to 126 m is about 3 105 J.


Plume School


Calculate a value for the average resistive force acting on the vehicle during
the climb.
Average resistive force = ...............................

Calculate the time for the vehicle plus riders to make the vertical climb to
126 m. State an assumption that you make.
Time = ............................................................
Assumption: ....................................................................................................
(Total 12 marks)

along a

The diagram shows a small vehicle which is free to move in a vertical plane
curved track.


The vehicle of mass m is released from rest from point A. It runs down to
point B, a distance h vertically below A. Its speed at point B is v.
Write down expressions for

the gravitational potential energy lost by the vehicle as it runs from A

to B,


the kinetic energy of the vehicle at B.

Hence derive an expression for the speed v.
State one assumption you have made in your derivation.

Plume School


Would you expect the vehicle to pass point C? Explain your answer.
(Total 6 marks)


A student films the flight of a shuttlecock during a game of badminton. He

analyses the motion by examining frames of the film which are at equal
time intervals of 0.20 s apart. His data are shown below, together with a plot
of the x-y motion of the shuttlecock.

a t a :
x m/ y m/
0 . 0 0 . 0
. 1 . 21 . 9
2 . 0 3 . 0
2 . 7 3 . 8
3 . 2 4 . 4
3 . 6 4 . 8
4 . 1 5 . 1
4 . 5 5 . 3
5 . 0 5 . 2
5 . 4 5 . 0
5 . 7 4 . 7
6 . 0 4 . 3
6 . 2 4 . 0
6 . 4 3 . 5
6 . 5 2 . 9
6 . 7 2 . 4
6 . 8 1 . 8
6 . 9 1 . 2
7 . 0 0 . 6
7 . 1 0 . 0

l o t :

y/ m

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0

. 0
0 . 0 1

. 0 2

. 0 3

. 0 4

. 0 5

. 0 6

. 0 7

. 0 8
x/ m

. 0

Use the data to estimate the initial speed of the shuttlecock in the xdirection.
Speed in x-direction = ........................................
Use the data to estimate the initial speed of the shuttlecock in the ydirection.
Speed in y-direction = ........................................
Explain why these values are only estimates.

Plume School



Show that the initial velocity of the shuttlecock is about 11 m s1 at an

angle of about 600 to the horizontal.
Estimate a value for the initial kinetic energy of the shuttlecock.
Mass of shuttlecock = 5.2 103 kg.
Initial kinetic energy = ........................................
Use the plot to estimate the gravitational potential energy of the shuttlecock
at the top of its flight.
Potential energy = ...............................................
Discuss why the gravitational potential energy at the top of the flight is not
equal to the initial kinetic energy.

(Total 12 marks)

10. A cyclist is free-wheeling down a long slope which is at 3.0 to the

horizontal. He is travelling, without pedalling, at a constant speed of 8.4 m

8 .4 m s

3 .0

The combined mass of the cyclist and bicycle is 90 kg. Calculate the
gravitational potential energy (g.p.e.) lost per second.
g.p.e. lost per second = ..........................................

What happens to this lost g.p.e.?

Plume School



At the bottom of the slope the cyclist turns round and pedals back up at the
same steady speed of 8.4 m s1. Give an estimate of the rate at which the
cyclist does work as he climbs the hill.
Rate of working = .........................................
(Total 6 marks)

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