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Next, choose or roll an origin and then roll a D6 on the corresponding table, or if
the GM allows, pick or create a new one.

Dreisia-The highlands.You grew up...

1. Wandering the highlands, +1 to Knowledge
2. In a clan of warrior poets, +1 to Strength or Knowledge
3. Adjacent to the law, poaching to help feed your community. +1 to ranged
4. Fishing, an exercise in patience and frustration, +1 to Composure
5. Herding your family's flock of animals, +1 to Dexterity
6. In the town markets, +1 to Charisma

Dumeris-The steppes.You grew up...

1. In the stables tending the mounts, +1 Composure
2. In the saddle, a rider in your Lord's company, +1 melee or ranged (your choice).
3. Learning the ways of ranging and hunting, +1 to Ranged or Knowledge
4. Far from civilization, +1 to any attribute.
5. Under the tutelage of a noble, +1 to Charisma.
6. On a "merchant" ship, patrolling the northern waters, +1 to Strength.

Taspia-The Heart of the Empire.You grew up...

1. In a noble house, +1 to Charisma
2. On a farm, +1 to Strength
3. In the street, +1 to Dexterity
4. In a scholarly institution, +1 to Knowledge
5. In the barracks, observing all the exercises the adults participated in, +1 to
6. As an initiate of a master craftsman, +1 to Dexterity

Wechia-The decadent cities and gloomy forests.You grew up...

1. In a library among dusty tomes of your land's former glory, +1 to Knowledge
2. As a brother/sister in a monastery or church, spending long quiet hours in
contemplation or ritual, +1 to composure
3. In the back rooms of the Fighter Pits, +1 to Strength or Knowledge
4. Playing and running games of chance, +1 to Charisma
5. In a traveling circus, +1 to any attribute.
6. As an initiate of an assassin's order, +1 to Melee

Iban-The desert and savanna.You grew up...

1. Wild, riding horses and chasing sand snakes all day long, +1 to Dexterity
2. "Helpfully" guiding travelers, for a fee of course, +1 to Charisma
3. learning the ins and outs of surviving in inhospitable places, +1 to Knowledge
4. On the coast, swimming and spear fishing all day, +1 to Strength
5. While protecting the borders of your kingdom, +1 to Melee
6. Hunting wild animals with your family, +1 to Ranged.

Atril-The islands.You grew up...

1. On the deck of a fishing trawler, hauling lines and bringing in the nets, +1 to
Dexterity or Strength (your choice).
2. As an apprentice on a ship of the Fleet, serving with a sense of duty and
discipline while staying out of the way, +1 to Composure.
3. At the docks of the local port, +1 to Strength
4. As an apprentice in a forge, +1 to Strength
5. With the bards from the House of Stories, +1 to Knowledge
6. At the Merchant's guild, +1 to Charisma.

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