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Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,

Rachel, Heidi, Victoria

Understanding by Design

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: Rebuilding Virginia Post Civil War Grade Levels: 5th Grade

Topic/Subject Areas: Social Studies

Key Words: Civil, War, Virginia, Economy, Railroads, Socially

Designed By: Jasmine, Rachel, Heidi, Victoria

Time Frame: 2 weeks

School District: Regent University School: Teacher Ed & IDS Dept.

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):

(VA SOL Fifth Grade VS.8)
This unit focuses on the reconstruction of Virginia following the Civil War. The main
goal of this unit is for students to understand the effects of the reconstruction life in
Virginia and identify the importance of railroads, new industries, and the growth of
cities to Virginia's economic development.For their final performance task the students
will create a short video outlining how they would help the governor reconstruct Virginia.
Their groups will each be assigned a different industry and tasked with creating a short
informational video that will be turned in to the teacher.

Unit design status: X Completed template pages – stages 1, 2, 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task X Completed rubrics
Directions to students and teacher Materials and resources listed

Suggested accommodations Suggested extensions

x x
Status: Initial draft (date: ___________) Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored

Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria


Unit Title: Rebuilding Virginia Post Civil War

Established Goals:
(VA SOL Fifth Grade VS.8)

The student will demonstrate an understanding of the reconstruction of Virginia following the Civil War

a) identifying the effects of Reconstruction on life in Virginia;

c) describing the importance of railroads, new industries, and the growth of cities to Virginia’s
economic development

Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:

A). ● Which effects of Reconstructions affected
● Post-civil war, every aspect of life was life in Virginia?
changed which affected people on a direct ● How did economic growth in Virginia
level. Socially, society had to make room postwar affect the everyday lives of the
for an influx of people who were looked people?
down upon. Economically, money had no ● How were railroads important to the
value due to the debt caused by the war. economic development in Virginia?
Finally politically the government was ● How did the new industries affect Virginia
enacting laws which allowed for freed post-war?
slaves to actually move about in society. ● How was Virginia’s economy affected by
● The sole purpose of the reconstruction in the reconstruction?
Virginia sought to make society more
livable postwar.
● The growth of Virginia’s cities and the
economy was a direct result of the
introduction of railroads, technology, and
● Railroads were the main proponent of
expansion in the Virginia workforce
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria

Students will know: Students will be able to:

● Reconstruction impacted life in Virginia ● Identify the effects of Reconstruction on
both economically and socially life in Virginia
○ Economically life was impacted ● Examine how new industries such as
because money had no value due to railroads promoted the growth of cities and
the debt caused by the war. thus the economy as a whole.
Businesses were destroyed and had ● Recognize ways that the government
to rebuild themselves which played an important role in the rebuilding
resulted in the creation of many of Virginia
new industries such as the ● Describe the ways Virginia sought to make
railroads. society more liveable postwar
○ Socially life was impacted because ● Identify how railroads were the main
a huge influx of freed slaves proponent of expansion in Virginia
now needed housing, education, ● Distinguish how life postwar was changed
clothing, food, and jobs which socially, politically, and economically
society wasn’t prepared to provide
for right after the war
Freed slaves faced intense violence
and discrimination postwar.
● Railroads changed Virginia's economy by
fostering the expansion of businesses and
cities. They did this through facilitating the
growth of small towns into cities
● The growth of cities changed Virginia's
economy through providing more laborers
for the industries created postwar.
● Industries changed Virginia's economy by
providing more money into the economy
which in tandem grew the cities
● That the new industries that came about in
post-war Virginia were
- tobacco manufacturing
- flour and textile milling
- processing of agricultural products
- Coal mining
- Railroads
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria


Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:

● GRASP activity: Students will act on ● Students will complete a homework

a committee board collaborating to assignment in which they describe
create a persuasive video on the ways how the growth of new industries
different industries had an impact on directly affected Virginia’s
the reconstruction of Virginia post- economic growth
● Students will create a web diagram
● Students will act as a journalist and depicting the many ways life in
write an article on the effect that the Virginia post-war was changed
railroads had on the Reconstruction.
Examples could be that the railroads ● Students will complete a crossword
promoted the expansion of new puzzle that poses several questions
industries, that they promoted the regarding how life changed socially,
growth of new cities, or that they politically, and economically. It will
directly grew the economy. The also include questions regarding
article must be historically accurate how the several new industries
and 500 words in length. The teacher helped in changing life post-war
will provide students with a rubric
and example. ● Students will take a quiz testing their
knowledge on the ways life was
● The students will be assigned to changed post-war in Virginia
groups and present the effects of the
Reconstruction in a creative way.
This could be a shared oral
presentation, skit, or diorama. The
teacher will provide examples and a
rubric so that the parameters of the
assignment are clear for the students.

● Each student will be given a letter of

the alphabet. They will be given
three minutes to each develop a word
or phrase that best captures the
essence of the Reconstruction. Then
in order, each student will share out
loud their word/phrase.

● Students will demonstrate their

understanding of how Virginia’s
economy was impacted by creating
an art piece using colored pencils,
watercolor, or oil-based paint
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

● Students will get into groups of four or five. Each member of the group will be
assigned a topic from the lesson. Once each person has their topic, they must create
a 2-minute lesson on their given topic for the rest of their group.
● Each student will be given a blank report card and fill it in based on how they
believe they have understood the lesson. On the report card, students can select from
statements such as, “I understand and could teach someone else.” or “ I understand
but need some help.”
● Each student will write a diary entry in their journal reflecting on how they felt they
did throughout the lessons and performance tasks. Example prompts for the
reflection will be “Was I attentive?” “Did I participate enough in class?” “Do I fully
understand the content, if not what are my questions still?”
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria


Summary of Learning Activities:

1. Pre-Assessment: TW assess students prior knowledge by introducing the content and having the students
engage in the “stir the class” activity. On lined paper students will write down three things they know, two
things they want to know, and one thing they don’t understand about content. Then students share with their
partners what they wrote down. This is not graded but TW look over and analyze.
2. Hook: Brain Dump - The TW instruct the students to get into groups and together they will write down
everything they know about the Reconstruction in Virginia Post civil war. TW ask each group to share out
louda few things they wrote down and begin a class discussion about the Reconstruction. COOPERATIVE
3. Introduction of Unit: TW introduce the unit by orally telling students the SOL the unit is based upon and then
the big ideas, understandings, and essential questions the SW be able to answer by the end of the unit.
4. Content: TW explain how life was changed in Virginia socially, politically, and economically post-war. TW
explain to students that post war life was changed socially due to an increase in freed people who needed
basic necessities. TW explain how life was changed economically due to going into debt because of war in
tandem with a now larger population needing goods and services. Lastly TW explain how life was changed
politically because now slaves had a right to live free and laws had to go into place to allow for that.
5. Performance task: Students will demonstrate their understanding of how Virginia’s economy was impacted by
creating an art piece using colored pencils, watercolor, or oil-based paint. Students can also choose to write a
paragraph on the ways Virginia’s economy was impacted, students also have the choice to work in partners or
6. Introduction of G.R.A.S.P.S Performance task. The TW introduce the G.R.A.S.P.S performance task
activity to the class and explain the goal of the assignment as well as the standards for success. The TW go
over the rubric with the students. TW ask students for any questions they may have and answer them in a face
to face manner with entire class
7. Content: The TW explain to the students how the reconstruction in Virginia sought to make society more
livable postwar and emphasize that the government played an important role in implementing such changes in
society. TW explain to students how the government implemented programs that provided food, public
education, and medical care for freed slaves. TW begin to introduce the idea that the creation of new
industries also helped make society a more livable place. TW give students an exit ticket where they must
write one or two sentences where they summarize what they have learned from the content lesson.
8. Performance task: Students will complete a crossword puzzle that poses several questions regarding how life
changed socially, politically, and economically. It will also include questions regarding how the several new
industries helped in changing life post-war.
9. Content: The TW teach the students how the growth of Virginia’s cities and the economy was a direct result of
the introduction of railroads and new technology and industries. TW explain that these new industries included
tobacco manufacturing, flour, and textile milling, processing of agricultural products, and Coal mining, and
railroads. TW explains that it was from these new industries that the economy began to grow which created a
more livable environment for people in Virginia postwar. TW group students into groups of five and each group
will be assigned an industry to research and become an expert at. After students have researched and
become experts on their topic, TW regroup students so each group has one student from each industry and
each student shares their knowledge on their industry so now every student is an expert in each topic.
10. Peer Review of G.R.A.S.P.S. Students will come to class with an outline and script for their G.R.A.S.P.S
project. The TW pair groups together to fill out a peer review sheet on the other groups script and outline.
11. Performance Task: Students will act as a journalist and write an article on the effects of Reconstruction. The
article must be historically accurate and 500 words in length. For hands-on learners TW provide students with
cut out examples of the impacts of the reconstruction and students must organize them into groups of either
“social, economical, or politically”. TW walk to each group and ask students to explain why they put each
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria
statement in the group they did. DIFFERENTIATED LESSONS
12. Content: TW engage students in a whole class discussion in which students will analyze the cause and effect
relationship between the strife the war brought to Virginia and how specific in reconstruction took place. TW
write students ideas up on white board to reaffirm students confidence in knowledge.
13. Assessment: The TW assign group students up and instruct them to present the effects of the Reconstruction
they have learnt so far in a creative way. This could be shared in an oral presentation, skit, or diorama.
14. Quiz: Students will take a 10 item quiz on the Reconstruction of Virginia post war to assess how much they
have learnt from direct instruction and performance tasks they have done. TW collect and grade quiz.
15. G.R.A.S.P.S. Presentation: The students will present their G.R.A.S.P.S project to the class. The project will
be turned in to the teacher for grading.
16. Student self-evaluation: Students will get into groups of four or five. Each member of the group will be
assigned a topic from the lesson. Once each person has their topic, they must create a 2-minute lesson on
their given topic for the rest of their group. COOPERATIVE LEARNING
17. Performance Task: Each student will be given a letter of the alphabet. They will be given three minutes to
each come up with a word or phrase that best captures the essence of the reconstruction. Then in order, each
student will share out loud their word/phrase
18. Review: The TW lead a review of the content of the unit for the test. The teacher will use the “think, pair,
share” instructional strategy. Students will pair with their shoulder partners and share their thoughts.
19. Unit Test: The SW take a unit test over all the material covered. TW grade unit test and return to students for
them to look over and asses their own knowledge gained throughout the unit
20. Unit Discussion: TW go over unit test with students and address any questions or confusions about test
answers with students. TW engage in a class discussion where they reflect on the lesson and the main ideas.
TW apply unit lesson to the real world and discuss that with the class.
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. Pre- Assessment 2. FIrst performance task 3. Performance task 2 4. Peer review of 5. Assessment
- Hook - Introduction of - Content 3 G.R.A.S.P.S - Quiz
- Introduction of G.R.A.S.P.S - Performance
Unit - Content 2 Task 3
- Content 4
- Content 1

6. FIrst performance task 7. Student Self Evaluation 8. Review 9. Unit Test 10. Unit
- Introduction of - Performance
G.R.A.S.P.S Task 4 Discussion
- Content 2
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria
Rubric for G.R.A.S.P. Activity

Mastery Proficient Basic Standard not met

4 3 2 1

Creativity Video is visually Video is visually Video is slightly Video is not visually
appealing and uses appealing but visually appealing appealing and no use
creativity in a clever didn’t use and doesn't use of creativity was used.
way. The video is able creativity in a creativity at all. The video does not
to effectively hold the clever way. The The video doesn’t hold the attention of
attention of the video has a loose hold the attention the audience.
audience. grip on the of the audience.
attention of the

Persuasive Students demonstrate a Students Students Student does not

techniques good sense of demonstrate a demonstrate a demonstrate a good
persuasive techniques decent sense of loose sense of sense of persuasive
and effectively persuasive persuasive techniques and does
persuade the audience techniques and techniques and not persuade the
how their industry make a good barely attempt to audience that their
would help life post attempt at persuade the industry would help
war. persuading the audience that their life post war.
audience that their industry would
industry would help life post war.
help life post war.

Historical Student uses Students got Students got Student does not
Accuracy information sourced information from information from include any
from credible sources slightly credible unreliable sources information and is not
and include sources and and are not accurate to the time
information that is not includes accurate to the period whatsoever.
fictitious and is information that is time period.
accurate to the time not fictitious but is
period. only somewhat
accurate to the
time period.

Content Video is at least 2 Video is at least Video is at least Video is less than 30
minutes long and one minute and one minute long seconds long and does
tightly aligns with thirty seconds and somewhat not align with the
industry assigned. long. Video aligns aligns with industry assigned.
Video uses with industry industry assigned Video does not use
organization that assigned and uses and video uses organization that
smoothly depicts the organization that organization that smoothly depicts the
progression of how depicts the does not smoothly progression of how
their industry would progression of how depicts the their industry would
Design Topic: Post Civil War Subject(s): Social Studies Grade(s): 5th Designer(s): Jasmine,
Rachel, Heidi, Victoria
help life post war. the industry would progression of how help life post war.
help life post war. their industry
would help life
post war.

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