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22CET30Recall the relevant principles of hydrostatics and hydraulics of pipes and open channels

22CET30Identify or describe the type, characteristics or properties of fluid flow

22CET30Estimate the fluid pressure, perform the stability check of bodies under hydrostatic condition
22CET30Compute discharge through pipes or estimate the forces on pipe bends by applying hydraulic principles of co
22CET30Analyze or compute the flow through open channels, perform the design of prismatic channels

Module Unit Question * Taxonomy *

1 2 Describe U-tube manometers. Understand

1 2 Derive the expression for U-tube manometer for gauge pressure. Understand
Differentiate between U- tube differential manometers and
1 2 inverted U-tube manometers. List out their applications. Understand
Explain how vacuum pressure can be measured
1 2 with the help of a U-tube manometer. Understand
Briefly explain the principle employed in the manometers used for
1 2 the measurement of pressure. Understand

1 2 Differentiate between simple and differential type of manometers. Understand

atic condition
ing hydraulic principles of continuity, energy and/or momentum
matic channels

Level * Importance * Nature * Expire * AnswerKey

Concept (1), parts (1), types
Easy Important Theory Never (1)
Figure (1), equating right limb
Medium Important Theory Never to left (2)
Any 2 difference (2), Any 2
Medium Important Theory Never applications (1)

Medium Important Theory Never Explanation with figure (3)

Medium Important Theory Never Explanation with figure (3)

Medium Important Theory Never Any 3 difference (3)

Placeholder 22CET30322CET30322CET30322CET30322CET303.5

22CET303.1 Recall the relevant principles of hydrostatics and hydraulics of pipes and open channels

22CET303.2 Identify or describe the type, characteristics or properties of fluid flow

22CET303.3 Estimate the fluid pressure, perform the stability check of bodies under hydrostatic condition

22CET303.4 Compute discharge through pipes or estimate the forces on pipe bends by applying hydraulic principles of continuity, energy and/or momentum

22CET303.5 Analyze or compute the flow through open channels, perform the design of prismatic channels

Module Unit Question * Taxonomy *

A U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure of water in a

pipeline, which is in excess of atmospheric pressure. The right
limb of the manometer contains mercury and is open to
atmosphere. The contact between water and mercury is in the left
limb. Determine the pressure of water in the main line, if the
difference in the level of mercury between the limbs is 10 cm and
the free surface of the mercury is in level with the centre of the
pipe. If the pressure of water in pipe line is reduced to 9810 Pa,
calculate the new difference in the level of mercury. Sketch the
1 2 arrangement in both cases. Apply

a) The right limb of a simple U-tube manometer containing

mercury is open to the atmosphere while the left limb is connected
to a pipe in which a fluid of specific gravity 0.9 is flowing. The
centre of the pipe is 12 cm below the level of mercury in the right
limb. Find the pressure of fluid in the pipe if the difference of
mercury level in the two limbs is 20 cm. b) A simple U-tube
manometer containing mercury is connected to a pipe n which a
fluid of specific gravity 0.8 and having vacuum pressure is
flowing. The other end of the manometer is open to atmosphere.
Find the vacuum pressure in pipe, if the difference of mercury
level in the two limbs is 40 cm and the height of fluid in the left
1 2 limb from the centre of the pipe is 15 cm below. Apply
The left leg of a U-tube mercury manometer is connected to a
pipe-line conveying water, the level of mercury in the leg being 0.6
m below the center of pipe-line, and the right leg is open to
atmosphere. The level of mercury in the right leg is 0.45 m above
that in the left leg and the space above mercury in the right leg
contains Benzene (specific gravity 0.88) to a height of 0.3 m. Find
the pressure in the pipe.
1 2 Apply
a) A differential manometer is used to measure the difference of
pressure of oil of specific gravity 0.8 contained in two pipes at the
same level. If the deflection of manometric liquid, which is
mercury is to be 100 mm, determine the difference of pressure of
oil in the two pipes. b) Two pressure points in a water pipe are
connected to a manometer which has the form of an inverted U-
tube. The space above the water in the two limbs of the manometer
is filled with toluene of specific gravity 0.875. If the difference of
water columns in the two limbs is 120 mm, compute the
corresponding difference of pressure between the points in bar.
1 2 Apply
Level * Importance * Nature * Expire * AnswerKey

Case 1: PA = 1.236 N/cm2 (4)

Case 2: Shifting the datum line
and equating right and left
limb (4), Finding x = 0.992 cm
(4), level difference = 8.016
Challenging Important Application Never cm (2)

a) height of left limb with fluid

of s 0.9, h1 = 0.08 m (2),
height of right limb with
mercury, h2 = 0.2 m (1) .
gauge pressure, p = ρ2gh2 -
ρ1gh1 (2) = 2.598 N/cm2 (2)
b) height of left limb with fluid
of s 0.8, h1 = 0.15 m (1),
height of right limb with
mercury, h2 = 0.4 m (1).
vacuum pressure, p = -(ρ2gh2
+ ρ1gh1) (3) = -5.454 N/cm2
Medium Important Application Never (2)

pA/w + 0.6 = 0.45 × 13.6 +

0.3 × 0.88 (5)
pA/w = 5.784 m of water (4)
pA = (5.784 × 9 810) = 5.674
Medium Important Application Never × 104 N/m2 (5)
Equate left limb and right limb
for each and solve to get
pressure difference (2 x 7 =
Medium Important Application Never 14)
Placeholder 22CET30322CET30322CET30322CET30322CET303.5


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