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Video Form

Video Segment 1 (Creating):

Lesson Plan # 1/3
Date: 11/10/2023
Description of student work: A group of students can be heard responding to call
and response patterns, followed by some individuals creating their own call and
response patterns- first the piano player using two notes of the minor pentatonic
scale, then the alto saxophone player using four.

Video Segment 2 (Assessing):

Lesson Plan # 3/3
Date: 11/21/2023
Description of student work: Individual students can be heard giving their
assessment of why Charlie Parker’s solo on Billie’s Bounce was engaging.

Video Segment 3 (Performing):

Lesson Plan # 3/3
Date: 11/21/2023
Description of student work: After being asked questions about how a transcribed
musical line can be incorporated into one’s playing, students can be heard playing a
specific line as a group to begin three solos by individual students: the piano player,
bari sax player, and bass player.

Explanation of edits:
- The audio will briefly cut out occasionally to censor student names. I tried to
avoid using names during these lessons to avoid extensive editing, but I
occasionally slipped up.
- Clip 1:
- 1:31: Skips over the continuation of a repetitious activity.
- 2:12: Skips to another student creating a call and response pattern
later in the lesson.
- Clip 2:
- 3:56: Skips over the portion of the lesson where students listened to a
recording for an extended period of time.
- Clip 3:
- 8:28: Skips over the setup for the backing track before the activity

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