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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences,

FAST School of Management

A Marketing Plan for Smart Homes: Domotics

Submitted by
Abbas Shabbir, i150803

Malik Mohammad Ali, i150757

Saeed Bin Mozaffar, i150753

Abdul Momin, i150805

Bachelors of Business Administration


Supervisor: Dr. Haider Ali Malik

A Marketing Plan for Smart Homes: Domotics

Name, Roll no:

Abbas Shabbir, i150803

Malik Mohammad Ali, i150757

Saeed Bin Mozaffar, i150753

Abdul Momin, i150805

Supervisor: Dr. Haider Ali Malik

Word Count: 20,145

Author’s Declaration
We Omer Khan, Muhammad Faiq Fawad Azim, Amar Nadeem and Abdullah Adrees hereby
state that our BS(A&F) thesis titled “Impact of Earnings Manipulation on Capital Structure and
Firms Illiquidity: Evidence from South Asian Countries” is our own work and it has not been
previously submitted by us for taking partial or full credit for the award of any degree at this
university or anywhere else in the world. If the statement is found to be incorrect, at any time
even after the graduation, the University has the right to revoke our BS (A&F) degree.

Omer Khan:

Muhammad Faiq Fawad:

Amar Nadeem:

Abdullah Adrees:

Plagiarism Undertaking
We Omer Khan, Muhammad Faiq Fawad Azim, Amar Nadeem and Abdullah Adrees take full
responsibility of the work conducted during the BS(A&F) thesis titled, “Impact of Earnings
Manipulation on Capital Structure and Firms Illiquidity: Evidence from South Asian
Countries”. I solemnly declare that the work presented in the thesis is done solely by me and
my group with no significant help from any other person; however, small help wherever taken
is duly acknowledged. I have also written the complete thesis by myself. Moreover, I have not
presented this thesis (or substantially similar research work) or any part of the thesis previously
to any other degree awarding institution within Pakistan or abroad.
I understand that the School of Management of National University Computer and
Emerging Sciences has zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an author of
the above mentioned thesis solemnly declare that no portion of my thesis has been plagiarized
and any material used in the thesis from other sources is properly referenced. Furthermore, the
work presented in this thesis is my own original work and I have positively cited the related
work of other researchers by clearly differentiating my work from there relevant work
I further understand that if I am found guilty of any form of plagiarism in my thesis
work even after my graduation, the university reserves the right to revoke my BS(A&F)
degree. Moreover, the university will also have the right to publish my name on the website
that keeps a record of students who plagiarized in their thesis work

Omer Khan:

Muhammad Faiq Fawad:

Amar Nadeem:

Abdullah Adrees:

Executive Summary
How convenient does it sound when you can monitor your electricity bill, air-conditioning
system and security of your house or business with just your mobile phone? The whole scope
of the project was to devise a Marketing Plan of product that can let you monitor everything
you want in your house with just an application which can be used from anywhere in the
World. May it be your lights, fans, cooling and heating system, electricity bill control,
security, we got it all covered! Billing prices are the concern of people nowadays, but with the
help of our service, it can be minimized or restricted according to your requirements. The
Domotics Industry yet not developed in Pakistan. Few companies that exist in the market
charge a lot, lack in their marketing and off limited services in an unorganized manner. People
are not aware of any such services present in the market. Internationally, ‘Home Automation’
market is advance, organized, developed in terms of customer awareness and value added
services provided. We are creating a cross-department synergy, by commercializing the FYP
project created by Electrical engineering department of FAST-NU Islamabad. OU marketing
Plan comprises of detailed research on the Industry of domotics and its future potential in
Pakistan, by thorough Internal and External assessment of the market concerning this field
and a deep study of all the stakeholders which might in some way play a role in the
development of this field. Which has given us a deep insight of what it’s like to explore the
prospect of relatively new market in Pakistan and whether it will be a good idea or not. We
have come to conclusion, from our initial phase of the project that this industry has a
promising potential and which can eventually help in the recognition of the university. This all
could happen if we manage to develop an effective marketing plan of this newly developed
modem and eventually managing in Growing demand of this service. Which will help in the
ease of daily routine activities. “The rest of the world will not wait for us to catch on; the race
has begun and we are far behind”.
List of Content

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Domotics 2
1.2 Big Data and Home Automation 6
1.3 Value Addition 7
1.4 Home Automation in Pakistan 8
1.5 International Scope of Home Automation 9
2. Literature Review 13
2.1 Benefits of Home Automation 15
2.1.1 Security 15
2.1.2 Energy Efficiency 15
2.1.3 Increased efficiency, control, and customization 15
2.1.4 Convenience 15
2.1.5 Comfort 16
2.1.6 Peace of Mind 16
2.2 Need for Automation 16
2.3 Opportunity in Smart Homes 18
2.4 Proposed advancement in Home Automation 19
2.4.1 Motion Detection 19
2.4.2 Temperature and Humidity Control 19
2.4.3 Fire and Smoke Detection 20
2.4.4 Door Status 20
2.4.5 Light Level 20
2.4.6 Video Monitoring with G-Sense 20
2.5 Statistics 22
2.6 Integration with new technology 23
2.7 Voice based Automation 23
2.8 System Design 24
2.9 Usability 25
2.10 Future Impacts 27
2.11 Future working concerning global market. 29
2.12 What problems smart homes are supposed to address? 29
3. Methodology 31
3.1 Initial Testing 32
3.1.1 Power Consumption 32
3.2 Market Research 33
4. Market Analysis 34
4.1 Market Research 35
4.2 SWOT Analysis 35
4.2.1 Strengths 36
4.2.2 Weakness 36
4.2.3 Opportunities 37
4.2.4 Threats 37
4.3 PESTLE Analysis 38
4.3.1 Political 38
4.3.2 Economic 40
4.3.3 Social 40
4.3.4 Technology 42
4.3.5 Legal 43
4.3.6 Environmental 44
4.4 Customer Market Analysis 45
4.4.1 Survey Design 46
4.4.2 Data Analysis 47
4.4.3 Frequency 47
4.4.4 Interpretation of General Question about Adaptability 48
5. Proposed Marketing Strategies 54
5.1 Strategies 55
5.1.1 Brand Collaborations 55
5.1.2 Digital Media Marketing 55
5.1.3 Shopping Mall Demos 55
5.1.4 Billboards 56
5.1.5 Social Media Influencers 56
5.2 Quality Dimensions 56
5.2.1 Durability 56
5.2.2 Serviceability 57
5.2.3 Reliability 57
5.3 7P’s of Marketing 57
5.3.1 Product 58
5.3.2 Price 58
5.3.3 Place 59
5.3.4 Promotion 60
5.3.5 People 62
5.3.6 Process 63
5.3.7 Physical Evidence 63
6. Conclusion 65
7. Exhibits 69
8. Bibliography 77
List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Omni Logo 8

Figure 2.1: Data From USA 22
Figure 2.2: Circuit Design 26
Figure 2.3: Circuit for water Pump 26
Figure 3.1: Power Consumption Cycle 32
Figure 4.1: SWOT Analysis 35
Figure 4.2: PESTLE Analysis 38
Figure 5.1: Office Location 39
Figure 5.2: Social Media Activity 60
Figure 5.3: Social Media Activity (2) 61
Figure 5.4: Graphical Representation 61

Chapter No. 1

1.1. Domotics

People connect with the condition that encompasses them, from numerous points of view. They
see the natural conditions what's more, demonstration, respond or change as needs be. On the
off chance that the earth can be made to respond this conduct and react to human conduct, it
will prompt a few points of interest. Such conduct can mechanize different errands that people
need to perform physically, and additionally give novel administrations and offices. A smart
home is a homelike domain that has surrounding knowledge and programmed control, which
enable it to react to the conduct of occupants and furnish them with different offices (Chan,
Esteve, Escriba, & Campo, 2008)

The standard methodology for building keen homes is to modernize them. A lot of sensors
accumulate various kinds of information, in regards to the occupants and utility utilization of
the home. PCs or gadgets with processing power (e.g.: miniaturized scale controllers) examine
this information to distinguish activities of inhabitants or occasions. They at that point react to
these activities and occasions by controlling certain systems that are worked in to the home. A
basic model for such brilliant conduct is turning the lights on when an individual goes into a
room. Notwithstanding, increasingly muddled undertakings, for example, distinguishing if an
old inhabitant is distant from everyone else and not feeling admirably are likewise wanted
(Chan, Esteve, Escriba, & Campo, 2008).

A home automation system can be described as a technological solution by which the bulk of
electrical or electronic appliances and electrical systems are integrated and automated for the
purpose of convenience in technology-based tasks. Home automation is also known as
domotics, and the homes which are fully automated are also known as smart homes. (Home
Automation System, 2019).

Domotics gives us the access to control devices in our home by the application of combination
of both hardware and software technologies. This enhances our control over home appliances
and other electronic systems through the platform of mobile phone applications (Gill, Yang,
Yao, & Lu, 2009).

The term domotics or home automation maybe perceived to be limited to devices which are
isolated such as programmed thermostats, sprinklers systems etc. but that is only one part of
the whole broader picture as this field is quite vast, owing to the technological advancements of
the recent years. As of today a smart home could be described as one in which almost every
electrical appliance such as heating systems, cooling systems and from a security perspective,
the systems such as the alarms and all the locks, windows, surveillance systems, fire or smoke
detectors and any other sensors that are linked to single modem like hardware system which is
controlled by the mobile application (What Is Home Automation and How Does it Work,
Home automation framework depends on sensors, relays and most essential Raspberry Pie
which controls and collaborates between the whole frameworks. Fundamental sensors are
utilized to get the physical information from the surroundings. This information is then
investigated in the mind of the framework. Subsequent to examining, Raspberry Pie executes
the order to the drivers of the changes to work as accordingly (Zulqarnain, Butt, Butt, & Malik,
Home automation provides you with a luxurious facility and allows you to feel comfortable
and safe in your home. The home automation systems are very common in the developed
countries and people are taking advantage from it on a very big level.
The services give advantage to a big market including houses, factories, hospitals and
universities throughout the world. People have been getting benefits after installing the
automated services, and it has become a very efficient tool for saving time and decreasing your
cost of electricity through efficiently managing your lights and electric components (Statista,
With late advances in gadgets and registering, detecting advancements and figuring power
required to execute a shrewd home is presently accessible in little sizes, low costs and vitality
productivity. Be that as it may, giving the encompassing knowledge that is required to settle on
choices for smart conduct is as yet a difficult task. Human conduct at home is profoundly
unstructured. Numerous tactile modalities are required to detect such conduct. Advance design
acknowledgment strategies are required to perceive the conduct of numerous inhabitants.
Security turns into a significant issue once the frameworks store the information. Because of
such difficulties, shrewd room advancements at the present state are a long way from being
developed (De Silva, Morikawa, & Petra, 2012).
A home automation framework regularly associates mobile gadgets to a center point or
gateway. The UI for control of the framework uses either switches, tablet or personal
computers, a cell phone application, or a Web interface, that may likewise be available off-
website through the Internet (Louis, Calo, Leiviska, & Pongracz, 2015)
Back in the days the home automation started with work sparing machines. Independent
electric or gas controlled home apparatuses during the 1900s with the presentation of electric
power distribution and prompted the presentation of clothes washers (1904), water radiators
(1889), coolers, and sewing machines, dishwashers, and garments dryers.
In 1975, the automation had started to grow broadly throughout the world and people had
started to seek useful home computerization and innovating newer technology which then
created further more market areas. Now it has become convention for electronic gadgets. It
fundamentally utilizes electric power transmission wiring for flagging and control.
By 2012, in the United States, as per ABI Research, 1.5 million home computerization
frameworks were installed. According to examine firm Statista in excess of 45 million brilliant
home gadgets will be introduced in U.S. homes before the year's over 2018 (Pandhare,
Chhabile, Shengar, & Tangade, 2017).
In homes, automation frameworks are utilized to screen what's more, control the vitality use of
electrical apparatuses and gear and can be considered as the front-finish. These frameworks can
be associated with utility meters to structure as matrix and work as an independent framework.
What's more to vitality observing and control gadgets, there are numerous different gadgets
that can be associated with the home automation frameworks, for example, movement sensors,
temperature sensors, and so forth to give security, fire assurance and different advantages to the
clients. The brilliant home market is developing quickly with the section of more players in
shopper gadgets, for example, Samsung and LG, just as IT organizations, for example, Google
to the as of now. These organizations have reported items. What's more, benefits that could
quickly develop the keen home industry (Withanage, Ashok, Yuen, & Otto, 2014)

 Specialized Field
The present development relates as a rule to a strategy and framework for computerizing
trip specialist activities. All the more especially, the present development identifies with
a framework and technique for improving a client's movement administrations utilizing
client and business profiles.

 Portrayal of the Related Art

PC frameworks all in all and International Business Machines (IBM) perfect PC
frameworks specifically have achieved far reaching use for giving PC capacity to
numerous fragments of the present current society. Frameworks with chip are ending up
in a variety of littler and increasingly specific items that already were to a great extent
immaculate by PC innovation. PC frameworks regularly incorporate a framework
processor and related unpredictable and non-unstable memory, a showcase zone, input
implies, and frequently interfaces, for example, a system interface or modem, to other
registering gadgets (Withanage, Ashok, Yuen, & Otto, 2014).

These figuring gadgets are data taking care of frameworks which are structured basically to
give autonomous processing capacity to a solitary client, or a gathering of clients on account of
arranged registering gadgets. Individualized computing gadgets are frequently cheaply valued
for buy by people or organizations. Nonvolatile stockpiling gadgets, for example, hard circles,
CD-ROM drives and magneto-optical drives are viewed as fringe gadgets. Processing gadgets
are regularly connected to each other utilizing a system, for example, a neighborhood (LAN),
wide territory arrange (WAN), or other kind of system, for example, the Internet (Augusto &
Nugent, 2006).

One of the distinctive qualities of these frameworks is the utilization of a framework board to
electrically associate these segments together. At the core of the framework board is at least
one processors. Framework makers ceaselessly take a stab at quicker, progressively amazing
processors so as to supply frameworks for requesting applications. (Withanage, Ashok, Yuen,
& Otto, 2014)

PC frameworks have gotten progressively coordinated with individuals' everyday lives. For
instance, numerous individuals keep their schedules electronically on a PC framework.
Another model is sending notes electronically as email as opposed to utilizing postal or
administrations. PC computerization has additionally multiplied to people groups' homes. For
instance, numerous individuals have "keen houses" that incorporate home robotization
innovation. This innovation empowers lights, apparatuses, and different gadgets to work
naturally. PC innovation has additionally improved customer banking. Buyers would now be
able to move cash and take care of tabs electronically without composing and convey checks.
Indeed, even phone frameworks are progressively modernized with PCs interfacing with phone
frameworks and arranging the phone as indicated by the client's inclinations. Phone control
may even dwell in the client's PC (Withanage, Ashok, Yuen, & Otto, 2014).

1.2 Big Data and Home Automation

With the fast advancement of sensor innovation, remote transmission innovation, network
correspondence innovation, distributed computing and brilliant cell phones, a lot of data has
been amassed in pretty much every parts of our lives. Additionally, the volume of data is
developing quickly with progressively complex forms and structures. An exploration report of
International Data Corporation (IDC) brought up that 1.8ZB data were made and repeated in
the year of 2011 around the world, and it is evaluated that this figure will increment by multiple
times continuously by the year 2020. The world is changing very rapidly and it has brought the
world of big data which will change every single thing in our lives, may it be businesses,
products we consume, services we avail, things we watch meaning every single thing that we
require in our daily life will change to a much more advanced level which will aid us till
eternity. In the power segment, a lot of power generation and utilization data are being created
and the power frameworks are being digitized, with the expanding entrance of rising data
advances. The advancements brought by huge data are changing the scene of conventional
power industry. As of now, the power area is confronting different difficulties, for example,
challenges in operational productivity and cost control, framework solidness and dependability,
sustainable power source management, power effectiveness and ecological issues, just as
shopper commitment and administration improvement (Zhou, Fu, & Yang, 2016). To all the
more likely arrangement with these difficulties, power big data examination give new openings
by accomplishing shrewd power the board. In particular, to accomplish the objectives of clean
power age, productive control transmission, dynamic power dissemination and level headed
power utilization, brilliant framework that joins disseminated age assets and creative
arrangements have been proposed. Shrewd framework presented the idea of "data stream". It is
intended to coordinate data stream and power stream, along these lines accomplishing data
assortment and power transmission simultaneously. In savvy grid, a lot of different kinds of
data, for example, gadget status data, power utilization data, and client cooperation data, are
being gathered. At that point, numerous data investigation strategies, including enhancement,
gauging, arrangement and bunching, can be applied on a lot of shrewd framework big data.
Along these lines, control age and activity can be upgraded continuously, power request can be
anticipated precisely, power utilization examples can be found accurately, and dynamic
evaluating components can be grown adequately. In view of big data examination, savvy
framework can identify and re-establish from disappointments quickly, reaction power request
rapidly, supply progressively dependable and efficient power, and empower clients to have
more control over their power use. Big data examination can give successful results
furthermore, effective choice helps for the entirety of the makers, administrators, clients and
controllers in keen network. Big data is changing the method for power creation and the
example of power utilization. Power big data have brought openings and difficulties
simultaneously for us. A portion of the essential and earnest difficulties include: (1) how to
viably gather, store and deal with the power big data; (2) how to proficiently break down and
mine the power big data; (3) how to utilize the power big data to help increasingly viable and
proficient choice makings; (4) how to get bits of knowledge and acquire values from the power
big data; and (5) how to viably forestall dangers and secure protection while using the power
huge data (Zhou, Fu, & Yang, 2016).

1.3 Value Addition

Home automation frameworks system may have the best long-run potential for progress since
it comes nearest to addressing the necessities of the evolving households (Venkatesh & Vitalari,
How convenient does it sound when you can monitor your electricity bill, air-conditioning
system and security of your house or business with just your mobile phone? Smart technology
includes the combination of an assortment of home frameworks including lighting, atmosphere
control, security and so forth to improve the solace, accommodation and economy of the home
for its clients. It is as of now obscure if homebuyers trust that these frameworks increase the
value of the home (Peterson, Williams, & Mills, 2001). Billing prices are the concern of people
nowadays, but with the help of our service, it can be minimized or restricted according to your

1.4 Home Automation in Pakistan

The Industry of Domotics is a far flung dream in development as compared to international

market in Pakistan (Ahmed, 2017). Few companies that exist in the market charge a lot, lack in
their ‘Marketing’ and offer limited services in an unorganized manner. People are not aware of
any such services present in the market. Internationally, ‘Home Automation’ market is
advance, organized, developed in terms of customer awareness and value added services
provided. Being a major concern towards lack of marketing, this sector needs to be well
commercialized and well placed in the minds of potential consumers. Well established
companies that exist in the market are:

● Omni Cloud Solution

The company provides a vast service of automation, from

mobile controlling to voice assistance. They are in the
market since the last 15 years but still people lack
awareness of such a professional service (Cloud, 2019)

● Mansha Brothers Figure 1.1

Mansha Brothers expedites HDL Automation board its vision to adjust and improve
living experience of the individuals with a one of a kind methodology. With better
advertising procedures and an alternate "For All" approach, they intend to bring
Building Automation into standard and make it open to all sections of Industry, Small to
Medium Private Businesses, friendliness industry, emergency clinics, cafés (Brothers,

● Quiko Pakistan

The focus is on gate automation, barriers, management of parking lots automatic doors
and home automation as well. The company is well known for their gate automation
system in many different countries (pk, 2019)
● Purus Hi Tech Pvt ltd

● Speedy Automation

● Synergy AV Technologies (SYNERGY, 2019)

● Connectify

● Smart homes

A detailed survey was being conducted by different companies i.e. Mansha Brothers, Quiko
Pakistan on a 14 Marla of 3 stories consisting of 7 bed rooms and 4 living rooms house located
in I-8/2, companies stated prices according to your needs i.e. if you need your appliances to
operate from Wi-Fi and your mobile phone or through sensors. Prices were quoted to be around
Rs.515,000 and Rs.750,000 respectively. Roughly they will take around one week to arrange
the necessary equipment for automation.

All these figures state as to be quite expensive for a customer and this might not attract the
potential customer to buy the service. One of the major reason to market our service is to make
the service comparatively affordable in the market. The prices that we will quote are going to
be affordable enough to be considered by a potential consumer.

1.5 International Scope of Home Automation

The home automation system emerged with many passing years. The international background
of this service starts from as early as:

1915–20: During the early piece of the century the developing middleclasses were
encountering a lack of household hirelings. In accordance with this work deficiency,
electrically controlled machines, for example, vacuum cleaners, nourishment processors, and
sewing machines were brought into the home for the first time. The publicizing edge was that
with the assistance of innovation, one individual alone (definitely a lady) could deal with all
the family unit tasks and still possess energy for recreation exercises. Commercials utilized
expressions, for example, "spring cleaning with power", "no longer secured by housework",
and "consequently gives you
an opportunity to do those things you need to do”. Mains power was not yet far reaching,
notwithstanding, thus for most housewives such pictures stayed an innovative dream (Aldrich).

1920–40: By 1940 the extent of family units in UK with mains power had ascended to around
65 percent. Numerous homes still just had power for lighting, be that as it may, while others
had only one 5-amp attachment. Individuals here and there declined to pay the extra cost to
have an attachment fitted as they were not able visualize any utilization for one. Inside the
home the accentuation changed from creation to utilization, with sponsors endeavoring to
comprehend and interest the brain research of the housewife, "Mrs. Consumer". It is an
incongruity that the presentation of new local innovation really brought about ladies investing
more energy in housework than any time in recent memory, since benchmarks rose – clothes
washers prompted garments being washed all the more regularly, and vacuum cleaners
prompted floors being cleaned all the more as often as possible (Aldrich).

1940–45: During the Second World War, government publicity depicted ladies as in fact
skillful and focused on the significant job they could play in taking over generally male
employments in assembling and industry, liberating men to go into the military. Ladies became
used to working outside the home and (as showed by the outstanding film Rosie the Riveter)
many turned out to be in fact capable and appreciated these new jobs. Through working in
these similarly generously compensated employments ladies likewise came to esteem their
work in money related terms. These variables made ready for the take-up of local innovation
after the war (Aldrich).

1945–1959: After the Second World War, so as to free employments for men coming back to
non-military personnel life, government publicity changed to convincing ladies that their place
presently was back in the home. Ads of the time show ladies in the home, waving spouses and
kids off for the afternoon, and afterward directing their concentration toward the day by day 11
111 1 Smart Homes: Past, Present and Future 19 residential battle with "germs as opposed to
Germans", as it has been communicated. Home plan began to reflect better approaches for
living close by present day innovation. For instance, new styles of kitchen developed to oblige
the iceboxes, electric cookers, and clothes washers that were beginning to enter the local
market. The idea of the "TV relax" was presented, the closeout of TVs having expanded greatly
before the Coronation (Aldrich).
1960s/70s: The 1950s perfect of the stay-at-home-housewife was toppled during the "swinging
60s". With the prophylactic pill and more noteworthy decision about whether and when to have
youngsters, more ladies began to go out to work. Various work sparing gadgets got normal in
the home, including pots, toasters, cookers, espresso and tea producers, nourishment
processors, hair dryers, electric razors, clothes washers, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners,
and irons. Other innovation got ordinary in the home, for instance focal warming and indoor
regulators (Aldrich).

1980s/90s: By the start of the 1980s, very nearly seventy-five percent of family units in
England and Wales had shading TV, and before the finish of the 80s half likewise had video
recorders. Microwaves, coolers and tumble dryers likewise turned out to be progressively
regular during this period which, furthermore, saw the presentation of cordless and cell phones
for local use. A large group of new home amusement advancements got accessible and began
to infiltrate the household showcase – digital TV, DVD, the playstation, and the sight and
sound PC. The movement of the PC from work environment to home is especially huge on the
grounds that it opened up the plausibility of teleworking, obscuring the differentiation among
home and work. Besides, by enabling access to the Internet, the PC associated the home to a
large group of new administrations, for example, banking, shopping and data, administrations
which are as yet advancing (Aldrich).

The present automated homes in international market are progressively about security what's
more, living greener. Current examples in home automation consolidate remote flexible
control, mechanized lights, robotized indoor controller change, booking machines,
compact/email/content admonitions, and remote video observation Sensors are the eyes and
ears of the home framework. There are sensors for a broad usage, for instance, estimating
temperature, dampness, light, liquid, what's more, gas and perceiving advancement or
disturbance (Katre & Rojatkar, 2017). Prices are yet controlled so the technology is affordable
for businesses and households. A Study demonstrates 26% as of now use voice-controlled
gadgets and applications. With respect to why individuals are keen on voice control, the review
refers to three reasons: Survey respondents observe voice control to be increasingly natural and
viable, explicitly in its ease of use, without hands control, and area adaptability (Safewise,

Numerous purchasers are keen on,

● Fast Internet all through the whole home
● Multi-room sound system and speaker frameworks
● In-entryway and out-entryway TVs
● Programmed blinds and garage entryways (Integrated Technologies Australia, 03)
Chapter No. 2

Literature Review
Smart home brings life to your home because now you can control everything you desire to
control. Such technological advancements can be used to construct completely utilitarian home
computerization framework and control keen home gadgets including smart lights, associated
indoor regulators, and appliances (GeeksforGeeks, 2019). Home automation system can be
designed and developed by using a single controller which has the ability to control and
monitor different interconnected appliances such as power plugs, lights, temperature and
humidity sensors, smoke, gas and fire detectors as well as emergency and security systems
(Muhammad Asadullah, 2016). Our service will increase the efficiency of your devices and
will help controlling them in an efficient manner. Conveying bi-directional smart meters and
home energy management (HEM) operators that arrangement ongoing use checking and
remote control, will empower HEM in "keen families." Furthermore, the generally inelastic
interest bend has started to change, and these rising HEM advances empower shoppers
(mechanical to private) to react to the vitality advertise conduct to lessen their utilization at
pinnacle costs, to supply saves on an as-required premise, and to decrease request on the
electric matrix (Aravind Kailas, 2011). Every device that is automated, has different sensors,
which will activate according to the requirements of the customer. Visualize exchanging your
appliances on and off from a portable application. Begin your espresso producer from your bed
directly after you wake up, or your climate control system in the TV room directly as you leave
office so your most loved room is chilled when you arrive (DAWN, 2018). It shows signs of
improvement. Billing expenditure is rising due to the increasing taxes? Your bills are in control
of you now. Out of station for some work and you find out your lights to be on? It’s easy to
switch them off from your Mobile Phone even though you are in any place with just your
internet connection.
Smart home brings many benefits in a price that is attractive enough to a customer who is
constructing a house worth millions. Demand for this sector grew due to the busy schedule of
people and due to the change in lifestyle. Because of this people require convenience in their
life (Safewise, 2018). Without a doubt, smart home arrangements influence our recognitions,
communications and relations with the environment, just as the limits we make with it and the
inner and outside social relations. For example, the likelihood to converse with a virtual home
partner, for example, Alexa or Google, can replace our immediate collaboration with other
relatives, and moves toward becoming, in the perspective on the designers, an extra individual
from the family unit: the consequences for our social relations at home could be enormous and
ought to be considered by a right structure practice (Pillan & Colombo, 2017).

2.1 Benefits of Home Automation

Following are the benefits of home automation (Sensi, 2019)

2.1.1 Security:

The system will be based on automated motion sensing lights after the alarms are
switched on at whatever time you want, which will keep you informed whenever
someone passes by through a notification. Other than that, regular CCTV cameras are
going to be integrated on your mobile devices so you can have a look at your beloved
house whenever you feel like.

2.1.2 Energy Efficiency:

Now your lights would not stay on throughout the day if you forgot to switch them off,
because you can easily switch them off from your mobile phones from anywhere
around the World.

2.1.3 Increased efficiency, control, and customization:

Home Automation is set to make you languid soon. Innovation will turn out to be
significantly more effective and one will almost certainly control everything from
volume to security from one focal spot. The gadgets will work consequently and you
don't have to squander your vitality it will follow up on client's inclinations
(GeeksforGeeks, 2019).

2.1.4 Convenience:

No more need to rely on your neighbors as you have control over anything even if you
are not present. One can order it to control little things of home through voice and
Smartphones or even have sensors that automates appliances or devices according to
your needs (GeeksforGeeks, 2019).
2.1.5 Comfort:

Getting late for work? Feeling hot inside your room? Lazy to get up and turn the water
motor on? No need to worry because everything is set according to your demands. This
will not only bring ease but also will be your daily support system.

2.1.6 Peace of mind:

When you are able to do so many things with your mobile phone and other than that,
the system senses everything according to your demands, then what is there to worry
about? You no more have to worry about your house being robbed, utilizing extra
energy, because it cares for you. (Sensi, 2019)

After some time, a large number of these investments on automation will really pay for
themselves since you'll get a good deal on power. The more your power costs, the more
important automated home is. Automated homes are likewise ready to kill apparatuses when
they aren't being utilized, and to switch off lights when you aren't in your home. The majority
of this is going to save you cash. (Protect America, 2018)

2.2 Need for Automation:

The advancement in technology field has opened many gates for the upcoming business which
facilitates the users on a huge level.

Dealing with the majority of your home gadgets from one spot: The accommodation factor
here is huge. Having the capacity to keep the majority of the devices in your home associated
through one interface is very common. Hypothetically, we should simply figure out how to
utilize one application on your cell phone and tablet, and you'll have the capacity to take
advantage of endless capacities and gadgets all through your home. This reduces the
expectation to absorb information for new clients, makes it simpler to get to the usefulness you
genuinely need for your home (Blue Speed av, 2018).
Adaptability for new gadgets and machines: Brilliant home frameworks will in
general be magnificently adaptable with regards to the settlement of new gadgets and machines
and other innovation. Regardless of how best in class your machines appear to be today, there
will be more up to date, progressively noteworthy models created over the long haul. Past that,
you'll most likely add to your suite of gadgets as you supplant the more established ones or find
new innovation to go with your indoor and outside spaces. Having the capacity to coordinate
these newcomers flawlessly will make your activity as a property holder a lot simpler, and
enable you to continue moving up to the most recent way of life innovation. (Sensi, 2019)
Boosting home security: When you consolidate security includes in your brilliant home system,
your home security can get better. There are huge amounts of alternatives here - just a couple of
dozen of which are right now being investigated. For instance, home automation frameworks
can interface motion detection, security cameras, mechanized entryway locks, and other
unmistakable safety efforts all through your home so you can initiate them from one cell phone
before going to bed. You can likewise get security cautions on your different gadgets relying
upon the season of day an alarm goes off, and screen exercises progressively whether you're in
the house or most of the way around the world. (Blue Speed av, 2018)

Remote control of home capacities: Try not to think little of the intensity of having the capacity
to control your home's capacities from a separation. On an astoundingly hot day, you can
arrange your home to end up cooler in simply enough time before you return home from work.
In case you're in a rush to eat began yet you're still at the store, you can have your broiler begin
to preheat while you're still on your way home. You can even verify whether you left the lights
on, who is at your front entryway, or ensure you killed every one of your media while you're
away. (GeeksforGeeks, 2019)

Expanded vitality productivity: Contingent upon how you utilize your shrewd home
innovation, it's conceivable to make your space more vitality effective. For instance, you can
have progressively exact authority over the warming and cooling of your home with a
programmable shrewd indoor regulator that learns your timetable and temperature inclinations,
and afterward proposes the best vitality productive settings for the duration of the day. Lights
and mechanized shades can be programed to change to a night mode as the sun sets, or lights
can turn on and off consequently when you go into or leave the room, so you never need to
stress over squandering vitality. (Blue Speed av, 2018)
Improved apparatus usefulness: Smart homes can likewise enable you to run your machines
better. A shrewd TV will enable you to discover better applications and channels to find your
most loved programming. A keen stove will help you with cooking your chicken to
- while never agonizing over overcooking or half-cooking it. A wisely planned home theater
and sound framework can make dealing with your film and music gathering easy while
engaging visitors. At last, interfacing your machines and different frameworks with automation
innovation will improve your apparatus viability and in general make your home life
considerably simpler and charming! (Blue Speed av, 2018)

Home administration bits of knowledge: There's additionally something to be said for your
capacity to take advantage of experiences on how your home works. You can screen how
regularly you sit in front of the TV (and what you watch), what sort of dinners you cook in
your stove, the kind of food you keep in your fridge, and your vitality utilization propensities
after some time. From these bits of knowledge, you might probably break down your day by
day propensities and practices, and make acclimations to carry on with the way of life you
want. (Safewise, 2018)
There's another favorable position to homes, however it is deceiving to incorporate it in the
above rundown. As opposed to every one of the benefits of brilliant home innovation today, the
eighth favorable position is about how shrewd home innovation will create in the coming
years. (Sensi, 2019)

2.3 Opportunity in Smart Homes

With the Smart Home industry and other related high-innovation markets changing so quickly,
any forecasts for their future are exceptionally questionable. In any case, this examination
identifies motivations to be hopeful that a mass buyer showcase for Smart Home-type
innovation could create. There seems, by all accounts, to be noteworthy shopper enthusiasm for
the idea that could be opened at the correct cost. Be that as it may, if a market develops, it
appears to be less prone to originate from force in the structure, development or property
segments. The more prominent open door for development in the utilization of Smart Home
innovation has all the earmarks of being from its expansion to the expanding cluster of
customer hardware – particularly home automation and individual correspondence frameworks
– and beginning
request from the more innovation educated early-adopter family units (Pragnell, Spence, &

2.4 Proposed Advancements in Home Automation

The given home automation system has the capacity to integrate different components into the
main system. We can add up to 15 or more devices to the same system. They include that of
various monitors and alarms that can be used to further ease up your life. Sensor systems
become increasingly more prevalent as cost of sensor gets less expensive and less expensive.
The sensor organize is a remote system shaped by a gathering of sensors conveyed in same
area, which can be utilized to quantify gaseous tension, temperature, increasing speed, and so
forth. Sensors transmit signals through radio sign. Since sensors are currently little and modest,
they can be sent on an enormous scale. They become to an ever increasing extent significant
for applications like security, traffic checking, agribusiness, front line, and so on. The vast
majority of those sensors are controlled by batteries. The life expectancy of a vitality
compelled sensor is dictated by how quick the sensor devours vitality (Endsley, 1996). They

2.4.1 Motion Detection

The main use of motion detection is in energy saving. The integration of motion
detection will help the device control your electricity around the house or the
designated place. Motion detectors are also used to switch the alarm in case of an
unwanted movement. These motion sensors can be installed in and out the building, at
hospitals houses and can be controlled through a single operation system (Shafee &
Hameed, 2012).

2.4.2 Temperature and Humidity Control System

A temperature and humidity control system will help you activate the heating or cooling
system of your designated area. This control system will not only control the
temperature system, but will also show you the temperature and humidity level of your
house, which is just an added feature. The temperature gauge can be seen on your
mobile screen (Shafee & Hameed, 2012).
2.4.3 Fire and Smoke detection

A fire and smoke detection controller is a very useful device in the field of safe
management aspects of an organization. Specially an organization which speaks highly
of employee wellbeing. Smoke detectors can be installed in houses, restaurants, and
offices and can be controlled through your main server. The app not only allow you to
see if there is any activity going on in the designated area but also give a signal to the
concern authority in-case of emergency, so now you do not have to worry much about
your belongings, even if in case it catches fire, an emergency squad will be rushing
towards your place, before you even know anything (Shafee & Hameed, 2012).

2.4.4 Door Status

A specially designed infrared sensor are used to check status of your door. It will help
big firms know about the open doors on the computer system. It not only shows which
doors are open, but will also give you an alarm to close the doors before a specific time,
so that you can close all the doors before you leave the office or before you get to bed
(Endsley, 1996).

2.4.5 Light Level

A critically analyzed specially made according to the atmosphere of Pakistan light level
sensor will allow you to adjust the light level of your designated area. This will allow
for you to maintain a specific light control according to your need. The light level
sensor can be installed even on outside area, which will be helpful for you to save
energy (Endsley, 1996).

2.4.6 Video Monitoring with G-Sense

The automation system we will be providing will be sufficient enough to control at least
eight video cameras across the system. Which will help you to have a live screening of
your designated areas. These special video cameras are equipped. Dealing with a VMS
that uses cloud advancements will have an acquired danger of accessibility with the
suspicion that system availability will be required consistently. This could conceivably
place the VMS framework defenseless against, which would lead to another layer of
barrier to deal with such occasions. Also, with any VMS, issues could emerge for
dealing with the individuals and innovation assets that are utilized to help the VMS. By
utilizing cloud advancements inside a VMS, it will require another layer of the
executives for controlling the different access necessities as clients and overseers inside
the VMS (Hampapur, et al., 2004).

On the off chance that we can put remote alarms all around your home, and they ring together
utilizing innovation. They ring together. So when one alert sounds, they will all sound. They
will give a prior notice to any upcoming event. In the event that you are in your room and a fire
begins in your kitchen, the smoke caution outside of your kitchen will trigger the smoke alerts
up in your room. These units are costly than conventional smoke alarms, yet they do
accompany expanded benefits. Every remote caution has a beneficiary and a transmitter in it.
Thus, they can converse with one another. Already, sensor systems comprised of modest
number of sensor hubs that were wired to a focal handling station. Be that as it may, these days,
the emphasis is more on remote, conveyed, detecting hubs (Mudunuru, Nayak, Rao, & Ravi,

Automation has just started to change the worldwide workforce. Advancements in

computerized reasoning, apply autonomy, added substance producing, remote availability,
progressed investigation, and the Internet of Things have quickly expanded the achievability of
carrying these innovations into the working environment (Winterberg & Lemos, 2017).

 From virtual secretaries to automated medical procedures to self-driving vehicles, we

live during a time where different types of automated progressively. Increase our day by
day work and some of the time take steps to displace it. While there is a compulsion to
measure this "fourth mechanical transformation" as far as occupations lost or picked up,
there is more subtlety to how these advances sway the work showcase. As a rule,
automation doesn't legitimately displace "occupations" yet rather kills certain
undertakings and exercises inside a representative's activity job. So, there is proof that,
in total, automation will probably diminish the general number of hours and labourers
expected to accomplish a similar yield. As per examination by the McKinsey Global
Institute, around 46 percent of time spent on work exercises crosswise over occupations
and ventures is hypothetically dependent upon computerization dependent on as of
now exhibited advances (Winterberg & Lemos, 2017).
 As more exercises become automatable, the drive for proficiency will in all
likelihood bring about more extensive take-up of automation utilizing new innovations
and applications. Estimates anticipating either another mechanical activity blast or mass
worldwide uprooting are probably not going to be totally precise. Rather, automation
will bring about positive cultural additions blended in with adverse effects. The
worldwide challenge of this new period will be to adjust the advantages of work
effectiveness with the dangers of joblessness. A report by the National Bureau of
Economic Research plotting the effects of mechanical robots in the U.S. workforce did
"not discover positive and balancing business gains in any occupation or instruction
groups" (Winterberg & Lemos, 2017).
 The study found that mechanical robots not just brought about employment
misfortunes, they additionally may have added to a decrease in compensation.
 Wherever the future terrains on the range of gauges, one thing is sure: the nature of
occupations in the 21st century will be changed, if not profoundly reclassified, by the
presentation of new automation advancements (Winterberg & Lemos, 2017)

2.5 Statistics

The statistics that have been found regarding the sales

of automation systems in United States have been
given in the graph (Statista, 2019). By looking at the
graph, it’s quite evident that with every passing year
there is an immense growth in this market which
shows great potential of Home automation. It is due
to the refined marketing techniques used in the
Figure 2.1. Data from USA
International market whereas no such statistics are
available of the market of Domotics in Pakistani

due to lack of awareness owing to the insufficient marketing effort. In a nation where even web
gets to is constrained to under 20 percent of the populace, the possibilities of an IoT-based item
appear to be somewhat restricted (DAWN, 2018).
2.6 Integration with Other Technologies

It is a home sound speaker that incorporates an individual voice named Alexa comparable with
Siri and Google. It constantly associated with your Wi-Fi enabling them to achieve cloud
administrations and Bluetooth giving you a chance to stream music from versatile. It is an
exceedingly modified application as indicated by arrangement a request or to reserve any spot
and their accessibility. This gadget totally controls smart home items like Philips Hue, LIFX,
WEMO and so on (Pak Real estate, 2018).

2.7 Voice Based Home Automation

Another feature that we are bringing along with the previously explained features of Domotics
is the voice recognition feature. Our systems will be specially customized for voice recognition
according to the requirements of the household that is availing our product and services. We are
introducing this state of the art feature, which has not seen its presence in Pakistan or many
other developing countries before, which was built specially for the elder citizens, medically
and physically challenged people, differently abled people and those who are faced with the
challenge of blindness or partial blindness. We are introducing this feature because of the
demographic change and maturing of developing nations, the quantity of elderly people and
(due to inefficient medical facilities) medically challenged people is consistently on the rise. In
this circumstance, the general public must discover answers for helping and aiding these
individuals to live in their home as serenely and securely as conceivable by helping them in
their everyday life. This idea, known as Voice Recognition in Domotics, targets foreseeing and
reacting to the exceptional needs of these people. In this space, the advancement of Smart
homes and intelligent colleagues is viewed as a promising method for accomplishing in-home
day by day help. In any case, given the differing profiles of the senior populace (e.g. low / high
specialized expertise, incapacities, and so forth), complex interfaces ought to be avoided. These
days, probably the best interface appears to be the one which includes speech in its interface,
that makes the tasks conceivable through normal language with the goal that the client does not
need to learn complex registering methodology or language. (Endsley, 1996)
Besides, it is all around adjusted to individuals with decreased movements and to some crisis
circumstances in light of the fact that the client shouldn't be near a switch ("hands free"
framework). In spite of this, not many Smart Home ventures have genuinely considered
discourse acknowledgment in their plan. Some portion of this can be credited to the
unpredictability of setting up this innovation in a genuine situation also, to the fact that to
maintain and develop a system which will understand your command and adapt to your voice
is as challenging as it can be. So as to make in home voice control a triumph and an advantage
for individuals with extraordinary needs, we contend that a total structure for sound
examination in Smart Home must be planned. This structure ought to have the option to give
constant reaction, to break down simultaneously a few sound channels, to identify sound
occasions, to sift through commotion and to perform vigorous far off discourse
acknowledgment. This task will be given to a technology that we will acquire for such
customers namely, Alexa or Google Assist. This state of the art technology can be easily
configured with our product to enhance the user experience. The technologies that we will
acquire are well known to be the most accurate and enhanced in the world for their
functionality and future scope (Shafee & Hameed, 2012).

2.8 System Design

Base on the client prerequisites and the detailed examination of existing system, the new
system has been planned to meet client necessities. System configuration is the procedure or
specialty of structuring the equipment and programming architecture, components, modules,
interfaces and information for a PC framework to fulfill necessities. One could consider it to be
the application of system hypothesis to computing. The whole framework configuration can be
separated into four (4) fundamental parts in particular:

2.8.1 Local Based Powering System (Desktop application)

2.8.2 Intranet Based Powering System (Web/Remote Application)
2.8.3 Database Management System (DBMS)
2.8.4 Smaller scale controlling framework (Hardware) (Obadan, Osaro, &
2.9 Usability

there are fundamentally four different ways to assess a UI investigation system, naturally by an
electronic strategy, experimentally by explores different avenues regarding nipple clients, and
heuristically by just taking a gander at the between face and condemning as per ones possess
supposition. In Domotics, the most appropriate could be the exact one, breaking down
heuristically an interface can give a thought of the potential ease of use that it may have yet
since, in a home system, clients may have any portfolio the most ideal method for guaranteeing
the ease of use of the interface is trying different things with the client legitimately. The
absolute broadest assessment exertion has been centered around deciding precisely what clients
may need (Picking, Grout, & Delgado, 2006).

You may not generally make sure to ensure each open air light has been left off before you
head to work – or that your TVs have been switched off and that your shades have been
brought down so your home doesn't experience the ill effects of superfluous vitality utilization
during the day.

It's a little irritation, yet it has an effect on your home's month to month electricity bill.
Similarly, you may have a daily schedule of ensuring each light is switched off before you head
to bed – yet consider the possibility that your home's lights could switch off consequently,
without you regularly going space to-room and squandering your own time.

With a home smart solution, you can plan for these events to happen naturally – without you
expecting to contact any button (Bravo AV, 2018)

Another way that home automation can help add accommodation to your way of life is through
computerized cautions with respect to your home that can be sent either straightforwardly to
your own gadget or your email. (Zulqarnain, Butt, Butt, & Malik, 2016)

These cautions can go from something as straightforward as whether your child has turned on a
TV beyond late or something as vital as your home's indoor temperatures or dampness levels
spiking past your favored dimensions (Pillan & Colombo, 2017)

In such situations where your automation framework recognizes variations from the norm
before you even acknowledge it, you can take proactive measures to keep your home and your
family sheltered. Be that as it may, you likewise can get notices in regards to your home's
frameworks – for instance, when a light ground floor has been turned on during hours your
family normally is asleep (Bravo AV, 2018)

For each room that is associated inside your home automation foundation, you likewise can
physically deal with the media, lighting, shading, security, temperature and progressively
through your control interface.

This implies you never again need to scramble to locate the right remote to turn on the TV in
your lounge room or need to get up from bed to kill the lights around evening time. You can
deal with every one of those assignments from the control application on your cell phone with
only several taps of your screen. You even can make indoor regulator plans, modify the
temperature of your air conditioner or central heating system (Bravo AV, 2018).

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3
2.10 Future Impacts

As automation progressively has its spot in industry, particularly high hazard industry, it is
frequently accused for causing hurt and expanding the opportunity of human mistake when
disappointments do happen. I suggest that the issue isn't the nearness of computerization, but
instead its improper plan. The issue is that the activities under typical working conditions are
performed suitably, however there is lacking input and collaboration with the people who must
control the general lead of the undertaking. At the point when the circumstances surpass the
abilities of the programmed hardware, at that point the lacking criticism prompts troubles for
the human controllers. The issue, I recommend, is that the automation is at a halfway degree of
knowledge, sufficiently amazing to assume control over control that used to be finished by
individuals, yet not ground-breaking enough to deal with all variations from the norm. In
addition, its degree of insight is inadequate to give the constant, fitting input that happens
normally among human administrators. This is the wellspring of the present challenges. To take
care of this issue, the computerization ought to either be made less wise or all the more in this
way, however the present level is very improper. The general message is that it is conceivable
to diminish mistake through proper structure contemplations. Fitting plan ought to accept the
presence of blunder, it ought to consistently give input, it ought to ceaselessly communicate
with administrators in a successful way, and it ought to consider the most exceedingly awful
circumstances conceivable. What is required is a delicate, agreeable innovation, not an
unbending, formal one.

As computerization progressively has its spot in industry, particularly high-risk industry, it is

frequently accused for causing hurt and expanding the opportunity of human when
disappointments happen. I suggest that the issue isn't the nearness automation, yet rather its
unseemly plan. The issue is that the operations under typical working conditions are performed
properly, but there is lacking input and collaboration with the people who must control the
generally speaking behavior of the assignment. At the point when the circumstances surpass the
capacities of the automatic gear, at that point the insufficient criticism prompts troubles for the
human controllers.
Automation will profoundly affect the eventual fate of work and society. As of late, a lot of
explore has been attempted on the effects and ramifications of automation. The vast majority of
this exploration has reflected one of two accounts. One account centers around the negative
results of computerization, by featuring the degree to which customary work models are under
danger. In this situation, automation will deliver a grim fate of lasting high joblessness as
mechanical technology and computerized reasoning frameworks assume control over
increasingly more occupation undertakings. A second account around automation has
developed that touts its advantages—cleaner and more secure employments, decreased carbon
impacts, and new rushes of profitability and flourishing coming about because of one more
mechanical transformation. In this situation, most or all laborers will have the option to reskill
and secure new and better positions, and the positive effects will exceed the expenses. Neither
of these situations tends to the useful issues that business chiefs should really stand up to: how
to exploit the efficiency and advancement openings displayed by these new innovations while
moreover safeguarding steady employments and vocations that guarantee a flourishing
economy that works for all. Driving a maintainable change to automation will necessitate that
organizations adopt a purposeful strategy—one that considers both the positive results of
automation just as the negative ones—and set up an arrangement to connect with general
society area and common society to accomplice for this change. This short introduces
alternatives for organizations to receive a way to deal with automation that will enable their
present workforce to adjust to automation just as fabricate a future ability pipeline that is
instructed, prepared, and equipped for addressing the necessities of things to come.

Automation is a worldwide marvel that will require a purposeful cultural exertion to make this
progress helpful to the worldwide workforce and society on the loose. The private area can
assume a significant job in this change by making four responsibilities that establish an activity
stage for a maintainable progress to Domotics:

 Estimate and Announce Planned Workforce Changes Early

 Focus on Training and Support Educational Partnerships
 Offer help to Workers Who Are Displaced
 Support Public Policies that Modernize Social Safety Nets
2.11 Future work concerning global market

The procedure of automation in Domotics is turning into the most significant factor to present a
computerized situation in all homes. There are as of now E-home benchmarks settling up in
Europe, the model is the European Installation Bus that is the world's driving framework for
"astute" electrical establishment organizing Not to overlook That UPnP giving all out similarity
XML and IP. Concur with that the in all likelihood method for interfacing with gadgets later on
will be IP; it is increasingly adaptable, attractive and good. The greatest issue will be likely to
make it usable what's more, available to a wide range of clients. Since this is another field of
examination, the consequences of the task are probably going to be deserving of further
examination. The fulfillment of an entire cycle of control between a remote gadget and the
building will be basic for the accomplishment of the examination; when control is
accomplished a fastidious learn about how clients and the framework communicate must be
finished. It is critical to explain that

his examination doesn't bar neighborhood control of HASs - it is basically centered around
remote control as a significant field for HASs later on. To close, this examination should
support other analysts to accomplish their objectives with their future HAS ventures and it will
contribute emphatically to the E-Home people group (Picking, Grout, & Delgado, 2006).

2.12 What problems smart homes are supposed to address?

Smart home Technologies (where smart referred to automation as opposed to Information and
Communications Technology) were created from the outset for extravagance home living with
a cutting edge technology and a little taste of productivity. Just after some time, did putting
home automation, detecting and remote control at the administration of the power & electricity
appear. From that point forward, there has regularly been an occasionally confounding blend of
the two, as when smart request management, [is] offered as a major aspect of different
administrations that the customer is happy to pay for – prominently inside stimulation,
wellbeing, security, solace or accommodation. Parallel to the idea of 'greenwashing', this
pattern could be described as 'fun washing': electricity organizations may attempt to convince
shoppers to purchase their 'dull' board items by packaging them with increasingly appealing
highlights (Darby, 2017).
The harmony between these two wide originations of what a keen home is will impact results
regarding energy utilization inside the home and system the board past it. As smart home
advancement has never been essentially worried about ecological effect, there is cause for
worry that it makes an interest for beforehand undesirable items and administrations and, all
the while, adds to the stock of atmosphere and territory harm brought about by present day
vitality administrations (Endsley, 1996). One may perceive this harm as an 'overly fiendish'
issue: pressing, needing arrangement by the very individuals who cause the issue, with frail
focal position and where strategy reactions rebate advantages and expenses nonsensically. Such
issues, by definition, have no right or ideal arrangements; just results that can be better or more
awful for specific partners and procedures. All things considered, they call for reflexive
methodologies that perceive way conditions, vulnerability, clashing qualities and distributional
issues. However, most research into households with power systems is led from a genuinely
constrained specialized or financial outlook, with just a little group of work on implications,
family elements and exercises, and client utility relations. Furthermore, despite the fact that
end-use effectiveness, supreme interest and framework productivity are exceptionally
significant contemplations while surveying the spot of homes in vitality frameworks and their
natural effect, there is next to no assessment of the initial two and just fractional assessments of
the third. Rather than a disseminated way to deal with an underhanded issue, we have
inconsistent research that tends to little portions of the issue. The accompanying two segments
depend on the meanings of brilliant homes and smart structures plot in the presentation. To start
with, the ease of use or functionality of smart homes as homes (or locales for regular day to day
existence) is considered. This is trailed by an exchange on homes in connection to power
frameworks: at end-use and framework proficiency (Darby, 2017).
Chapter No. 3

3.1 Initial Testing

With regards to home automation, there are a couple of steps that must be followed so as to
actualize the home automation innovation viably. To begin with, the computerization needs
ought to be arranged. For instance, the general target is to improve your security framework, at
that point an agenda every one of its necessities is required before beginning the automated
procedure in like manner. In order to perform an effective testing, we will be selecting different
households to gain feedbacks. Surprisingly, our survey gives an idea that potential consumers
are interested to test this service on an initial level i.e installation in a single room and
expanding it after the test period. Lighting units are associated to expend a huge sum with
vitality then they could be automated to stay away from pointless misuse of power. Such a
stage would give solace, security and spare power. Home automation innovation is developing
radically and its interest is expanding in a wide scope of segments. (Rasidi, 2011)

3.1.1 Power Consumption

This Home Automation System is furnished with smart power utilization programming, which
advances the power use by figuring the patterns of the use of various types of gear connected to
it. This product naturally records the daily schedule of the machine and switches it sagaciously
as the product records the patterns (Zulqarnain, Butt, Butt, & Malik, 2016). The unique feature
of the device gives you power to control your billing system which in return helps you in
controlling your power consumption and living a controlled yet intelligent life.

Figure 3.1
3.2 Market Research

We will be conducting a thorough market research to find out the ground reality of demand and
need of home automation in Islamabad’s market. Our research will consist of different
segments. First of all, we will interview the big names in construction business to know the
demand and supply of home automation products and services. It will give us an insight on
how well or poor the current automation businesses are doing and how we can penetrate the
market more effectively. After that we will also conduct interviews with current home owners
who are currently building their homes to know if they would be interested or willing to get
their homes automated and bring ease in their life. This would provide us with precious
firsthand information of general public, who is the end consumer, and will help us to
understand the trend towards modern housing. Then we will go to medium to large size
businesses who are already existing and have substantial work places. We have seen through
our personal researches that business owners are very cautious about cutting the costs of
electricity and controlling their work place like their homes so the market of such businesses is
very rich and we must get firsthand information from them by conducting interviews.

Our interviews with different builders made us know better about our potential customers. Our
main target will be the middle class and above. As our initial cost for the automated switches
will start from Rs.4000/- which can easily be afforded. Other than that, the already existing
companies charge a lot for this service, but we will penetrate into the market which is already
not yet well established, by bringing up cost effective prices.

A normal family with four member discharges 543 kilograms of carbon dioxide (kgCO) every
year, while a normal automated family unit of four produces 473 kgCO. Obviously, the
distinction of 70 kgCO isn't actually little for our condition (salt and waters, 2017).
Chapter No. 04

Market Analysis
4.1 Market Research

To prepare a marketing plan which is sustainable, considering the market of Pakistan, it is

necessary that we make a research which is thorough in nature and covers all the aspects of
marketing which is internally as well as externally. First of all, if we want to make a good
marketing strategy then we should create a good and extensive internal analysis to know how
we can make the best use of our conditions. For evaluating the internal factors, we must do
SWOT analysis to find out our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to have
a complete and holistic view of our internal marketing plan (NIBUSINESSINFO, n.d). For
analysis of the internal market we must contain information about the government’s policies
regarding the industry of domotics in Pakistan, laws and regulations that might affect the
production and sale of our products and also the fact that how we will train the masses of
Pakistan to use this advanced technology keeping in mind the demographics of our target
market. Financial conditions of the masses will also come into consideration as the product we
are making is expensive than other alternate products. The tool we chose to analyze the internal
market, SWOT, is a very famous tool for the analysis of internal market and it’s been tried and
tested all around the world (Meesala, 2015). We have made use of this tool and explained the
strengths and weakness thoroughly and identified opportunities and threats in order to create a
perfect analysis of internal market.

4.2 SWOT Analysis

Figure 4.1: SWOT Analysis

4.2.1 Strengths
To start off with the strengths of our product, the biggest strength it has is that its factors of
production cost very low. The reason for its cost being low is that we are producing it
locally in our production facility. Another reason of being low in cost is that the material
being used in our products are also made in Pakistan and are readily available throughout
the year. One more reason is that the labor cost is quite low because the labor which is
required to produce our product does not have to be skilled and they are going to cost less.
One of the major strengths of our product is that it can manage the bills of electricity on the
convenience and order of the consumer. The consumer would be able to choose from
different ranges of units they would like to consume through our mobile application with a
very convenient user interface. We can market our product under the label of “Made in
Pakistan” as our product is completely developed and made in Pakistan which will
encourage the nationals of Pakistan to buy our product and services. Another factor is that
our product can be used through solar panels, UPS and generators so the problem of
electricity shortage is not a problem at all for our product.
4.2.2 Weakness
A major problem of Pakistan is that the people of Pakistan are not very educated and those
who are educated according to the standards of Pakistan are not properly educated enough
to use the technology we are introducing. The market we are targeting consists of mostly
middle class which falls into the above mentioned category. Another problem that will
come in selling or marketing our product is that the people who reside here are not very
tech savvy even if they are educated or not. It will take a lot of time to educate our potential
consumers to use the technology we are offering efficiently and effectively.
Pakistanis are generally seen as risk averse. People of Pakistan do not like financial risks
because of weak social security being offered by the state of Pakistan. Locals do not like to
spend money on new products that are not tested by the masses as there would be a
possible risk of financial loss. Another reason of Pakistanis being risk averse is that they
are unaware of the new technology the world has been introduced to long time ago. These
reasons exist for the above mentioned problem of Pakistan which is a very low education
As we all know that Pakistan is overall a poor country because the people of Pakistan do
not have high earnings and most of them are unemployed. Another problem of financial
restrictions is that most of the households depend on only single member’s earnings and do
not earn for themselves which restricts most of the households from buying new products
in the market. This trend can be seen in the statistics given by the Pakistan Bureau of
Statistics. A Pakistani household on average earns only 60 thousand rupees per month
which again restricts them from buying expensive products if their alternates are cheaply
and readily available which will require us to create a very strategically effective marketing
strategy formulation and its implementation.
4.2.3 Opportunity
The demand of this product, if created in Pakistan, then it has a lot of potential to make
great gains in the market. The potential of this market’s growth can be seen by the statistics
given by the Global Home Automation market which has seen a growth of almost double
digits which is a substantial proof that the world is ready for it and Pakistan will also be
feeling the need of a homemade automation system (Market Watch, 2019). The market
segmentation in Pakistan would be much easier as there is no such competition in local
industry. The companies who operate here are working for some time but no one really
knows about them because of poor marketing or no marketing. Other than that the number
of companies in Pakistan working on home automation is very few that one can count on
their fingers and the problem with these companies is that they are working on international
technologies or they are importing the products which costs them a lot and which is why
they charge too much for the products whereas our products would be comparatively very
cheap because we are creating our products under the label of “Made in Pakistan” as our
products are developed, produced and made in Pakistan.
4.2.4 Threats
This is a fact that whenever a new product is created, it faces numerous challenges. For
example, businesses can try to copy others business model or people might try to threaten
the new rising companies through different tactics. Some of the problems that our company
can face are the cyber security threats. This is a rising problem in all over the world and
mostly the third world countries or countries where the situation of law and order is weak;
hackers take full advantage of this and hack applications and internet sites of developing
companies. The companies who already exist and are working for a long time now can
become a threat for us by enhancing their business model and start doing extensive
marketing in order to take advantage of our weak position of low financing for marketing.
Another threat for our company is the mass adoption of our product. There are a lot of
barriers to cross for enabling the mass adoption of the services of home automation which
are faced all over the world. (Courtney, 2016)

4.3 PESTLE Analysis:


4.3.1 Political
The idea Smart homes was first flourishing among rich cream of the country, but it is now
slowly becoming a necessity for everyone, and now every common wants to achieve this
facility into their homes and offices. The key objective of the device was the provide ease
and luxury to the experience, but slowly it is becoming a part of everyone’s life.
The companies and manufacturing businesses are inventing new ways, and new features
into the device, so that it can give the maximum benefits. Recently Home automation has
been taking part in the security systems in order to give a more luxury feel to the
customers. As more and more features are being added, it is becoming a matter of national
level, and the government start to intervene.
The policy makers are loyal people of the government; they want to make profits for the
government. For that the policy makers brings about tax policies to increase revenue for the
Governments mediate in exchange and venture to accomplish political, social, or financial
destinations. Obstructions are frequently made to profit explicit intrigue gatherings, for
example, household firms, enterprises, and worker's guilds. A key method of reasoning is to
make occupations by shielding businesses from outside challenge. Governments may
likewise intercede to help home-developed ventures or firms. In different ways,
government mediation changes the focused position of organizations and enterprises and
the status of natives. ‘Encoring new tax policy for the business can highly affect your
When government imposes tax on one commodity, it does not only effect the
price of that single entity, but instead, it will effect very highly on each of single
commodity, hence increasing the price as a whole. Tax imposing also effects on
importing of products from other countries, as the prices are highly dependent
upon tax value. This change in price will be added to the cost of the product. Change of Labor Rate
In a country like Pakistan, where labor is cheap and cost of material is variable,
the total cost of service will also be low. But when it comes to mass production
of a product, a lot of things are not in your hand. For example, Labor Laws. If
today government announces that the minimum wage of a labor hour is
increased by certain amount of rupee, you will have no option but to increase
the labor rate, else the labor will strike against you. Hence, in order to prevent
that from happening, you will have to cop up with the government. Moreover,
labor in Pakistan is also very tough to handle, it is a difficult task, for you to
handle this much amount of labor work force, and keep them focused to the
goals of your company. Change in government policy
Every now and then, the government plans to change the policies of the state.
Policies relating to your import, trade routes, employment laws, environmental
obligations and trade restrictions. Due to change in governmental officials, the
policies are being modified every other year, which becomes a point to ponder
for the industry. It is into the hands of government, to put a trade restriction on
any imported goods (Bonnici & Galea, 2015).
4.3.2 Economic
Government mediation regularly results from working all alone on the business.
Protectionism refers to national financial strategies intended to limit unhindered commerce
and secure household enterprises from challenge. Governments may control the venture so
as to ensure residential business interests. Protectionism regularly leads to such explicit
kinds of mediation for example, shares, and self-assertive authoritative standards intended
to hinder imports. A duty (likewise known as an obligation) is a duty forced by a legislature
on imported items, adequately expanding the expense of procurement for the client. A
nontariff exchange obstruction is a government strategy, guideline, or technique that
obstructs exchange through methods other than unequivocal taxes. Exchange hindrances
are implemented as items go through traditions, the checkpoints at the ports of section in
every nation where government authorities assess imported items and toll duties. A
frequently utilized type of nontariff exchange boundary is a share (FME) Government
mediation influences the typical task of monetary movement in a country by upsetting or
helping the capacity of its organizations to contend universally.
Regularly, organizations, trade guilds, and other particular vested parties persuade
governments to receive strategies that advantage them. For instance, in the mid-2000s, the
Shrubbery organization forced taxes on the import of outside steel into the United States.
This was done on the grounds that challenge from remote steel producers had bankrupted
various U.S. steel firms, and the U.S. steel industry was feeble. The method of reasoning
was to give the U.S. steel industry time to rebuild and restore itself. This activity may have
spared several employments. On the drawback, in any case, the hindrances additionally
expanded the creation cost of firms that utilization steel (FME).
4.3.3 Social Demographics
With a population growth of 2% on 197 Million population, the need for new
houses will always increase, so will the demand of our product. Psychographics and lifestyle
The population of Pakistan is becoming known to technology and etc. therefore the
chances of People coming towards this automation site is highly likely. Consumer perception of product
The product takes time to gain its value into the minds of the consumer. The full
situating of a brand or an item is known as the offer. The offer alludes to the full
blend of advantages on which the item or brand is situated. In basic terms, it is the
response to the client's inquiry: Why would it be advisable for me to purchase this
item (or brand)? In the event that you take a gander at a Volvo vehicle, you can see
that its incentive depends basically on wellbeing and style, for a better than
expected value which appears to be reasonable with respect to the advantages. In
actuality, little Hondas and Nissans are situated on economy, while brands, for
example, Mercedes and Lexus go for the situation of extravagance. BMW and
Porsche go for an exhibition position. In this way, contrasting offers can be related
to various costs with respect to the advantages advertised.
More-for-additionally situating methods more advantages at a greater expense.
Hence, you offer an item with prevalent client esteem and charge more expensive
rates for that. Consider Rolex watches. The more regularly represents better
quality, solidness, execution or style. These sorts of items more often than not
convey glory and status to the purchaser and are seen as way of life items.
Likewise, the value distinction is frequently bigger than the genuine contrast in
advantages, for example, quality.
More-for a similar situating calls for more advantages at a similar cost. It very well
may be an exceptionally amazing incentive, on the grounds that each client loves a
decent arrangement. Organizations seeking after this technique don't profess to
offer better items, yet the equivalent for a lower price. Less-for-considerably less
situating can be distinguished in almost every market. The reason is that offering
all the more ordinarily costs more and in this way requires a more expensive rate.
In general, clearly organizations ought to receive the situating technique that
serves the necessities and needs of the focused on portions best. One target market
may look for a more-for-all the more offering, while another searches for a
substantially less situating. Significant is that you build up your own, one of a kind
situating procedure that gives you an extraordinary position in the psyches of
target clients. Effect of advertising
The Pakistani Culture comprises of individuals of fluctuated age gatherings and
societies. There are three distinct ages living in our general public and which
should be provided food and focused at a similar purpose of time. Anything that is
stated, done or delineated must be finished remembering this factor as things
appealing to one could possibly be valued by the other segment of the general
public which could further lead to a frail brand picture.
4.3.4 Technology
Our product highly depends upon the innovation of the Technology at the point when
another innovation rises, organizations regularly oversee advancement by, first,
investigating its potential effect – the objective is to all the more likely comprehend the
"risk" of the innovation to the organization, and the business openings that it may offer. The
majority of the accessible systems go for giving a general point of view of mechanical
inclinations outside the association (this is the situation with the Scenario and PESTLE
examinations and the Delphi procedure, for instance). After a fundamental investigation of
the vital significance of the innovation, organizations focus on the improvement and
commercialization of novel applications that join it. Right now, organizations utilize a
progressively inner hierarchical viewpoint, for example, "innovation road mapping", the
point of which is to encourage item arranging and information resource arranging.
New stages and markets for information driven items, and the financial motivating forces to
business pioneers and they should expand their attention to how these new applications will
influence their associations, both in tasks and procedures. Innovation will likewise change
the manner in which representatives work inside an organization as they figure out how to
function with robots and automation. A torrential slide of new calculations will have the
capacity to scan huge information for data about clients and will give organizations
information about how to fulfill current clients and secure new ones by seeing how to
publicize to them, however organizations must see how to utilize innovation to help their
business targets. Innovation's Effects on Business
As automation can convey noteworthy esteem that is unassociated with work
substitution and is enabling organizations to discover better approaches to
comprehend the inclinations of clients, improve tasks by utilizing prescient
support instruments, upgrade documentation work, and react quickly to climate
changes that influence items. "In any case, removing an incentive from
computerization regularly involves upgrading whole procedures, not simply
computerizing individual parts of the procedure. They additionally caution that
business heads should consistently take a gander at what contenders are
embracing to guarantee that any problematic utilization of innovation does not
make a plan of action out of date (Cavalcante, 2013).
It turned out to be clear during the information investigation that the innovation
stage can possibly be another plan of action (for example plan of action creation
as per the system and for the accomplice companies, it was discovered that
dimension of Internet appropriation of little agribusiness firm
proprietors/administrators essentially influences firm business execution.
Despite the fact that its extent of impact was generally low (i.e., around 44
percent), this discovery demonstrates that little agribusiness firm
proprietors/administrators accept, somewhat, that Internet innovation—on the
off chance that it is connected effectively and appropriately, can possibly, in
different of ways, increment their firm business execution.
4.3.5 Legal
Before starting a discussion on the legal system and how it works or how it can affect the
company we are going to start, it is most crucial for the owners and the readers to
understand that the companies were brought down from amazing successes to the
exemplary failures just because they were not following the laws and regulations or they
were unaware of the rules and regulations a company must follow to work in the country or
state they are operating. First of all, the company must be aware of the regulations on the
products that the said company is offering. There can be multiple laws and regulations to
produce, use and sell the product which is being offered. Luckily or unluckily, there are no
such laws and regulations
for the home automation in Pakistan which is a plus point as we do not have to adhere to
strict policies of the government but it is really tough to predict and analyze the course of
action our company needs to adopt to make an accurate long term planning for our
company. After that the company must check the regulations regarding the employment of
workers and employees. For example, the company must pay at least the minimum wage
set in the country or state which is PKR 15,000/- to the unskilled workers. Also the working
environment for the employees should be according to the minimum standards of Pakistan
etc. Then comes in the rules and regulations for how far can a company go to compete with
its competitors. There are minimal but clear laws for banking sector in Pakistan for
competition but not in any other sector to date. Businesses are still confused for how to
operate in the competitive markets without breaking any rules and regulations so for that
matter we will keep the course of action of our business ethical to prevent ourselves from
falling in legal suits and other regulatory issues (, 2019). Another
important aspect that a company with any new product must do is that they should patent it
but first they must do a thorough research that whether anyone else has made and brought
this product in market or not or has anyone patented the product that will be launched by
said company. Patenting laws are very clear in Pakistan, although not very effective, but we
will patent our product so that there is no problem of infringement by any other party.
Lastly we must adhere to the safety laws of the country for electrical and plastic products.
We must not use materials in our products that are against the laws of the country or are
prohibited to use in the said country. This will prevent the company from being sued,
allegations and regulatory body’s actions which can result in the stunted growth of our
4.3.6 Environmental
It is very important for a company to assess the environment it is going to work in,
especially if the company wants to enter a new market. Keeping in mind that the company
wants to enter the new market, it is also important to understand that what type of product
is the company offering. Now after the successful assessment of the new market the
company is going to target and the new product it is going to launch, it is most important to
analyze and understand that whether this new product will be successful in the new market
that is being targeted. Starting off with the environmental analysis we must understand the
fact that location of your business influences the trade patterns due to this reason we
strategically used
the location of Islamabad and Rawalpindi for the initial stage of our business which will be
the perfect environment for our company to thrive and grow because of the steady income
levels of the citizens of these two big cities. After this we analyzed how the potential
consumers will react to our product because at the end, it’s the consumer’s understanding
and acceptability of the product that matters the most. So we talked to general public on
personal and professional level to understand the needs and wants of the people which were
quite encouraging as our survey showed us that the people are ready to accept this
technology and it will have a bigger market in near future. After that we analyzed the
climate and weather condition which is again a very important aspect of environmental
analysis. We saw that the weather conditions of these two cities and surrounding areas is
not very tough or harsh to survive in throughout the year and it is going to be like this till
the foreseen climate and weather condition. So we do not have to use very strong and
expensive hardware for our devices which is going to help in reducing the cost which again
is going to be a strong marketing tool for us as the people of these cities were seen to be
interested in cost cutting generally. There are laws that need to be understood by the
company under which we have to operate in. There are no such strong laws or regulations
for automation sector in Pakistan as this sector is still an untapped sector of business but we
must not ignore the creation of laws and regulations in future, as there are in other
countries, which might affect our business. After the successful analysis of the environment
the company is going to operate in, it is necessary for the company to analyze the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the company because analyzing your
own self is the most important thing which most companies forget to do but is very
essential for the business and the success of it.

4.4. Customer market analysis

In this section of our marketing plan for Domotics, we intend to present the major findings
from the questionnaires which were designed to understand how much people are aware of
Domotics (Home Automation) and whether such service will attract the potential customers.
The Data discoveries were appropriately explored and dissected so that the rundown of the
fundamental discoveries about the destinations, look into questions and the tests run on the
information got
and their outcomes could be submitted. Detailed analysis, outcomes and results will be
discussed in this section.

4.4.1 Survey Design

With the help of different articles from early researchers that have worked on
similar subject, we developed a scale that was relevant to our research so that we
can gather the desired outputs. All the variables were separately analyzed and
tested on an individual level. We mainly compared the age, gender, occupation and
income group of respondents with their sense of adaptability towards technology,
technology awareness, willingness to adapt such a technology (Domotics),
knowledge about Domotics and whether they consider this service to be usable and
efficient. Most of the items were made according to the prior research and were
also authenticated by the researches as well, however adjustments were made in
few areas in accordance with our marketing plan findings. The questionnaire
consisted of an initial introduction of Domotics so people who are not aware of
such technology/service, they can have an idea about it. Five questions related to
demographic survey which consisted of age, gender, occupation, income per
month and to know whether utility bills are affordable enough for general
population as one of our major unique selling point is bill control were included
after that. The questionnaire was continued with four nominal questions that were
to be answered with a “Yes” or “No”. The final section of the questionnaire
consisted a likert scale of seven items consisting values from 1 to 7, with 1
displaying strongly disagree and 7 displaying strongly agree. There were four sub
sections in this part which were technology awareness, adaptability and
willingness, knowledge of domotics and usability and efficiency. This section
consisted of questions like, “using technology can make it easier to focus and do
my tasks at work”, “in order to keep financials in budget, I would take the risk”.
The collection of data was done diversely from different individuals of different
occupations e.g. bankers, lawyers, businessman, doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs.
The total participants were 200 who filled the questionnaires and the entire data
was compiled in SPSS software for analysis.
4.4.2 Data Analysis Reliability
To check the internal consistency of the scale we conducted Cronbach
Alpha test for each section of the questionnaire. If the value is greater
than 0.7 then scale or items are reliable. Technology Awareness
The reliability analysis can be seen in the above mentioned table, that
shows the Cronbach’s Alpha for technology awareness is 0.864. The
total items were six. The table can be viewed in Exhibit 1. Willingness and adaptability
The reliability analysis can be seen in the above mentioned table, that
shows the Cronbach’s Alpha for willingness and adaptability is 0.704.
The total items were eight. Knowledge regarding Domotics
The reliability analysis can be seen in the above mentioned table, that
shows the Cronbach’s Alpha for knowledge regarding domotics is
0.862. The total items were seven. Customer Expectation
The reliability analysis can be seen in the above mentioned table, that
shows the Cronbach’s Alpha for customer expectation is 0.780. The
total items were seven.
As it can be seen clearly that every section’s Cronbach Alpha’s value is
greater than 0.7, so we can say that there is internal consistency in our
4.4.3 Frequency of Nominal Questions About Adaptability
As mentioned before, the nominal questions were to be answered with a Yes or No. The
questions were mainly to analyze the adaptability of new technology. Such questions
gave us an idea whether people are interested in such service or not. The questions that
we asked were like, “Would you be interested in automating your home?” and a few
more. The total number of these questions were four. The results were quite positive for
our marketing perspectives. Around 62.5% of respondents were generally interested in
technological products while the remaining 37.5% were not. On the other hand, we
were quite surprised to know that around 23% of respondents are using home
automation on a basic level while 77% of respondents had absolutely no home
automation system at their home, offices. We got to know that 69% of respondents trust
such a technological invention, service while 31% are resistant towards adapting new
technology. On the contrary, 74.5% respondents are interested in automating their home
or business after it was briefly explained to them while 25.5% are not. The results can
be viewed in exhibit 2-5.
4.4.4 Interpretation of General Questions about Adaptability Technology Awareness
As mentioned before, two hundred individuals responded through the
questionnaires out of which the likert scale which we created from 1 to 7 had
sub sections of different trends according to our marketing survey. The first
end which we studied was technology awareness which consisted of six
questions from 5 to 10. We analyzed it according to gender, age, occupation,
income group. Age Bracket
We get to know that the younger the people are, more aware of
technology they are as compared to elder groups. As it can be seen in
the exhibit 6, 44.7% of respondents that were aware of technology
had age less than 20 years. 50.7% of respondents that were aware of
technology had age between 21 to 25 years. 16% of respondents that
were aware of technology had age between 26-35 years. 43.2% of
respondents that were aware of technology had age between 35-50
years. 48% of respondents that were aware of technology had age
greater than 50 years. Gender
Total of ninety males and one hundred and ten females responded out
of two hundred responses. The results specified in exhibit 7 shows a
greater proportion of male and female participant that required them
to new technological trends and actively follow the trends or are at
least aware of it.
Out of ninety male respondents, 38.8% were aware of trending
technologies whereas, 47% out of one hundred and ten female
respondents were of it. Overall 33.5% of respondents were aware of
technology. Surprisingly female respondents were more into
technology and showed interest towards changing trends. Occupation
Overall through this analysis we can say that the respondents from
each occupation were moderately (least) to highly technologically
aware. 68% of the student respondents were moderately or highly
aware of technology. 79% of the respondents owned their own
business and they were also moderately or highly aware of
technology. The survey also expanded to government sector officers
out of which we can see that only 33% were moderately or highly
aware of technology. 81% of the respondents had private jobs and
they were moderately to highly aware of technology. This study also
included unemployed individuals so that we can know whether they
are ready to spend on such a service. Surprisingly most of the
unemployed respondents were students (mostly graduating) and the
results were most out of all the categories which was 93.7% and that
shows their awareness. Income group
The data quite evidently shows that the respondents having earning
less than 70,000 Pakistani rupees (which mainly consists of students
and fresh employees) are aware of technology as compared to other
levels of income groups. That shows the level of interest towards
innovation and services like domotics to be acceptable in the near
future. Willingness and adaptability
In this section, the main aim was to find how willing and adaptive people are
with this kind of technology and service. Age
Again, here we can see that the younger generation/ respondents are
more willing and adoptive to technology trends. As seen in the
exhibit 8, 80 to 85% of the younger generation is willing to try new
technologically innovative products and services as compared to the
elder generation. Gender
The study shows that the females dominating towards adopting this
technology or service are more interested. Around 77% of male
respondents are moderately/ highly willing to try this technology
whereas 83.6% of females are moderately/ highly willing to try this
technology. Occupation
The previous data supports the argument that mostly students/
youngsters which are more aware of technology are most willing and
adaptive of such technology and products. The result shown in
exhibit 9, that 81% of youngsters are willing. Income group
Quite similar to what we have observed in the previous results/
section of occupation and age, the trend is mostly towards students
who are between 18 to 25 years old are most willing and adaptive to
latest technological products are services. This shows the younger
generations approach towards technology which is a positive signal
for the service like ours. Knowledge of Domotics
This section mainly specifies that how many people are aware of Domotics.
The questionnaire included a brief introduction about domotics so that those
people who are not aware of it can have the basic idea of what it is. As we
intend to
market this product on a large scale (where most existing companies lack in), so
it is necessary that people should know what domotics is. The questionnaire
provides us knowledge about service as well as fulfills our marketing objectives
as the people who are not aware of domotics have it in mind now. Age
Although many were not aware, but still mostly youngsters were aware
with the knowledge about such a product due to existing companies
while the other age groups lacked such knowledge. The youngsters that
had knowledge related to this product were limited and it totaled to be
around 52.5% of young respondents. We also found that people were
confused with the name of domotics and were not aware of it. The
percentage of such people was around 47.5%. Gender
As most of the results in the previous section had the domination of
females but somehow both the gender is quite similar with the females
having a slight edge over males as shown in exhibit 10. Occupation
The trend of students and fresh employees (young generation) continued
in this section as well. The youngsters were more aware of such
technology or product than other four groups (own business, private
sector employees, government sector employees, unemployed). But
there is not much difference between all the groups as not many are
familiar with this technology as the data/ result shows in the exhibit 11,
so the trend is quite uniform with the exception of young people that are
mostly students. Income group
The trend follows over here as well. Most of the respondents were
young people that means students and fresh graduates. The data shows
around 48.5% had no or very basic idea about the product, and about
33.5% of younger group who earns less than 70,000 Pakistani rupees
(mostly do not work) have slight or moderate idea about the service
domotics. Usability and efficiency
This section specifies what expectations do customers have from this service
and how efficient Domotics is. Through this section we can identify how many
respondents are actually willing to try out the technological innovation in the
market and whether they think such a service can create ease and aid them in
their daily life routines and whether this service is efficient to meet their
requirements or expectations. Age
As found earlier, students and other groups having young
individuals have relatively no interest in technology than the
elder generation. This specifies, the interest trust level of that
particular segment for our service. Gender
In case of usability and efficiency we found similar trend in both
genders. Occupation
The cross tabulation function shows that mostly the students are
aware of technology and are willing to adopt it. We also found
that they have high expectations regarding the technology’s
usability and efficiency.
People doing their own business were surprisingly expecting this
product to be more efficient and useable considering this
service’s most important feature of bill controlling which remains
to be one of the main concerns of businessmen (controlling
excess expenditures) which can be seen in exhibit 12. They
evaluated the feature with long term benefits for their business as
well as their homes. Similarly, the same perception was
prevailing in all other occupations. The unique selling point of
domotics prove to be an effective point that convince prospect
customer so they at least try this service. Income group
This section proves the stage where we want domotics to be as
shown in the exhibit 13, it depicts that almost all income groups
had higher usability and efficiency expectations. As it can be
seen that 80.8% of individuals earning less than 70,000 Pakistani
rupees, which includes students and unemployed individuals
consider this service to be useable and efficient about 78.9% of
individuals earning 70,000 to 100,000 consider this service to be
useful and efficient. When we keep on increasing the income and
the service being more affordable to them as well shows that
93% of such individuals consider this service as useable and
efficient which gives us a positive indication that people are
willing to spend on domotics. As we keep on increasing the
income to greater than 1,50,000 Pakistani rupees around 59% of
individuals considered this service to be useable and efficient.
Chapter No. 5

Proposed Marketing Strategies

5.1 Strategies

The analysis that we conducted gave us the directions in which we should market our service.
It would help us to target the right segment and to invest in marketing to the right potential
market. We came across a few strategies that are essential to achieve maximum target

5.1.1 Brand Collaborations

We plan on collaborating with brands like Sabro for their smart switches which cost
around Rs. 20,000 each. It fulfills our “Made in Pakistan” moto as well as well as the
switches are of high end quality. Due this we can build trust for our service as people
know Sabro well and trust the brand itself, so the reputation of Sabro will help us to build
trust in the minds of consumers that are reluctant towards change. Along with that, we can
also display our demo videos in their display centers. This collaboration can not only
bring positive impact on tapping our potential market but also can save us marketing
expenditures as Sabro can directly help us in marketing the service.
5.1.2 Digital Media Marketing
As observed from our analysis, mostly youngsters, specially students are more aware and
interested in the service, so we digital media platform is one of our major strategy to
market this service. As social media is widely used by most of the youngsters as well as
marketing on social media is very cheap plus can reach masses in a short span of time, so
this strategy has a huge importance as well as print ads like brochures and pamphlets that
are distributed in offices, hotels and homes to tap the potential market.
5.1.3 Shopping Mall Demos
We plan on marketing in shopping malls of Islamabad i.e. Centaurus, Safa Gold and Giga
mall. The daily expenditure of renting an area of 12’×18’ is Rs. 30,000 in which we can
show different live demos as well as play our demo videos created at the time of testing
the service. This can prove to be an effective strategy as most of the families and
workmen visit malls on daily basis so we can target our potential market on a
comparatively easier way. People who are reluctant to change and adopt new technology,
they can be targeted through this medium as they can watch how this service works and
what they can gain from it in front of themselves.
5.1.4 Billboards
We have chosen strategic locations for our billboards like F-10 interchange near Margalla
road. As F-10 is considered to be one the busiest sectors of Islamabad so we can tap a
respectable market from that billboard. Apart from that, the cost of the billboard at the
particular place is comparatively cheaper if compared with Islamabad expressway. The
second location will be near D-12 sector. As D-12 is a developing sector where new
offices and houses are being constructed, so many can use this service for convenience
purposes. Our last location will be near the new Islamabad Airport, as many new housing
societies are being constructed i.e. Eighteen, Top City and much more so we can cater a
huge market from that particular location as well.
5.1.5 Social Media Influencers
We plan on providing testing services to well-known social media influencers like Irfan
Junejo, Taimoor Salahuddin aka Mooroo, Xeetechcare and many more, for a month so
they can test the service and in return can make a vlog or review video for us which can
have a huge impact on consumer perception as well. As youngsters follow the influencers,
so the reviews provided by them can have a positive impact on the sales of our service.

5.2 Quality Dimensions:

We will be analyzing the quality of our service on basis of following dimensions:

5.2.1 Durability
We aim to provide the best to our customers, may it be the switches, wires, relays or any
other thing, and we would not compromise on the quality. As this service is not cheap, so
we cannot provide equipment that are not durable. The wires that will be used will only be
of Pakistan Cables as it is known to be of pure copper and can sustain heavy electricity.
The switches that we will use are going to be imported from China. As we know China is
making really good products since many years so we will be importing durable switches
from there. Other source to buy our switches will be from Sabro, which is a local
automated switch manufacturing company located in I-9. Apart from that we want
customer satisfaction and we cannot attain it until we provide our customers with durable
5.2.2 Serviceability
With such a premium service comes an obligation to provide after sales service for
customers. As the customers would not know the system settings so if there comes an
error in the automation system, our service technicians will always be available to help out
the customers. Initially we will try to sort out the problem through our system but if still it
does not work then we will proceed to check the device and make necessary changes if
needed. If the customer requires any system changes, we will provide a main display
screen from where they can change their automation settings easily.
5.2.3 Reliability
As discussed before that we aim to provide the best to our customers, so the product we
will recommend to the customers will surely be reliable. The major reliability factor in our
service remain to be the security features we provide. Security cameras will be integrated
on your mobile phones which can be viewed from anywhere in the world. If someone
moves in the premises after the sleeping time of everyone living in the house, then an
alarm is set on your devices. Such features give you a sense of reliability that this service
will protect my belongings and you do not feel away from your house or business even if
you are away. In order to have better protection, you need to keep a strong password for
your device so no one can access it and there is sense of reliability. Features and the gear
utilized are planned with being simple and easy to work. You do not need to be specialized
to utilize them. The best updates on all is the way moderate these items and functions are.

5.3 7 P’s of Marketing:

Home automation service is considered to be a service instead of a product so we will be

marketing it under 7’Ps of marketing. The 7 P framework is a standout amongst the most
prominent framework for choosing a showcasing methodology, directly from procedure
detailing to genuine usage.

Following is the framework that is being discussed, the initial 4 P's being the center and the
following 3 P's being the all-encompassing promoting blend.
5.3.1 Product
Home automation gives you access to control gadgets in your home from a cell phone
anyplace from around the World with just the presence of some internet connection. The
term might be utilized for separated programmable gadgets, similar to indoor appliances
like ovens etc. and outdoor gates or sprinklers, however home automation precisely
portrays homes in which about everything — lights, apparatuses, electrical outlets, central
cooling and heating system, air conditioners, — are snared to a remotely controllable
system. From a home security point of view, this likewise incorporates your alert
framework with cameras around the house, and the majority of the entryways, windows,
locks, smoke locators, reconnaissance cameras and whatever other sensors that are
connected to it.
5.3.2 Price
The service that we are providing gives our customers a unique price which no one offers.
How do we manage to get the equipment in such a minimal cost? It is because we make
the devices on our own. As mentioned in the start that we are creating a cross department
synergy with collaborating with Electrical Engineering students of FAST National
University Islamabad students, so the device is already made. In order to bring it on
commercial level, the electrical engineers are working to get the devices made by training
different individuals having diploma in relevant field so they can understand the
mechanism and can create this device easily after 2-3 months training.
The cost of the main device which is Raspberry Pi 3B is just Rs.5950. This device
includes each and everything required to run home automation service. The Wires, relays,
switches etc. will cost around Rs.2,000 (ranging according to needs). Now we will be
providing smart switches as well of different kinds. The main categories are touch or
button and rest ranges according to the designs. The cost of these switches are from
Rs.4,000 to Rs.25,000. A local manufacturer of smart switches is also available in the
market known as Sabro, the company which is famous for their Air Conditioners. Their
switch price starts from Rs.20,000 which can be considered for customers that require
high end quality.
If there is an air conditioner, then for every AC there will be an additional cost of Rs.1600.
Each application which needs to be automated will have a separate sensor that will be
installed in the main device Raspberry Pie. Separate cost will be added accordingly.
Total cost of fully automating one room that has approximately 3 switches would be
around Rs.12,000 to Rs.50,000 (depending on the smart switches to be installed. With the
addition of Air Conditioner the price will increase by Rs.1600 which totals to be
Rs.13,600 to Rs.51,600. This may increase with increase in number of switches and
5.3.3 Place:
Home automation service remains to be a service that caters needs of consumers, as this
remains to be our main aim so we will locate our office in H-9 near the main nurseries.
The location is close to Agha Shahi Avenue also known as 9 th Avenue and the plus point
with that location is that it connects with both Islamabad and Rawalpindi through Agha
Shahi Avenue. We aim to locate our office in a place that is easily approachable for our
potential customers. Our office will have different sales representatives who will deal with
the customers. Devices will be placed in the office for a practical demonstration to have a
better idea about the service. Sales representatives will create different automation
proposals for customers according to their needs. As we will be offering automation based
on two main features, controlled through Wi-Fi or through sensors, the proposals created
will be for both the features. The cost incurred will have at least Rs.150,000 variance as
sensors turn out to be expensive. The facility
will be a 10 Marla Land
Rented in H-9 near
Nurseries (Monthly) 10%
increase in rent yearly. The
monthly rent which we
found out is Rs.85, 000.
Agreement Stamp Form
will cost us Rs.1900 and
will also have to level the
land which will cost us Figure 5.1 office location

Rs.20, 000. The agreement with the land owner will make us pay 4 Months advance rent
which will be Rs.340, 000. Initially the land will be rented but with passing time we buy
the same land or shift our office if required.
Apart from the office, our Figure 5.2 social media activity

sales representatives will

always be available on call and on email but our preferred dealing method will be in office
so we can demonstrate our service. Our expansion plan is to expand our operations in
Lahore and Karachi after 5 years. As these 2 cities have a great market potential for such
service, so we will try our best to cater these cities as soon as possible.
5.3.4 Promotion
Our major focus remains to market this service through social media as it is widely used
by everyone nowadays. Social media is the platform from where we can gain a large reach
of viewership and even can segment the audience according to our needs in a nominal
price as compared to billboards. We will be marketing through billboards as well but our
preference will remain on social media. Different accounts in the name of company will
be created on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter along with that, there will be a website
through which interested customers can view our services and even can contact us
Facebook ads are quite nominal and the reach to audience is large. So it’s a great platform
to market this service.
If we look at the rates of a page to be promoted on Facebook, we can see that for 10 days,
Facebook is charging you Rs.7, 140 which makes it Rs.714 per day which will reach to
around 10,000 audiences of our own selection. A 30-day package is also quite cheap as
compared to other platforms. If you observe the picture, it shows that for 30 days, the page
can be marketed for Rs.21, 420 with the same Rs.714 per day. This shows that Facebook
doesn’t change its daily rates even if you buy the promotion for a longer period of time.

Figure 5.3 social media activity (2)

Figure 5.4
Instagram has a system of charging through cost per click method. In which they have set
different rates for different age groups. The average per click cost is set to be ranging from
Apart from social media we will be promoting our service by placing banners near our
target sector of Islamabad which is E-11, D-12 as well as near the airport as there are
many new housing societies being constructed i.e. Eighteen, TopCity and much more. The
cost to market a billboard on Margalla road near the F-10 interchange is Rs.400, 000 per
month. This billboard will get us a good reach and will also target our main target
audience of these developing sectors. Margalla road is also one of the busiest roads of
Islamabad so it will have a great impact on our service recognition. Second billboard will
be located on the Islamabad Motorway entrance where people exiting Islamabad as well
as people going towards airport or the housing societies will get to view the billboard. By
this we will tap another major market of our service. The cost of the billboard in the
starting of motorway is Rs.1, 000,000 per month.
Initially we will not promote this service on television as it is costly as compared to other
promotional channels and also we cannot set our selected area for running the
advertisement, so we will choose this platform after a few months to promote our service.
5.3.5 People
The most important part of the marketing mix according to great businessmen is the
people. People, if asked from successful business owners, are the toughest aspect of the
business to deal with. Some businessmen would go as far to say that if people were
eliminated from the business then there would be no problem to succeed in a tight
competitive market. That is why People are the most important and most sensitive part of
any business. This includes all the people involved in creating to selling the product that
the company is making. To deal with the people of the company is as sensitive as dealing
with the customers or consumers of the product directly because people represent the
company and however the company treats its people that are exactly how the people of the
company will treat the customers (, 2019). Any company in the world
wants only one thing which is to create a strong customer relationship and create loyal
customers because that is the most important aspect for a business to survive and to
achieve these employees or the representatives of the company has to be happy and
satisfied in their workplace. Our
company has a team of people with the people who will be directly or indirectly selling
our product and those who will be at the after sales or before sales customer service
available round the clock. These people are the face of the company. An important lesson
in selling is that people will buy products a company is offering from people that they
relatively appreciate or like from others. So to make our people likeable we invest in
making our people satisfied with their job and train them for they are like the soldiers in
action, on whom the result of the battle/business depends. Our company focuses on off-
the-job training for the personnel who will be directly in contact with the customers
(salespeople and customer service). The personnel are trained before they are allowed to
deal with the customers. We have a proper structure for training our employees which
include polishing the skills like technical knowledge & expertise, talking on call and in
person, selling the product and making deals, clothing, etiquettes etc.
5.3.6 Process
Process is a very essential aspect in creating the brand image in the minds of the people.
Positioning deals with how you want to your company to be perceived in the business
market and in people’s minds. Well positioned brands sell like hot cake and it shows in
how well they have positioned themselves but ill positioned brands, no matter how good
their product is cannot create profits for the company. Proper process helps in creating the
unique selling point (USP) of the brand in the minds of the people and your company’s
positioning statement helps the customer in buying your product or choosing a competitor
over you. Our company’s biggest USP is that we are going to intensely market our product
in the Pakistan’s market which no other competitor has done so far which will create a
unique image of our company in the minds and hearts of the people. We will make sure
that we are seen as the pioneers of home automation in Pakistan and how we are the brand
that is completely “Made in Pakistan”. The people of Pakistan are seen to have a liking for
pioneers and patriotic brands which will be a great help to position a very positive image
of our product and company as a brand.
4.4.7 Physical Evidence
This last ‘p’ of the marketing mix represents the physical evidence or the packaging of the
product. It is a proven fact that the appearance of a person, product or place matters the
most at first sight or meeting. Through various surveys all over world, it is concluded that
it takes only thirty seconds for a customer or a consumer to form an image or first
impression of the product, person or the company. This shows that the physical
appearance of our product as well as our sales office is very important. For that matter, the
designers and engineers of the company have worked tirelessly on creating a very subtle
and a crafty look of our products, whereas our sales office is designed to give a modern
look and is located in a very modern looking building in H-9 near nurseries which is
convenient for the citizens of both the cities to locate and reach which depicts the concept
of our product, that is modernization for convenience. Physical evidence or packaging
does not only consist of the product and the office but it is also represented in the
brochures of the company, the personnel that are in contact with the customers and any
other visual element of the company. So for that matter our employees are well groomed
when they are inducted in the company. They are taught how to dress up, how to converse
with customers and how to create an environment of convenience and modernization. As
far as our digital marketing or traditional marketing is concerned with our product’s
physical evidence, our designers work in complete harmony to create a modern image of
our product in the minds of the people.
Chapter No. 6

After our thorough and detailed market study, which included internal analysis of strengths and
opportunities and secondly the external analysis including pestle analysis, followed by market
surveys and informal discussions with the market representatives a conclusion can be drawn on
the presence of promising potential of Domotics industry in Pakistan which with the right
approach and market development techniques can thrive in the near future and could possibly
revolutionize the concepts of home convenience services and domestics as well as industrial
conservation of power or energy resources last but not the least it can positively add to the
national GDP and play its role in creating jobs and overall betterment of the society as a whole.
Lastly there are surely negative aspects associated with every technological innovation as
people are reluctant to adopt the new technology due to many underlying factors which could
be educational background, upbringing, social standings, cultural norms and much more. In
this research conducted by us we have tried to cover every negative as well as positive aspects
attached with the field of Domotics and our newly developed home automation modem.

Our study gives analysis of social obstructions for the improvement of home based markets.
Interviews which extensively upheld discoveries from past writing on home advancement,
showed these boundaries identify with will fit to current ways of life; innovative difficulty;
interoperability and principles; dependability; protection and security. These viewpoints just
mostly relate to those of customers. From our deliberative workshops, we found the open's
principle concerns relate to: loss of control and detachment; unwavering quality; seeing
brilliant home innovation as troublesome, restrictive or superfluous; protection and information
security; cost; and trust. In this way, while the two specialists and general society seemed to
concur on a portion of the progressively pragmatic social obstructions (e.g., unwavering
quality, security), more profound, moral worries about human instinct, imbalance, and trust
were a more grounded highlight of open discussions. These social hindrances need not avoid
the advancement of the shrewd home market. Or maybe, as verbalized by specialists, purchaser
acknowledgment is reliant on their having a reasonable feeling of brilliant home advantages;
however, the generally restricted money related reserve funds they can give isn't a sufficient
solid drive without anyone else. Specifically, solid worries about the restrictiveness of shrewd
homes for occupants and those on low salaries (absence of money related methods), the old
(due to PC lack of education and long holding up times to recover costs) also as individuals
living in more seasoned properties (absence of their similarity to introduce savvy
advancements) point to potentially expanding
social divisions in the short to medium term. With changing examples of vitality use and levels
of interest as a feature of change to keen networks, a few investigations guarantee that
framework qualities can likewise add to this further where householders on neighboring roads
face diverse power costs relying upon the system (Balta Ozkan, Davidson, Bicket, &
Whitmarsh, 2013).

We present our view in this article which identifies with the way significantly more needs
what's more, can be performed as far as outfitting Smart Home frameworks with cutting edge
thinking abilities. Expanding the usefulness of the accessible equipment with computational
insight procedures will have the resultant impact of expanding the multifaceted nature of
settings to be comprehended, expanding the capacities of the framework to distinguish
intriguing circumstances, for instance risks, and to offer the capacity of the framework to
respond in an increasingly fitting manner regarding the quality of judgment (Augusto &
Nugent, 2006)

The research and application throughout the study has indicated many results that seem a
positive indicator for our marketing study. The Cronbach’s Alpha indicates our scale to be
reliable in all sorts. We have clearly observed a potential in the market by getting the results of
our questionnaires that clearly shows how people are willing to adopt new technology specially
students and fresh employees that are aware of such innovative technologies. In our study our
main aim was to market the innovation s and service like domotics and with the help of such
questionnaires we have achieved our desired results. The marketing study shows that services
like these that exist in the market are not known to people even though they are interested to
invest in a leisure like this, so what we planned from the start to make domotics a major hype
through our marketing strategies, will create a different impact in the market. Surprisingly,
females showed a better knowledge in technology than men and were more aware of home
automation than the opposite gender. The trend towards adaption of innovative technology is
on the rise in Pakistan as well. Smart home concept has been a part of homes, businesses and
other sectors since a long time in international market but it’s a good thing to know that
innovation is on the right track in the country as well.

All the results that we have obtained show that people know the future implications and use of
such service as time is something no one has these days and what if your daily tasks that takes
minutes can easily be done through the smart devices in no time with ease. Specially, the
unique feature that Domotics is bringing in the market which is bill controlling, has been
appreciated a
lot by many individuals that we had filled out questionnaires from. With the prevailing
devaluation of Pakistani rupee, it seems that saving money seems a better option for
individuals as well. This study also shows that technology awareness has increased a lot within
the few past years. Many already existing automation companies that exist lack business clients
due to potential customers not being aware of such service, but with passing time people are
taking interest in such services as well.

On the basis of the results that were found we can say the youngsters will be a big part of
Domotics growth as they are well aware about the perks this service has and they trust
innovation as well whereas the elders lack a bit trust when compared with youngsters. The
people earning less than 70,000 Pakistani rupees are more keen in trying this service. Not only
these but people earning more than 150,000 are also interested to invest for long term peace.
The results regarding occupation were quite similar for all the occupations we conducted
analysis from that included own business, Government sector employee, private sector
employee, unemployed and students, most every single occupation gave the response to be
willing to try this service.

We portray issues where a framework ought to have the option to wisely identify a specific
circumstance of intrigue and respond wisely and distinguished how conventional territories in
AI can give answers from different points of view to these issues. We trust this investigation
will rouse, inspire and direct the advancement of the up and coming age of really Smart
Chapter No. 7

Exhibit 1

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's N of Items

.864 6

Exhibit 2

General Frequency questions about adaptability of new technology

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


yes 125 62.5 62.5 62.5

Valid no 75 37.5 37.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

Exhibit 3

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


yes 46 23.0 23.0 23.0

Valid no 154 77.0 77.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

Exhibit 4

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

yes 138 69.0 69.0 69.0

Valid No 62 31.0 31.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

Exhibit 5

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


yes 149 74.5 74.5 74.5

Valid No 51 25.5 25.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

Exhibit 6

Tech Awareness * age bracket


age bracket Total

under 20 21-25 26-35 31-50 more than 50

1.00 6 3 9 4 0 22

1.50 2 0 2 1 2 7

2.00 1 5 5 5 2 18

2.50 3 1 1 0 0 5

TechAwr 3.00 4 10 9 11 5 39

3.50 5 14 3 0 0 22

4.00 7 26 4 12 7 56

4.50 7 2 2 2 0 13

5.00 3 6 2 2 5 18
Total 38 67 37 37 21 200

Exhibit 7

Tech awareness * gender of participants


gender of participants Total

male female

1.00 9 13 22

1.50 3 4 7

2.00 8 10 18

2.50 4 1 5

TechAwr 3.00 22 17 39

3.50 9 13 22

4.00 24 32 56

4.50 2 11 13

5.00 9 9 18

Total 90 110 200

Exhibit 8

Willing * age bracket


age bracket Total

under 20 21-25 26-35 31-50 more than 50

1.00 3 0 0 1 0 4

1.50 2 0 5 0 0 7

2.00 3 3 4 12 1 23

2.50 0 2 1 0 1 4

Willing 3.00 9 13 12 8 5 47

3.50 3 10 7 2 2 24

4.00 12 33 6 9 8 68

4.50 6 4 2 2 2 16

5.00 0 2 0 3 2 7

Total 38 67 37 37 21 200

Exhibit 9

Willing * occupation of participants


occupation of participants Total

student own business government private sector unemployed

employee employee

1.00 3 0 0 1 0 4
1.50 4 0 3 0 0 7
2.00 6 7 4 6 0 23

2.50 3 1 0 0 0 4

3.00 23 8 2 13 1 47

3.50 9 4 1 6 4 24

4.00 27 6 10 16 9 68

4.50 9 4 1 1 1 16

5.00 1 4 0 1 1 7

85 34 21 44 16 200

Exhibit 10

Knowledge * gender of participants


gender of participants Total

male Female

1.00 1 5 6

2.00 12 0 12

Knowledge 3.00 36 41 77

4.00 27 46 73

5.00 14 18 32

Total 90 110 200

Exhibit 11
Knowledge * occupation of participants


occupation of participants

student own business government private sector unemployed

employee employee

1.00 0 5 1 0 0

2.00 6 1 0 4 1

Knowledge 3.00 36 11 8 20 2

4.00 31 8 11 16 7

5.00 12 9 1 4 6

Total 85 34 21 44 16

Knowledge * occupation of participants



1.00 6

2.00 12

Knowledge 3.00 77

4.00 73

5.00 32

Total 200

Exhibit 12
occupation of participants Total

student own business government private sector unemployed

employee employee

1.00 1 0 0 0 0 1

2.00 2 1 1 0 0 4

Expect 3.00 18 1 0 18 0 37

4.00 40 16 10 15 8 89

5.00 24 16 10 11 8 69

Total 85 34 21 44 16 200

Exhibit 13

Expect * income groups *


income groups Total

<70000 70000-100000 100000-150000 >150000

1.00 1 0 0 0 1

2.00 2 2 0 0 4

Expect 3.00 21 6 1 9 37

4.00 58 18 8 5 89

5.00 43 12 6 8 69

Total 125 38 15 22 200

Chapter No. 8

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The management advancement research centre at FAST school of management is carrying out
a project for final year students to analyze the potential of an uprising concept of use of
Domotics: Home Automation in households as well as offices for convenience.
Specially to check the demand of this service in the society where technology awareness is less
compared to other societies. We are students of BBA Final semester, working under the
supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Ali.

About Domotics:
Home automation (or Domotic) is automation of the home, Home automation may include
centralized control of lighting, heating, ventilation, appliances, and other systems, to provide
improved convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. Home automation for the
elderly and disabled can provide increased quality of life for persons who might otherwise
require caregivers or institutional care.

We are grateful for your kind gesture of agreeing upon giving us time to answer some
questions. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Age
o Under 20 years old
o 21-25 years old
o 26-30 years old
o 31-50 years old
o more than 50 years old
2. Gender
o Male
o Female
3. Occupation
o Student
o Own business
o Government employee
o Private sector employee
o Unemployed
o Other
4. Income (Per month)
o Less than 70,000
o Rs70,000 – 100,000
o Rs100,000 – 150,000
o More than Rs150,000
5. Utility Bills
o Easily Affordable
o Affordable
o Not Easily Affordable

General questions about adaptability of new technology: nominal questions (YES or NO)
1. Are you generally interested in technological products?

2. Do you have a home automation system in your current residence?

3. Do you trust this kind of products?

4. Would you be interested in automating your home?

Technology Awareness: This section specifies your understanding and how well you are updated to
recent and trending technologies of present time
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
5. You discuss with friends and people
around you the security issues of your

6. You follow news and developments

about malware technology.

7. You are expected to concern yourself

more with actions that produce good
short term budget performance than with
actions to improve long-term financial

8. I get more actively involved in

technology related gadgets.
9. Technology makes me feel connected
to World.

10. Using technology can make it easier

to focus and do my tasks at work

Adaptability and Willingness: This section specifies how adaptable and willing you are as an
individual to adopt to new technologies for your ease and comfort by spending relatively higher price
for a service.

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
11. In order to keep financials in
budget, I would take the risks

12. Product styling and

functioning is of high
13. To what extent do you feel
like this service is worth it’s cost
14. How much do you think this
service can fulfill your needs
15. Web is safe environment to
provide personal information
16. The willingness to provide
information to salespeople
increases as the level of privacy
guaranteed by the company
17. You are expected to try
different ways to enhance
18. I am expected to stick with
existing processes and
procedures in pursuit of

Knowledge of Domotics: This section specifies your knowledge for Domotics which is also known as
Home Automation and its demand in our society.

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
19. Using this service does not
require physical effort

20. I feel comfortable and

convenient while using Domotics
21. The digital display of
information brings clarity in

22. Do non users of Domotics see

any benefit in their daily life

23. Do Domotics user highly rate

their satisfaction and importance
of Domotics?

24. Do nonusers see any benefits

to Home automation use

25. Are nonusers of Home

automation interested in owning
or using one
Usability and Efficiency: This section specifies what expectations do customers have from this section
and how efficient Domotics is
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
26. The service showed realistic
assessment of service

27. The service should require the

fewest steps possible to
accomplish what I want to do

28. The service should give me

more control over the activities in
my life.

29. The service will be helpful for

your daily routine work

30. Cost control is a higher

priority than the amount spent on
useful service
31. It really pleased me to find
that the service firms I buy from
have acted in a socially
responsible manner.

32. I usually forget Turning off

the lights in unoccupied rooms
before leaving home.
ABDULL.MOMIN07@GMAIL.COM | 00923155883593
A currently enrolled business student with core subject/major of Human resource management (HRM), seeking
the position of HR internee in your organization. To get an opportunity to develop as good future manager, in your
organization and to be able to become a pivotal figure in the prosperity of the company in future.

Qualification Year Institute

BBA 2015-till date FAST-NUCES

Intermediate 2012 Punjab College of Sciences

School 2010 IMCB f-7/3

● Worked in OUTLOUD Marketing project learned a great deal about marketing tactics. i.e. how to run a
marketing campaign or to land sponsorship deals and teamwork specially.
● Was an organizing member of Youth Human resource management Symposium in November 2017.
● Actively participated in LCL Youth entrepreneurship conference 2016 in convention center Islamabad.
● Created a report on managerial policies of a restaurant in Islamabad and mentioned the weak and strong
points upon detailed study with the cooperation of the managers of that restaurant and created a TVC. We
were awarded 100 percent marks in this project.
● And many more projects which helped me in developing many competencies and to develop overall as a
business student.

Additional skills

● Good and effective presentation skills

● A team player with an ability to grasp new things very quickly.
● Confidence is something that I have developed very much over the course of my degree.
● Leadership skills i.e. worked as leader in many team tasks and projects
Saeed Bin Mozaffar
Date of Birth: June 10, 1995
Phone #: +92 335 5155007
Current Address: Islamabad, Pakistan.

Career Summary

Want to work in an office environment that will provide an opportunity in order to gain skills for management and speaking that
can help me contribute to a company's growth.

I am currently perusing my bachelors in business administration from Fast University Islamabad, Pakistan

Work Experience
I have worked in one of the leading domestic banks in the United Arab Emirates as an internee for one month at Union National
Bank AbuDhabi.

Supervised Departments

● Strategic Planning, Research & Customer Insights

● On Branch Customer Dealing
● Total Quality & Business Excellence
● Central Processing & Card Services Department
● Training & Staff Development

Academic Achievement & Projects

● Wrote an international article on the topic Dark-side of e-commerce and got it accepted in many
countries. Successfully completed an International Research Report with a team
● Prepared multiple research reports on various Pakistani companies and Multinationals.
● Entrepreneurship Olympiad (event)
Leading, managing my team through right communication and planning led us to won the runner up trophy
Developing and implementing business idea increased managing finance skills
Qualification Year Institute

BBA 2015-till date Fast NU

Intermediate 2012 Fazaia Education System

School 2010 EMS Islamabad

IT Skills: MS Office, SPSS, Word, Excel, Peachtree, Temenos t24

Extra Skills

● Excellent command over social and oral communication.

● IELTS test and scored 7.0 band.
● Certificate of excellence in Spelling Bee exams, during my school times
Malik Muhammad Ali
ADDRESS: House # 205, Street # 14, Defence Villas, Phase # 8, Bahria Town, Islamabad

Mobile No: +92025798778


To work in a prestigious organization where I can demonstrate my skills as well as abilities and attain experience
and knowledge on a global scale offering scope for career growth and professional development.

● FAST National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Islamabad.
● Bachelors in Business Administration Honors (BBA) |8th August 2015 to be completed in 25th June 2019

East Eats
I started my personal business of running a tuck shop in a hospital. I have and still am learning real life challenges
in startups.
Abdul Qayyum Memorial Hospital
I did an internship for two months in a delicate work place. Learned how to deal in pressure situations and serious
work place environment.
NaSCon 2016 (FAST NU)
I worked as an Officer in the event. Made my contributions in the management of the team & the event.
To view the work kindly visit our Facebook page
Made many contributions in the project especially in Social marketing and management.
To view the progress kindly visit our Facebook page

Rugby, Cricket, Walking, Gaming, Movies, Urdu Debating,
Smart Homes: Domotics


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