Practical List - DSA Lab

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School of Engineering & Technology

SESSION: 2023-24 Section:- A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H

SEM :- IIIrd
Data Structure & Algorithm
List of Practical
1) Implement Searching Algorithms in the Array using
a) Linear Search
b) Binary Search

2) Implement Sorting Algorithms

a) Merge sort & Selection Sort
b) Insertion Sort & Heap Sort

3) Implement the concept of Stack using Arrays (static implementation). Use following
functions for various operations
i) isEmpty() ii) IsFull() iii) peek() iv) push() v) pop()
Use Switch case for selecting the particular operation on stack.

4) Implement the Concept of Queues using Arrays (static implementation). Use

following functions for various operations
i) enqueue() ii) dequeue() iii) traverse()

5) Implement of the Concept of Linked List. Perform following operations on Linked

i) Empty ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traverse

6) Implement the Concept of Doubly Linked List. . Perform following operations on

Doubly Linked List
i) Empty ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traverse

7) Implement the Concept of B-Tree. Perform following operations on B-Tree

i) Insertion ii) Deletion iii) Traverse

8) Create Binary Search Tree & Perform following operations

1) Inorder Traversal
2) Preorder Traversal
3) Postorder Traversal
9) Implement the Concept of Depth First Search & Breadth First Search in Graph.

10) Design, Develop & Implement a Program in C++ to perform operations on AVL tree.

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