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I. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

5X1=5 M

Indian Railways High speed in Indian Railways is at present limited to 150 KMPH. However, in
many other countries the speed of Railways is of the order of 200 KM per hour (KMPH). In
France, Japan, Germany, China, Spain and South Korea high speed traction above 280 KMPH
has been introduced. India and Japan have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on
12th December, 2015 on cooperation and assistance in the Mumbai–Ahmedabad High Speed
Rail (HSR) Project referred to by many as ‗Bullet Train Project‘. Japan has offered an assistance
of over Rs. 79,000 crore for the project. The loan is for a period of 50 years with a moratorium of
15 years, at an interest rate of 0.1 per cent. The project is a 508-kilometre Railway line costing a
total of Rs. 97,636 crore, to be implemented in a period of seven years. It has been agreed that
for the Mumbai – Ahmadabad HSR Project. Japan‘s Shinkansen Technology, known for its
speeds reliability and safety, will be adopted. Transfer of technology and ―Make in India‖ will
be essential part of this assistance package. Japan will also assist India in training of personnel
for HSR.‘ The two countries have also entered into two comprehensive technological
cooperation agreements on 11th December 2015, for modernization and up gradation of Indian
railways. These agreements have been signed during the official visit to India of His Excellency
Mr. Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, during December 11-13, 2015.

a) Name the countries where high speed traction above 280 KMPH has been introduced.

b) Which project is known as ―Bullet Train Project‖?

c) How much time and money is estimated for the Project?

d) Which technology will be adopted for the Project?

e) Expand the word MOU.

I. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. 5X1=5 M
When Dr.Abdul Kalam was the President, he visited Coonoor. On reaching, he came to know
that Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw was in the Military Hospital there. Dr.Kalam wanted to visit
Sam, which was unscheduled. Arrangements were made. At the bedside, Kalam spent about 15
minutes talking to Sam & enquiring about his health.Just before leaving Kalam asked Sam “Are
you comfortable? Is there anything I could do? Do you have any grievance or any requirement
that would make you more comfortable?”
Sam said “Yes Your Excellency, I have one grievance”. Shocked with concern & anguish, Kalam
asked him what it was.Sam replied” Sir, my grievance is that I am not able to get up & Salute my
most respected President of my beloved country”. Kalam held Sam’s hand as both were in tears.
But the remaining part of the tale with regarding this meeting is that Sam did tell APJ that he was
not paid the pension of the Field Marshall’s rank till then, for nearly twenty years.An aghast
President went to Delhi and passed the pension with arrears within a week and sent the cheque of
nearly Rs.1.25 crores through the Defence Secretary by a special plane to Wellington, Ooty,
where Sam was ailing.That is the greatness of APJ.But then Sam received the cheque and
promptly donated it to the Army Relief fund. Indeed those real Heroes are Missing Today.

i) What did Kalam ask Sam before leaving him?

ii) What was Sam’s reply?
iii) Was Sam still in service at the time?
iv) Find the word from the passage that means ‘money is owed and should have been
paid earlier’.
v) Which act of APJ proves his greatness?

IV. Answer the following questions in abo100 words each. 2X4=8 M

1. List the abilities a farmer is endowed with according to the poem the beggar.
2. All great things have humble small beginnings justify the statement based on the
life and work of Thimmakka.
V. Annotate the following in about 100 words each. 2X4= 8M
1. But in your department store do you apply Pythagoras theorem or Newton’s law
of gravity.
2. One might think that growing trees is not a big deal but one would no the reality
of it only when they do it on their own.
VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. 4X1=4 M
1. Although Thimmakka ____________ (not receive) a formal education, herwork
__________ (honour) with the National Citizen’s Award of India.
2. If he ____________ ( say) George Bush is the president of India, it _______ ( have) to be

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