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Table of Contents
Message xvi
Foreword xviii
Preface xix
RDC 7 Resolution xx


Chapter 1 | Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context and Trends

Regional Situation 4
Development Context and Trends 10
Chapter 2 | Regional Spatial Development Framework

Physical Characteristics 16
Assessment and Challenges 32
Regional Spatial Development Framework 36
Chapter 3 | Central Visayas RDP 2023-2028 Framework

Strategy Framework 48
Targets 50
Organization of the Plan 52


Chapter 4 | Promote Human Capital and Social Development

Subchapter 4.1 Boost Health and Nutrition 56
Assessment and Challenges 56
Strategy Framework 61
Strategies 62
Legislative Agenda 71
Results Matrix 73
Subchapter 4.2 Improve Education 77
Assessment and Challenges 77
Strategy Framework 81
Strategies 82
Legislative Agenda 94
Results Matrix 95
Subchapter 4.3 Establish Livable Communities 98
Assessment and Challenges 98
Strategy Framework 101
Strategies 101
Legislative Agenda 113
Results Matrix 114
Chapter 5 | Increase Income Earning Ability

Subchapter 5.1 Expand Training and Skills Development 118

Assessment and Challenges 118
Strategy Framework 121
Strategies 122
Legislative Agenda 129
Results Matrix 130
Subchapter 5.2 Intensify Employment Facilitation 131
Assessment and Challenges 131
Strategy Framework 133
Strategies 133
Legislative Agenda 137
Results Matrix 138

Chapter 6 | Protect Purchasing Power

Subchapter 6.1 Ensure Food Security 140
Assessment and Challenges 140
Strategy Framework 145
Strategies 146
Legislative Agenda 155
Results Matrix 156
Subchapter 6.2 Strengthen Social Protection 159
Assessment and Challenges 159
Strategy Framework 162
Strategies 163
Legislative Agenda 170
Results Matrix 172



Chapter 7 | Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Assessment and Challenges 176
Strategy Framework 180
Strategies 181
Legislative Agenda 196
Results Matrix 198
Chapter 8 | Revitalize Industry
Assessment and Challenges 202
Strategy Framework 206
Strategies 207
Legislative Agenda 217
Results Matrix 218
Chapter 9 | Reinvigorate Services
Assessment and Challenges 220
Strategy Framework 223
Strategies 223
Legislative Agenda 227
Results Matrix 227
Chapter 10 | Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation
Assessment and Challenges 230
Strategy Framework 232
Strategies 232
Legislative Agenda 243
Results Matrix 244
Chapter 11 | Promote Trade and Investments
Assessment and Challenges 248
Strategy Framework 252
Strategies 252
Legislative Agenda 256
Results Matrix 256

Chapter 12 | Reinvigorate Tourism

Assessment and Challenges 258
Strategy Framework 263
Strategies 264
Legislative Agenda 267
Results Matrix 267


Chapter 13 | Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management

Assessment and Challenges 272
Strategy Framework 277
Strategies 277
Legislative Agenda 282
Results Matrix 283
Chapter 14 | Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Assessment and Challenges 286
Connectivity 286
Water Resources 296
Energy 298
Strategy Framework 302
Strategies 303
Legislative Agenda 317
Results Matrix 320
Chapter 15 | Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice
Subchapter 15.1 Ensure Peace and Security 328
Assessment and Challenges 328
Strategy Framework 332
Strategies 332
Results Matrix 335
Subchapter 15.2 Enhance Administration of Justice
Assessment and Challenges 336
Strategy Framework 339
Strategies 339
Legislative Agenda 342
Results Matrix 343
Chapter 16 | Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory
Assessment and Challenges 346
Strategy Framework 349
Strategies 349
Legislative Agenda 354
Results Matrix 355

Chapter 17 | Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Assessment and Challenges 358
Strategy Framework 363
Strategies 363
Legislative Agenda 367
Results Matrix 369


Chapter 18 | Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation 374

Acronyms 379
List of Tables, Figures, Boxes,

Figure 1.1 Real GRDP Growth Rate, Central Visayas, 2010 to 2021 4
Table 1.1. Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product at Constant 2018
Prices, by Province and Highly Urbanized Cities, Central Visayas,
2019 to 2021 6
Figure 1.2 Inflation Rate in Constant 2018 Prices, All Items, Central
Visayas, 2019 to 2021 6
Figure 1.3 Poverty and Subsistence Incidence by Province and HUCs,
Central Visayas, 2018 and 2021 8
Table 1.2 Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment Rate,
by Province and Highly Urbanized Cities, Central Visayas, 2019-2021 10


Map 2.1 Administrative Map of Central Visayas 17

Map 2.2 Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones and
Road Network, Central Visayas, 2022 19
Map 2.3 Operating Economic Zones in Central Visayas, 2020 22
Map 2.4 Multi-Hazard and Settlements Map, Central Visayas 25
Map 2.5 Multi-Modal Transport Network in Central Visayas, 2020 27
Map 2.6 Population Density, Central Visayas, 2000 and 2020 29
Figure 2.1 Most Populous Cities and Municipalities in Central Visayas,
2010, 2015 and 2020 30
Figure 2.2 Cities and Municipalities with Urbanization Level of 50
Percent or More, 2020 31
Figure 2.3 Provincial Distribution of Population, Central Visayas, 2020 32
Table 2.1 Completed and Ongoing Major Programs and Projects
Supporting Connectivity, 2021 33
Map 2.7 Settlements and Transportation in Protection Areas, 2020 35
Map 2.8 Envisioned Central Visayas Network of Urban
Settlements/Centers and Transportation 38
Table 2.2 Pipeline, and Proposed Programs and Projects Supporting
Connectivity, 2021 40
Map 2.9 Production Areas and Transportation Links, 2020 42
Box 2.1 Private Sector Partnership in the Provision of Affordable and
Secure Housing in Bohol 43

Figure 3.1 Strategy Framework of the Central Visayas Regional

Development Plan 2023-2028 49
Table 3.1 Headline Targets, Central Visayas, 2023-2028 51

Table 4.1 Performance of Key Health Indicators in Central Visayas,
2020 and 2021 56
Figure 4.1 Maternal and Child Mortality Rates, Central Visayas, 2016-
2021 57
Table 4.2 Central Visayas Healthcare Facilities and Manpower
Resources by Province and HUCs, 2020 59
Figure 4.2 Prevalence Rates of Child Malnutrition By Sex, Central
Visayas, 2022 60
Figure 4.3 Strategy Framework to Boost Health and Nutrition 62
Figure 4.4 Central Visayas Health Hotlines 65
Table 4.3 Legislative Agenda to Boost Health and Nutrition 71
Table 4.4 Results Matrix: Boost Health and Nutrition 73
Table 4.5 Performance of Key Education Indicators, Central Visayas,
SY 2017 to 2021 77
Figure 4.5 Filled and Unfilled Teaching Positions in Central Visayas,
SY 2016-2017 to SY 2022-2023
Table 4.6 Classroom Constructions in Central Visayas, 2014 to 2022 80
Figure 4.6 Strategy Framework to Improve Education 82
Table 4.7 Schools under the CY 2021 Last Mile Schools Program in
Central Visayas
Box 4.1 A Books for Kids Project: An Example of Volunteerism 91
Table 4.8 Legislative Agenda to Improve Education 94
Table 4.9 Results Matrix: Improve Education 95
Figure 4.7 Strategy Framework to Establish Livable Communities 101
Table 4.10 Legislative Agenda to Establish Livable Communities 113
Table 4.11 Results Matrix: Establish Livable Communities 114

Table 5.1 Underemployment Rate, Philippines and Central Visayas,
Table 5.2 Reasons Why Vacancies in Establishments with 20 or More
Workers Were Hard to Fill, Philippines: July 2017-June 2020 119
Table 5.3 Employment Rate of TVET Graduates, Central Visayas,
Table 5.4 Percentage Share and Average Monthly Pay of Major
Occupational Groups, Central Visayas, 2020
Figure 5.1 Strategy Framework to Expand Training and Skills
Table 5.5 Priority Sectors and Industries by Province, Central Visayas 125
Table 5. 6 Qualifications Requiring Mobile Training Program
Registration by Province, Central Visayas 127
Table 5.7 Legislative Agenda to Expand Training and Skills
Table 5.8 Results Matrix: Expand Training and Skills Development 130
Table 5.9 Selected Employment Indicators, Central Visayas, 2018 to
Figure 5.2 Strategy Framework: Intensify Employment Facilitation 133
Table 5.10 Legislative Agenda to Intensify Employment Facilitation 137
Table 5.11 Results Matrix: Intensify Employment Facilitation 138

Table 6.1 Rice Sufficiency Level by Province, Central Visayas,
Table 6.2 Corn Sufficiency Level by Province, Central Visayas,
Table 6.3 Sufficiency Level of Other Major Staples in percent, by
Province, Central Visayas, 2021
Table 6.4 Sufficiency Level of Livestock and Poultry in percent, by
Province, Central Visayas, 2021
Figure 6.1 Strategy Framework to Ensure Food Security 145
Table 6.5 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Food Security 155
Table 6.6 Results Matrix: Ensuring Food Security 156
Figure 6.2 Poverty Incidence among Population in Central Visayas,
2015, 2018 and 2021
Figure 6.3 Social Health Insurance Coverage, Central Visayas, 2017-
Figure 6.4 Number of 4Ps Households Provided with Cash Grants by
Province, Central Visayas, 2018-2021
Figure 6.5 Strategy Framework to Strengthen Social Protection 163
Box 6.1 VAWC Referral System 168
Table 6.7 Legislative Agenda to Strengthen Social Protection 170
Table 6.8 Results Matrix: Strengthen Social Protection 172

Table 7.1 Growth Rate of Gross Value Added (GVA) in Agriculture,

Forestry and Fishery, Central Visayas and Philippines, 2017-2021
Table 7.2 Overall Performance of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Sector, Central Visayas, 2017-2021 177
Figure 7.1 Strategy Framework to Modernize Agriculture and
Table 7.3 Central Visayas Priority Commodity Systems 182
Table 7.4 List of Facilities Proposed for Establishment by Province,
Central Visayas
Table 7.5 Legislative Agenda to Modernize Agriculture and
Table 7.6 Results Matrix: Modernizing Agriculture and Agribusiness 198


Table 8.1 Growth Rate of Gross Value Added (GVA) in Industry,

Central Visayas and Philippines, 2017-2021 202
Figure 8.1 Strategy Framework to Revitalize Industry 207
Table 8.2 Legislative Agenda to Revitalize Industry 217
Table 8.3 Results Matrix: Revitalize Industry 218


Figure 9.1 Strategy Framework to Reinvigorate Services 223

Table 9.1 Legislative Agenda to Reinvigorate Services 227
Table 9.2 Results Matrix: Reinvigorate Services 227


Figure 10.1 Total Spending on R&D in Central Visayas, 2020 230

Figure 10.2 Strategy Framework to Advance R&D, Technology, and
Table 10.1 Legislative Agenda to Advance R&D, Technology, and
Table 10.2 Results Matrix: Advance R&D, Technology, and Innovation 244


Figure 11.1 Foreign Trade Indicators, Central Visayas, 2016 to 2021 248
Figure 11.2 Strategy Framework to Promote Trade and Investment in
Goods and Services 252
Table 11.1 Possible Tier II and Tier III Projects for Central Visayas 255
Table 11.2 Legislative Agenda to Promote Trade and Investments 256
Table 11.3 Results Matrix: Promote Trade and Investments 256


Table 12.1 Affected Tourism Establishments by Province, Central

Visayas (in PhP millions) 259
Table 12.2 Summary of Damage per Sub-sector Associated with
Tourism (in PhP millions) 259
Figure 12.1 Total Visitor Arrivals in Central Visayas, 2016-2021 260
Figure 12.2 Arrivals by Province, Central Visayas, 2020-2021 261
Figure 12.3 Strategy Framework to Reinvigorate Tourism 263
Table 12.3 Legislative Agenda to Reinvigorate Tourism 267
Table 12.4 Results Matrix: Reinvigorate Tourism 267


Figure 13.1 Percentage of Filipino Adults with Formal Accounts per

Type of Account, 2019 and 2021 272
Figure 13.2 Percentage of Payments Made and Received by Mode of
Payment, 2019 and 2021 273
Table 13.1 Number of Banks and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
in Central Visayas, Second Quarter 2019 to 2022 274
Table 13.2 Central Visayas PFM Assessment, FY 2017-2019 275
Figure 13.3 Strategy Framework to Promote Financial Inclusion and
Improve Public Financial Management 277
Table 13.3 Legislative Agenda to Promote Financial Inclusion and
Improve Public Financial Management 282
Table 13.4 Results Matrix: Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve
Public Financial Management 283


Figure 14.1 Average Annual Ratio of Paved Roads to Total Road

Length, Central Visayas, October 2022 287
Figure 14.2 Comparative Road Roughness among Regions in 288
meters/kilometers, 2019
Table 14.1 Condition Rating of National Roads per Province, Central
Visayas (in km), 2021 288
Map 14.1 Road Network Conditions in Central Visayas, 2021 289
Table 14.2 Volume Capacity Ratio of Major Road Sections in Central
Visayas, by Province, 2022
Figure 14.3 Cellphone Signal Availability in Barangays by Region, 2019 295
Figure 14.4 Percentage of Household with Internet Connection by
Region, 2019 295
Figure 14.5 Average Monthly Internet Subscription Cost by Region,
2019 295
Figure 14.6 Strategy Framework to Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 302
Table 14.3 Proposed Masterplans and Project Studies for Central
Visayas, 2022 305
Table 14.4 Major Programs and Projects of Central Visayas to Support
Connectivity, 2022
Figure 14.7 Green Loop Concept in Metro Cebu 308
Table 14.5 Committed Power Projects in Central Visayas, June 2022 313
Table 14.6 Indicative Power Projects in Central Visayas, June 2022 313
Table 14.7 Transmission Outlook for 2025 and 2030 by Project,
Central Visayas 315
Table 14.8 Potential Small Island Interconnections, Central Visayas 316
Table 14.9 Legislative Agenda to Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 317
Table 14.10 Results Matrix: Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 320


Figure 15.1 Central Visayas Crime Volume by Index and Non-Index

Crimes, 2019-2021 330
Figure 15.2 Central Visayas Crime Solution Efficiency, 2019-2021 331
Figure 15.3 Central Visayas Crime Clearance Efficiency, 2019-2021 331
Figure 15.4 Strategy Framework to Ensure Peace and Security 332
Table 15.1 Results Matrix: Ensure Peace and Security 335
Table 15.2 Disposition of Criminal Cases Under Preliminary
Investigation and Inquest, 2020 and 2021 336
Figure 15.5 Investigation of Criminal Cases, Disposition Rates, 2019-
2021 337
Figure 15.6 Congestion Rates of Selected Jails in Central Visayas, 2016-
2021 337
Figure 15.7 Participation in Rehabilitation Program and Compliance
Rates of Terms of Probation/Parole, 2016-2021 338
Figure 15.8 Strategy Framework to Enhance Administration of Justice 339
Table 15.3 Legislative Agenda to Enhance Administration of Justice 342
Table 15.4 Results Matrix: Enhance Administration of Justice 343

Table 16.1 Highest Ranked Central Visayas LGUs in the 2022 CMCI
Competitiveness Rankings, 2022 347
Figure 16.1 Strategy Framework to Practice Good Governance and
Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency 349
Table 16.2 Focal Regional Line Agency per SGLG Governance Area 350
Table 16.3 Legislative Agenda to Practice Good Governance and
Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency 354
Table 16.4 Results Matrix: Practice Good Governance and Improve
Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency 355


Figure 17.1 Strategy Framework to Accelerate Climate Action and

Strengthen Disaster Resilience
Table 17.1 Legislative Agenda to Accelerate Climate Action and
Strengthen Disaster Resilience
Table 17.2 Results Matrix: Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen
Disaster Resilience


Table 18.1 Coordination Mechanism for Plan Implementation,

Monitoring, and Evaluation 377

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Message |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028


Preface |
Overview of the Regional
Economy, Development Context
and Trends
There is no doubt that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has derailed
progress towards the achievement of the long-term vision for the country to be a prosperous
nation and for majority of the Filipinos to reach middle-class status by 2040. In the case of
Central Visayas or Region 7, the pandemic has shaken the region’s plan for its residents to
enjoy a higher standard of living sooner. It is imperative that Central Visayas is brought back
to the high-growth path and jumpstart the social and economic transformation of the region
as well as the country for a prosperous, inclusive and resilient society.

Regional Situation
Economic growth
In percent

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 1 Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context, and Trends |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Poverty incidence

Chapter 1 Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context, and Trends |

Poverty Incidence Subsistence Incidence


| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 1 Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context, and Trends |
Employ Unemp Underemp Employ Unemp Underemp Employ Unemp Underemp

Development Context and Trends

Rising external headwinds

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Increasing digitalization

Chapter 1 Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context, and Trends |

Greater devolution and decentralization

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Increasing impacts of climate change

Chapter 1 Overview of the Regional Economy, Development Context, and Trends |

Regional Spatial Development
This chapter on the Regional Spatial Development Framework (RSDF) outlines the overall
direction of physical development and priorities for growth of Central Visayas, its provinces,
and sub-provincial areas, following the medium to long term development framework of
Region 7. It also provides the broad framework for local governments to align their functional
roles and local planning initiatives to the larger regional framework and perspective.

The RSDF aims to support the vision of Central Visayas to be a leading growth center in the
country, responsible for steering the economy of the Philippines to greater heights.
Specifically, Central Visayas aims to be known nationally and internationally as a premier
tourism destination, logistics hub, and center of trade & industry, science & technology
innovation. In the medium-term, it hopes to lead the country towards a resilient post-
pandemic socio-economic recovery.

The Central Visayas RSDF has two major objectives: first, as provider of the spatial dimension
of the socio-economic sectoral plans; and second, as shaper of development. The RSDF
intends not only to support Region 7’s development plans but also to provide the framework
for, define the scope of, and set the threshold for development planning.

Physical Characteristics

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Production Land Use
Agricultural lands

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Mining areas

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Industrial development areas

Tourism development areas

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Protection Land Use

NIPAS areas

Non-NIPAS areas

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

Environmentally Critical Areas

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Infrastructure and Connectivity
Road network



| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Settlements and Urbanization

Population density

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Major growth centers


(in thousands)

Cebu City Lapu-lapu Mandaue Talisay Toledo Danao Liloan Minglanilla Consolacin Carcar Dumaguet
(Neg. Or.)
2010 866,171 350,467 331,320 200,772 157,078 119,252 100,500 113,178 106,649 107,323 120,883
2015 922,611 408,112 362,654 227,645 170,335 136,471 118,753 132,135 131,528 119,664 131,377
2020 964,169 497,604 364,116 263,048 207,314 156,321 153,197 151,002 148,012 136,453 134,103

Urbanization and settlements trend

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Mandaue 100
Tagbilaran 98
Talisay 97
Lapu-lapu 96
Carcar 94
Cebu City 94
Liloan 92
Minglanilla 89
Dumaguete 86
Consolacion 84
Toledo 78
Sibulan 76
Panglao 72
Naga 71
Cordova 70
Danao 65
Bayawan 64
Dauis 61
Compostela 59
Balamban 55
Sn Fernando 54
Daanbantayan 53
Bais 51
Sn Francisco 51
Bogo 50

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Bohol Negros Oriental Metro Cebu Outside Metro Cebu

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

Assessment and Challenges
Concentration of population and economic activities in Cebu particularly Metro



Negros Oriental

Insufficient intra and inter-regional physical and economic integration

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

Urban expansion into protection areas

Impacts of climate change

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Regional Spatial Development Framework

Spatial Development Strategies

Decentralized concentration

Establishment of Central Visayas’ network of urban centers

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Enhancing connectivity

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Reducing vulnerability to hazards

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Protection of environmentally critical areas

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 2 Regional Spatial Development Framework |
Central Visayas Regional
Development Plan 2023-2028
The Central Visayas Regional Development Plan (RDP) 2023-2028 continues to be anchored on
the Ambisyon Natin 2040 which embodies the long-term vision and aspirations of the Filipino
people for themselves and their country. Specifically, the vision of the Filipinos for the
Philippines in 2040 is for the country to be a “prosperous, predominantly middle class society
where no one is poor and where people live long and healthy lives.” i Likewise, the vision of
the Filipinos for themselves is for a life that is stable, comfortable, and secure (matatag,
maginhawa, at panatag na buhay).

The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily side-tracked efforts toward the attainment of the
vision as the country and the region grappled with the health, economic and social crisis
brought about by the pandemic. As the country and the region learn to “live with the virus”,
there is renewed effort to regain the lost momentum, resume the high-growth path, and begin
the “economic and social transformation for a prosperous, inclusive and resilient society.”

The thrust of the RDP 2023-2028 is to achieve the economic and social transformation of
Central Visayas in order to jumpstart the return of the economy on the high-growth path. This
transformation is also critical for achieving Region 7’s goal of majority of its residents enjoying
middle-class status sooner and of Central Visayas becoming a leading growth center in the
country especially in trade & industry, science & technology innovation, tourism, and logistics.

Strategy Framework

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 3 Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Framework |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 3 Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Framework |
Organization of the Plan

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Promote Human and Social
The goal of the sector in the medium-term is to boost health, nutrition, and education
outcomes and lifelong learning, and establish livable communities as ways to promote human
and social development. The COVID-19 pandemic has derailed progress in the attainment of
some of the sector outcomes. Efforts will be directed towards regaining progress for
outcomes disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerating and sustaining progress for
promising outcomes, addressing gaps in facilities and manpower resources especially in
unserved and underserved areas, and upscaling services to levels better than pre-pandemic
norms. Optimum livable environs for households and businesses will also be fostered to
support the overall well-being of the Central Visayans.

This chapter consists then of three subsector plans: Subchapter 4.1: Boost Health and
Nutrition; Subchapter 4.2: Improve Education; and, Subchapter 4.3: Establish Livable

4.1 Boost Health and Nutrition

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
4.69% 1.23% 1.96% 1.56%

3.81% 0.99% 1.69% 1.28%

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028


Strategy Framework

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Outcome 1: Healthy environment, behaviors, and choices promoted
Ensure communities, workplaces, and learning institutions support physical,
mental and social well-being

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Increase health and nutrition literacy

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Improve health-seeking behavior and provide healthy choices

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Outcome 2: Healthcare system strengthened

Improve access to healthcare services

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Improve quality of healthcare services

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Legislative Agenda

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Results Matrix

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
4.2 Improve Education
Assessment and Challenges

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Outcome 1: Access to education expanded

Ensure equitable distribution and timely provision of education facilities

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Strengthen school inclusion programs to ensure access of children in situations
of disadvantage

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Intensify and develop interventions to keep children in school

Strengthen public-private complementation

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Quality of teaching and learning improved
Improve early childhood care and development facilities and services

Invest on human resources and their continuous training and upskilling

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Improve learning outcomes

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Promote innovative methods of teaching and learning

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Implement the learning recovery plan and develop catch-up programs to
address learning loss

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Outcome 3: Resilience of the education sector to hazards enhanced
Resume full in-person classes

Ensure learning continuity in the aftermath of disaster

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Provide assistance to private schools

Promote activities and programs to boost the well-being of teachers and


Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
4.3 Establish Livable Communities
Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Strategy Framework

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Built environment upgraded
Increase options to avail of housing and respond to local housing demand

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Establish Local Housing Boards in all LGUs in Central Visayas

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Conduct data collection and assessment of land and urban carrying capacities
of LGUs

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strictly enforce building standards and enhance local building requirements in
accordance to placemaking, DRR/ CCA and social resilience principles

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Outcome 2: Green governance advanced
Strengthen institutional set-up in the enforcement of environmental laws

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Build up partnership and collaboration through capacity-building and
widespread information dissemination

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Adapt sustainable waste management for both solid waste and sewage at the

Establish green and adequate open public spaces in every community

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Outcome 3: Planning and investment programming strengthened
Review, update, and ensure consistency among comprehensive land use plans,
protected area management plans, and resource management plans

Mainstream green financing by increasing the availability of financial

instruments and utilization of local taxes and levies to support green initiatives

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Legislative Agenda

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 4 Promote Human and Social Development
Increase Income Earning Ability
One of the aspirations of the Filipino people is to have a stable and good paying job, and this
starts with a good education and training. The goal of Chapter 5 then is to increase the
income-earning ability of the region’s labor force by developing their knowledge and skills
and expanding training opportunities. Individuals and family members in Central Visayas will
be assisted to have access to training and skills development and employment facilitation
services to ensure that their capabilities stay relevant and they remain productive. This will
enable them to participate in more growth opportunities that will lead to a resilient and
prosperous life.

This chapter consists of two subsector plans: Subchapter 5.1: Expand Training and Skills
Development; and, Subchapter 5.2: Intensify Employment Facilitation.

5.1 Expand Training and Skills

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Outcome 1: Relevance and responsiveness of senior high school,
higher education, and TVET courses to market demand enhanced
Develop JobsFit to serve as Human Resource Development (HRD) roadmap

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strengthen enterprise-based training

Develop relevant entrepreneurial skills for the changing global economy

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Promote convergence and collaboration in the delivery of training programs

Increase exposure of teachers, trainers, and assessors to industry practices and

to new skills

Strengthen curriculum monitoring

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strengthen industry boards

Institutionalize area-based demand driven TVET

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Outcome 2: Access to formal/ informal education and training
programs improved

Institutionalize Technical Education and Skills Development Programs at the

local government units

Strengthen alternative training modalities

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Expand scholarship programs

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Make available programs supportive of Central Visayas’ priority industries

Outcome 3: Lifelong learning advanced

Increase awareness on massive open online courses for lifelong learning

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Create communities of practice

Promote ETEEAP to private and public HEIs

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

5.2 Intensify Employment
Assessment and Challenges


Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Access to employment opportunities expanded
Conduct skills mapping and establish a database of skills at the local level

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Intensify the conduct of job fairs

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Establish common digital platforms to share and disseminate labor market

Provide infrastructure support

Outcome 2: Labor market governance improved

Institutionalize the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) in all LGUs

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Intensify collaboration between government and industry boards/ associations
in employment generation and facilitation

Strengthen the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB)

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 5 Increase Income Earning Ability

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Reduce Vulnerabilities and
Protect Purchasing Power
Central to the goals of reducing vulnerabilities and protecting purchasing power are ensuring
the availability, affordability, and accessibility of food in the region, and strengthening social
protection. When people do not have enough intake of nutritious food, their overall well-
being and productivity are affected. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical
importance of food security and social protection to mitigate the impacts of pandemics and
other crisis especially among the most vulnerable. Interventions that will support the
minimum basic requirements of the population especially the poor such as food, reduce
poverty and vulnerability to risks, protect incomes, and enhance well-being will therefore be

This chapter consists of two subsector plans: Subchapter 6.1: Ensure Food Security; and,
Subchapter 6.2: Strengthen Social Protection.

6.1 Ensure Food Security

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Strategy Framework

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Outcome 1: Sufficient and stable supply of food commodities attained

Boost productivity and resiliency of the local agriculture and fisheries sector

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Diversify food supply sources by augmenting local supply through regional

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Promote sustainable consumption of food

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Strengthen buffer stocking of rice and other basic food items for emergencies
and disasters

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Provide safety nets for the vulnerable sector

Outcome 2: Access of consumers to affordable, safe, and nutritious

food expanded

Strengthen price and supply monitoring of food commodities, manufactured

basic necessities, and prime commodities

Promote private investment in facilities, transport, and logistics systems to

bring safe and nutritious food closer to consumers

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Improve food transportation and distribution processes to hasten and ensure
unhampered movement of food products

Ensure safety and affordability of food and agricultural products supplied in

the market

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Ramp up the promotion and use of digital platforms for marketing, delivery, and
payment transactions

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Formulate communication plan/ strategy to properly disseminate information
to the public

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
6.2 Strengthen Social Protection
Social protection is valued for the protection it provides to individuals and societies in difficult
circumstances, for assistance in managing risks from adverse events, and for support in
accessing to economic opportunities. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) defines the
following as components of social protection: labor market programs, social insurance, social
assistance and welfare services, community level interventions, and child protection. 1 The
COVID-19 pandemic, which has strained the region’s resources and social protection delivery
system, highlighted the importance of strengthening the system to build resilience and to
support inclusive growth in Central Visayas for a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay
for all.

Assessment and Challenges

17.7 18.1
20 16.7
(in percent)



CV Philippines

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

92 94
88 90
84 86
82 84
2017 2018 2019 2020

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Strategy Framework

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Poverty alleviation interventions improved
Strengthen 4Ps and other social protection programs in the region

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Adopt whole-of-society approach in addressing social protection

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Intensify the identification of highly vulnerable groups and undocumented


Intensify data generation activities to come up with timely and disaggregated


Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Increase microinsurance literacy

Enhance capability of LGUs in implementing social protection programs

Facilitate employment of vulnerable groups

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: A universal, modern and integrated SP achieved
Optimize use of technology in the delivery of social services

Establish government e-service centers in GIDA communities

Expedite the implementation of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys)

to facilitate the identification of vulnerable groups

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Promote the referral system for victims of violence against women and children
(VAWC) and other vulnerable groups

Strengthen partnership with the academe in local data generation

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 3: Welfare of children enhanced
Strengthen monitoring of sectors with significant prevalence of child labor

Enhance linkages/ partnerships with other stakeholders in identifying and

addressing the socio-economic causes of child abuses and exploitation

Promote establishment of more family courts to hear cases involving abused/

exploited children

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Establish more shelter / rehabilitation centers for male children in the

Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power
Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 6 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Modernize Agriculture and
The previous Central Visayas Regional Development Plan highlighted the importance of
expanding economic opportunities in agriculture, forestry and fisheries (AFF) as the sector
employed 29 percent of the total employed persons in Region 7 during the period 2011 to
2016. However, the share of the AFF sector to Region 7’s GRDP consistently declined, from a
high of 8.0 percent in 2011 to a low of 5.4 percent in 2016. On the average, the sector accounted
for a mere 6.5 percent of the GRDP during the six-year period. During the same period, the
sector grew by 0.27 percent on the average, which was significantly below the Plan target.

This performance changed and the sector performed better during the height of the COVID-19
pandemic. In 2020, the sector managed a positive growth rate of 4.2 percent, exceeding the
RDP target of 2.6 to 2.8 percent. In 2021, the region’s agriculture and fisheries sector continued
to exceed the targets by registering a higher growth rate of 5.6 percent.

The region will continue to implement programs that will help the sector sustain its positive
performance and eventually advance the welfare of Region 7’s farmers and fisherfolk. To do
this, the plan will focus on improving agricultural and fishery technologies, investing in
climate-resilient inputs and approaches, and promoting agri-business.

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness
Strategy Framework

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Efficiency of AFF production enhanced
Diversify farm and non-farm income

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Intensify the implementation of farm and fisheries clustering and consolidation

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Facilitate adoption of better and new technologies by farmers and

Integrate modern agricultural technologies in elementary and high school


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Improve access of primary producers to production requirements, facilities and
credit for scaling-up

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Pursue effective fishery resource management in the context of blue economy

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Incentivize the use of idle lands for food production

Revisit zoning ordinance and regulate land conversion

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Access to markets and AFF-based enterprises expanded
Promote agribusiness courses and training under collaborative schemes of the
academe, government, and business sector

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Encourage more farmers and fisherfolks into agribusiness

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Enhance physical and digital infrastructure to improve marketing support for
the region’s established enterprises

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Protect local AFF against unfair competition and supply/price manipulation

Outcome 3: Resilience of AFF value chains improved

Create and adopt climate- and disaster-resilient technologies

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Develop and mainstream early warning systems/anticipatory mechanisms

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Provide comprehensive and innovative insurance protection for agricultural
commodities produced in the region

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Promote farmers’ and fisherfolks’ welfare and social protection

Outcome 4: Agricultural institutions strengthened

Intensify research, development and extension (RDE) for agriculture and fishery

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness

Strengthen the collaboration of public and private organizations for AFF

Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness
Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Revitalize Industry
The region’s industry and services sectors were the most affected by the economic fallout due
to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In particular, the industry sector contracted by 18.3
percent. Economic activities slowed down following the imposition of stringent quarantine
restrictions early on to hinder the spread of the coronavirus disease. Even after the quarantine
restrictions were eased in the second half of 2020, recovery was slow for many businesses as
consumer demand remained depressed and mobility limited due to the continued threat of

As one of the growth drivers of the region, it is vital that programs are developed to help the
industry sector recover. This will include: (a) providing a more enabling business environment
that will facilitate innovative approaches and utilization of advanced technologies and new
business models, (b) strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration, (c) building supply chain
resilience that is linked to the global value chain, (d) increasing investments in science,
technology and innovation, (e) facilitating access to credit, and (f) providing capacity-building
activities to affected groups and individuals.

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry
Strategy Framework

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Domestic market production and supplier base
Enhance business matching activities in the region

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry

Intensify support to industries producing for the domestic market

Establish common service facilities

Encourage LGUs to establish LEDIPOs

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2.1: Competitiveness improved
Address gaps in industry supply chains

Ensure efficient movement of goods in the region and across regions

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry

Pursue reforms to improve the region’s business environment

Produce digitalized and innovative MSMEs and startups

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry
Upskill and reskill workers to adapt to technology

Outcome 2.2: Dynamic industry ecosystem created

Bolster science-based industries linked to the global value chain

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry
Embrace Industry 4.0 for technology-mature firms

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Foster regional industrialization

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry

Outcome 3: Inter-sectoral linkages enhanced
Strengthen tri-partite collaboration

Intensify collaboration among government, academe, and industry in upskilling

and reskilling of the workforce

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 8 Revitalize Industry

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Reinvigorate Services
The services sector dominates Region 7’s economy. Prior to the pandemic, the sector was on
track to meet the region’s plan targets for 2017 to 2022. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic
reversed the sector’s upward trajectory. Double-digit contractions were registered by
accommodation and food service; transportation and storage; human health and social work
activities; real estate and ownership of dwellings; and other services. In 2021, the services
sector recovered enough to post a positive growth as the regional economy slowly reopened.

The goals of the services sector in 2023-2028 are: (1) the expansion of markets, (2) the
strengthening of creativity and innovation in services value proposition, and (3) the
enhancement of inter-sectoral linkages.

Assessment and Challenges


| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028


Chapter 9 Reinvigorate Services |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Market expansion achieved
Encourage MSMEs and cooperatives to adopt digital solutions to increase
financial inclusion, improve operations, and expand accessible markets

Chapter 9 Reinvigorate Services |

Make education more industry appropriate

Strengthen support to the IT/BPM industry

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Creativity and innovation in services value proposition
Explore and promote new types of financing for MSMEs

Increase access of MSME management and workforce to training and capacity

building programs

Chapter 9 Reinvigorate Services |

Outcome 3: Inter-sectoral linkages enhanced
Increase competition

Continue reforms to improve the region’s business environment

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Legislative Agenda

Results Matrix

Chapter 9 Reinvigorate Services |

Advance Research and
Development, Technology,
and Innovation
Translating Research and Development (R&D) into innovative technologies is crucial for the
production sectors in Region 7 to move up the global value chain, generate higher-income
jobs, and ultimately transition into a high-income economy. Funding for R&D will be increased
aggressively to produce more intellectual properties. In turn, these will be shepherded to
commercialization to add more value to the production sectors in Region 7.

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028


Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Basic Research and Development (R&D) and
Knowledge Creation strengthened
Nurture a supportive environment for R&D

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation
Re-engineer basic, technical, vocational, and higher education to meet the needs
of the global knowledge economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Aggressively increase expenditure on R&D and its commercialization

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Market-driven and customer-centered R&D advanced
Increase the number of partnerships for R&D development

Aggressively increase international collaborators and global corporate R&D


Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Create mechanisms for integrating market/user information system

Promote the creative industries as platforms for innovation

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 3: Technology adoption, utilization, and commercialization
scaled up
Increase public-private partnerships for the commercialization of publicly-
funded R&D

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Accelerate commercialization of market-oriented and inclusive STI products

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Harmonize the priorities of regional and provincial S&T offices with national
government R&D and innovation initiatives

Outcome 4: Innovation and entrepreneurship accelerated

Map the innovative and creative ecosystems in the region

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Increase financing opportunities for innovation-related projects or activities

Increase investments in financial and entrepreneurial literacy

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Support globally-competitive industries and agile workforce

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Accelerate business mentoring programs and promote collaborative platforms

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Implement the National Innovation Agenda and Strategy Document (NIASD)

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation

Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 10 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Promote Trade and Investments
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, exports of Region 7 had already been declining.
Uncertainties in the global market led many countries to scale down expenditures that
affected demand for the region’s exports. These included Region 7's long-standing trading
partners in trade. Total approved investments into the region likewise declined during the
COVID-19 pandemic due to depressed demand and difficulties faced by many companies.

Chapter 11 of the RDP aims to reinvigorate and strengthen the region’s export sector and
promote increased investments in Central Visayas.

Assessment and Challenges


7.35 7.87
5.87 6.09
4.87 5.27
(in billion pesos)

5.32 4.90
4.25 4.15 4.17 4.42

-0.62 -0.96
-3.21 -3.46
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Export Import Balance of Trade

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 11 Promote Trade and Investments |

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 11 Promote Trade and Investments |
Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Export sector strengthened
Support efforts that will diversify the region’s export products and markets

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Ensure that LGUs are supportive of the export competitiveness thrust of
the government

Harness the potential of the local community in strengthening the region’s


Chapter 11 Promote Trade and Investments |

Outcome 2: Total investments increased
Continue to upgrade the state of infrastructure in the region

Support measures that improve ease and lower cost of doing business

Promote potential industries in the region and provide incentives

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 11 Promote Trade and Investments |
Legislative Agenda

Results Matrix

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Reinvigorate Tourism
Central Visayas continues to be a key player in the country’s tourism industry and will ensure
that it maintains this status as the sector fully recovers from the adverse impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic and other adversities.

With tourism regarded as an industry of national importance in the Department of Tourism’s

Updated Tourism Response and Recovery Plan, the Central Visayas Regional Development
Plan (RDP) 2023-2028 endeavors to contribute to ongoing initiatives to restore tourism

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 12 Reinvigorate Tourism
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 12 Reinvigorate Tourism
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Chapter 12 Reinvigorate Tourism


Outcome 1: Tourism experience enhanced

Restore traveler confidence and ensure the safe stay of international tourists

Diversify portfolio of tourism products and services

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Connectivity of tourism destinations improved
Provide clear information to travelers and businesses

Enhance accessibility and connectivity of tourism sites and destinations

Improve internet connectivity

Chapter 12 Reinvigorate Tourism

Outcome 3: Equality in tourism development promoted
Support tourism businesses to become more resilient

Promote domestic tourism

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Legislative Agenda

Results Matrix

Chapter 12 Reinvigorate Tourism

Promote Financial Inclusion
and Improve Public Financial
Financial inclusion, which allows individuals and businesses access to useful and affordable
financial products, has been considered as an enabler for sustainable development. In its
pursuit of inclusive development, Central Visayas will pursue policies that will ensure that
financial products and services are available to the region’s constituents and at the same time
provide the necessary safeguards for their protection.

On matters pertaining to public finances, the region will continue to implement strong and
sound public financial management (PFM) processes and systems to ensure effective and
efficient delivery of public services.

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Financial inclusion promoted

Enhance financial literacy among the population in Central Visayas

Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management

Ensure consumer protection

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Address barriers in opening transaction accounts

Pursue the digitalization of the financial sector of Central Visayas

Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management

Outcome 2: Public financial management improved
Strengthen local government finance

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Maximize the local revenue raising powers of the Central Visayas LGUs

Capacitate the Central Visayas LGUs to assume the fully-devolved functions as

mandated by the Local Government Code and other national laws

Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management

Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix

Chapter 13 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management

Expand and Upgrade
Central Visayas’ thrust of becoming a leading growth center in the country and achieving
economic and social transformation faster to help the Philippine economy return to a high-
growth path requires the provision of sustainable, resilient, integrated, and modern
infrastructure facilities and services. The seamless movement of people, goods, and
information will be facilitated by adequate, efficient, and cost-effective transportation and
digital connectivity systems. Access by households and industries in Central Visayas to safe
water supply, as well as reliable, affordable, and clean energy will also prioritized.
Communities will be protected by infrastructure that not only offers adaptation and resiliency
to hazards, but also allows the pursuit of green development.

Individuals and families in Region 7 will likewise be provided with social infrastructure
facilities that will facilitate the delivery of quality education, health, and other social services
and amenities. These infrastructure facilities are discussed separately in Chapter 4 of the RDP

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Land transportation

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Maritime transport

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Digital connectivity

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Water Resources

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Strategy Framework

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 1: Planning, programming, and asset management in
infrastructure enhanced
Implement integrated master planning, development and convergence of

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Embed resilient and innovative solutions in infrastructure design

Fully implement asset management and preservation

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Undertake strategic partnerships for financing investments

Outcome 2: Seamless and inclusive connectivity achieved via local

and international linkages
Move people, goods and information through modernized and expanded
transport and digital infrastructure

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Address universal mobility and connectivity needs

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Invest in advancing and expanding access to digital infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Modernize transportation fleet and provide quality ancillary services

Outcome 3: Water security, ecological integrity of water systems

and resiliency to water hazards attained

Upgrade and expand water and sanitation infrastructure

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Strengthen implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 4: Affordable, accessible, reliable, and clean energy
Support measures that lower the cost of electricity

Provide an enabling environment for the implementation of generation,

transmission, and distribution projects

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Enhance demand-side management

Invest in energy innovation to respond to increasing demand and new markets

for clean technology, goods, and services

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Results Matrix

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 14 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Ensure Peace and Security,
and Enhance Administration
of Justice
The attainment of sustainable development depends on the maintenance of peace and
security and the fair administration of justice. In line with this, the region shall pursue policies
and measures that will enhance the peace and order situation, thereby providing an
environment that is conducive to sustained economic growth and social development. It shall
ensure that justice is administered fairly both in the prosecution of crimes and the
rehabilitation of criminal offenders.

15.1 Ensure Peace and Security

Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Insurgency problem of Central Visayas addressed
Sustain the whole-of-nation approach to counter insurgency and terrorism in
Central Visayas

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strengthen the local Peace and Order Councils as venues of convergence

Outcome 2: Criminality reduced and crime prevention improved

Step up the anti-criminality program

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Build capabilities of, revitalize and strengthen the local Anti-Drug Abuse

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

15.2 Enhance Administration of
Assessment and Challenges

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Quality and efficiency in the disposition of criminal cases
Ensure impartial resolution of inquest and preliminary investigation of
criminal cases

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Implement the case monitoring system

Ensure coordination among law enforcement agencies and the prosecution in

case build up

Implement Alternative Dispute Resolution

Establish coordination mechanism among the pillars of the criminal justice


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Humane rehabilitation of criminal offenders promoted
Pursue jail decongestion


Facilitate reintegration of former criminal offenders in society

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix

Chapter 15 Ensure Peace and Security, and Enhance Administration of Justice

Practice Good Governance and
Improve Bureaucratic and
Regulatory Efficiency
Open, transparent and accountable governance, including an efficient and effective
bureaucracy, is essential in attaining sustainable development for Central Visayas. The
region’s pursuit of good governance shall be anchored on policies that seek to strengthen
institutions and local autonomy, and promote meritocracy in government service.

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 16 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Quality of local governance improved
Ensure LGU compliance with the SGLG Law of 2019

Chapter 16 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Create the Regional Council for Good Local Governance (RCGLG)

Outcome 2: Competitiveness of LGUs improved and sustained

Provide technical assistance to LGUs in areas that require interventions to
improve competitiveness

Promote the adoption by LGUs of Quality Management Systems (QMS) or the

Philippine Quality Award (PQA)

Chapter 16 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Outcome 3: Bureaucratic and regulatory efficiency promoted
Pursue the implementation of PRIME-HRM

Pursue technology-enabled governance in the region

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Implement the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service
Delivery Law

Chapter 16 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Legislative Agenda

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix

Chapter 16 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Accelerate Climate Action and
Strengthen Disaster Resilience
Central Visayas is vulnerable to the adverse effects of natural hazards as exacerbated by
climate change. It is therefore imperative for the region to strengthen the resilience of its
people through the implementation of disaster risk reduction and management measures. It
shall also accelerate purposive actions to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects on
the region.

Assessment and Challenges


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience


Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Strategy Framework

Outcome 1: Climate and natural hazards resilience of communities
and institutions increased

Implement and monitor the Central Visayas Rehabilitation and Recovery

Program for Typhoon Odette

Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Ensure the formulation or completion by all LGUs of their respective
DRR/CCA-enhanced CLUPs with zoning ordinance, and CDPs

Ensure the completion, regular updating, and financing of local DRRM plans

Ensure the completion and monitor the implementation of the Local Climate
Change Action Plan (LCCAP) of LGUs

Establish the Central Visayas Resilience Institute

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Outcome 2: Ecosystem resilience improved
Protect and safeguard the remaining key biodiversity areas and ecosystems of
the region

Promote bio-sequestration programs

Implement nature-based solutions to climate change

Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Outcome 3: Low carbon economy transition accelerated
Harness and further develop the region’s renewable energy resources
(geothermal, solar, hydropower and biomass)

Promote the implementation of the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) in

Central Visayas

Promote the use of solar PVs for LGUs, firms, and households, and advocate
for the wider adoption of net metering

Advocate the implementation of the Green Building Code

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Reduce emission from transport

Legislative Agenda

Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Results Matrix

Chapter 17 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Plan Implementation,
Monitoring, and Evaluation

Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Chapter 18 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Chapter 18 Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
4Ps Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CCC Climate Change Commission
AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate
CDA Cooperative Development
AFF Agriculture, Forestry and Authority
CDP Comprehensive Development
AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines Plan
AI Artificial Intelligence CDRA Climate and Disaster Risk
ALS Alternative Learning System
CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan
ARTA Anti-Red Tape Authority
CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian
Obstetric and Newborn Care
CHED Commission on Higher
ASF African Swine Fever
BDP Barangay Development
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
CSC Civil Service Commission
BEIS Basic Education Information
System CSO Civil Society Organization
BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and CV RDRA Central Visayas Regional
Newborn Care Development Research Agenda
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
DA Department of Agriculture
BFP Bureau of Fire Protection DAC Development Administration
BIPCOR Bantayan Island Power
Corporation DAR Department of Agrarian Reform

BIR Bureau of Internal Revenue DBM Department of Budget and

BLGF Bureau of Local Government
Finance DENR Department of Environment and
BOC Bureau of Customs Natural Resources

BOI Board of Investments DepEd Department of Education

BPO Business Process Outsourcing DHSUD Department of Human

Settlements and Urban
BSWM Bureau of Soils and Water
CAAP Civil Aviation Authority of the DICT Department of Information and
Philippines Communications Technology

CBFM Community-Based Forest DILG Department of the Interior and

Management Local Government

CBMS Community-Based Monitoring DOE Department of Energy

DOJ Department of Justice

Acronyms |
DOH Department of Health F2C2 Farm and Fisheries Clustering
and Consolidation Program
DOLE Department of Labor and
Employment FDI Foreign Direct Investment

DOJ Department of Justice FIRe Fourth Industrial Revolution

DOST Department of Science and FI Financial Institution

FIT Feed-In Tariff
DOT Department of Tourism
FMA Fisheries Management Area
DOTr Department of Transportation
FMR Farm-to-Market Road
DPWH Department of Public Works and
Highways FNRI Food and Nutrition Research
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
FP Family Planning
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction
Management GAD Gender and Development

DRRMC Disaster Risk Reduction and GDP Gross Domestic Product

Management Council GHG Greenhouse Gas
DRRM/CCA Disaster Risk Reduction GIDA Geographically Isolated and
Management and Climate Disadvantaged Areas
Change Adaptation
GIS Geographic Information
DSWD Department of Social Welfare and System
GRDP Gross Regional Domestic
DTI Department of Trade and Industry Product
DTP Devolution Transition Plan GVA Gross Value Added
DU Distribution Utilities GVC Global Value Chain
EC Electric Cooperative HCPN Health Care Provider Network
ECCD Early Childhood Care and HEI Higher Education Institution
HFEP Health Facility Enhancement
EDC Economic Development Program
HGDG Harmonized Gender and
ENR Environmental and Natural Development Guidelines
HH Household
ENRO Environmental and Natural
Resource Officers HIV-AIDS Human Immunodeficiency
Virus-Acquired Immune
EO Executive Order Deficiency Syndrome
EPIRA Electric Power Industry Reform HRH Human Resource for Health
HRHN Human Resource for Health
ERC Energy Regulatory Commission Network
FIT Feed-In Tariff

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

HUC Highly Urbanized City MAO Municipal Agriculture Office

HUDCC Housing and Urban MCWD Metropolitan Cebu Water District

Development Coordinating
Council MDG Millenium Development Goal

HVC High Value Crops MFP Modern Family Planning

ICT Information and MSME Micro, Small, and Medium

Communications Technology Enterprises

IEC Information, Education and MSMEDC Micro, Small, and Medium

Communication Enterprises Development
ILHZ Inter-local Health Zones
MTB-MLE Mother Tongue Based-
IoT Internet of Things Multilingual Education

IP Indigenous Peoples NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource

Information Authority
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
NCCAP National Climate Change Action
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment Plan
IRR Implementing Rules and NCIP National Commission on
Regulations Indigenous Peoples
ISF Informal Settler Families NCR National Capital Region
IT-BPM Information Technology- NEA National Electrification
Business Process Management Administration
ITSO Innovation and Technology NEDA National Economic and
Support Office Development Authority
JICA Japan International Cooperation NEDA NEDA Board Committee on
Agency INFRACOM Infrastructure
JV Joint Venture NGA National Government Agency
KALAHI- Kapit-bisig Laban sa Kahirapan NGCP National Grid Corporation of the
CIDSS Comprehensive and Integrated Philippines
Delivery of Social Services
NGO Non-Government Organization
KDC Knowledge Development Center
NGP National Greening Program
KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing
NHA National Housing Authority
KSA Key Shelter Agencies
NIPAS National Integrated Protected
LDC Local Development Council Area System
LGC Local Government Code NPS National Prosecution Service
LGU Local Government Unit NREP National Renewable Energy
LPMC Local Project Monitoring Program
Committee NSS National Spatial Strategy
LPOC Local Peace and Order Council NWRB National Water Resources

Acronyms |
ODA Official Development POC Peace and Order Council
PPA Philippine Ports Authority
OF Overseas Filipinos
PPP Public-Private Partnership
OFW Overseas Filipino Worker
PQF Philippine Qualifications
OPAV Office of the Presidential Framework
Assistant for the Visayas
PRDP Philippine Rural Development
ORSP Office of the Regional State Program
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority
OSHS Occupational Safety and
Health Standards PWD Persons with Disability

OTOP One Town, One Product R&D Research and Development

OWWA Overseas Workers Welfare RDC Regional Development Council

Administration RDP Regional Development Plan
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, RDRC Regional Development
Geophysical and Astronomical Research Committee
Services Administration
RDRRMC Regional Disaster Risk
PCA Philippine Coconut Reduction and Management
Administration Council
PCC Philippine Competition RE Renewable Energy
RLUC Regional Land Use Committee
PCIC Philippine Crop Insurance
Corporation RORO Roll-on/roll-off

PDP Philippine Development Plan ROW Road-Right-of-Way

PESO Public Employment Service RPC Regional Productivity Council

RPMC Regional Project Monitoring
PEZA Philippine Economic Zone Committee
RPRH Responsible Parenthood and
PFM Public Financial Management Reproductive Health

PHC Primary Health Care RPT Real Property Tax

PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of S&T Science and Technology

Volcanology and Seismology
SAFDZ Strategic Agricultural Fisheries
PIA Philippine Information Agency Development Zone

PIDS Philippine Institute for SBP School Building Program

Development Studies
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data
PIOU Private Investor-Owned Acquisition
SDA Sustainable Development
PNP Philippine National Police Agenda

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

SDC Social Development TRAIN Tax Reform for Acceleration
Committee and Inclusion

SEF Special Education Fund TSS Teacher Salary Subsidy

SETUP Small Enterprise Technology TVET Technical and Vocational

Upgrading Program Education and Training

SEZ Special Economic Zone TVI Teacher-Vocational Institutes

SGLG Seal of Good Local UDHA Urban Development and

Governance Housing Act

SIPP Strategic Investment Priority UHC Universal Health Care

ULP Unified Logistics Pass
SIPCOR Siquijor Island Power
Corporation UM Utility Model

SLF Sanitary Landfill Facilities UNFCCC United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate
SLT Schools for Living Traditions Change

SME Small and Medium Enterprises USC University of San Carlos

SP Social Protection VAT Value-added Tax

SPUG Small Power Utilities Group WASH Water, Sanitation, and

SPMS Strategic Performance
Management System WHO World Health Organization

SRS Skills Registry System WSP Water Service Providers

SSF Shared Services Facilities WSS Water Supply and Sanitation

SSS Social Security System WtE Waste-to-Energy

STEM Science, Technology, WTO World Trade Organization

Engineering, and Mathematics
YAFSS Young Adult Fertility and
STI Science, Technology, and Sexuality Survey
YOY Year-on-Year
STP Science and Technology Park

SUC State Universities and


SY School Year

SWM Solid Waste Management

TB Tuberculosis

TESDA Technical Education and Skills

Development Authority

Acronyms |

Governor Erico Aristotle C. Aumentado Kenneth C. Cobonpue

Chairperson Co-Chairperson

Dolores J. Molintas Maria Sostheleen C. Padilla

Vice-Chairperson Secretary
NEDA 7 OIC-Regional Director NEDA 7 OIC-Assistant Regional Director

Local Government Units

Governor Gwendolyn F. Garcia Governor Jake Vincent S. Villa

Cebu Province Siquijor Province

Governor Carlo Jorge Joan L. Reyes Mayor Michael L. Rama

Negros Oriental Province Cebu City

Mayor Jonas C. Cortes Mayor Junard Q. Chan

Mandaue City Lapu-Lapu City

Mayor Jane Censoria Cajes-Yap Mayor Carlo Jose A. Martinez

Tagbilaran City Bogo

Mayor Mario Patricio P. Barcenas Mayor Thomas Mark H. Durano

Carcar City Danao City

Mayor Valdemar M. Chiong Mayor Gerald Anthony V. Gullas

Naga Talisay City

Mayor Marjorie P. Perales Mayor Luigi Marcel T. Goñi

Toledo City Bais City

Mayor Jack T. Raymond Mayor Jose Chubasco B. Cardenas

Bayawan City Canlaon City

Mayor Felipe Antonio B. Remollo Mayor Filomeno L. Reyes

Dumaguete City Guihulngan City

Mayor Jose T. Orlino Mayor Richard C. Quezon

Tanjay City Siquijor Municipality

Mayor Dave D. Duallo Mayor Sun J. Shimura

League of Municipalities - Bohol Chapter League of Municipalities - Cebu Chapter

Mayor Lenin P. Alviola

League of Municipalities - Negros Oriental Chapter

RDP Organizational Set-up |

Regional Line Agencies

Anna Clara M. Oville Jaime S. Bernadas

OIC Regional Director, Bangko Sentral ng Regional Director, Department of Health 7
Pilipinas-Visayas Lilia A. Estillore
Regional Director, Department of Labor and
Christina H. Villamil Employment 7
Regional Director, Cooperative Development
Authority 7 Jesus F. Zamora, Jr.
Regional Director, Department of Science and
Maura Consolacion D. Cristobal Technology 7
Regional Director, Commission on Higher Education 7
Shahlimar H. Tamano
Angel C. Enriquez Undersecretary and concurrent Regional Director,
Regional Executive Director, Department of Department of Tourism 7
Agriculture 7
Timothy John Batan
Leomides R. Villareal Department of Transportation 7
Regional Director, Department of Agrarian Reform 7
Ernesto S. Gregorio, Jr.
Lenin S. Bernales Regional Director, Department of Public Works and
OIC Regional Director, Department of Budget and Highways 7
Management 7
Shahlaine Marie S. Lucero
Paquito D. Melicor, Jr. Regional Director, Department of Social Welfare and
Regional Executive Director, Department of the Development 7
Environment and Natural Resources 7
Maria Elena C. Arbon
Salustiano T. Jimenez Regional Director, Department of Trade and Industry 7
Regional Director, Department of Education 7
Mary Ann V. Lucero
Anika A. Fernandez Head, Presidential Management Staff - Visayas
Head, Department of Foreign Affairs Consular
Office – Cebu Lyndon D. Juntilla
Regional Director, Department of Human Settlements
Frederick DC. Amores and Urban Development 7
Regional Director, Department of Information and
Communications Technology - Visayas Gamaliel B. Vicente, Jr.
Regional Director, Technical Education and Skills
Leocadio T. Trovela Development Authority 7
Regional Director, Department of the Interior and
Local Government 7 Jessie B. Doctolero
Regional Director, Bureau of Local Government
Ricardo B. Dela Cruz Finance 7
Regional Director, Department of Energy - Visayas

Private Sector Representatives

Francis Bernard I. Batoy Abundio C. Gultiano, Jr.

Bohol Cebu

Argeo J. Melisimo Jaime Juan M. Luyao

Bohol Cebu
Aurelio S. Salgados, Jr. Melanie C. Ng
Bohol Cebu

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Kristina B. Diamante Manolito E. Saldivar
Cebu Negros Oriental
Aldwin Joseph A. Empaces Arthur M. Chan
Cebu Siquijor

Calvin Boniface L. Gothong Peter L. Britanico

Cebu Basic Sector

Edward C. Du Jose P. Tomongha

Negros Oriental Labor Sector

Profetiza S. Lim
Negros Oriental

Special Non-Voting Members

Bunny Pages Maria Aleli Castillo

Metro Cebu Development and Coordinating OIC- Regional Director, National Intelligence
Board Coordinating Agency 7

Allan L. Poquita Onasis O. Balt

Regional Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Regional Director, National Commission on
Resources 7 Muslim Filipinos 7

Fayette C. Riñen General Anthony A. Aberin

Regional Head, Philippine Information Agency 7 Regional Director, Philippine National Police 7

General Benedict M. Arevalo Victorino Mapa Manalo

Commander, Armed Forces of the Philippines, National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Visayas Command

RDP Organizational Set-up |



Chair: Melanie C. Ng Co-chair: Director Maria Elena C. Arbon
Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Department of Trade and Industry 7

Regional Line Agencies

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas – Cebu Regional Office Department of Science and Technology 7
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 7 Department of Tourism 7
Cooperative Development Authority 7 Environmental Management Bureau 7
Department of Agriculture 7 Mines and Geosciences Bureau 7
Department of Agrarian Reform 7 National Economic and Development Authority 7
Department of Budget and Management 7 National Food Authority 7
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 7 Philippine Coconut Authority 7
Department of Information and Communications Philippine Statistics Authority 7
Technology 7 Technical Education and Skills Development
Department of the Interior and Local Government 7 Authority 7
Department of Labor and Employment 7

Private Sector Representatives

Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc. PROCESS Bohol, Inc.

Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board 7
Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry Siquijor Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Negros Oriental Sports Confederation Ting Matiao Foundation, Inc.
Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Inc.


Chair: Profetiza S. Lim Co-Chair: Director Shalaine Marie S. Lucero
Negros Oriental Union of Cooperatives Department of Social Welfare and
Development 7
Regional Line Agencies and State Universities and Colleges

Commission on Higher Education 7 Government Service Insurance System – Cebu

Commission on Population and Development 7 National Commission on Indigenous Peoples 7
Department of Budget and Management 7 National Commission on Muslim Filipinos 7
Department of Education 7 National Economic and Development Authority 7
Department of Health 7 National Housing Authority 7
Department of Human Settlements and Urban National Nutrition Council 7
Development 7 Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor 7
Department of the Interior and Local Government 7 Philippine Health Insurance Corporation 7
Department of Labor and Employment 7 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration 7
Department of Social Welfare and Development 7 Social Security System – Cebu

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

Technical Education and Skills Development Cebu Technological University
Authority 7 Negros Oriental State University
Bohol Island State University Siquijor State College
Cebu Normal University

Private Sector Representatives

Alegria Farmers Association JCI Bohol

Basic Sectors Kabangkalan Agro-Forestry Multipurpose
Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc. Cooperative
Central Visayas Network of NGOs Mag-Alwa United Farmers Association
Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation, Inc. Negros Oriental Sports Confederation
FORGE, Inc. PROCESS Bohol, Inc.
Gaang Farmers Association Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.


Chair: Kenneth C. Cobonpue Co-Chair: Director Ernesto S. Gregorio, Jr.
Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation, Inc. Department of Public Works and
Highways 7
Regional Line Agencies

Cebu Port Authority Environmental Management Bureau 7

Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines 7 Local Water Utilities Administration 7
Department of Budget and Management 7 Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 7 National Irrigation Administration 7
Department of Energy – Visayas Philippine Ports Authority – Port Management
Department of the Interior and Local Government 7 Office Bohol
Department of Information and Communications Philippine Ports Authority – Port Management
Technology7 Office Negros Oriental / Siquijor
Department of Transportation
Private Sector Representatives

Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Subdivision and Housing Developers Association
Industry, Inc. Inc. Central Visayas
JCI Metro Cebu Uptown Central Cebu Board of Realtors, Inc.
Organization of Rehabilitative Advocates for University of San Carlos Water Resources Center
Inclusion Foundation, Inc.
Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.

RDP Organizational Set-up |

Chair: Argeo J. Melisimo Co-Chair: Director Leocadio T. Trovela
First Consolidated Bank of Bohol Department of the Interior and Local
Government 7
Regional Line Agencies

Bureau of Fire Protection 7 Department of Trade and Industry 7

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology 7 National Police Commission 7
Bureau of Local Government Finance 7 National Economic and Development Authority 7
Department of Budget and Management 7 National Intelligence Coordinating Agency 7
Department of Foreign Affairs 7 Office of Civil Defense 7
National Prosecution Service 7 Philippine Information Agency 7
Parole and Probation Administration 7 Philippine National Police 7

Private Sector Representatives

Alegria Farmers Association Sectoral Transparency Alliance on Natural

Dumaguete Kalauman Center for Development, Inc. Resource Governance
First Consolidated Cooperative Along Tañon Siquijor Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Seaboards Mag-Alwa United Farmers Association
Kaabag sa Sugbo Foundation, Inc.

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028


OIC-Regional Director Dolores J. Molintas
OIC-Assistant Regional Director Maria Sostheleen C. Padilla
Maria Teresa S. Alambra
Carlo Gabriel S. Simbajon
Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr.
Mylene Felicisima F. Calderon
Katrina B. Lajot
Jonathan Gavino R. Orillo
Lauris David T. Dela Peña, Jr. (Intern)

Chapter 1: Overview of the Regional Economy, Chapter 7: Modernize Agriculture and

Development Context, and Trends Agribusiness
Focal/Writer: Maria Teresa S. Alambra Focal/Writer: Ednie C. Luceño-Casiller
Chapter 2: Regional Spatial Development Chapter 8: Revitalize Industry
Focal/Writer: Neil Andrew U. Menjares
Focal/Writer: Maria Teresa S. Alambra
Chapter 9: Reinvigorate Services
Maps: Katrina B. Lajot
Focal/Writer: Carlo Gabriel S. Simbajon
Chapter 3: Regional Development Plan 2023-2028
Framework Chapter 10: Advance Research and Development,
Technology, and Innovation
Focal/Writer: Maria Teresa S. Alambra
Focal/Writer: Neil Andrew U. Menjares
Chapter 4.1: Boost Health and Nutrition
Chapter 11: Promote Trade and Investments
Focal: Maria Melissa E. Guantero
Writer: Marichu P. Gonzales Focal/Writer: Carlo Gabriel S. Simbajon
Chapter 4.2: Improve Education Chapter 12: Reinvigorate Tourism
Focal: Maria Cleofe C. Saniel Focal: Neil Andrew U. Menjares
Writer: Maria Gracia C. Dabon Writer: Eleanor Rianne C. Tecson
Chapter 4.3: Establish Livable Communities Chapter 13: Promote Financial Inclusion and
Improve Public Financial Management
Focal/Writer: Juan Paolo F. Soriano
Focal/Writer: Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr.
Chapter 5.1: Expand Training and Skills
Development Chapter 14: Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Focal: Maria Melissa E. Guantero Focal: Cheddie Y. De la Rosa
Writer: Elven B. Patriarca Writers: Mylene Felicisima F. Calderon
Paul Gabriel J. Agir
Chapter 5.2: Intensify Employment Facilitation
Chapter 15.1: Ensure Peace and Security
Focal/Writer: Carlo Gabriel S. Simbajon
Focal/Writer: Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr.
Chapter 6.1: Ensure Food Security
Chapter 15.2: Enhance Administration of Justice
Writer: Ednie C. Luceño-Casiller
Focal/Writer: Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr.
Chapter 6.2: Strengthen Social Protection
Focal: Maria Teresa S. Alambra
Writer: Jonathan Gavino R. Orillo

RDP Organizational Set-up |

Chapter 16: Practice Good Governance and Improve PRODUCTION TEAM
Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Katrina B. Lajot (Maps)
Focal/Writer: Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr. Jonathan Gavino R. Orillo
Chapter 17: Accelerate Climate Action and Lauris David T. Dela Peña, Jr.
Strengthen Disaster Resilience Metchie Jessica J. Templa

Focal/Writer: Cornelio B. Guantero, Jr.

Chapter 18: Plan Implementation, Monitoring, and
Focal/Writer: Mylene Felicisima F. Calderon

| Central Visayas Regional Development Plan 2023-2028

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