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Activity 2: Digital Card


Juna Mauricio Álvarez

Estiven Cañas Castrillon

Seguridad Informática
Mayo del 2023
Actividad 2 English


CONTENIDO................................................................................................................................ 2
1. What is or what does a digital card consist of? ............................................................... 3
2. Why is it important for citizens and companies and what kind of companies should
implement it? ................................................................................................................... 3
3. Some of the essential elements included in the digital ID card are face morphology,
facial biometrics, biographic and biometric data, as well as a QR code. Please explain
how each of these elements works with the digital ID card and from a security
perspective....................................................................................................................... 3
4. What are the ICAO international standards, what is the digital citizen's folder and
what documents will be found in it? ............................................................................... 4
5. Explain why the national registry states that this document is "unforgeable and
unalterable"; support your answer with a detailed explanation of the technologies
that support this document. ............................................................................................ 5
Actividad 2 English

1. What is or what does a digital card consist of?

A digital card is an electronic medium used to securely store and transfer information.
Instead of having a physical form like a plastic card, a digital card is a file or set of data that
can be stored on electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart cards, or even in the
cloud. This card can contain personal information such as identification data, credentials,
certificates, digital signatures, and other relevant data.

2. Why is it important for citizens and companies and what

kind of companies should implement it?
The importance of digital cards lies in their ability to facilitate secure identification and
authentication of citizens and businesses in the digital environment. It enables individuals to
carry out transactions and access online services more conveniently and securely. The
companies that benefit from the implementation of digital cards are those that provide online
services, such as financial institutions, e-commerce companies, e-government service providers,
among others.

3. Some of the essential elements included in the digital ID

card are face morphology, facial biometrics, biographic
and biometric data, as well as a QR code. Please explain
how each of these elements works with the digital ID
card and from a security perspective.
Facial morphology: The card may contain a facial image of the holder as a form of biometric
identification. This image can be used to verify the identity of the holder by comparing it with a
real-time captured image during the authentication process.
Biographic data: These are the personal data of the holder, such as name, date of birth,
Actividad 2 English

identification number, address, etc. They provide basic information for identification and
verification of the holder's identity.
Biometric data: In addition to facial morphology, biometric data may include fingerprints, iris, or
voice characteristics. These data are used to perform accurate and reliable biometric verification
of the holder's identity.
QR code: A QR code is a type of two-dimensional barcode that stores information in a matrix of
dots. It can contain additional data related to the holder's identity, such as a unique identifier,
contact information, or links to online resources. The QR code can be easily scanned with a
compatible device to access the corresponding information.
In terms of security, these elements help strengthen authentication and identity verification.
Biometric and facial morphology data enable more accurate and difficult-to-counterfeit
verification as they are unique and challenging to replicate. The QR code can provide an
additional layer of verification by allowing the comparison of the information stored in the code
with the data presented by the holder.

4. What are the ICAO international standards, what is the

digital citizen's folder and what documents will be found
in it?
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) international standards refer to the technical
specifications and guidelines established by this organization for travel documents such as
passports. ICAO sets guidelines for the inclusion of security features and technologies that help
Actividad 2 English

prevent forgery and fraud in travel documents.

The digital citizen folder is a term that can vary depending on the specific context, but generally
refers to an electronic system or platform where personal information and relevant documents
of a citizen are stored and managed. It can include documents such as identifications,
certificates, health records, educational history, among others.
The digital citizen folder can contain digitally formatted documents, which facilitate their online
access and verification. These documents can be protected using security mechanisms such as
digital signatures, encryption, and authentication technologies to ensure their integrity and

5. Explain why it is stated by the national registry that this

document is "unforgeable and unalterable"; support your
answer with a detailed explanation of the technologies
that shield this document.
The national registry states that the digital identification document is "unforgeable and
unalterable" due to the technologies that support its security. Some of the technologies used to
achieve this are:
• Digital signature: It is used to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital documents.
The digital signature employs cryptographic techniques to create a unique digital seal
that verifies the identity of the issuer and ensures that the document's content has not
been modified since the signature.
• Encryption: The data stored in the digital identification card can be encrypted, meaning
they are encoded and can only be decoded and understood by authorized parties. This
prevents unauthorized reading or modification of the data by individuals.
• Biometric technologies: The inclusion of biometric data in the digital identification card,
such as facial morphology and fingerprints, provides an additional layer of security.
These biometric data are difficult to forge, and when used in conjunction with biometric
verification technologies, they can help ensure the authenticity of the holder's identity.
• Copy protection: Special techniques can be used to protect the digital identification card
against unauthorized copying. These techniques may include digital watermarks,
holograms, unique design elements, or special printing features that make it difficult to
counterfeit the card.
Together, these technologies and security measures contribute to making the digital
identification document "unforgeable and unalterable," meaning it is extremely difficult to
counterfeit and modify without being detected. This ensures confidence in the authenticity of
the holder's identity and protects against fraud and identity theft.

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