Reading Responce 1

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Ashleigh Cameron


Samantha Gonzalez

27 August 2023

Reading Response 1

Although “Heritage Literacy” by Suzanne Kesler Rumsey and "Sponsors of Literacy" by

Deborah Brandt are two different articles, both articles have similar qualities between one

another. Both articles do agree that a person’s literacy skills come from different places, but they

do disagree about where they come from. Rumsey agrees with the idea that it is passed down

from cultural traditions, values, and languages passed down through generations within families

and communities. On the other hand, Brandt agrees with the idea that it is passed down from

different sponsors, such as parents, teachers, peers, employers, and media. I agree with both of

their ideas. We do obtain literacy skills from the people who have passed it down from us. If

someone’s parents have a high literacy skill mind, chances are they will as well. Although, that

isn’t always true. Our literacy skills come from the surroundings around us. The people that we

are around and the things we see on social media can affect our literacy skills as well. Although I

agree with both articles, if I were to pick one, it would be the article Brandt wrote. Our literacy

skills can change overtime from the people you surround yourself with and the things that are

posted online. Not everything we have is obtained from our parents.

My parents have both lived successful lives, inside and outside of their education. I

consider them to be part of the reason why I do great academically. On the other hand, I have
had great sponsors around me, like my dance coaches, who have also influence my literacy

skills. I am also on social media every day, so the things I see posted could affect me a lot too.

Many factors play a role in changing someone’s literacy acquisition. It is a different process for

everyone, but the longer you live, the more knowledge a person will gain from learning exactly

where their literacy skills truly come from.

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