2018 Bi-Fiber Quasi-Axis Probe For Photonic Doppler

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10480 Vol. 57, No.

36 / 20 December 2018 / Applied Optics Research Article

Bi-fiber quasi-axis probe for photonic Doppler

velocimetry for shock physics experiments
Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan Province 621900, China
*Corresponding author: wdt_abcd@163.com

Received 17 September 2018; revised 16 November 2018; accepted 19 November 2018; posted 19 November 2018 (Doc. ID 346063);
published 14 December 2018

Photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV) has become a major domain velocity measurement technique for shock
physics experiments. In this study, we propose and validate a bi-fiber quasi-axis probe for PDV that consists
of a multimode source fiber and a single-mode detection fiber. This structure makes the received light by
the probe totally reflected or scattered from the target, and, therefore, is free from the influence of unwanted
return light. The light-receiving efficiency of the probe was calculated by the Monte Carlo method and was va-
lidated by static experiment. We validate that the feasibility of probe by dynamic experiments with measurement
depth up to 6 cm. Above all, the bi-fiber quasi-axis probe is a promising supplementary probe for PDV for shock
physics experiments. © 2018 Optical Society of America

1. INTRODUCTION one problem is still in the way. That is, we cannot monitor the
In the last decade, photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV) has be- exact optical intensity of signal light reflected or scattered from
come a widely-used velocity measurement technique for shock the target. The heart fiber optic component of PDV is a three-
physics experiments where velocities up to several kilometers port fiber circulator characterized by a property that light in-
per second have to be measured accurately, robustly, and jected into port 1 would be emitted out into port 2 and light
quickly [1–4]. The principle of PDV is that the frequency- injected into port 2 would be emitted out into port 3. This
shifted signal light reflected or scattered from the moving target property causes the probe of PDV, which is connected to
interferes with the original reference light from the laser source, port 2, to emit and collect light from the target through the
and the beat frequency of interference signal is proportional to same fiber. This structure makes all unwanted return light from
the velocity of the moving target. There are various types of the three-port circular interfaces, the fiber connection interfa-
probe for PDV measurements. One type is the bare single- ces, and the probe end faces involved in the interference signal.
mode fiber itself [5,6]. Since the bare single-mode fiber has In practice, shocking the target intentionally before shock phys-
a large divergent angle and small core diameter (∼8.2 μm), ics experiments is the best alternative way to check the intensity
the receiving efficiency of light is very low. In order to obtain of signal light. The high amplitude of interference signal means
higher receiving efficiency, the common type of probe is a the high optical intensity of signal light. However, shocking the
single-mode fiber coupled with a gradient index (GRIN) lens. transmission fiber is often used as a compromise method be-
The GRIN probe has a much smaller divergent angle and larger cause the target cannot be shocked. In this case, the amplitude
effective receiving area than the single-mode fiber itself, which of interference is not only related to the signal light but also
is helpful in obtaining much higher receiving efficiency. One related to all unwanted light from interfaces and end faces
type of GRIN probe has custom specific return loss from the of PDV; therefore, optical intensity of signal light cannot be
end face of the GRIN lens [1]; hence the return loss light can evaluated, and the quality of interference signal is not secured.
be thought of as reference light. The PDV with this type of Mercier et al. modified the VISAR probe, consisting of two
probe has simple structure but the unchangeable optical inten- fibers coupled with lens as the PDV probe to measure velocity
sity of reference light. The other type of GRIN probe has little [4]; however, the light of source laser may cross talk into the
return loss [3], and the reference light is from a very small frac- detection fiber by the surface of the lens. Chen et al. proposed
tion of laser source by fiber coupler. In this case, the reference multiple GRIN probes to measure transverse velocity [7], of
light can be adjusted by fiber attenuator to match with the sig- which the detection fiber receives light totally reflected or
nal light to obtain a suitable amplitude of the interference sig- scattered from the target, but the measurement depth is
nal. Although the current probes are robust to measure velocity, only within 2 mm. In order to make the PDV free from the

1559-128X/18/3610480-05 Journal © 2018 Optical Society of America

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