My TRL For Fin

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At TRL 2, the concept of "FinTouch" as a biometric payment system for school transac�ons has been
formulated. We has engaged in ini�al brainstorming and discussions to conceptualize the idea. We also
have recognized the need for a secure and convenient payment solu�on for students in schools. The
team also has iden�fied that u�lizing fingerprint authen�ca�on could be a viable method for seamless
and quick transac�ons.


1. Conceptualiza�on: The idea of implemen�ng biometric authen�ca�on for school payments is

in its infancy. Our team envisions a system where students can use their fingerprints for various
transac�ons within the school premises.
2. Basic Technical Challenges: While we has iden�fied the poten�al advantages of biometric
payments, we are aware that there are fundamental technical challenges to address, such as
developing a reliable fingerprint recogni�on system, integra�ng it with a secure database, and
ensuring user privacy.
3. Feasibility Considera�ons: Ini�al discussions have taken place regarding the feasibility of
implemen�ng such a system in a school environment. We are exploring whether exis�ng
biometric technologies are suitable or if there is a need for custom development.

Key Ac�vi�es:

1. Idea�on Sessions: Brainstorming sessions to explore the possibili�es and advantages of

biometric payments in schools. Iden�fying key features and use cases for the "FinTouch"
2. Technical Challenges Iden�fica�on: Preliminary discussions on the technical challenges
associated with biometric authen�ca�on. Iden�fying poten�al solu�ons or areas that require
further inves�ga�on.
3. Feasibility Assessment: Early assessment of the feasibility of integra�ng biometric payments
into the school environment. Considering the infrastructure required and poten�al user
At the end of TRL 2, we have a conceptual framework for "FinTouch," but there is no physical prototype
or detailed design yet. The focus is on understanding the poten�al of the technology and outlining the
next steps for development and research.
The visual process chart for TRL 2 involves illustra�ng the steps and key ac�vi�es undertaken during
the conceptualiza�on and idea�on phase of the "FinTouch" biometric payment system. Here's a
simplified process chart:
TRL Idea�on:

Brainstorming Conceptual Identify Feasibility

Sessions Framework Challenges Assessment


1. Brainstorming Sessions:
• Team members come together to brainstorm and generate ideas for the "FinTouch" biometric
payment system.
• Discussions focus on poten�al use cases, advantages, and challenges associated with
implemen�ng biometric payments in schools.

2. Conceptual Framework:
• The outcome of brainstorming sessions is a conceptual framework for "FinTouch."
• Ini�al discussions lead to the iden�fica�on of key features and the overall vision for the
biometric payment system.

3. Iden�fy Challenges:
• The team iden�fies fundamental technical challenges associated with biometric
authen�ca�on and payments.
• Discussions revolve around poten�al solu�ons and areas that require further inves�ga�on.

4. Feasibility Assessment:
• Preliminary assessment of the feasibility of implemen�ng biometric payments in a school
• Considera�on of exis�ng infrastructure, poten�al technological choices, and regulatory
aspects related to biometric data.
This process chart provides a visual representa�on of the key ac�vi�es undertaken during TRL 2,
focusing on the early stages of idea�on and conceptualiza�on for the "FinTouch" project.
We also have developed the conceptual framework for the "FinTouch" biometric payment system at
TRL 2. The conceptual framework outlines the key elements and aspects of the system:

1. System Overview:
- Descrip�on: "FinTouch" is a biometric payment system designed for school transac�ons,
enabling students to make secure and convenient payments using their fingerprints.
- Objec�ves: Provide a seamless and efficient payment experience for students, reduce the
reliance on physical cash or cards, and enhance overall transac�on security.

2. User Roles:
- Students:
• U�lize their fingerprints for transac�ons.
• View transac�on history.
- Parents:
• Top-up the student's account.
• Receive no�fica�ons for low balances.
- Administrators:
• Manage system se�ngs.
• Monitor transac�ons and account balances.

3. Biometric Authen�ca�on:
- Technology Choice: Explore fingerprint recogni�on as the primary biometric authen�ca�on
- Integra�on: Inves�gate reliable fingerprint scanning devices and algorithms.
- Security Measures: Implement encryp�on and secure storage for biometric data.

4. Transac�on Types:
- Canteen Payments:
• Students can pay for meals using their fingerprints.
- Store Payments:
• Purchase items at the school store.
- General Payments:
• Cover various fees, event payments, etc.

5. Account Management:
- Student Accounts:
• Linked to unique fingerprints.
• Store transac�on history and current balance.
- Parental Control:
• Parents can easily top up their child's account.
• Receive no�fica�ons for low balances.

6. Communica�on Channels:
- User Interface:
• Develop intui�ve interfaces for students, parents, and administrators.
- No�fica�ons:
• Implement no�fica�ons for successful transac�ons, low balances, and account top-ups.

7. Feasibility Considera�ons:
- Infrastructure Assessment:
• Evaluate the school's exis�ng infrastructure for compa�bility.
- Regulatory Compliance:
• Consider legal and privacy aspects related to biometric data usage.

8. Poten�al Challenges:
- Technical Challenges:
• Develop strategies to address fingerprint recogni�on accuracy and system robustness.
- User Acceptance:
• Consider strategies to ensure user acceptance among students, parents, and school

9. Next Steps:
- Research and Development:
• Inves�gate exis�ng biometric technologies and poten�al partnerships.
• Formulate a plan for the development of a proof-of-concept prototype in TRL 3.
The conceptual framework provides a high-level view of the "FinTouch" biometric payment system,
outlining its core components, func�onali�es, and objec�ves. This framework serves as a guide for
further research and development as the project progresses to higher TRLs.

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