Essay 1 Reflection

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Maldonado 1

Jaden Maldonado

Professor McCann

English 1301.129

29 September 2023

Learning About Genres and Communities

The day of reckoning was Monday, September 11. It opened my eyes to show me that I

need to work hard on this essay and not procrastinate. The invention worksheet was simple, but I

had a hard time coming up with genres and communities that I wanted to talk about. The

invention worksheet taught me how to get my ideas on paper. This is applicable to many classes

because it allows me to organize all my thoughts. For example, in History 1302, Dr. Weight

makes us write ids which are the 5 w’s and the historical significance of an event. This exercise

makes me think about everything I can remember about the topic. However, because of the

invention worksheet, I was able to organize my ideas correctly and get full points on the test.

The first draft was due a week after the invention worksheet. I was stressed because for

me this was the most challenging part of the essay. For example, I could not put anything down

on the word document and it frustrated me. It felt as if everything that I had learned about

writing over the years had vanished into the air. I could not even formulate a simple sentence. Yet

the least challenging thing was keeping the writing flow going once I was able to put something

on the document. For instance, I started my hook off and the rest of the essay came flowing easy.

It is as if the words were just falling perfectly into place. The essay was able to flow correctly,

and it was easy from then on.

Maldonado 2

Another comment I received was to give more meaning to my 3 main points. My peer told me

that the three main points did not go into enough detail about the community, and it stayed at the

surface level. The comment helped me understand that in so cases that my writing was too basic

and that I should try to look underneath of the surface instead of staying at the top.

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