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Event Tags

1. Page Overview
Event tags are used to track various events raised when a user performs an action. There are two types of Event tags -

1. OE Tags: OE tags are Offer Event Tags. These events are raised when user performs some action on offer.

2. PE Tags: PE Tags are Placement Event Tags. These events are raised when user performs some action on the placement.

The UI > Administrative tools > Event Tags link opens the Event Tags page. The page divided into two sections-

1. OETags a.k.a. Offer Event Tags

2. PETags a.k.a. Placement Event Tags

The two sections share similar functionality. Following functions are supported-

1. Create New Group: Groups are used to club event tags which are similar in some way together in a group. Groups are nested.

2. Rename Group: Is used to rename a group. Clicking the link will open rename group dialog box. Group name should be unique within another

3. Delete Group: Deleting a group will automatically move all the tags in the group to the root "All OE Tags" folder. (Or the "All PE Tags" folder in
case of PE Tags)*
4. Create New event tag: To create new event tags. User has to select the group to be assigned to the new event tag at the time of creation. It
can later be assigned/moved to other group(s).

The Name and Description of the new event tag is required. The Name has to be unique in the system. The Check availability link is used to find if
the name already exists.

5. Assign event tag to group(s) (with-selected drop-down): Same event tag can belong to more than one group. Selected event tag can be
assigned to multiple groups using the "assign group" option from the with-selected drop-down.
6. Move event tag (using with-selected drop-down): Event tags can be moved from one group to other group(s). Selected event tags can be
moved using the "move" option from the with-selected drop-down. Destination group(s) can be selected by checking the nodes in the tree
displayed in the dialog box

7. Move event tag (using mouse drag and drop): The selected event tag(s) can be moved from the current group to other group by grabbing
them by the handle and dragging and dropping them on the destination folder in the left tree.
8. *Assign event tag (using mouse drag and drop): * The selected event tag(s) can be assigned to other group by pressing and holding CTRL key
down while grabbing the selected event tag by the handle and dragging and dropping on the destination folder in the left tree.

9. Search: User can search event tags be entering the search string in the search textbox at the top right. Auto-suggest list appears when user
enters first few characters of the event tag name.

2. Smiley Users
ALL, but mostly the optimization department

3. FAQ
1. How is an event tag inserted into offer using the UI?
We use the UI as mostly a library of names and descriptions and insert these events into the JS of offer versions.
UI OEtags (and PEtags) interface allows to manage (create/delete/modify/group) OETags.

To use OEtag in offer we should put similar code to offer JS:

function oetag(id, v) {
jx.load('oetag.php?SID=coreg2-^SID{}&oetagID='+id+'&value='+v, null, 'text', 'post');

id - needed OETag ID or name
v - integer OETag value
4. Page Recommendations
1. Show breadcrumbs for the page within the URL.

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