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What is the role of the

Note ven a woman dead

Peruvian State in the
face of femicide?

• Committee for the Monitoring of It is the responsibility of the

Women's Rights of Chulucanas, Piura. Peruvian State to guarantee
• Network of Promoters "Working for a women's rights, including the
Future Without Violence" of right to equality and to live free
Independencia. from violence. The Law on
Protection against Family
• Network of Promoters Against
Violence (26260) and the Law on
Violence "Rebuilding Hearts" of
Equal Opportunities between
Women and Men (28983)
• Network of Promoters Against establish the obligation of the
Family and Sexual Violence of State to combat all forms of
Carabayllo. violence against women. The
• Network of Health Promoters of State must take measures to
Independence. prevent violence against women
• Independence Legal Advisors and to provide timely and
effective care to victims. It must
• Red de salud de Collique de Comas. also punish cases of femicide
• ACEPRODES – Asociación Central based on the law. On 27
de December 2011, a law amending
article 107 of the Penal Code was
Promotoras de Salud de Comas.
enacted, establishing a sentence of
• APROTEA – Asociación de not less than fifteen years for
Promotoras de cases of femicide. And on July
Teatro en Acción de Comas. 18, 2013, an amendment to the
law was published, in which
• Mesa de Concertación de Género de
penalties of up to life
Comas. imprisonment are considered
The fight against
What can we do to femicide is everyone's
¿Qué es el feminicidio?
prevent femicide? business
Femicide is the murder of
women that originates from the Femicide can and should be Femicide Figures (2013): • In Peru,
relations of domination and prevented. We must all commit 119 femicides and 136 cases of
control exercised by men ourselves to the fight against violence attempted femicide were registered. •
towards women, considering against women and we can: 58% (148) of men who committed
them as objects of their property femicide and attempted femicide are
- Report the cases of violence that are fugitives or free, and in no case was a
and not as subjects of rights.
around us, whether physical, sentence registered against them,
Femicide is based on machismo
psychological or sexual. only 93 femicides are in prison. • The
and is the product of the violence
suffered by women in all areas - Listen to and support women who aggressors are mostly adults between
(social, work and family). In live in situations of violence, directing the ages of 26 and 35; They are
most cases, the femicide is – or them to the State services that receive followed by men whose ages
has been – a man in the victim's their complaints (Police Stations fluctuate between 36 and 45 years
intimate environment (for old; and in third place, young people
– PNP, Public Prosecutor's Office) or
example, his partner or ex- between 18 and 25 years old. • In
provide accompaniment (Women's
partner) who has been repeatedly 53% of cases (134) the aggressor was
Emergency Center, health facilities) -
abusing the woman. Femicide is the partner, in 25% (63) the act was
Believe in what the woman says. Do
the final outcome of situations of committed by the ex-partner, and in a
not judge victims of violence, let
violence against women, in smaller percentage by the family
alone justify aggression - Build more
which there have previously been member or some other person. • The
egalitarian relationships between men
complaints, threats and even reasons that led to these attacks were
and women based on mutual respect.
previous assassination attempts. jealousy (115 cases), because the
- Promote proposals for the effective woman decided to separate (75) or
protection of women victims of because she refused to be her partner
violence and effective punishment for (28). • In the majority and in both
the aggressor. situations of violence, the aggressors
tried or killed the woman by beating,
and a smaller proportion used a knife
or suffocated her.

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