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Maldonado 1

Jaden Maldonado

Professor McCann

English 1301.129

8 November 2023


“On average 35% of students are being bullied in academic institutions in Bangladesh”

(“Bullying Among University Students in Bangladesh”). There were 32.6 million students

enrolled into classes in 2017 (Education Policy Data Center | Making Sense of Data to Improve

Education). That means that 11,410,000 million students were bullied throughout the year.

Bullying has been a phenomenon for many years; however, the number of students being bullied

has increased drastically. Educational institutions have tried to prevent bullying, yet they have

not found the correct ways to completely stop bullying in schools. The author Faieza Chowdhury

uses ethos, pathos, and logos in “Bullying of Students in Academic Institutions” to successfully

conclude ways that bullying in academic institutions in Bangladesh could be stopped.

To begin with,

Moreover, author Faieza uses pathos to make readers see the ways in which bullying

affects students. Prep: To illustrate this, Faieza says how bullying can lead to many negative

conditions such as anxiety, depression, and many more, which can affect the victim for the rest of

their lives. The use of these strong words makes readers feel that bullying is one of the most

horrible things a person can experience. Prep: In particular, the author Faieza

In addition to swaying readers with the use of emotions, author Faieza strengthens her

argument that bullying can be stopped in schools with the use of logos. Prep: For example,

Faieza states, “Around 95% of the participant students reported that bullying was perceived by
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them as being a negative issue” (Chowdhury). This example uses logos to show how most of the

60 students believe that bullying is something that is negative and should be done away with.

Prep: For instance, author Faieza mentions how more than half of the students said that their

institutions have done something to prevent bullying, yet it still is taking place. Logos helps this

sentence get its message across by making readers see that even though action is taking place, it

is not enough to stop students from being bullied. As a result, author Faieza uses logos to make

readers see that bullying can be destroyed in academic institutions with enough effort.

In conclusion, bullying is a widespread problem that needs to be stopped in schools.

Faieza Chowdhury effectively argues different strategies of how bullying can be stopped in

educational institutions in Bangladesh with the use of ethos, pathos, logos. This is important

because it spreads awareness of this problem that has been affecting students for years. People

should use this information to help create ways to stop bullying in schools.
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Works cited

“Bullying Among University Students in Bangladesh.” Bangladesh Post,

Chowdhury, Faieza. “Bullying of Students in Academic Institutions: A Qualitative Study.”

Educational Process: International Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, ÜNİVERSİTEPARK Limited,

June 2020, pp. 122–32.

Education Policy Data Center | Making Sense of Data to Improve Education.

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