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Module Name Leading Through digital disruption

Student Reference Number BP0277408
Assessment Title Summative Coursework Assessment
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Student Reference Number: BP0277408 Date: 28/August/2023

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Task 1: Change Analysis Proposal .................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3

Size of Tata motors: .................................................................................................................... 3

Core products of Tata motors: ..................................................................................................... 3

Critical areas of Tata motors that have been impacted by digital disruption: ............................. 4

Digital transformational objectives: ............................................................................................ 5

Task 2: Data and Decision Process ................................................................................................. 5

Techniques and technologies: ..................................................................................................... 5

Digital systems:........................................................................................................................... 6

Digital Systems for Faster Decision Making to Adapt to Market Changes ................................ 6

Task 3: Implementing Digital Culture ............................................................................................ 7

Fostering a culture of innovation ................................................................................................ 7

Development of digital literacy and abilities .............................................................................. 8

Creating a collaborative culture .................................................................................................. 8

Becoming a digital champion: .................................................................................................... 9

Task 4: Collaborative Team Leadership .......................................................................................... 9

Approaches and techniques required to implement the style: .................................................. 10

Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................11

References ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Task 1: Change Analysis Proposal
Tata Motors Limited is India's largest automaker and was founded in 1945 as a division of the
Tata Group. The firm, the first Indian truck provider to do so, developed internationally after
being listed on the New York Stock Exchange. To build commercial cars, Tata Motors and
Daimler Benz of Germany formed a 15-year cooperation in 1954. This partnership helped Tata
Motors rise to prominence as India's top automaker and leading producer of industrial vehicles.
Tata Motors is also the second-largest producer of medium and heavy buses in the world, and it
is among the top five global producers of medium and heavy-duty vehicles.

Figure 1: Tata Motors Limited

Size of Tata motors:

Market cap: $16.72 billion As of March 2023, Tata Motors has a $16.72 billion market
capitalization. Tata Motors is now the 975th-best firm in the world by market cap, based on our

Core products of Tata motors:

The large variety of automobiles produced by Tata Motors fall within its key product categories.
Among Tata Motors' main core products are the following:

1. Passenger Cars: Hatchbacks, sedans, and SUVs are among the passenger vehicles Tata
Motors makes. Popular options in this category include the Tata Tiago, Tata Altroz, Tata Tigor,
and Tata Nexon.

2. Commercial Vehicles: The wide selection of commercial vehicles offered by Tata Motors,
which meet various transportation demands, is well recognized. Light commercial vehicles,
medium and heavy-duty trucks, buses, and vans are included in this. Commercial vehicles made
by Tata Motors include the Tata Ace, Tata Ultra, Tata Prima, and Tata Starbus (Hassan et al.,

3. Electric Vehicles: With the release of electric automobiles and commercial vehicles, Tata
Motors entered the electric vehicle (EV) market. The Tata Nexon EV is an electric SUV that the
firm sells to highlight its dedication to environmentally friendly transportation.

4. Defense and Special Purpose Vehicles: Additionally, Tata Motors produces defence and
special purpose vehicles, such as armored, troop, logistical, and ambulance models. The needs of
the security and defense industries are met by these vehicles.

Critical areas of Tata motors that have been impacted by digital disruption:
Several crucial sectors of Tata Motors have been significantly impacted by digital disruption. The
following are some of the major sectors impacted by digital disruption:

1. Product Development and Design: To increase productivity, shorten the time to market, and
improve the overall design quality of its cars, Tata Motors has had to adapt to the usage of
cutting-edge computer-aided design (CAD) software, virtual prototyping, and simulation tools.

2. Manufacturing and Operations: Tata Motors has incorporated digital technologies into their
production lines, leading to enhanced precision, increased productivity, and improved supply
chain management. Smart factories and real-time data analytics have enabled them to optimize
operations and make data-driven decisions.

3. Customer Experience and Engagement: Tata Motors has improved consumer interaction
and experience by utilizing digital platforms and solutions. To accommodate shifting consumer
tastes and expectations, this involves offering online sales channels, virtual showrooms,
interactive user interfaces, and tailored marketing campaigns.

4. Connected Vehicles and Mobility Solutions: By implementing connection technologies like

car telematics, cutting-edge entertainment systems, and intelligent navigation into its vehicles,

Tata Motors has embraced this trend. To adjust to shifting market conditions, they have also
investigated efforts in shared mobility and electric mobility (Rochester,2019).

Digital transformational objectives:

Enhancing customer experience, streamlining processes, fostering innovation, enabling linked
vehicles and mobility solutions, and embracing sustainability are just a few of Tata Motors' goals
for its digital transformation. These goals seek to enhance consumer interactions, expedite
internal procedures, quicken product development, make use of connection capabilities, and
support initiatives for electric transportation. Tata Motors wants to use digital technology and
solutions to stimulate innovation, increase operational efficiency, meet changing consumer
expectations, and maintain competitiveness in the automotive sector.

Task 2: Data and Decision Process

Techniques and technologies:
Tata Motors can successfully analyze market conditions by utilizing a variety of methods and
technology. Here are a few potential strategies:

1. Social Media Monitoring: Tata Motors may monitor client views and spot developing trends
by using tools to detect internet conversations and feelings about its name, goods, and services.

2. Market Research and Surveys: Tata Motors may make data-driven decisions by conducting
market research and surveys to acquire insightful information about customer behavior,
preferences, and purchase patterns.

3. Data Analytics: Tata Motors may proactively adapt to shifting consumer requirements by
evaluating sales data, customer feedback, and other pertinent data sources to identify patterns
and trends that point to market developments (Kidav,2022).

4. Competitive Analysis: Tata Motors understands market changes and adjusts their own
strategy to preserve a competitive advantage by keeping track of rival activities such new
product releases, price plans, and marketing campaigns.

With the help of these methods and tools, Tata Motors is better equipped to handle market shifts
and make wise business decisions.

Digital systems:
To make decisions quickly and respond to market developments, Tata Motors can make use of a
variety of digital tools. Here are few instances:

1. Big Data Analytics: By gathering and analyzing information from a variety of sources, such
as social media, customer reviews, market trends, and competitor activity, Tata Motors may get
insightful information that will help it make strategic decisions (Sadeeq et al., 2021).

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: To create predictive models that foresee
market trends, customer behavior, and demand patterns, Tata Motors may make use of AI and
ML technology. These methods can facilitate proactive choice-making and improve client

3. Cloud Computing: Tata Motors may acquire flexibility and scalability in their IT
infrastructure and applications by using cloud computing. This makes it possible to allocate
resources quickly based on changing company demands (Sushil & Garg, 2019).

4. Internet of Things (IoT): Tata Motors may collect real-time information on vehicle
performance, driver behavior, and traffic patterns using IoT devices like sensors and telematics.
By providing this information, preventive maintenance may be made easier, safety can be
increased, and data-driven decisions can be made (Hole et al., 2019).

5. Digital Twin Technology: Tata Motors may use digital twin technology to make computer-
generated versions of its production lines and cars. This makes it possible to simulate, optimize,
and analyze different situations, which improves efficiency and spurs the development of new

Digital Systems for Faster Decision Making to Adapt to Market Changes

Tata Motors can respond more swiftly to shifts in the market thanks, in part, to the availability of
real-time data analytics. When it comes to client preferences, for example, businesses may
benefit greatly from the real-time information provided by data analytics. Because the data
analytics software collects information from all over the company, including sales data, supply
chain data, and customer feedback, the company can make swift and well-informed product
decisions that put them ahead of their competitors, especially when it comes to adapting to

changing customer preferences and keeping up with the latest market trends. Cloud computing
and storage might be used by Tata Motors to facilitate growth and provide a flexible business
infrastructure. According to Sadeeq et al. (2021), cloud computing has greatly aided the
scalability of modern businesses across all sectors. Faster data processing, sharing, and remote
access will allow Tata Motors to make better decisions. Tata Motors will have an advantage over
its rivals because its managers will have easier and faster access to critical market data, allowing
them to make quicker choices and respond more rapidly to market changes.

Task 3: Implementing Digital Culture

Organizational digital culture is crucial to the success of a company in achieving its goals and
objectives. To enable Tata Motors, realize its digital transformation objectives, it is critical to
first fortify the company's digitally ready culture. Cultural readiness for the digital age may have
a significant role in fostering learning, flexibility, and collaboration.(Martínez-Caro et al., 2020).

Fostering a culture of innovation

Tata Motors may take this strategy by providing incentives to employees who
demonstrate their innovative thinking. Tata Motors should foster an environment where
employees are free to use their imagination and come up with novel solutions to problems as
they go about their daily work. To achieve this goal, management at Tata Motors should promote
risk-taking among employees and avoid discouraging them from exploring alternative methods
of completing tasks. Companies with a global presence, like Google, provide their employees
regular opportunities to develop their creative skills by letting them work on their own projects
(Voza, 2018).

Therefore, by fostering an innovative corporate culture, Tata Motors' management will

find it easier to complete the digital transformation and, by extension, fulfil its goals moving
forward. Tata Motors should reward its employees for their creativity to foster a culture of
innovation. Employees and supervisors alike may contribute to the company's innovative culture
when they are recognized for their original thinking and action.

According to the positive reinforcement theory, which is supported by research (Cui et

al., 2021). prizes can motivate employees to continue employing creative ideas. This concept
exemplifies the power of praising and rewarding good behavior. Rewarding workers may boost

morale and motivation, as suggested by Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Management at
Apple, for instance, has been lauded for its efforts to foster a creative culture by rewarding
employees for contributing novel ideas. This recognition has been essential in helping to
maintain the company's standing as a world-leading innovator in the smartphone industry.

Development of digital literacy and abilities

To ensure that all employees are part of Tata Motors' digital transformation, the company
is also urging them to increase their level of digital literacy and related skills. Efforts to improve
employees' digital and technology skills through training and development programs may
contribute to a company's willingness to experiment with new ideas. Microsoft, for one, gives its
employees with access to several online education resources, such as Microsoft Learn and
LinkedIn Learning (Cui et al., 2021). Tata Motors' culture of innovation has been bolstered
thanks in large part to this program, which has helped to train and equip workers with the
necessary technological knowledge and skills.

Creating a collaborative culture

Collaboration is essential to the development of a digitally competent corporate culture.
Collaboration promotes cross-departmental teamwork, innovation, and the effective application
of digital tools. A great work atmosphere may be fostered by combining digital marketing
knowledge with a culture of collaboration, which is beneficial to a wide range of enterprises. To
cite: (Pesce, Neirotti, & Paolucci, 2019).

• Tata Motors must have actively encouraged its employees to learn and use new
technologies. Building a creative environment and culture is important for encouraging
risk-taking and innovation in the workplace.
• Create and empower cross-functional teams to manage digital initiatives and projects at
Tata Motors. This will foster creative ideas, improve one's capacity to make decisions,
and expand one's understanding (Pranoto et al., 2017).
• Companies should provide their staff with modern communication and collaboration
solutions. Tools for managing projects, exchanging files, revising documents together,
and setting up virtual offices are all examples of this. Make sure your employees know
how to utilize these tools safely and effectively.

Becoming a digital champion:

To become a digital champion, you must take an aggressive and decisive role in promoting
digital change inside a Tata Motors.

• Since digital transformation makes it easier for businesses to adopt new languages and
alter their operational capacities, Tata Motors must be able to understand and accept it.
• Tata Motors must demonstrate that it is technologically savvy. Put digital technologies to
the test in everyday business practices to show how useful and effective they can be
(Evdokimova, Shinkareva and Bondarenko, 2019).

The digital landscape is ever evolving, so it's important to keep up with the latest tools and
developments. Therefore, it is essential for a digital champion to thoroughly understand and
embrace the relevance of digital transformation for an organization.

Task 4: Collaborative Team Leadership

Leaders are crucial to large-scale organizational changes because they are at the center of
strategic decision-making and the change facilitators inside an organization. Tata Motors might
deploy either transformational or transactional leadership to foster creativity among employees.
Transformational leadership is a method for fostering creativity and teamwork within an
organization (Bakker et al., 2022). Leadership of this sort motivates followers to improve their
work and embrace change. They encourage close relationships, free flow of information, and
individual agency among employees. By cultivating a unified vision and emphasizing the value
of teamwork, transformational leaders at Tata Motors may break down barriers between key
divisions and boost collaboration. A successful digital shift at Tata Motors may also benefit from
transactional leadership. According to Khan (2017), transactional leadership, often called
managerial leadership, is a style in which leaders depend largely on incentives and penalties to
achieve optimal performance within an organization. This method of leadership ensures that
everyone on the team acts as expected and takes part in training to increase their digital fluency
(Saura, et al., 2019). Once employees have acquired the appropriate training, they will continue
to play a role in ensuring the success of the organization's digital transformation plan since
leader’s reward or penalize workers based on their performance and behavior.

Approaches and techniques required to implement the style:
GROW Model:

Tata Motors' growth and development may be supported through the GROW model, a
framework for providing visionary leadership. With improved goal formulation for digital
transformation, the visionary leader should match the organization's goals with the teams' and
people's sense of direction. Business leaders should, therefore, employ the following leadership

• Gaining access to present reality and identity is crucial for the digital revolution and may
bridge the gap between the current and visionary stages (Putra, 2023)
• Analyzing the organization's advantages, shortcomings, and development possibilities
helps uncover areas for enhancement.
• generating a variety of approaches and tools to address the organization's growth needs
and gaps in digital technology improvement using alternate approaches and tools.
• By exploring a wide range of revolutionary ideas and putting your creative faculties to
work, A leader with vision will ensure that the options reflect the company's digital

Figure 2: Grow Model

Once choices have been identified, individuals and groups may focus on implementing the action
plans. They achieve this by identifying the necessary actions and the means to implement the

strategy. The value added to digital transformation is emphasized by providing the required
support, inspiration, and motivation (Vozza et al., 2018).

Marketplace Model:

Tata Motors' position as an industry leader in innovation is bolstered by the marketplace

strategy's emphasis on and acceleration of innovation and digital transformation. A forward-
thinking CEO can team up with other firms in the tech industry and emerging enterprises to
advance novel objectives and spread innovative ideas and approaches (Akhmadi and Pratolo,
2021). The continuing digital transformation at Tata Motors may benefit from the visionary
leadership of those who advocate for and provide the best answer to this challenge.

It is concluded that the renowned carmaker Tata Motors has adopted a wide range of digital
initiatives and technologies as a response to the challenges posed by digital disruption. By
adopting the framework developed by the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation,
Tata Motors might improve its ability to make rapid, well-considered decisions and put those
plans into action. By implementing advanced analytics tools, robotic process automation (RPA),
virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and other
initiatives, Tata Motors can boost efficiency, provide a better customer experience, optimize
production, and make decisions based on hard data. By creating a digitally ready culture and
encouraging transformational digital leadership, Tata Motors can successfully navigate the digital
landscape and capture a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving automotive business.

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