Navigation Elctronic Tugas II

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No Name Definition Function

01 GPS(Global Positioning System GPS is a device that can determine the ● Determine ship’s current position
exact position of the earth's coordinates ● Determine ship’s current speed
and can directly receive signals from ● Determina the distance traveled by the ship
satellites ● Determine the estimated travel time to
the destination point.
● Determine the remaining travel time.
02 Radar(Radio detection & range) Radar is a system for detecting the ● Detect the position of other ships,
objects, by sending out pulses of high- coastlines, buoys and nearby objects
frequency electromagnetic waves that ● Determine the ship’s position from time to time
are reflected off the object back to the ● measure the distance of a ship to other
source. ships or nearby objects
● Detect emergency signals from other ships
via SART
03 Navtex(Navigation Telex) Navtex is international automated ● Receive navigational hazard information
system for instantly distributing ● Receive meteorological message
maritime navigation warnings ● Receive search & rescue information
● Receive pilot service message
● etc

04 Echosounder Echosounder is a navigation tool for ● To identify the type of sediment under the sea
measuring sea depth by sending ● Measure the depth of the sea.
acoustic waves/vibrations from the ● Seabed Mapping.
surface to the seabed which will be ● Determination of pipeline and cable routes
received again by a transducer for underwater.
installed on the bottom of the ship. ● Search for sunken ships abandoned in the sea.
ECDIS(Electronic Chart Display ECDIS is a computer-based navigation ● Easier to plan a cruise
05 Information System) information system that complies ● Easier to correct maps
with International Maritime ● Can continuously monitor the sea and the
Organization regulations and can be curves of the seabed depths
used as an alternative to paper ● Fast availability of information when
nautical charts. approaching even busy ports as well as other
new navigation
06 VHV Radio (Very high VHF is a radio frequency ranging from •Send clear and emergency signals to other ships
frequency) 30 MHz to 300 MHz which has a or SAR teams.
wavelength between 1 and 10 meters. ● SAR Coordinating Communication
● Promulgation Marine Safety Information (MSI)
● General Radio Communications
07 Radio SSB(Single side band) Single Side Band Radio (SSB Radio) is a ● Capable of long-distance communications.
radio communication technology that ● Exchange information. By communicating using
uses the principle of frequency radio, each ship can share important
modulation to transmit information information regarding weather, navigation, or
over the air. route changes.
● Make an emergency call.
08 HT (Handy Talky) HT radio(Handy Talky) is a handheld ● Communicate between crew on board
communication device that can ● Communicate with crew from the tugboat to
communicate between two or more the barge,
people using radio waves. ● Communicate for crew with the jetty when
the ship alongside and cast off

08 GMDSS The ground communication system in

the GMDSS system is used to carry out ● To transmit distress signal
communications over short, medium ● Receive distress signals
and long distances using frequencies in ● Used to make calls or receive
the VHF (very high frequency), MF communications individually like a handy
(medium frequency) and HF (high talky (HT)
frequency) frequency bands.

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