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The learner demonstrates communicative competencies through his/her understanding of
literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine


Give technical and operational definitions.


At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
● Define Technical and Operational definitions;
● Correlate terms used in daily conversation; and
● Compose a jingle with words of technical and operational meaning.


Technical and Operational Definition
References: English 10
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Marker

A. Reviewing past lesson and presenting the new

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Good morning, Class! “Good morning, Sir!”

Let us ask the guidance of our Lord, first. Please all (Students will recite the prayer.)

Checking of the attendance and kumustahan

To check if you are here, once I call on your name
instead of saying PRESENT, say I love you. (Learner will raise their hand and say I
LOVE YOU as the teacher calls their
This time, to know how you are feeling this morning, I name.)
distributed color cards and you have to write your
#fordaDay …
(Selected students will share their
(Teacher will now call 2-3 students for the sharing and hashtag and the rest will share it with
let the rest share it with their seatmate, afterwards.) their chosen partner.)

(Teacher will give instructions to the class prior to the
start of the activity.) (Learners will sit with their teammates
and share their ideas on the assigned
Technical Terms word after that, they will write a
- Abstract sentence using the technical term.)
- Data
- Reference
B. Lesson Proper
Directions: Read the following texts clearly. Then,
answer the questions that follow.
1. The government has passed Republic Act 9710
(Magna Carta for Women) to affirm the role of women
in nation building and to ensure the substantive
equality of women.

What is defined in this sentence? How is it defined?

2 Discrimination Against Women” refers to any

gender-based distinction, exclusion, or restriction
which has the effect or purpose of impairing or
nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by
women, irrespective of their marital status, or a basis
of equality of men and women of human rights and
fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
social, cultural, civil, or any other field.

How is discrimination against women defined? (As a group, the learners will perform
the tasks and are given only 3 minutes
3. As defined in Republic Act 7610, child abuse refers to prepare and 2-3 minutes of
to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the presentation.)
child which includes any of the following:

(1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect,

cruelty, sexual abuse, and emotional
(2) Any act by deeds or words which debases,
degrades, or demeans the intrinsic and
dignity of a child as human being; or
(3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic
needs for survival, such as food and

What is defined in this item? How is it defined?

(After the teacher and learners will have a brief

discussion of the output, the teacher then asks probing
questions that will lead them to the definition of the
technical and operational terms.)

A term definition is a word or expression that has a

precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a
science, art, profession, or subject.

Technical definition mostly refers to the aspect of

explaining or describing any technical terms or
(Learners will now have a chance to
activate their schema with the help of
the information the teacher is
Examples include the terms and definitions of the discussing with them.)
words found in the dictionary

Operational definition is the specific meaning of a

word or phrase given to it by the group of people who
use the word in their specific context.

On the other hand, operational definition is more on

the application of the word. In other words, it is used in
defining the terms of a process.

1. Employee satisfaction – number of days per

month that the employee shows up to work on time.

2. Possession – time taken to honk the horn at the car

ahead after a stop light turns green.

C. Application
Directions: Read the sentences and categorize each according to the correct types of
definitions. Write your answers on the corresponding column inside the box.
● An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical.
● A telephone is a device used to talk to people who are far away.
● Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
● Electric current refers to the force between two infinite parallel conductors,
separated by a specified distance.
● Conflict happens in the family, among friends, in the classroom, or around the
corporate conference table.

D. Wrap Up
Directions: Think of two words that commonly use and identify if it has technical definition or
operational definition.

Directions: Take the quiz and write your score. Scan the code to proceed.

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