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DHRD Handbook




Section 27. Handling and Supervision of JO1

Trainees. The Directorate for Human Resource
Development may prescribe the rules, procedures and
guidelines governing the handling and supervision of JO1
Trainees while they are temporarily assigned at the BJMP
National Headquarters and Regional Offices while waiting
for their eventual deployment to the National Jail
Management and Penology Training Institute for their Jail
Basic Recruit Course training.

Section 28. Authority and Responsibility of the

Directorate for Human Resource Development to
Handle and Supervise JO1 Trainees of the BJMP, to

(a) Establish standards and systematic procedures

in handling and supervision of JO1 trainees.

(b) Guide the DHRD training staff and trainees as

well as to the extent of their respective
responsibility and scope of activity.

(c) Equip the JO1 trainees with the necessary

knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help
them survive and hurdle the rigors and
challenges of their Jail Basic Recruit Course
(JBRC) training.
DHRD Handbook

(d) Develop holistic or integrated approach to be

followed to ensure the physical, psychological,
emotional, spiritual and intellectual development and
preparedness of all JO1 trainees.

(e) Issue directives for implementation and mandatory

compliance to all JO1 trainees appointed at the

(f) Issue directives for implementation and mandatory

compliance to all JO1 trainees appointed in all
regional offices.

(g) Identify individuals that will serve as point persons or

Training JCOs and JNCOs who will handle and
supervise JO1 trainees.

(h) Orient the JO1 Trainees prior to their deployment to

the National Jail Management and Penology
Training Institute.

(i) Avoid any form of torture or abuses in the treatment

and handling of JO1.

(j) Authorize the DHRD and HRDD personnel,

respectively, to supervise and handle JO1 trainees
while assigned at the National Headquarters or
Regional Offices.

(k) Impose proper and acceptable disciplinary

measures to erring JO1 trainees.

DHRD Handbook

Section 29. Basic Guidelines on the Turn-Over

of JO1 Trainees to the DHRD.

(a) All JO1 trainees appointed at the NHQ shall be

properly turned over by the Directorate for
Personnel and Records Managements to the
DHRD after complying with all the documentary
requirements of their appointments.

(b) Upon the directive of the Director of HRD, all JO1

trainees appointed at the regional offices shall be
properly turn over to the DHRD, in coordination
with the HRDD of every region.

(c) All recruits placed under orientation in the BJMP

National Headquarters shall stay for a period of one
(1) month prior to the turn-over to the National Jail
Management and Training Institute for their formal
Jail Basic Recruit Course training.

(d) Upon turn-over of the JO1 trainees to the DHRD,

the following documents shall be submitted:

d.1. CSC Folder

d.2. NJMPTI Folder

DHRD Handbook

Section 30. Duties of the DHRD and HRDD

Training Staff.

(a) The staff of the DHRD Training Division shall be

responsible of the following:

a.1. Provide the initial orientation to JO1 trainees

on the policies and guidelines governing the
conduct and decorum of JO1 trainees.

a.2. Supervise and monitor the daily activities of

JO1 trainees.

a.3. Oversee the implementation of the orientation

program for trainees.

a.4. Coordinate with the offices/individuals

concerned (i.e. Finance Service, Health
Service, BJMP-MPC, etc.), relative to the
trainees’ welfare and best interest.

a.5. Provide guidance and instill proper discipline to

JO1 trainees.

a.6. Facilitate the lodging and accommodation of


a.7. Submit regular and incident or delinquency

report to the Director for HRD.

a.8. Make the JO1 trainees sign and understand

the JO1 Trainee’s Pledge Of Commitment.

(b) Coverage of initial orientation:

b.1. Overview of the trainees’ daily activities.

DHRD Handbook

b.2. Emphasis on the daily attendance and

reporting on time.

b.3. Prescribed attire.

b.4. Maintenance of good grooming, appearance

and deportment.

b.5. Authorize items that they should bring for daily


b.6. Courtesy and respect to all personnel and

visitors of the BJMP.

b.7. Proper demeanor while on duty.

b.8. Proper execution of salute and way of


b.9. Familiarize the key officials of the BJMP.

b.10. Mess procedure.

b.11. Give awareness on the common problems

encountered and violations committed by

b.12. Give an overview on the Recruitment and

Selection Plan (RSP) in coordination with
the personnel of the Directorate for
Personnel and Records Management

DHRD Handbook

b.13. Give awareness regarding the role and

dynamics of the Strategic Performance
Management System (SPMS) and the proper
filling of the forms in coordination with the
authorized personnel of the Directorate for
Personnel and Records Management (DPRM).

b.14. Conduct orientation, in coordination with the

authorized personnel of the Directorate for
Personnel and Records Management (DPRM),
on the proper filing of entries in the Statement
of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN).

b.15. Conduct short lectures and symposium drives

on relevant subject matters for the moral,
psychological, and career upliftment of the JO1

b.16. Conduct lectures in coordination with the

available personnel of the directorates and
officers on relevant matters for the knowledge
and career upliftment of the JO1 trainees.

b.17. Provide all trainees with an identification card

or nametag which they must wear at all times
especially while on office duty.

b.18. Compose the class of JO1 trainees.

(c) Conducts performance evaluation to the JO1

trainees prior to the turn-over to the NJMPTI.

DHRD Handbook

Section 31. Basic Schedule of Activities of JO1

Trainees. The trainees shall have the following
schedule for their daily activities, which must be followed,
except, otherwise instructed:


O500H Reporting Time
0500H-0510H Personnel Accounting
0510H-0515H Morning Prayer
0515H-0730H Physical Conditioning (Road Run)
0730H-0745H AOR/Ground Polishing
0745H-0800H Personal Necessities
0800H-0830H Morning Mess
0830H-1200H Office/Area Assignment
1200H-1210H Personnel Accounting
1210H-1300H Noon Mess
1300H-1500H Office / Area Assignment
1500H-1700H Drills / Guidance
1700H-1730H Physical Conditioning
1730H-1800H AOR / Ground Polishing
1800H-1815H Distribution of Evening Mess
1815H-1825H Personnel Accounting
1825H-1830H Evening Prayer
1830H-onwards Dismissal

DHRD Handbook


O500H Reporting Time
0500H-0510H Personnel Accounting
0510H-0515H Morning Prayer
0515H-0715H Physical Conditioning (BJMP Dozen)
0715H-0745H AOR/Ground Polishing
0745H-0800H Personal Necessities
0800H-0830H Morning Mess
0830H-1200H Office/Area Assignment
1200H-1210H Personnel Accounting
1210H-1300H Noon Mess
1300H-1500H Office / Area Assignment
1500H-1700H Lecture / Guidance
1700H-1730H Physical Conditioning
1730H-1800H AOR / Ground Polishing
1800H-1815H Distribution of Evening Mess
1815H-1825H Personnel Accounting
1825H-1830H Evening Prayer
1830H-onwards Dismissal

0530H Reporting Time
0530H-0540H Personnel Accounting
0540H-0545H Morning Prayer
Physical Conditioning (Road Run &
BJMP Dozen) / Recreational Activities
0845H-0900H Morning Mess
0900H-0930H AOR / Ground Polishing
0930H-1100H Lecture / Drills / Guidance
1100H-1200H Class Meeting / Fellowship
1200H-1210H Personnel Accounting
1210H-1230H Distribution of Noon Mess
1230H-onwards Dismissal
DHRD Handbook

Section 32. Things to Memorize and Familiarize

by JO1 Trainees. (See Annex “L”)

(a) All JO1 trainees shall memorize the following

essential information:

a.1. Panunumpa Ng Katapatan Sa Watawat Ng


a.2. BJMP Vision, Mission and Objective

a.3. BJMP Core Values and Core Competencies

a.4. BJMP Program Thrusts and Services

a.5. Organizational Structure

a.6. BJMP Hymn

a.7. Jail Officer’s Prayer

a.8. Loyalty Pledge

a.9. 11 General Orders

a.10. Proper Execution of the BJMP Dozen

a.11. Basic Commands

a.12. Do’s and Don’ts While at NHQ

a.13. NJMPTI Morning and Evening Prayers

a.14. Essential Things to Bring to NJMPTI

DHRD Handbook

(b) All JO1 trainees shall familiarize the following

essential information:

b.1. Brief History of The BJMP

b.2. Mandate / Legal Basis

b.3. BJMP Code Of Ethical Standards, Customs

and Traditions.

Section 33. Decorum for JO1 Trainees.

(a) The JO1 trainees shall wear the prescribed

attire to be worn in all duration of their stay at
the National Headquarters:

White round neck T-shirt
(subject to change by discretion)
Blue maong pants (not low waist),
Black garrison belt with skeleton
White rubber shoes
White socks
White hand towel
White round neck T-shirt
Gray jersey shorts
Athletic White rubber shoes
White socks
White hand towel

DHRD Handbook

(b) In the office or area where they are assigned,

trainees are expected to:

b.1. Follow all lawful orders

b.2. Maximize their time and stay by making

themselves productive while on duty.

b.3. Acquaint themselves with the office functions

and names of the personnel.

b.4. Refrain from using the office phone for

personal calls.

b.5. Help in the security and maintenance of office

records, correspondence, items and equipment,
as directed.

b.6. Observe the limitation of access to confidential


b.7. Keep with utmost confidentiality all information

and communication entrusted to them.

(c) All JO1 trainees shall wear their identification

cards or name tags.

(d) All JO1 trainees shall observe the “buddy

system” especially when they are given
instructions to leave the NHQ premises.

(e) All JO1 trainees shall sign the control slip when
instructed to do orders requiring them to leave
the NHQ premises and log the information of
his whereabouts into the record book.

DHRD Handbook

(f) Shall recite the prayers at the start and end of

the day and during meal time.

(g) Materials for mess (e.g. collapsible table,

plates, drinking glass, spoon and fork) shall be
provided by the BJMP Multi-Purpose
Cooperative or designated catering provider.
These utensils shall be surrendered at the end
of their stay at the NHQ.

(h) All JO1 trainees are strictly prohibited from

smoking, gambling, and drinking liquor inside
and outside the NHQ premises.

Section 34. Mandatory Compliance for JO1


(a) All JO1 trainees shall abide with the following

rules and regulations set forth by the BJMP
while temporarily assigned at the National

a.1. Shall not lie, cheat or steal.

a.2. Shall be duty bound to follow all lawful orders.

a.3 Shall not be absent from duty.

a.4. Shall report for work on or before the

designated time.

a.5. Shall wear the prescribed attire for all the

activities in the NHQ.

DHRD Handbook

a.6. Shall participate in all physical conditioning


a.7. Shall maintain good grooming.

a.8. Shall render snappy salute to all officers.

a.9. Shall show courtesy to all personnel and

visitors of the BJMP.

a.10. Shall bring tickler and ballpen in back-pocket

and wear the prescribed ID or nametag.

a.11. Shall bring athletic attire, extra clothes, towel,

and mess utensils.

a.12. Shall refrain from wearing jewelry and

wristwatch, except, when designated as Class
Marcher or Marcher of the Day.

a.13. Shall surrender the cellular phone at the start

of the day and will not use the office phone for
personal calls during the tour of duties.

a.14. Shall get the instructions only from the

personnel authorized to supervise all JO1
trainees while in the NHQ.

a.15. Shall recite and know by heart all the

information needed to be memorized and
understood as a JO1 trainee (i.e. BJMP
Mission, Vision, Objectives, Core Values,
Eleven (11) General Orders, etc).

DHRD Handbook

a.16. Shall familiarize themselves with all the key

officials of the BJMP..

a.17. Shall strive to complete the essential things to

bring to National Jail Management and
Penology Training Institute (NJMPTI) at the
earliest possible time.

a.18. Shall settle financial obligations.

a.19. Shall conduct themselves with propriety.

a.20. Shall keep their area of responsibility clean

and in order.

a.21. Shall not smoke, gamble or drink intoxicating


a.22. Shall turn off unnecessary lights and follow all

energy conservation measures of the Bureau.

a.23. Shall make themselves productive especially

in the area/office where they are assigned.

a.24. Shall not exchange office assignments

without the expressed permission of those
authorized to supervise JO1 trainees.

a.25. Shall not sleep on post.

a.26. Shall not leave the NHQ premises without

logging out or unless given specific instruction
to do so.

DHRD Handbook

a.27. Shall immediately log in once returned and

completed assigned task.

a.28 Shall refrain from rumor-mongering and being

a source of wrong information.

a.29. Shall keep all information and communication

relayed or being entrusted with utmost

a.30. Shall always uphold the customs and

traditions of the bureau.

(b) Class marchers shall submit to the training

staff, addressed to the Director for HRD, a
report for JO1/T who fail to attend or arrive late
for work/duty.

(c) All JO1 trainees who are under instruction and

cannot join the formation and regular activity of
the class, shall inform immediately the training
staff on duty of their situation.

(d) Dormitories where trainees are temporarily

housed shall be visited from time to time to
check on their living condition. Addresses,
contact numbers, capacities and sketches of
these dormitories shall be kept by the training
staff. The training staff shall also maintain
close coordination with the owners and
caretakers of these dormitories.

(e) Infractions and violations committed by a JO1

trainees shall be appropriately dealt with the
applicable administrative rules and regulations.
These shall also serve as basis for delaying a
trainee’s deployment to NJMPTI.
DHRD Handbook

Section 35. Decorum for JO1 Trainees While on

Dormitory. All JO1 trainees are expected to behave
properly and observe the following decorum:

(a) Avoid displaying of any obscene or any form of

pornographic pictures/magazines anywhere in
their dormitories.

(b) Male JO1 trainees are prohibited from entering

any female dormitories, except, when
performing greyhound operations under the
supervision of the duty training staff. Likewise,
this rule shall apply to all female JO1 trainees.

(c) Proper dress code shall be strictly observed

whether inside or outside of their dormitories.

(d) Clothes, laundry, and other personal items shall

be properly organized inside their barracks.

(e) Silence shall be strictly observed during TAPS

(Time for All Personnel to Sleep) times at
2200H and trainees are strictly not allowed to
go out of their dormitories on that curfew hour
or other designated time instructed for their

(f) Shall observe due respect for roommates’

privacy during sleep or rest hour.

(g) Shall not use any improvised electrical devices

or connections other than the fixed electrical
outlets in their dormitories.

DHRD Handbook

(h) Smoking, drinking of intoxicating liquor, any

form of gambling, within their dormitories are
strictly not allowed.

(i) No visitors are allowed inside dormitories

without permission from the training staff.

(j) Cleanliness must always be observed inside

and outside of their dormitories.

(k) Avoid talking in vernacular (home grown / local)

dialect when in group to avoid
misunderstanding among them.

(l) Shall maintain conservation of electricity and


Section 36. Designation / Election of Temporary

and Daily Class Marchers. The class of JO1 trainees
under orientation period in the NHQ, shall appoint
temporary class marcher for every class of recruits upon
formal composition or designation of the class.

(a) Duties and Responsibilities of the

Temporary Class Marcher, shall be as

a.1. Conducts class formation and lead the

class to the designated area of instruction /

a.2. Assists the training staff during all activities

in the conduct of headcount and accounting
of students/ trainees and report absentees
to the duty training staff.

DHRD Handbook

a.3. Assists the training staff in instilling

discipline and ensuring that the orientation
training rules and guidelines are being

a.4. Assists in the processing of all applications

for sick call.

a.5. Prepares and submit the daily attendance

report to the training staff for subsequent
submission to the Chief, Training Division.

a.6. Disseminates all official announcements of

the Bureau and that of the DHRD’s.

a.7. Prepares and submits the daily attendance


a.8. Keeps all records of the class.

a.9. Monitors the night duties of his/her class in

all dormitories.

a.10. Makes necessary reports pertaining to

any incident that may happen.

a.11. Disseminates all instructions and official


DHRD Handbook

a.12. Organize the class on the following requirements:

(1) Class name,

(2) Class logo,
(3) Class officers,
(4) Class color,
(5) Class song,
(6) Class marching song,
(7) Class fund,
(8) Class medicine, and
(9) Class athletic uniform.

Designation of a Daily Class Marcher. For

purposes of developing leadership among the JO1
trainees, the Chief, Training, or by any authorized
training staff, may designate a Daily Class Marcher
(DCM), from among the JO1 trainees on a rotation
basis. The DCM shall have the duties and
responsibilities, as follows:

b.1. Assists the temporary class marcher by

taking control of the formations, accounting
and movement of the class during academic

b.2. Renders reports to the Instructor on the

status of the class i.e. those present and

b.3. Ensures the availability of instructional

materials and equipment needed by the
training staff.

b.4. Assists the training staff in instilling discipline

and ensures that the school’s rules and
regulations are being followed.

DHRD Handbook

Section 37. Guidelines on Pass System.

All JO1 trainees who will avail of the weekend and

ordinary passes, shall not leave the BJMP NHQ
without the approved instruction or permission for
pass from the Director, DHRD. In case of
absence of the Director, DHRD, the authority to
give permission on the said passes, shall be
delegated to the DHRD Personnel either the
Chief, Training Division or the Duty Training

All JO1 trainees shall sign-out and sign-in on the log

book before and after pass.

The DHRD is authorize to determine the allowable

strength or number of JO1 trainees to go on pass
at any given time and on emergency cases.

All JO1 trainees shall not be allowed to enjoy

weekend pass privilege on the following grounds:

d.1. when under restriction for some health

problems, provided with advice from the
authorized medical physician.

d.2. when under restriction for some disciplinary


d.3. when under restriction for some security

reasons as determined or instructed by the
Director, DHRD, or in case of absence of the
former; the authority to restrict shall be
delegated to Chief, Training, or the Duty
Training Staff, in case of the unavailability of
the Director, DHRD and Chief, Training.
DHRD Handbook

d.4. when a Weekend Pass is limited to a

maximum of twenty four (24) hours only.

(e) Ordinary Pass during weekdays and weekends,

shall be limited to a maximum of twenty four (24)
hours only.

(f) Any other kind of pass that exceeds twenty-four

(24) hours of compliance, shall be endorsed by
the Chief, Training to the Director, DHRD for
proper permission; provided, however, the request
for pass shall be accompanied with letter request
for pass, signed by a JO1 trainee requesting for
pass, and his class marcher, stating therein the

f.1. Place of destination.

f.2. Place or area where the purpose will be


f.3. Purpose of using the pass.

f.4.Person to be contacted in case of emergency.

f.5. Person(s) to be accompanied, or to spend

pass with.

(g) All JO1 trainees applying for pass shall file at least
three (3) days ahead of its effective date. Pass
takes effect only upon the approval of the Director,
DHRD; or in case of absence of the former, the
authority to restrict, shall be delegated to Chief,
Training; or the Duty Training Staff, in case of the
unavailability of the Director, DHRD and Chief,
DHRD Handbook

(h) All JO1 trainees granted with pass privilege, shall

submit to the duty training staff; upon return to duty,
substantial proof of compliance of its purpose.

Section 38. Classifications of Pass

(a) Weekend Pass - Pass granted during Saturday

after lunch meal of the JO1 trainees which shall not
exceed more than twenty four (24) hours.

(b) Ordinary Pass - A leave of duty which shall

comprise of not more than twenty four (24) hours
during weekdays.

(c) Special / Privilege Pass - This shall be granted

according to the discretion of the Director, DHRD,
or in case of absence of the former; the authority to
give special pass permit, shall be delegated to
Chief, Training, or the Duty Training Staff, in case
of the unavailability of the Director, DHRD and
Chief, Training.

(d) Religious pass shall be considered as special pass.

The purpose of this pass is to enhance the spiritual
well-being of JO1 trainees and they are given a
maximum of three (3) hours only to exercise and
practice their religious beliefs.

(e) Emergency Pass - A twenty-four (24) passs given

in the event of death, funeral, maternity, or serious
illness of immediate members of the family.

(f) Other kind of pass as determined by the Chief,

BJMP; Director, DHRD or his/her duly authorized
DHRD Handbook

Section 39. Guidelines to Observe While on

Pass. During pass, all JO1 trainees are expected to
observe the proper demeanor while outside the borders of
the National Headquarters. Unacceptable behavior shall not
be tolerated and shall be a basis for the revocation of his /
her appointment. The following shall be strictly observed
and obeyed of all JO1 trainees whenever they are on pass:

(a) To act with appropriate behavior expected of a

lady and a gentleman of the uniformed service

(b) Shall show reasonable / appropriate courtesy

towards upperclassmen and jail commissioned

(c) Shall always give what is due to all people in all

occasions and circumstances.

(d) Shall always observe the time-honored

delicadeza in all human relations and in their
official and personal appointments.

(e) Shall not smoke, gamble, or drink intoxicating

beverages in any place.

(f) Shall not enter places of ill-repute or house of


(g) Shall not wear any revealing-kind or

inappropriate clothes.

(h) Shall not usurp official authority of any public


(i) Shall not use his status for any deceitful or

unlawful purpose.
DHRD Handbook

(j) Shall avoid any form of altercation with any

civilian. Any form of misunderstanding shall be
resolved in a peaceful manner or brought to a
proper forum.

Section 40. Waiver From Liability. The Jail Bureau,

specifically the DHRD, shall not be held liable for any
accident or incident that may transpire during trainees’ pass.

Section 41. Guidelines for Sick Call.

(a) All JO1 trainees who are on Sick Call shall submit
a medical certificate issued by the Health Service
Office (HSO). The JO1 trainee shall inform the
duty training staff and class marcher of his / her
medical / health condition.

(b) Light Duty (LD) – A JO1 trainee is required to

attend daily activities but shall not perform
strenuous physical activities.

(c) Sick-in Quarters (SIQ) – A JO1 trainee shall be

confined at the dormitories for bed rest and further
observation and, may not be required to perform
daily activities in the NHQ until he/she fully
recovers from the illness, not exceeding a period
of twenty four (24) hours.

(d) Sick in Dispensary (SID) – A JO1 trainee shall be

confined at the dispensary or in the hospital, as
the case may be; if no improvement from illness
occurs after twenty four (24) hours. He / she shall
not be allowed to attend / perform daily activities
in the NHQ and perform strenuous physical

DHRD Handbook

(e) Meals for JO1 trainee under Sick in Quarters

(SIQ) or sick in Dispensary (SID) status shall be
brought to them by their classmates.

Section 42. Class Organization. JO1 trainees

are encouraged to form class organizations in temporary
designation, to foster closer relationship among
themselves. Every batch of recruits elect the following set
of officers:

(a) President
(b) Vice- President
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(e) Auditor
(f) Relation / Protocol Officer


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