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DHRD Handbook




Section 1. Legal Basis. The Directorate for

Human Resource Development was created pursuant
to DILG Department Order No. 2010- 244, dividing the
then Directorate for Human Resource and Records
Management (DHRRM) into two distinct Directorates.

The growing number of personnel and their role

in achieving the Bureau’s mandate made their
development a primary concern for the Bureau.

Section 2. Vision. The Directorate for Human

Resource Development envisions a BJMP workforce
imbued with professionalism that is highly competent
and committed towards a sustained humane
safekeeping and development of inmates.

Section 3. Mission. To enable the human

resources of the BJMP reach their full potential and
make them responsive and fully equipped to answer the
call and challenges of the jail service.

DHRD Handbook

Section 4. DHRD Logo.

Figure 2. DHRD Logo

a. Name in bold letters – showcases the strong and

solid identity of the Directorate

b. Shield – depicts the Bureau’s primary mission of


c. Spokes – surrounding the shield signifies the

Bureau’s continuous and relentless pursuit of
developing and transforming its personnel

d. Laurel Leaves – signify excellence in the jail

DHRD Handbook

e. Human Figures – surrounding the burning torch

represents the human resources of the BJMP which is the
focus of all initiative and endeavor of the Directorate.

f. Burning Torch – represents the dynamic and

responsive programs pertaining to human resource

g. 2010 – represents the year the Directorate was


h. Three Stars – symbolize the three main islands of the


Section 5. Functions of the DHRD.

(a) Lead in policy formulation and in the planning,

directing, coordinating, and supervising of all
matters pertaining to human resource

(b) Formulate training programs and directives

required to attain professionalism of all BJMP
personnel and the operational readiness of all field

(c) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of human

resource management policies, standards and

(d) Assists in the preparation of budget for education

and training of personnel; and

(e) Perform other duties as directed by higher authority.

DHRD Handbook

Section 6. Organizational Structure, Qualifications,

and Functions of the DHRD.

Figure 3. DHRD Organizational Structure

(a) Director and Deputy Director

a.1. Director.


a. Should have the rank of at least Senior

b. A graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a
Master’s Degree in Management. Public
Administration, Public Safety, Criminology, Penology,
Sociology, National Security Administration, Defense
Studies or other related disciplines from a recognized
institution of learning; and

DHRD Handbook

c. Should have completed and passed the Public Safety

Officer’s Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC) and
other necessary training or career courses for such
position as may be established by the Jail Bureau.


a. Leads in policy formulation and in the planning,

directing, coordinating, and supervising of all matters
pertaining to human resource development;

b. Formulates training programs and directives required

to attain professionalism of all BJMP personnel and
the operational readiness of all field units;

c. Monitors and evaluates the implementation of human

resource development policies, standards and

d. Assists in the preparation of budget for education and

training of personnel;

h. Establish Regional Training Centers in Luzon,

Visayas, and Mindanao; and

i. Performs such other functions as the Chief, BJMP

may direct.

a.2. Deputy Director.


a. Should have the rank of at least Superintendent

at the time he/she is recommended for the

DHRD Handbook

b. Should be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder

of a Master’s Degree in Management, Public
Administration, Public Safety, Criminology, Penology,
Sociology, National Security Administration, Defense
Studies, or other related disciplines from a
recognized institution of learning;

c. Should have completed and passed the Public Safety

Officer Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC) and
other necessary training or career courses for such
position as may be established by the Jail Bureau;

d. Should have been previously assigned in a

supervisory position in the jail service.


a. Assists the Director for HRD in the implementation

of policies, guidelines and programs on HRD and
the continuity of compliances of various functional
activities of all the divisions of the Directorate;

b. Act as the OIC, DHRD in the absence of the Director;


c. Performs other functions as directed by competent


(b) Administrative Division.

(a) Responsible for the effective management of the

flow of communication, maintenance and
safekeeping of records, management of supplies
and equipment and other related matters;

DHRD Handbook

(b) Drafts communication for the signature of the Director

of HRD;

(c) Coordinates with line agencies for the effective

facilitation of seminars, scholarships and/or training
programs; and

(d) Performs other functions as directed by competent


b.1. Records Section.

(a) Manages all records and incoming and outgoing


(b) Assists in the orientation and indoctrination of new

JO1 Trainees;

(c) Act as initial contact for clients;

(d) Assists the Chief, Administrative Division in the

records keeping functions of the Directorate;

(e) Performs other functions as directed by competent


b.2. Budget and Supply Section.

(a) Responsible for the acquisition, maintenance and

disposal of logistical requirement of the Directorate;

(b) Provides estimates and financial requirement for the

smooth operation and administration of the
Directorate; and

(c) Performs other functions as directed by competent

DHRD Handbook

(c) Training Management Division.

(a) strategies, standards and guidelines pertaining to

mandatory and specialized trainings;

(b) Initiates researches and studies in coordination with

other directorates for the development and enhancement
of BJMP doctrines;

(c) Evaluates trainings for continued development and

enhancement; and

(d) Performs other functions as directed by competent


c.1. Career Course Development Section.

(a) Monitors and updates programs on mandatory trainings

in coordination with the NJMPTI and PPSC;

(b) Evaluates conducted mandatory trainings and set

training schedule for the year;

(c) Evaluates requests for inclusion/deferment and

maintain a database of orders regarding mandatory

(d) Provides orientation and guidance to all JO1 Trainees

turned-over by the DPRM and the regional office;

(e) Establishes guidelines and standards in the handling of

JO1 Trainees assigned at the BJMP-NHQ;

DHRD Handbook

(f) Supervises all JO1 Trainees in their daily activities

prior to their deployment to NJMPTI for JBRC;

(g) Renders reports and updates relative to the

supervision of JO1 Trainees; and

(h) Performs other functions as directed by competent


c.2. International/Local Specialized Training


(a) Monitors and updates programs on special trainings in

coordination with the other Directorates and outside

(b) Evaluates and maintains a database of personnel who

have undergone special trainings;

(c) Evaluates requests for inclusion/deferment and

maintain a database of orders regarding specialized

(d) Assists in the orientation and indoctrination of new

JO1 Trainees;

(e) Assists in the formulation of strategies and

standards pertaining to the training of JO1/Ts while
in the NHQ; and

(f) Performs other functions as directed by competent


DHRD Handbook

c.3. Research and Doctrine Development


(a) Formulates standards, policies, guidelines, and

doctrines pertaining to the training and
development of BJMP personnel;

(b) Evaluates and updates standards, policies,

guidelines, and doctrines pertaining to the training
and development of BJMP personnel; and

(c) Performs other functions as directed by competent


(d) Monitoring and Evaluation Division.

(a) Monitors compliance to DHRD evaluation forms;

(b) Consolidates and analyses trainings and personnel

evaluation as feedback for review of programs and

(c) Creates database on trainings and personnel


(d) Creates and operates online accounts of the


(e) Maintains data and statistics on training and other

HRD activities; and

(f) Performs other functions as directed by competent


DHRD Handbook

d.1. Training Monitoring and Evaluation


(a) Consolidates and analyses evaluation on trainings

and instructors;

(b) Maintains database on training statistics; and

(c) Performs other functions as directed by competent


d.2. Personnel Monitoring and Evaluation


(b) Consolidates and analyses evaluation on personnel

training and performance;

(b) Maintains database on personnel development

profile; and

(b) Performs other functions as directed by competent



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