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DHRD Handbook



Section 43. Mandatory Training. The DHRD is the

primary office responsible for the programming of mandatory
trainings, identifying number of classes, and selection of
participants for the prospected calendar year of schooling.

Section 44. Qualifications for Career Course.

(a) The BJMP career courses are JBRC, PSJLC,

PSOSEC, which prescribes the following

Jail Basic Recruit Course (JBRC)

Required rank: Jail Officer One Trainee
Time duration: Four months

Public Safety Junior Supervisory Course (PSJLC)

Required rank: Jail Officer Three
Time duration: Two months

Public Safety Senior Leadership Course (PSSLC)

Required rank: Senior Jail Officer One/Two
Time duration: Two months

Public Safety Officers Candidate Course (PSOCC)

Required rank: Senior Jail Officer Three/Four
Time duration: Four months

DHRD Handbook

Public Safety Officers Orientation Course (PSOOC)

Required rank: Inspector & Senior Inspector
Time duration: Forty Five Days

Jail Officers Basic Course (JOBC)

Required rank: Jail Inspector
Time duration: Three months

Jail Officers Advance Course (JOAC)

Required rank: Jail Senior Inspector
Time duration: Three months

PS Officers Senior Executive Course (PSOSEC)

Required rank: Jail Superintendent
Time duration: Twelve months

(b) Candidates must be the most senior personnel

based on Training Lineal List (TLL), or at least, one
year in their present rank. The DHRD reserves the
right to modify the qualifications on training as
circumstances arise.

Section 45. The Training Lineal List (TLL). The TLL

is a method to be used for evaluation and prioritization of
personnel to undergo schooling based on the selection of
participants to undergo career courses schooling stated in
Section 78.

Section 46. Pooling of Participants. (a) The

schedule of training for career courses shall be published and
disseminated to all regions three months prior to the
commencement of schooling to inform and provide enough
time for preparation of all personnel who are due for schooling,

DHRD Handbook

and to encourage participation of some interested

personnel. The publication of schedule of training shall be
as follows:

(a) BJMP website;

(b) DHRD website;
(c) Facsimile;
(d) Email; and
(e) Express courier mailing.

(a) Once the final list of trainees to undergo career

courses is published, all personnel included
therein, shall only be given a period of one (1)
month to submit their request for deferment,
change of class, and re-scheduling.

(b) The selection of participants shall be according

to the following mandatory qualifications:

b.1. The personnel must be among the seniors

in the training lineal list.

b.2. The rank must be appropriate or equivalent

to the career course to undergo.

b.2. The personnel must be physically,

emotionally, and mentally fit.

b.3. The personnel must not be due for

retirement on the next three (3) years.

b.4. However, in case of shortage of the number

of personnel in a class to undergo schooling,
the Directorate for Human Resource
Development (DHRD) has the discretion to accept
recommendees, volunteers with under-rank, and
DHRD Handbook

those personnel who have not yet attained

a year of service in their present rank, to fill-
in the shortage of mandatorily required in a

(c) Means of selection of personnel to undergo


c.1. Through the Training Lineal List (TLL) - this

is done by the DHRD, Training
Management Division by sorting the names
of qualified personnel who are due for

c.2. Acceptance of the endorsed personnel to

undergo schooling.

c.3. Acceptance of personnel who volunteered

to undergo schooling.

(d) Proper channeling of requests for schooling. All

requests of personnel to undergo schooling
shall be coursed through to the Regional
Directors or Directors of Directorates specifying
therein the particular course and the schedule
of training. The following procedures shall be

d.1. The requesting personnel. Shall submit

letter-request for the inclusion in the
mandatory training addressed to his chief/

d.2 The chief/supervisor/warden. Shall endorse

the letter request of the personnel to the
regional director.
DHRD Handbook

d.3. The Regional Director. Shall endorse the

letter request of the personnel and the
endorsement of the chief/supervisor/warden
to the Director, DHRD.

Section 47. Consolidation, Review, and


(a) All received endorsements to undergo

schooling, will be consolidated and evaluated
by the DHRD, to validate qualifications of the
personnel included in the final list to undergo
schooling. When the names become final, the
DHRD will publish the final list of names of
personnel to undergo the schooling as stated
under the procedure in Section 20(a) of this

(b) The DHRD will endorse the names of the

participants to the Directorate for Personnel and
Records Management (DPRM) for the issuance
of special orders to undergo the career course
for schooling.

(c) The DPRM will route the special orders to the

Command Group for their comment(s),
suggestion(s), and signatures.

(d) When the Command Group approves the

special orders, it will now be returned to the
Director, DPRM for signature and dissemination
to the regional offices.

DHRD Handbook

e. The special orders to undergo the schooling,

shall be disseminated to all regions to inform the
concerned personnel to proceed with his training.
The Message Center will circulate and
disseminate the special orders via facsimile,
email, and express mailing to the regional offices
at least a month prior the commencement of the

The copy of special orders shall also

serves as the basis of the chiefs of regional
human resource and personnel and records
management divisions to maximize the remaining
workforce in their jail units.

Section 48. Transfer of Personnel from BJMP


(a) The procedure for the Jail Basic Recruit

Course.The acceptance of the JO1 trainees from
the regional units and transfer to the NJMPTI,
shall be separate from that of the courses stated
in 8.2., the JBRC shall be as follows:

a.1. The newly appointed JO1 trainees, through

the DHRD, shall be issued with appropriate
directives to report to the BJMP National
Headquarters for placement on orientation for
a period of one (1) month prior to their
deployment to the NJMPTI.

a.2. The BJMP National Headquarters, through

the DHRD, shall turn over the recruits by
batch to the NJMPTI for their formal JBRC
DHRD Handbook

(b) The procedures for personnel who will undergo

schooling for PSJLC, PSSLC, JOCC, JOOC,
JOBC, JOAC and PSOSEC shall be different
and distinct from that of the JBRC.

b.1. The personnel shall report to the BJMP

NHQ on the dates mentioned in the special
orders to secure the appropriate clearances
from the Health Service Office and Legal
Service Office prior to their reporting to the
NJMPTI, to wit:

HSO: for proper evaluation of the state of health

and issuance of medical certificate.
Note: The Health Service Office
(HSO) reserves the discretion to change the
rules and requirements as to the submission
of medical laboratory records/documents.

LSO: for issuance of legal clearance; proper

verification as to legal liabilities and
obligations that may adversely affect the
performance or impede the training of
Note: Only the personnel convicted
with final judgment are not allowed to
undergo schooling.

b.2. All personnel included in the special orders

to undergo a career course schooling, other
than JBRC, shall be relieved from their
posts effectively on the date mentioned in
the special orders.

DHRD Handbook

(c) All personnel who will undergo PSOSEC shall

be relieved from their posts and duties five days
prior to the effective date of the opening of their
class at the National Police College (NPC).

Section 49. Deployment of Personnel.

(a) Once the personnel are turned over to the

authorities of the training centers, the
management and supervision of their training is
now within the power and authority of the
Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) and
National Jail Management and Penology
Training Institute (NJMPTI).

(b) The Program of Instructions (POI) provided by

the NJMPTI or NPC, as the case may be, are
designed to develop the competence
measurement through a grading system
(written/practical) in both the academic and non
-academic phase of the curricula including the
site immersion (OJT) conducted to various jail
units managed by the BJMP.

(c) Strictly no cross-training to other training

institutions. All mandatory trainings of JBRC,
JOAC shall be conducted at the National Jail
Management Penology Training Institute

DHRD Handbook

Section 50. Policy on the Deferment of Training.

(a) When a personnel earned his promotion, it is

understood that his rank now, is eligible for
inclusion to the career course training
equivalent to his rank. This principle denied
the previous “one-year time in grade”
requirement before a personnel can be
included in a course to undergo schooling.

(b) For some unexpected circumstances, the

regional office shall endorse participants for
the replacement of deferred personnel. To
ensure the proper accounting of participants,
the replacement shall be done before the
commencement of the formal training. For any
unjustifiable reason that may be found, the
DHRD reserves the right to endorse the issue
for investigation to the Directorate for DIP for
possible administrative sanction.

(c) Procedures on Endorsement of Personnel for

Deferment of Schooling. For reasons of
exclusion from undergoing mandatory training,
the following documents shall be attached:

c.1. Health Problem.

1. Copy of medical records (e.g. laboratory

findings, certificates).

2. Medical records must be certified and

signed by the examining physicians from
the Bureau or by doctors practicing in the

DHRD Handbook

3. It should also be certified by the Jail Bureau’s


4. Endorsement letter for nullification of special

orders duly signed by regional directors to
be submitted to the DHRD.

c.2. Optional Retirement.

1. Letter-request to avail of Optional

Retirement rather than undergo mandatory
training to be submitted to the Directorate
for Personnel and Records Management
(DPRM), copy furnished the Directorate for
Human Resource Development (DHRD).

2. Affidavit of Undertaking notarized by a

Notary Public.

3. Endorsement letter for nullification of special

orders signed by regional directors to be
submitted to the DHRD.

c.3. Mandatory Retirement. (in case the name

of a retiring personnel is mistakenly
included in the special orders to undergo
mandatory training):

1. Letter-request for nullification of special

orders stating the mandatory retirement

2, Endorsement letter for nullification of special

orders signed by regional directors to be
submitted to the DHRD.
DHRD Handbook

c.4. Change of Schedule.

1. Letter-request for nullification of

special orders, stating the preferred
date of training scheduled within the

2. Endorsement letter for nullification of

special orders signed by regional
directors to be submitted to the DHRD.

(d) Re-assignment of health deferred personnel to

the Regional Health Service Unit for further
monitoring and supervision of the Regional
Health Service Unit (RHSU) and Human
Resource Development Division (HRDD),

(e) The roles of the Regional Health Service Unit,

Human Resource Development Division
(HRDD), and Jail Warden to monitor the
health condition of the deferred personnel,
until the concern personnel has fully
rehabilitated from his ailing health condition, to

e.1. The regional health service officer and/or

unit medical staff – Shall oversee the
deferred personnel’s health status and
provide fitness intervention such as regular
attendance to physical fitness programs,
lifestyle change, etc., and shall submit
progress report to the Chief, HRDD with
the following attachments:

DHRD Handbook

1. Medical Clearance as to the health

status of the deferred personnel,
stating therein the further medication or
recommendation needed.

2. Issue medical certification on the

fitness of the personnel to undergo
schooling if he is now fully recuperated.

3. Regular physical fitness program

prescribed for the deferred personnel.

4. Recommended diet according to the

health issue of the personnel.

5. Other matters required by the RHSU

and HRDD to be complied by the
health deferred personnel concern.

e.2. Health deferred personnel are allowed to

have regular consultation or check-up with
their doctor, provided, the personnel
concerned shall submit copies of the
medical documents and relay the
instructions of their doctors as to their
health conditions to the regional health
service officer.

e.3. HRDD Personnel – shall submit monthly

report to the Director, DHRD on the
progress of health status of deferred
personnel with the attachments stated in
Section 50 (e)(e.1.).

DHRD Handbook

e.4. Jail Warden –

(a) Religiously implement the physical

fitness program for the deferred
personnel, and

(b) Monitor the health rehabilitation

compliance especially those who are
scheduled for schooling.

Section 51. Inclusion of Personnel with

Disability to Undergo Mandatory Training. A
personnel who is having physical impairment and
medical complexities, but is neither hindrance to his
industry, professional performance, productivity, nor
contagious in nature, is not a bar for non-acceptance to
undergo training. (See Annex “Q”)

Section 52. Special Provisions on the Policy

for Deferment.

(a) This provision is for the best interest of the

Bureau and for the greater benefit of the
career progression of all BJMP personnel,
hence, the Command Group and the DHRD
by its capacity, reserves the right and
discretion to evaluate, allow, and deny every
request for deferment of training.

(b) This rule delegates authority to the Regional

Directors the right and discretion to evaluate,
allow, and deny every request for deferment
of training of their personnel assigned in their
respective regions.

DHRD Handbook

(c) All deferred personnel with reasons other than

health problem, optional retirement (with
affidavit of undertaking), and mandatory
retirement, shall be included to the next
calendar of scheduled career courses.

(d) All personnel deferred due to health problems,

shall not be included to the next calendar year
of scheduled career courses, unless, there will
be an official endorsement from the regional
director, with the attached certification from
the regional health service officer that the
personnel concerned is now fit to undergo the

(e) All jail commissioned officers deferred due to

health/medical problems and having
designations / positions as follows: warden,
finance service officer, disbursing officer,
budget officer, logistics officer, and regional
accountant shall be relieved from their post
and will be re-assigned for further monitoring
and supervision to the regional health service

(f) All jail non-commissioned officers deferred

due to health/medical problems and having
designations/positions as follows: mess
personnel/officer, supply officer, and other
positions with monetary management
functions shall be relieved from their post and
will be re-assigned for further monitoring and
supervision to the regional health service unit.

DHRD Handbook

Section 53. Post-Training Evaluation.

(a) Upon completion of the required hours of

training prescribed by the NJMPTI, the
graduates of the Jail Basic Recruit Course will
report to the BJMP National Headquarters, in
coordination with the Directorate for HRD and
Directorate for PRM for the guidance and
debriefing of the Command Group. The
graduates are required to submit to the DPRM
the following documents:

b.1. One copy of Personal Data Sheet (PDS)

b.2. One copy of Certificate of Completion
b.3. One copy of Final Order of Merit
b.4. One copy of Termination of Training
b.5. Copy of awards and commendations
earned during the period of their training
and some attachments, if any

(b) The graduates of JOAC, JOBC, JOCC, JOOC,

PSSLC, and PSJLC are no longer required to
report at the BJMP National Headquarter for
courtesy call after their graduation.


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