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To Whom it may concern,

Hi I am contacting you to ask you all to appeal my dispute case. I

just spoke to a supervisor again and they told me to get the appropriate documents and email
them in again to you all so that you will have the correct ones. Also the supervisor told me to
email you explaining why I am appealing the case..
I am appealing the dispute decision because you all denied me because you said that there
was no device compromise, when In fact there was. I have a completely different phone now,
new phone number, my phone was stolen with my cards because I had a wallet phone case.. I
had to update all of my new information via phone call to customer service when I got my new
phone.. You also denied me because you guys said that there was no account compromise. When
also there most definitely was. I had to have one of the customer service reps change my email,
and password because whoever stole my phone was into my account and moved money around,
completely changed my account. They were able to do so because they stole my phone which
gave them access to my bank account among other things. So I had to have you guys change all
of my log in information to lock whoever it was out of my account.
Now I will start from the beginning and explain this from the beginning so that it may not
be so confusing. Ok so I was recently rushed to the hospital where I had to have surgery. I was
rushed there on July 13th and was admitted and had to stay until July 23rd, I have a doctors note
proving the fact that I was hospitalized so it would be impossible for me to make these
transactions that are being disputed. Now sometime during the commotion of the ambulance
rushing me to the hospital someone stole my wallet which was a phone case wallet, so my phone,
and wallet with all of my bank cards and identification were stolen together. There is an ongoing
police investigation regarding this matter in which I sent that paper work to you as well. If
needed I can have the detective write you all a follow up in regards to the case and whats going
on with everything on there end if needed. Please just let me know. So you should have my
doctors note emailed to you as well as the police report that was initially filed. The supervisor
that I spoke to said that he didn’t find any reason as to why you guys would deny my dispute
claim and that once I send this paperwork to you again that it should go thru because he can see
that I in fact was not able to make any of the disputed transactions. This is so unfortunate and
unfair. I am a single mom of 3 children and its hard right now to even put food on the table and
pay my rent because of this. With being out of work due to my illness I depended on this money
to keep me afloat, now that someone stole it I have been struggling so bad. Please appeal my
case and see that there was a device compromise, my phone was stolen and there was an account
compromise, because that person had control of my account and made all of these charges. All
of my money was stolen.
Thank you for your time please email me if you need anything else from me. I also
included my discharge paperwork so you can see the dates of my hospitalization on there as
well.. Attached are doctors notes, discharge paper which states my admittance date and discharge
date and you guys already have the initial police report that was filed.. thank you

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