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We saw many painful scenes in October and they are still continuing in Palestine.

I think you have also heard about the

bombing of Idlib, one of the Syrian cities. Do you have any information about what is happening in Syria?

My topic is basically about the crimes of Assad, the President of Syria, but since you do not know about the political
situation in Syria, I will give you an overview of the situation.

The current president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, son of Hafez al-Assad, the old president,who Who was a dictator and
committed many crimes and massacres against Sunni Muslims such as the massacre of Hama, and more than 40,000
people were killed in this massacre.

Bashar al-Assad was no different from his father. He was a dictatorial person who did not allow freedom of expression.
Rather, there was no freedom. He gave all political and military positions in the state to people from his family or from
his Alawite sect. {The Alawite sect is a Shiite sect that represents seventeen percent of the population of Syria. Note the
Muslims in Syria represent more than seventy percent of the population. It is said that they worship seven gods and
drink wine and many things that have no connection to the Islamic religion.

In March 2011, after all the humiliation, persecution, and massacres to which the Syrians were subjected, they decided
to go out in peaceful demonstrations to demand their rights peacefully, but in Syria, Bashar, there is no such thing as
freedom of expression. Anyone who demands his rights is accused of terrorism and killed. Bashar al-Assad ordered the
shooting of the demonstrators, killings and arrests began, the demonstrations turned into an armed revolution, and
divisions occurred in Syria.

The dictatorial president began carrying out his crimes, which claimed the lives of half a million Syrian citizens. He wiped
out entire cities after besieging them, such as Homs and Daraa. Many children died of starvation, and those who did not
die of starvation died by bombardment with chemical weapons and ballistic missiles. What is happening in Gaza today
has happened dozens of times in Syria. All of these scenes that you see today in Gaza have happened dozens of times in
Syria until the children ate cats, dogs, and even grass after their cities were under siege for months

Now we return to our topic, which is Assad’s prisons,.” Most of those in these prisons are people whose only crime is
going out in demonstrations to demand their rights.

First, these prisoners are imprisoned in dark, blood-painted prisons, in narrow cells in which they cannot even lie down.
The prisoner barely finds a place to sit. They receive only one piece of bread a day, and sometimes nothing. They are
subjected to six hours of torture a day, brutal torture that you cannot imagine. They do not receive any health care, and
they contract diseases because of the blood And pus everywhere, and psychological and physical torture. They rape and
torture prisoners in front of their families, make them sleep among dead people, and other unbearable methods of
psychological torture.

Prisoners die every day, and the jailers force some of the prisoners, who call for 'death sokhra ', to carry the bodies of
the dead prisoners outside the prison, where numbers are written on their foreheads, they are photographed, and then
they are buried in mass graves. In Syria, humans are considered numbers, not souls. Many tragic things happened,
unimaginable things were done by this criminal and his army, crimes against humanity. What I told you is only one
percent of what happened and happening in these human slaughterhouses. This applies to children and women as well.
children have been burned alive, women have been raped, and people were forced to eat human flesh. You can watch
on YouTube people who were in these prisons and talk about their stories, such as Omar Al-Shughri, Loula el-Agha and
Mazen Al-Hamada(Mazen Al-Hamada was threatened by the regime that his family would be killed, so he returned to
Syria, was imprisoned again, and was tortured to death.). Also,There are many books that contain thousands of tragic
stories about these prisoners, such as:
1. ‫القوقعة‬
2. ‫في بيت خالتي‬
3. ‫قضبان الربيع‬

In 2018, the officer who defected from the Assad regime, nicknamed the Caesar, leaked fifty-five thousand photos of
torture victims, which he collected when he was a photographer in the army, where his mission was to photograph the
victims between the years 2011-2013.

After the testimonies of prisoners and the many leaked photos of the dead and videos in which prisoners were tortured
cases were filed against the criminal Bashar al-Assad in many European countries by the families of the victims and some
human rights organizations. Many political activists demanded that he be punished for the massacres he committed, for
his use of prohibited weapons against civilians, and for the crimes committed in his prisons.

But until now, Bashar al-Assad has not been punished for all of these crimes, and this is because of Russia, which has
used its veto power nearly 12 times to prevent the Security Council from taking action on Syria since the start of the war
in 2011.

After all this, the Arabs are proud of Iran and Russia’s support for Palestine. Have you lost your minds? Iran and Russia
are Bashar’s biggest supporter, and they are the ones who supplied him with weapons and participated in killing
innocent people. Even some of those who torture prisoners are Iranian officers, and if they knew that the prisoner was
Sunni, they would torture him more.

This criminal was even invited to a meeting of the Arab League to discuss the issue of Palestine. oh, really??. They expect
a criminal who caused the death of half a million of his people to liberate Palestine.

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