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Dakshinkhan Sub-Branch
Address : Lutfor Tower (lst) floor,
NHBC Dakshinkhan Bazar, Dakshin khan,
Dhaka-123. Phonei 01678-444oa7,
E-mail : iqbal@nrbcommercialbank,com

letler of Commilment for Bonk's Undertokino for Line of Credit (Form 2b-3)
Tender lD : B72l1O
lnvilolion Reference No: 46.10.0000.I 35.1 57.002.23
lender Pockoge No.- Zone 712023-2024|009
The Executive Engineer
lone- 07 (Utloro) Dhoko
Dhoko North City Corporolion

CREDIT COMMITMENT NO: N RBC/D KS B/C R/2023l356, Dole: 17.09.2023

We hove been informed thol M/S Showkot Builders, represenled by ils proprielor Md. Rubel
Showkot ol 567/?, Bowther, Kochkuro, Uttorkhon. Dhoko-1230 (hereinofler colled "the
Tenderer") inlends 1o submil to you ils Tenders {hereinofter colled "the Tenderer") for lhe
execulion of lhe works of "lmprovemenl of rood including conslruction ol pipe droin lrom
kowlor dokil modroso moin rood to noyobori somsul ulum modroso (ch 400 to ch 765.00) ot
word 49 under zone 7 DNCC." under ihe obove lnvilolion for Tenders (hereinofler colled
''ihe IFT).

Furthermore, we understond thol, occording to your condilions, the Tender's Finonciol

Copccily i.e. Liquid Asset musl be substontioled by o Letler of Commilmenl of Bonk's
Undertoking for Line of Credil.

Ai the request of, ond orrongemenl wiih, lhe Tendereer, we The NRB Commerciol Bonk.
Dokshinkiron Sub Bronch,Dhoko I230 do hereby ogree ond underloke thot M/S Showkol
Builders represented by ils proprielor Md. Rubel Showkol oI 567 /9, Bowlher, Kochkuro,
t llorkhon, Dhoko- 1230 will be provided by us with o revolving line of credil, in cose
oworcled the Conlrocl, for execution of the Works viz. "lmprovemenl of rood including
conslruclion of pipe droin trom kowlor dokil modroso moin rood lo noyobori somsul ulum
modroso (ch 400 lo ch 765.00) ol word 49 under zone 7 DNCC." for on omount nol less thon
BDT 60.00 Loc (Sixty Loc) only forthe sole purpose of the execulion of the obove Controct.
This Revolving Line of credit will be mointoined by us until issuonce of "Toking-Over
Ceriilicqte" by the Procuring Entily.

ln wilness whereof, outhorized represeniolive of lhe Bonk hos hereunto signed ond seoled
this Lelier of Commitmenl.

We wish their every prospect

l!^ Iqbar II salrr

lv y- lrcjrI lErttv. Odcn & HoG
Ns.s,rlrr Sarker lRB O.[8.rrtrl E nL Lirnitcd
TElnG JsDro. Omdt DLolXdlD r &. hnch, Dhrk!
CoEh€Ghl B.nI Llmlaro
NRB 8A N.i 17a
DhoLlltrLr!.D aub.Br.ncl!

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