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Mirpur-l 2 Branch, Dhaka

IllziKuzrat Ali lvlollah SuDermarket

il< TR
Srunac BANK l/D Harun iUollah Road, lYirpur-12
Pallabi. Dhaka-1216
I'hone: 0 I 9555021 67. 0 I (r78433 I (r7

Leller of Commilmenl for Bonk's Underlokino for line of Credit (Form PW2b-3)

Tender lD : 872117
lnvitotion Reference No: 46.1 0.0000.135.157 .OO7 .23
Tender Pockoge No.- Zone 712023-2024/010
Ihe Execulive Engineer
Dhoko Norlh City Corporotion

CREDIT COMMITMENT NO: NRBC/MIRPUR-12/CR/2023/rhrl7gole: September 20,2023

We hove been informed lhot Emroz Engineering, Address: 26015, Monikdi, Dhoko-1205
(hereinofter colled "'lhe Tenderer") intends to submil lo you its Tenders (hereinofier colled "the
Ienderer") for ihe execution of the works of "lmprovemenl of rood ond droin of lois oli soroni,
khon poro mosjid & dewon poro school rood ond hozi ismoil dewon rood lo oleeno poloce ot
word 50 under zone 7 DNCC." under lhe obove Invitolion for Tenders (hereinofter colled "'lhe

Furthermore, we understond thot, occording to your conditions, lhe Tender's

Copocity i.e. Liquid Assel must be subslontioled by o Letter of Commitment of Bonk's
Undertoking for Line of Credil.

Al the requesl of, ond orrongemenl with, the Tendereer, we The NRB Commerciol Bonk, Mirpur-
l2 Bronch, Dhoko do hereby ogree ond undertoke lhot Emroz Engineering, Address: 26015,
Monikdi, Dhoko-1205 will be provided by us wilh o revolving line of credit, in cose oworded the
Controcl, for execulion of the Works viz. "lmprovemenl of rood ond droin of lois oli soroni, khon
poro mosjid & dewon poro school rood ond hozi ismoil dewon rood lo oleeno poloce of word
50 under zone 7 DNCC." for on omount nol less ihon BDT 50.00 (Fitty) toc only for the sole
purpose of ihe execution of the obove Conlroct. This Revolving Line of credit will be mointoined
by us untii issuonce of "Toking-Over Certificole" by the Procuring Entity.

ln wiiness whereof. outhorized representolive of the Bonk hos hereunto signed ond seoled lhis
Letier of Commitment.

We wish their every prospect

Md. Zokir Hossen Md; Shoriful lslom

Senior Execulive Officer Principol Officer
zo k ir@n rbco m mercio lbo n mdshorif
Mob: 01712-529372 Mob: 01717-584459

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