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Nestlene “Nini” Sinchioco Mateo Campaign Speech as Santa Maria’s Running Mayor

Santa Maria may not have been the place where I was initially born, but it is the place where my
heart belongs to. This is where I was educated, grew up, and the place where I was surrounded by the
people that I care for deeply. Santa Maria for all I’ve known in my whole life, has always been my
Therefore, this municipality being my home, this is a place that I’ve known for so long. This is a
place that I’ve always been in love with, I adored its structures, its nature, its people, its culture and
everything else within it. Although a place that has received so many achievements and recognition from
past mayors, I, not only as your running Mayor, but as a fellow Santa Maria Citizen that grew up to
cherish and love this place just as you do, believe that our Santa Maria can be so much more. I truly
believe that we can aim for a higher and better future for Santa Maria.
If elected, I will strictly practice and implement within this place is transparency. Like I said, we
are one of the richest municipalities in Bulacan, yet why are we not developed as we should be? With
transparency within our system, from barangay halls to members of our municipal council, we will
monitor all of our assets so that no corruption of any kind will happen under my term. All of our money
will only and only go towards to developing our municipal and helping our citizens.
If you give me the chance to lead this place, I will be a leader that will listen to all. From our
farmers, to toda-riders, to students. Senior-citizens, labor workers, and business owners, I will listen to
you all. I will make sure that every single word that you say will be heard and whatever you say will be
done and will be done quickly yet proficiently. This is a municipality that is ran by its people, I will
simply be a communicator and messenger for you all. This place will be changed by you and my only
job is to hear you, give the materials and whatever needed to allow you to make the change in our
This is a place that I hold deeply within my heart. This is a place that I’ve always wanted to
change in my mind. And this is a place that is engraved in my soul. You may say that I am promising
too much, but I’d rather promise and fulfill those promises than stand out here campaigning but not
seeming to have any plans or goal for this municipal. I am a leader with an initiative that can bring our
people together. I am a leader that has ambition for this beloved place of ours. And I am a leader that has
hope for the potential that Santa Maria could be. So I am here asking all of you, to help me, help our
Municipality to be the best that it could be.
This is Nestlene “Nini” Sinchioco Mateo running for Mayor of Santa Maria. Nini Mateo “The
leader who listens to the people, who works for the people, and cares for the people.”

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