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. . Amir Syed @ 47 @realAmirSyed 27 mental models, habits, and life systems that’ll make you at least 1% better: ANUS) 2: hd qv @realAmirSyed 1. The 1-1-1 Approach Choose one goal, work on it for one hour a day, and stay committed for Oya Rete Then, decide if you want to keep going to start chasing a new goal instead. ANUS) 2: hd qv @realAmirSyed 2. The 3-4-4 System Split your to-do list into 3 essential tasks, 4 maintenance ones, and 4 quick ones. Do the essential tasks when you’re most energetic, then move on to the olde ioe ANUS) 2: hd qv @realAmirSyed 3. Structured Learning Devote at least 5 hours per week to self-education (YouTube, books, courses, etc) during deep work. School starts after school ends, never stop learning your specific industry skills. ANUS) 2 hd mmm CUE=x-) CANALES) A=1°) 4. Teach To Learn When you first take up a skill, do the work, reflect on it, learn more about it, and repeat relentlessly. Then, start teaching it too. Teaching will make you learn twice as fast. . . Amir Syed @ q7 @realAmirSyed 5. Simple Networking Reach out to 1 new person who you'd like to connect with every day. You can make that number larger, but make sure you do at least 1. ANUS) 2 hd mmm CUE=x-) CANALES) A=1°) 6. The 21-Day Rule Studies show that it takes roughly 3 weeks to form a habit. Race to the 21-day mark, but prepare and expect "distraction devils" to appear during that trek. . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 7. Lists (Long & Short) Write down your long-term goals. Then, split those into medium-term tek] oe Finally, split your medium-term goals into habits, then put them on daily to- do lists, chunking down to understand the activities required is power. . . Amir Syed @ q7 @realAmirSyed 8. Plan In Advance Don’t write your to-do list in the morning when you wake up. Do it the day before. That will increase clarity and reduce anxiety. . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 9. Intentional Empathy Being able to see things from other people’s perspectives is a superpower. Make a point of doing this often. Build that skill up until you have a high capacity for empathy. . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 10. Minimize Notifications Notifications kill your focus, so reduce them as much as possible. Turn them off for every non-essential app, grown-ass adults shouldn't be getting cell phone notifications when someone likes their IG posts. Focus ANUS) 2: hd qv @realAmirSyed 11. Time Blocking Most people work best in bursts: work, break, work again. Experiment with the lengths of those. 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off is common. So is 50-10. A US) hd qv @realAmirSyed 12. Your Hour Choose at least one hour of the day and don’t let anyone or anything take it from you. Then, use it to do something that makes you happy. This works best when it’s the same hour every day. Charge up to charge up others. ANUS) 2: hd qv @realAmirSyed 13. Non-Negotiables These are important things you do that almost nothing can keep you from doing. Examples: doing a block of deep work, taking a morning walk, reading a book at night with your child. ANUS) 2 hd mmm CUE=x-) CANALES) A=1°) sR ie) Writing helps you clarify your thoughts and communicate your ideas. Whether you do it in public or private, take some time every day to reflect and write. ANUS) 2 hd mmm CUE=x-) CANALES) A=1°) 15. 4-7-8 Breathing Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale with a “whoosh” sound for 8 seconds. This will slow down your heart rate, reduce anxiety, and help you sleep. . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 16. 10-10-10 Analysis When making a decision, think about how it will impact you in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years. Optimally, choose options that lead to positive outcomes in every timeframe, and remember: regret always follows anger. AM Ue) hd qv @realAmirSyed 17. The 80-20 Rule Often, 80% of the results you get come from 20% of the actions you 1m Analyze yourself, your business, and your career. Find those 20% actions and focus on ivar-lpn Parle le hme lam nano . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 18. Energy Levels Monitor your energy levels and see how different factors increase or decrease your energy. Over time, cut out factors (habits, foods, people, etc) that drain you and increase ones that energize you, energy is finite, protect it, charge it. . . Amir Syed @ qv @realAmirSyed 19. Love Languages The 5 love languages are physical touch, gifts, quality time, acts of service, and words of affirmation. Find out which your most important people respond best to, then make them feel loved. Treat others how THEY want to be treated. . . Amir Syed @ 47 @realAmirSyed 20. Body Language Emotions affect body language, but body language also affects emotions. Make a point of standing tall, puffing your chest out a bit, and moving in a way that makes you feel good. It'll feel silly at first, but it works. . . Amir Syed @ 47 @realAmirSyed Pare alianre licen You don’t need to sell all your possessions to bring some minimalism into your life. Instead, take small steps. Declutter physically and mentally. Simplify. Ses) 2k) q7 @realAmirSyed 22. Inversing Sometimes, you hit a wall when trying to pursue a goal or outcome. In those cases, try inversing. Ask: “How could | NOT get X,” then do the opposite. . . Amir Syed @ 47 @realAmirSyed 23. Iteration Perfect is a myth, and seeking it will sabotage your success. Do things imperfectly. Get results and feedback. Analyze them. Adjust. Try again. Iterate indefinitely, get messy. ae) tk femme it-aUlLEN (28) 24. Aspirational Hourly Rate Take a dream yearly income and divide it by 1,980, and that's your hourly rate. Then, outsource or automate every task that pays below that rate. Use software for simple tasks and people for more complicated ones. . . Amir Syed @ 47 @realAmirSyed 25. The 5-Minute Rule If a task will take less than 5 minutes, don’t procrastinate or plan to do it EN Kale Do it right away. Don’t even think about it, touch it once. Just act, then move on with your day. ae) sh femme Cra) (0) 26. Say “No” Helping people is great, but constantly people-pleasing will drive you crazy. Practice politely declining: "..thank you, but | don't have the bandwidth right now." Learn how to say “no.” Save your energy for the things that matter most. . . Amir Syed @ ACNE) i=18) 27. People Matter Most Almost every worthwhile activity involves working with, understanding, or managing people. Study people, prioritize them, work on your social skills, and optimize your relationships. That’s what matters most, the people are the product. ae ke) a7 @realAmirSyed That's everything. If you enjoyed this: 1. Follow me for more 2. Leave a like and reply Thanks for reading!

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