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Areej Raza (01-171202-086)

Asma Abdullah (01-171202-119)

Andaleeb Shamshir (01-171202-083)

Tuba Raza (01-171202-113)

Urwa Ashfaq (01-171202-115)

Sir Syed Block is one of the first buildings of Bahria University Islamabad Campus,

due to which it consists of some of the offices and departments that overlook some of the

most important tasks of the Campus. One of which is the IT department, which consists of 55

classes which is located on the second floor and is responsible for the Internet services of the

university. People from the IT room in Sir Syed Block stated that whenever people have

issues regarding Internet services of the university, they consult them, and their issues are

resolved based on the sensitivity and degree of the problem. In addition to this they also

stated that they are responsible for inventory as second floor of Sir Syed Block consists of

Computer labs, the inventory of computers systems and other hardware etc. handover and

receiving of incoming hardware’s in the University and department.

They also told us about those issues regarding CCTV footage, when something

unlawful happens in the university and it is to be checked, that is also their territory, when

something is stolen of anyone in university, they are the ones who are consulted regarding

these matters. Problems regarding LMS, CMS are also handled by the IT room in Sir Syed

Block, they are visited by the students and faculty mostly about problems like these.

In the basement of the Sir Syed block, Head of Department of Computer Science

department are located. We approached their PA and he let us know that they are approached
by students on a major level with the issues of fees, general security problems and they are

responsible for tasks like these.

We approached the reception tables of the first floor of the block and they let us know

that they are responsible for tasks like projector issues in the class rooms, AC’s and general

furniture related problems for which they said they forward applications to their head office

and they arrange people like carpenters to solve those problems, they also said that on usual

basis students come to them to complain about broken desks and nails that tear their clothes

while moving and sitting. Faculty and students come to them with the same tasks.

The reception table at the second floor was also interviewed and they let us know that

they have different set of responsibilities as their floor has computer labs and offices of IT, so

they are approached with similar issues.

Second floor of Sir Syed block also consists of the exam cell and academics

directorate as well, which according to the administration there, is busiest during midterm

exams and final exams, all the papers are collected, after and before the conduction of exams

at that place and from there, the faculty collects the papers of their classes, students approach

them regarding problems of attendance shortage and fees that are connected to their admit

slip for exams, when those issues are resolved only then students with problems are allowed

to sit in exam.
A hall is also situated at that floor which ia booked at times for meetings of officials

and conferences, the PA office next to that hall is responsible for booking that hall and

overseeing any clashes with people who book that hall, as well as its maintenance and


The major differences between the administration of building in which Psychology

department is located in i.e. Iqbal Block and the Sir Syed block is that, Sir Syed block

consists of most of the managerial tasks that interest the whole campus and not just the tasks

of their department, like we got to know from the responsible people there, be it exam and

academic offices or the responsibilities of the Internet and CMS.

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