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Jayme v. Bualan, GR No.

37386, September 19, 1933

Facts of the case:

-Bagobo Bualan and companion hired Attorneys Juan A. Sarenas and
Domingo Braganza to represent them in a case against Ciriaco Lizado for the
possession of land.
-The attorneys however appeared to have taken control of the land
presumably to protect their attorney’s fees.
-Because of such, Bagobo Bualan hired another attorney in the person of
Attorney Andres Jayme to recover the possession of land from the two former
-Attorney Jayme was able to successfully recover the land of Bualan. That land was
approximately worth one hundred thousand pesos to the Bagobos.
-Atty Jayme wanted to be paid more apart from the P7,020 that was already paid to
him by the Bagobos.

Whether or not it is appropriate that the Bagobos to pay complainant for more.

The elements to be considered in fixing a reasonable compensation for the services
rendered by a lawyer are generally: (1) The importance of the subject matter of the
controversy, (2) the extent of the services rendered, and (3) the professional standing
of the lawyer. (Code of Civil Procedure, sec. 29; Code of Legal Ethics, Canon No. 12)
In fixing fees, it should never be forgotten that the legal profession is a branch of the
administration of justice and not a mere money-making trade. (Code of Legal Ethics,
Canon No. 12.) In consonance with the forgoing, the Supreme Court held that Bagobos
should not be made to pay anything more.

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