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3 AIMAN BIN RUZAIDY 2023156963
The Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) is responsible for managing the issue of illegal
immigration in Malaysia. Illegal immigration is a major concern for Malaysia, as it has significant
economic and social implications for the country. The MOHA is responsible for enforcing
immigration laws and regulations to ensure that illegal immigrants are identified and dealt with
appropriately. The MOHA works closely with other government agencies, such as the Immigration
Department, the Royal Malaysian Police, and the Malaysian Armed Forces, to manage the issue of
illegal immigration. The MOHA is also responsible for coordinating with foreign governments to
manage the movement of immigrants between countries and to share information about potential
threats to national security. The MOHA uses a variety of strategies to deal with illegal immigration,
including border control measures, enforcement of immigration laws, and repatriation or deportation
of illegal immigrants. The MOHA also works to identify and address the root causes of illegal
immigration, such as poverty and lack of economic opportunities in neighboring countries. In recent
years, the MOHA has implemented a number of new initiatives to deal with the issue of illegal
immigration in Malaysia. These include the use of biometric technologies to improve border control,
increased enforcement efforts by the Immigration Department, and the implementation of programs to
help legal immigrants integrate into Malaysian society. Overall, the MOHA plays a critical role in
managing the issue of illegal immigration in Malaysia. Through its various initiatives and strategies,
the MOHA works to ensure that Malaysia remains a safe and secure country for all its citizens.
Definition of Planning Planning is really important to integrate and coordinate every activity
that we want to do in every organization. This is being said because without planning there
will be no mission or activities statement and no vision for the organization to accomplish.
The workers in the organization also will be suffering from the lack of planning and are likely
to experience low morale. Moreover, the employee as well will be aware of their disorganized
environment in the organization which will lead to frustration and stress because they
will have difficulty executing their work or their assigned tasks. In contrast, if the
organization practices good communication towards each level of managers or coworkers,
then it must be much easier to plan everything in detail with each other to cooperate towards
their main goals. With good planning, the organization will work in its direction and leads to
persistence. As we go back to our main topic on how ministry of home affair manage issue of
illegal immigrant/worker in Malaysia, planning is one of the important aspects for the
ministry of home affair before taking an action and considering everything first before
achieving goals.



The Ministry of Home Affairs in Malaysia manages the issue of illegal immigrant workers
through a comprehensive planning process that involves multiple stakeholders at various
levels. The planning helps to identify the root causes, factors, and the most effective
strategies that can be implemented to address the issue and prevent it from recurring.

Here are some ways the Ministry of Home Affairs might utilize planning to manage illegal
immigrant workers in Malaysia. Conducting research and analysis before coming up with any
plan, the Ministry of Home Affairs must analyze and understand the problem's nature and
extent. This involves gathering reliable data on the number of illegal immigrant workers,
their origin, type of work, and their living conditions. Information gathered can then be used
to identify patterns and trends, and establish key priority areas that require attention.
Conducting research and analysis: Before coming up with any plan, the Ministry of Home
Affairs must analyze and understand the problem's nature and extent. This involves gathering
reliable data on the number of illegal immigrant workers, their origin, type of work, and their
living conditions. Information gathered can then be used to identify patterns and trends, and
establish key priority areas that require attention. Develop a strategic plan,The Ministry of
Home Affairs then creates a strategic plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and specific
measures to address the issue. The plan must clearly define the primary piloting organization,
the required resources – human, material, and financial – the roles & responsibility of
stakeholders, timelines, and key performanceindicators.Partnership,Working with other
government agencies and non-governmental organizations is essential to create a
collaborative partnership between stakeholders and increase the effectiveness of the plan's
implementation. This approach helps to integrate the different parties' perspectives, eliminate
duplication of efforts, and ensure a coordinated effort in implementing the plan.Stakeholder
engagement, Engaging relevant stakeholders, such as employer organizations, human rights
organizations, community leaders, and the public, is crucial to ensure their buy-in and support
when implementing the strategies. Communities that are aware of the dangers of employing
illegal immigrants can help the ministry to identify and take action against unscrupulous
employers. Monitoring and Evaluation, The Ministry of Home Affairs must continuously
evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the strategies used to address the issue. This
involves measuring the performances using key performance indicators, regularly reviewing
progress, and identifying areas that need further improvement. Monitoring and EvaluationThe
Ministry of Home Affairs must continuously evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the
strategies used to address the issue. This involves measuring the performances using key
performance indicators, regularly reviewing progress, and identifying areas that need further
improvement. Planning is a critical element in the management of illegal immigrant workers
in Malaysia. By using a collaborative planning approach, the Ministry of Home Affairs can
identify the root causes of illegal immigration and develop a plan that addresses the problem
in a structured manner with a clear vision, goals, objectives, strategies, and expected results
laid out in advance. By employing strategic planning, the Ministry of Home Affairs can
achieve better coordination of efforts to reduce the presence of illegal immigrant workers in
the country and maintain national security.

To begin with, strategic planning is a process by which an organization makes a

decision and takes actions to improve its long-term performance. With this being said,
it includes assessment and development of the organization’s purpose, mission, and overall
aims and policies for current and future years. It also defines what business the company is in
or wants to be in. It is also may take 5 to 10 years to be completed.

The Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for national security, law and order,
immigration, and rehabilitation services for prisoners. The Ministry uses three levels of
strategic planning to align its activities with the overall direction and priorities set out by the
government. The three levels of strategic plans used by the Malaysian Ministry of Home
Affairs are Corporate-level strategic plan, This level of planning focuses on the overall
governance, structure, and direction of the Ministry. It sets out the priorities, core objectives,
and strategies to be implemented within a specified timeframe. The plan outlines the
resources required to achieve the goals and objectives and also identifies the potential risks
and mitigation strategies to address them. Business-level strategic plan,This level of planning
focuses on the specific units or divisions within the Ministry. The plan outlines the strategies,
objectives, and actions required to achieve the broader goals and priorities set out in the
corporate-level strategic plan. The plan also outlines the necessary resources and budget
required to implement the strategies. Operational-level strategic pla, This level of planning
focuses on the day-to-day operations of the Ministry. It outlines the specific tasks and actions
that need to be accomplished to achieve the goals and objectives set out in the business-level
strategic plan. The plan covers the timeline, budget, and resource allocation for the
operations. Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs uses all the three levels of strategic planning
to ensure that all operations and activities are aligned with the overall goals and objectives of
the Ministry. The approach helps the Ministry to identify potential risks and includes
effective implementation strategies, resources required, budget allocation, and execution
timelines, assuring optimal outcomes.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that is often used by organizations to identify their
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs
can use SWOT analysis to identify and evaluate internal and external factors that may impact
the ministry's performance and objectives. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors,
whereas opportunities and threats are external factors. Through SWOT analysis, the
Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs can identify its internal strengths and weaknesses and
potential opportunities and threats outside the organization.Strengths could include
experienced personnel, strategic locations, positive reputation, and effective technology and
tools. Weaknesses could be inadequate resources, inadequate training, or poor data
management. Opportunities may include innovative technology implementations, shifting
patterns of crime, government support for the ministry, and new regulations. Threats could
include decreasing government budgets, natural disasters, or increasing competition.Once the
analysis is completed, the Ministry can evaluate the results against its strategic goals,
objectives, and existing strategic plans to identify gaps or areas where it needs to concentrate
more. The ministry can then work to develop action plans to maximize strengths, reduce
weaknesses and respond to opportunities and threats. The Malaysian Ministry of Home
Affairs can use SWOT analysis to identify and evaluate all possible factors that may impact
its performance and objectives. With an effective SWOT analysis, the Ministry can focus its
plans more strategically and take appropriate measures to face possible challenges and
capitalize on opportunities to promote national security.


Illegal immigration is one of the most challenging issues faced by the Ministry of Home
Affairs in Malaysia. The Ministry can develop standing plans that outline necessary measures
to deal with the issue of illegal immigration. Here are some examples of how standing plans
can be useful in managing illegal immigrants Immigration laws and policies, One of the
standing plans that the Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs can develop is immigration laws
and policies that define the procedures and regulations for entering the country, the types of
visas available, and the requirements to live and work in the country. The plan can also
outline the penalties for violating the immigration laws.Border control policies, Another
standing plan that the Ministry can develop is border control policies, which focuses on
managing the inflow of migrants at the country's borders. This standing plan includes
surveillance measures, identification procedures, enforcement measures, and strict penalties
against those who enter the country illegally. Detention and deportation policies, A standing
policy for detention and deportation defines the rules and regulations for illegal immigrant
detention and deportation. This standing plan outlines formalities, legal procedures, and
government collaborations for deportation, detention centers and facilities, health and safety
concerns for detainees, and repatriation mechanisms for deportees. Rehabilitation and
reintegration policies The Ministry can also develop a standing plan outlining rehabilitation
and reintegration policies for illegal immigrants. This plan identifies necessary measures to
educate and train the migrants to prepare them for re-entry into their home countries. The
plan includes social and economic support, job training and placement, and psychological
support services to help with adjustment and social integration.



Definition of organizing is the process of arranging and allocating resources to determine the
task to be done with the member of the organizing team. It is to make sure the goal of
organizing will be achieved. For the many organizations in the ministry take many ways to
make it the most effiecent on dealing issues. Many actions are required in the ministry to
ensure the safety in the nation well protected.All level of staffs are involved in dealing with
problems With this same issue, the ministry makes progress to fix it by referring to
organizational design decisions. So in able to fix this situation, the ministry comes up with
this concept.

Importance of organizing

1. Divide the responsibility across the entire organization

Divisions or departments, The Ministry can divide responsibilities into various divisions or
departments, each of which has a specific function. For example, the Department of
Immigration might be responsible for managing the entry and exit of foreigners, while the
Department of Prisons manages the country's prison systems. Roles and responsibilities,
Within each department, specific roles and responsibilities can be defined to ensure that all
tasks and activities are carried out effectively. For example, a specific individual might be
responsible for managing and securing the nation's borders, while another is responsible for
investigating crimes and apprehending perpetrators. Chains of Command, The Ministry can
establish clear chains of command, outlining the hierarchical structure of the organization.
This would ensure that decisions and actions are taken at the appropriate level of the
organization. Coordination, The Ministry can also use coordination mechanisms to ensure all
departments and divisions work together smoothly. These can include regular meetings
between department heads, sharing resources, and information, as well as establishing
committees to address specific issues. Training and development, The Ministry can also
provide adequate training to ensure that all employees are equipped with the knowledge and
skills necessary to carry out their responsibilities effectively.

2. Organization resources efficiently

Organization resources efficiently must be in organizing task forces or joint operations to

make sure everything that needs to be done runs smoothly. It can facilitate organizations to
solve problems quickly. It also can speed up the planning of what employees are going to do.

Organizing strategy

The Ministry of Defence and The Ministry of Finance also are among the ministries that are
publicly taking actionable reason on solving the issue.

Geographical departmentalization, The Ministry could divide its departments based on

geographical locations. This division would help the Ministry focus on the issues that are
specific to each region. For example, one department could be responsible for monitoring and
controlling border areas while another department could focus on maintaining law and order
in urban areas. Functional departmentalization, The Ministry could group its departments
based on functions. This division would help the Ministry to focus on specific areas of work.
For example, one department could focus on crime investigation while another department
could focus on immigration and citizenship.Product departmentalization, The Ministry could
group departments based on the types of products or services that they offer. This method is
useful when each department offers unique services. For example, one department could
focus on providing rehabilitation services to prisoners, while another department could focus
on border control and immigration.Customer departmentalization, The Ministry could group
departments based on its customer base, which would enable it to provide better services to
different groups of people. For example, one department could focus on the needs of citizens
while another department could focus on the needs of immigrants.Matrix
departmentalization, The Ministry could also choose a matrix structure where teams are
formed based on different projects, situations, and cross-functional purposes. This approach
would be suitable for complex operations where teams may need to adapt to challenging
situations, and resources may be allocated appropriately.


The span of control refers to the number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor has to
supervise effectively. In the Ministry of Home Affairs, the span of control would vary
depending on the level of hierarchy and the functions of the department. At the top level of
the hierarchy, the span of control would be narrow, usually one or two deputies who will
report to the Minister or Secretary-General of the Ministry. These top-level leaders would be
responsible for setting up the organization's overall vision, mission, and objectives.Within the
departments, the span of control would depend on the complexity and nature of their
functions. For example, a department responsible for managing immigration, visas, or border
control may require a broader span of control as they would need to manage a large number
of staff from different levels and locations. On the other hand, departments responsible for
specific functions like intelligence gathering and analysis may require a narrower span of
control as they may be dealing with highly sensitive information and require close
supervision. It is important for the Ministry to maintain an appropriate span of control to
ensure that the employees are effectively supervised, and tasks are accomplished efficiently.
An appropriate span of control helps to maintain clear communication channels, delegate
tasks effectively, and ultimately achieve the Ministry's goals.


The line of authority and responsibility that flows throughout the organization ministry of
home affairs:

Definition of Decision-making is a process of identifying and selecting a course of

action or an alternative to solve a specific problem. In the effort of making a decision, a
public manager evaluates the alternative and makes a summary from the list of alternatives.
Decision-making is one of the important key roles in the organization after planning.
Organizations must have decision-making after they plan to solve certain problem so that
they can achieve their goals.To manage the issue about illegal immigrants in Malaysia to
make Malaysia a safe haven for the official citizen.

Ministry of Home Affair on managing issues of illegal immigrant /worker

in Malaysia with decision making.

Managing the issue of illegal immigrant workers in Malaysia requires effective decision
making by the Ministry of Home Affairs that considers the issue's complexities and the
diverse interests and needs of different stakeholders. Sound decision-making ensures that the
actions taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs are legitimate, transparent, and effective in
reducing the number of undocumented workers in the country. Below are some ways that the
Ministry of Home Affairs may employ decision-making to manage the issue of illegal
immigrant workers. Risk assessment. Before making any decision, the Ministry of Home
Affairs must consider the potential risks associated with each decision or action and evaluate
its potential impact. This will involve a thorough analysis of the current problem and
developing alternative solutions to address it. A risk assessment will help identify the most
effective course of action while minimizing the potential negative impacts on stakeholders.
Consultation and Engagement The Ministry of Home Affairs can consult with other relevant
stakeholders, such as employers, civil society groups, and advocacy organizations, before
taking any significant decision. Consulting with stakeholders helps the Ministry of Home
Affairs to collect opinions, concerns, and feedback on proposed solutions. At the same time,
it helps to promote transparency, accountability, and legitimacy of the decision-making
process. Compliance with Rules and Regulations .The Ministry of Home Affairs must comply
with all relevant rules, regulations, and laws when making decisions. Compliance with
relevant regulations is critical to prevent potential legal repercussions and promote
accountability. Allocation of resources: Optimal allocation of resources, such as finance,
labor, and technology, is an essential factor in decision-making. By considering which
solution requires fewer resources or has a more significant impact, the Ministry of Home
Affairs can make informed decisions to reduce the number of undocumented workers in the
country. Evaluation and Modification, The Ministry of Home Affairs should regularly
evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the decisions taken to tackle illegal immigrant
workers. The outcomes can then be used to modify the approach if necessary. This process
ensures that the Ministry of Home Affairs is responsive to changing conditions, making
adjustments as necessary, and ensuring successful outcomes. Effective decision-making is
crucial in managing the issue of illegal immigrant workers in Malaysia. The Ministry of
Home Affairs must make informed decisions based on the best evidence available, take into
account the diverse interests and needs of different stakeholders, be transparent and
accountable, comply with relevant regulations, allocate resources appropriately, and
continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the decision. By employing sound decision-making
practices, the Ministry of Home Affairs can reduce the number of undocumented workers in
the country, promote national security, and protect the interests of citizens and
foreign workers.

Policy decision-making, This involves creating and implementing policies to address the issue of
illegal immigrants in Malaysia. The government may decide to adopt stricter immigration policies and
increase border control measures to deter illegal immigration. Operational decision-making: This
involves managing the day-to-day operations of managing illegal immigrants in Malaysia. This
includes coordinating the efforts of law enforcement agencies, conducting raids, and processing
illegal immigrants for deportation. Legal decision-making, This involves navigating the legal system
to ensure that illegal immigrants are prosecuted and deported in accordance with the law. This can
include deciding on the appropriate charges to be brought against illegal immigrants and ensuring that
their rights are protected throughout the legal process. Financial decision-making: This involves
managing the budget and resources allocated to addressing the issue of illegal immigrants in
Malaysia. This includes deciding how much money should be allocated to border control measures,
law enforcement agencies, and deportation efforts. Ethical decision-making: This involves
considering the ethical implications of managing illegal immigrants in Malaysia. This can include
considering the rights and dignity of illegal immigrants, the impact of deportation on families, and the
broader social and economic implications of enforcing immigration policies.




This involves creating and implementing policies to address the issue of illegal immigrants in
Malaysia. The government may decide to adopt stricter immigration policies and increase border
control measures to deter illegal immigration.

2. Operational decision-making:
This involves managing the day-to-day operations of managing illegal immigrants in Malaysia. This
includes coordinating the efforts of law enforcement agencies, conducting raids, and processing
illegal immigrants for deportation.
3. Legal decision-making:
This involves navigating the legal system to ensure that illegal immigrants are prosecuted and
deported in accordance with the law. This can include deciding on the appropriate charges to be
brought against illegal immigrants and ensuring that their rights are protected throughout the legal
4.Financial decision-making:
This involves managing the budget and resources allocated to addressing the issue of illegal
immigrants in Malaysia. This includes deciding how much money should be allocated to border
control measures, law enforcement agencies, and deportation efforts.
5. Ethical decision-making:
This involves considering the ethical implications of managing illegal immigrants in Malaysia. This
can include considering the rights and dignity of illegal immigrants, the impact of deportation on
families, and the broader social and economic implications of enforcing immigration policies.


Controlling is a process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired results. It is
the process of assessing and correcting performance in order to ensure that business objectives and
plans for achieving them are met. The systematic method by which managers regulate organizational
operations to ensure that they are compatible with the expectations set forth in plans and to assist them
in meeting all present performance standards.


Controlling is one of the most important things in management functions because it’s making
something happen the way it was planned to happen. There's no way to get the result we planned at
the start if management lacks control. It can also help a company become better by lowering costs,
increasing productivity, or adding value Controlling illegal immigration is important for several
reasons. Firstly, it ensures that individuals who enter the country do so legally and have the required
documentation to live and work in the country. This helps to prevent fraud, human trafficking, and
other illegal activities associated with illegal immigration. It also helps to protect the country's
national security and sovereignty by preventing illegal entry by individuals who may pose a threat to
the country.Controlling illegal immigration can also have economic benefits for the country. By
ensuring that individuals who enter the country have the necessary skills and qualifications to
contribute to the economy, the country can benefit from increased productivity and growth.
Additionally, by preventing the exploitation of low-skilled immigrant labor, the country can ensure
better working conditions for all workers, preventing negative impacts on the country's labor
market.Ultimately, controlling illegal immigration is important to maintain the rule of law and ensure
that the country's immigration policies are fair, just, and promote the welfare of the citizens. It is the
responsibility of the Minister of Home Affairs to ensure that effective measures are in place to control
illegal immigration, including the enforcement of immigration laws and the implementation of
effective border controls.Control systems must be tailored to the circumstances. These systems, on the
other hand, often follow the same basic procedure. We'll go over the processes in the control process
before looking at the problems.


There are several types of control that the Minister of Home Affairs in Malaysia can exercise in
managing the issue of illegal immigration, which include Preventive Control, This type of control
involves measures taken to prevent illegal immigration from happening in the first place. This may
involve measures such as tightening border controls, implementing visa requirements, and setting up a
systematic approach to monitor and manage immigration processes.Deterrent Control: This type of
control involves measures aimed at deterring individuals from attempting to enter the country
illegally. This may involve setting up penalties such as fines, imprisonment, or deportation of
individuals caught violating immigration laws. Corrective Control: This type of control aims to
correct issues related to illegal immigration that have already occurred. Examples of corrective
control include the prosecution and punishment of individuals or companies involved in human
trafficking or hiring illegal labor, and the deportation of individuals who entered the country illegally.
Directive Control: Directive control involves setting up national policies and guidelines for managing
immigration and controlling the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. These policies
may include guidelines for border control, visa requirements, and immigration processes, as well as
regulations for companies and individuals hiring foreign workers. Procedural Control: This type of
control aims to ensure that immigration processes are carried out correctly and efficiently. This may
involve setting up systems to verify travel documents, check eligibility criteria, and monitor the entry
and exit of individuals at ports of entry.


To summarise, Malaysia's Ministry of Home Affairs has made substantial efforts to

address the issue of illegal immigration/workers within the country. Recognising the
complexity of the problem, the ministry has established a number of measures and
programmes aimed at regulating the influx of illegal immigrants while also protecting the
nation's general security and well-being.

Enhancing border control procedures is one of the ministry's primary initiatives. This
includes enhancing security forces' presence along borders, utilising advanced surveillance
technologies, and strengthening partnership with neighbouring countries to combat cross-
border unlawful operations. These initiatives have aided in the prevention and detection of
illegal immigration, making it more difficult for persons to enter or remain in the nation
without valid identification.

Lastly, the Ministry of Home Affairs has established a number of programmes to

address the issue of illegal immigrants who are already in Malaysia. Regular efforts to locate
and detain undocumented immigrants are part of these programmes, as are initiatives to
encourage self-reporting and voluntary repatriation. The ministry has also collaborated
closely with key institutions to streamline the process of legalising the status of certain
undocumented immigrants, allowing them to contribute to the economy and
society of the country.

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