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The application of the barrier-type anodic oxidation method to thickness testing of

aluminum films
Jianwen Chen, Manwen Yao, Ruihua Xiao, Pengfei Yang, Baofu Hu, and Xi Yao

Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 094101 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4894525

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The application of the barrier-type anodic oxidation method to thickness

testing of aluminum films
Jianwen Chen, Manwen Yao,a) Ruihua Xiao, Pengfei Yang, Baofu Hu, and Xi Yao
Functional Materials Research Laboratory, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
(Received 20 May 2014; accepted 20 August 2014; published online 9 September 2014)
The thickness of the active metal oxide film formed from a barrier-type anodizing process is directly
proportional to its formation voltage. The thickness of the consumed portion of the metal film is
also corresponding to the formation voltage. This principle can be applied to the thickness test of the
metal films. If the metal film is growing on a dielectric substrate, when the metal film is exhausted
in an anodizing process, because of the high electrical resistance of the formed oxide film, a sudden
increase of the recorded voltage during the anodizing process would occur. Then, the thickness of
the metal film can be determined from this voltage. As an example, aluminum films are tested and
discussed in this work. This method is quite simple and is easy to perform with high precision.
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I. INTRODUCTION controlled solely by the formation voltage in a barrier-type

anodizing process.7
Thickness is a basic characteristic of thin films. Thick-
There are two different control ways in a barrier-type an-
ness test is getting more and more importance in material
odizing process.7 The changes in voltage and ionic current
science and technology.1 There are many different ways to
density with respect to anodizing time would show the behav-
test the thickness of the film. Each of them has their own
ior illustrated in Fig. 1. In a current control step (region 1),
advantage and disadvantage. The testing thickness range,
the current is maintained at a constant value; thus the voltage
accuracy, and application are quite different. For example,
and the thickness of formed oxide film are increasing linearly
the ellipsometry2 or the white-light interferometer3 is very
with time. In a voltage control step (region 2), the voltage is
good for the thickness measurement of transparent or semi-
reached and maintained at a constant value. Thus, the current
transparent thin films, while they are not suitable for the
and the growth rate of the oxide film decrease rapidly with
opaque metal films. The x-ray reflectivity technique4 and the
direct observation method by FE-SEM5 or TEM6 are two very
Because the current efficiency is relatively invariant in a
powerful thickness test methods for metal films. However, the
given anodizing condition, the molar amount of a formed ox-
sophisticated instruments used in the two methods are ex-
ide film is proportional to the consumed metal film. For exam-
pensive and not easy to perform. They are not inconvenient
ple, the thickness ratio of an evaporated aluminum film to the
in practical applications, especially for the thickness tests of
formed oxide film is 0.725, which is anodized in 3% ammo-
metal films in the nanometer scale.
nium tartrate.10 Hence, the formation voltage also determines
In this work, a simple thickness test method is proposed
the thickness of the metal film. If the formation voltage can be
for the metal film in the nanometer scale. The principle of the
found out when the metal film is exhausted in a barrier-type
method is based on the proportionality relationship between
anodizing process, the thickness of the metal film is deter-
the thickness of the formed oxide film and the formation volt-
mined and tested.
age in a barrier-type anodizing process.7 No special and ex-
Indeed, if the metal film is growing on a dielectric sub-
pensive instruments are required in this method. It is also very
strate, the recorded voltage can be easy to find out when the
easy to perform. As an example, the thickness measurement
metal film is exhausted. As shown in Fig. 2, the anodizing pro-
of aluminum films is tested by this method. Some important
cess consists of three regions. At the first step (region AB in
technical issues are discussed in this paper.
Fig. 2), the recorded voltage increases linearly with increas-
ing time, which is the same as the current control step in a
II. PRINCIPLE OF ANODIZING METHOD barrier-type anodizing process. Because of the electrical insu-
lation of the formed film and the substrate, the specimen sys-
As a proven technology, the anodic oxidation has been tem becomes an electrical insulation system when the metal
widely applied to industry and daily life.8–10 There are two film that immersed in the electrolyte is exhausted. At this step
types of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) films, barrier type and (region BC in Fig. 2), the voltage suddenly increases to the
porous type. The barrier-type AAO film is formed in neutral setting upper limit voltage. Thus the recorded current is found
electrolyte,11, 12 while the porous type AAO film is formed in to decrease to about zero. At last (region CD in Fig. 2), the
corrosive electrolyte.7, 13, 14 The thickness of an AAO film is voltage is maintained at the setting upper limit voltage, and
the recorded current is slowly decreased almost to zero.
a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: Therefore, the thickness of the metal film is solely deter- mined by the voltage VB . It can be calculated by the following

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094101-2 Chen et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 094101 (2014)

since no additional ions are added to the anodizing system.

A pure Al plate is used as the cathodal material in this test
example. The detailed study of the electrochemical electrode
is referred to Ref. 17.

As a test example, the evaporated aluminum films were
tested by this method. The aluminum films were used in this
work. The aluminum films were deposited on polished quartz
substrate of 10 × 10 × 1 mm3 by vacuum evaporation equip-
FIG. 1. Formation of a barrier-type anodic oxide film.
ment (ZHD-400, Technol Science, Beijing, China). During
the deposition, the substrates were held in a vacuum cham-
formula: ber with the pressure of lower than 2 × 10−4 Pa at 353 K. The
rotation of the substrates was 10 revolutions per minute. 3%
dmetal = a(bVB ) = cVB , (1) ammonium tartrate aqueous solution is used as an electrolyte
where a is the thickness ratio of metal film to the formed oxide in this study. The aluminum films are tested at 293 K.
film; bis the anodizing ratio at the current control step in a On account of electrical insulation of the quartz substrate,
barrier-type anodizing process; c is the ratio of the metal film the tested voltage VB can be easy to find out in the anodizing
to the formation voltage; and VB is the recorded voltage at the process. The thickness of the aluminum film can be calculated
point B shown in Fig. 2. by the formula (2), since the variables are related through
In addition, a natural oxide film will be formed on the a × b = c and only 2 of them have to be determined.
surface of metal films in air. This natural oxide film is repre- The thickness ratio of the oxide film to the aluminum
sented as the initial measurement voltage VA in the anodizing layer replaced, which is anodized in 3% ammonium tartrate
process; thus, the formula (1) should be rewired as: aqueous solution, has been measured by Hass,10 that is
dmetal = ab(VB − VA ) = c(VB − VA ). (2) a= = 0.725. (3)
dAl O
2 3

By measuring the thickness of 10 different AAO films

that formed in 3% ammonium tartrate aqueous solution by
The experimental setup of the test method is a typical the interferometer (Filmetrics F20, San Diego, CA), the ratio
anodizing system.15, 16 A general computer, a common source of formation alumina film to formation voltage at the current
meter, a container, and clamps are used in this test system. The control step in the anodizing process is given in:
clamps are used to fix the sample and cathodes into the con-
dAl O3
tainer. The source meter should be with real time communi- b= 2
= (1.25 ± 0.03) nm/V. (4)
cation, control and data processing functions, which make the Formation voltage
test work automatically and avoid human disturbance. Also, This ratio is consistent with the literature reports.7, 10
the upper limit voltage of the source meter should be large Then, the ratio of aluminum film to the formation voltage that
enough to make sure that the voltage VB is existed. Source anodized in 3% ammonium tartrate aqueous solution is given
meter (Keithley 2410, USA) is used in this study. by:
The good conductivity and chemical inert of the given
electrolyte should be considered as the selection of cathodes’ c = ab = 0.725 × (1.25 ± 0.03) nm/V
material. Platinum and graphite would be suitable materials ≈ (0.91 ± 0.02) nm/V. (5)
in some anodizing systems. Besides, the same metal material
of the test sample would be also a suitable cathodal material So, the formula (2) in this application can be expressed
dAl = [(0.91 ± 0.02) · (VB − VA )] nm/V. (6)


Setting the upper limit voltage of 200 V and the current
density of 1.25 mA/cm2 , the test voltage and current has been
automatically recorded with the time by computer. As shown
in Fig. 3, the initial voltage VA and the tested voltage VB of
sample one are 4.0 V and 180.0 V, respectively. The thickness
of oxide layers formed in air for sample one is:
FIG. 2. Principle of the thickness test method in a barrier-type anodizing
process. dalumina = 1.25 × 4.0 nm = 5.0 nm. (7)
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094101-3 Chen et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 094101 (2014)

FIG. 3. Selecting the upper limit voltage at 200 V and the current density at
1.25 mA/cm2 , the initial voltage and the recorded voltage VB of Sample one
is 4.0 V and 180.0 V, respectively.
FIG. 5. Selecting current density of 1.25 mA/cm2 and 0.625 mA/cm2 , the
initial voltages are 3.4 V and 3.4 V and the recorded voltages VB are 102.9
This thickness of oxide layers formed in air is consis- and 102.9 V, respectively.
tent with the value tested by Hass.10 So, the thickness of alu-
minum film of sample one can be calculated by the following ural oxide films are 4.3 nm and 3.8 nm, respectively. The
formula (2): thicknesses of the aluminum films are 90.2 nm and 90.6 nm,
respectively. The thickness tested method with the different
dAl = (0.91 ± 0.02) × (180.0 − 4.0) nm current density is consistent with each other within the mar-
≈ (159.5 ± 3.8) nm. (8) gin of error. Thus it consumes a great deal of time in a low
current density and the anodizing system is unstable at a too
As shown in Fig. 4, this value is consistent with the value large current density. Therefore, the current density of about
determined by FE-SEM within the error range. The thickness 1 mA/cm2 is a suitable value in this test method for aluminum
of the aluminum film of sample one is about 157 nm, where film in 3% ammonium tartrate aqueous solution.
the error rate is about 5%. Anderson and Devereux18 have discussed the importance
of anodizing temperature in the anodizing process. In their
VI. TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS study, the current is dependent upon the anodizing tempera-
ture at a given overpotential. The current efficiency decreases
Since the current efficiency of reaction occurring, the with the increasing of anodizing temperature, and therefore
molecular weight of substance, the density of the metal film, the anodizing ratio is solely dependent upon the anodizing
and the density of formed oxide film are invariable in a given voltage. As discussed above, the formation voltage is inde-
anodizing system, and the thickness of a formed oxide film pendent on the current density. The thickness test method is
is only dependent upon the amount of charge passed by Fara- less sensitive for the anodizing temperature. Thus, the anodiz-
day’s laws.7 In other words, the current density value is less ing system would be unstable at a high temperature.19 Gener-
sensitive for the thickness test method. ally, the selection of anodizing temperature should be consis-
As shown in Fig. 5, selecting the current density of tent with the temperature that is applied to testing the ratio c.
1.25 mA/cm2 and 0.625 mA/cm2 , the thicknesses of the nat- The room temperature is suitable for anodizing temperature
except in special conditions.
The electrolyte applied to this thickness test method
should be proven as a steady, reliable, and high current ef-
ficient electrolyte. Some useful electrolytes are shown in
Table I. The anodizing ratio of aluminum or aluminum alloy
with the different electrolyte is from 1.2 to 1.35. These differ-
ent anodizing ratios are mainly dependent upon the different
anodizing time at a given anodizing voltage.
Hass10 has extensively discussed the relationship be-
tween anodizing ratio and anodizing time. Because the cur-
rent efficiency is relatively invariant in a given anodizing con-
dition, thickness of anodic oxide film is increasing linearly
with the formation voltage and time at the current control
step in the anodizing process. In this study, the anodizing ra-
tio of pure aluminum is 1.25 nm/V at the current control step
FIG. 4. FE-SEM of cross-section of sample one, thickness of the aluminum in a 3% weight ammonium tartrate, which is tested by the
film is about 157 nm. interferometer (Filmetrics F20, San Diego, CA). The anodiz-
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094101-4 Chen et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 094101 (2014)

TABLE I. Anodizing ratio of aluminum or aluminum alloy in different electrolyte.

Aluminum or aluminum alloy Electrolyte (◦ C) Anodizing ratio (nm/V) and reference

Evaporated aluminum 3% weight ammonium tartrate aqueous solution 1.22 for 30 s,10 1.30 for 2 min,10 1.35 for 40 min10
Aluminium foil (trace impurities: 0.003% Fe; 0.1 mol/L ammonium pentaborate (20) 1.226, 20
0.004% Cu; 0.002 wt. % Si)
Al-1% Si-0.5% Cu thin film AGW electrolyte15 (3% aqueous solution of 1.30 for 30 min21
tartaric acid and propylene glycol at a volume
ratio of 1 to 4)
Aluminium foil (0.004 w/o Cu; 0.003 w/o Fe; Molybdate and Tungstate electrolyte (20) 1.222
0.002 w/o Si)
Pure aluminium sheet Aqueous borate solutions 1.3516

ing ratio of aluminum or aluminum alloy is about 1.25 nm/V inherited from the anodic oxidation. Because the thickness
at the current control step in a barrier-type anodizing process. of barrier-type oxide films is limited to <1 μm by dielec-
This thickness test method is also suitable for those metal tric breakdown,24 the maximum film thickness of aluminum
films or semiconductors which can forma barrier-type anodic tested by this method is less than 1 μm. In addition, since
oxide film in an appropriate electrolyte. What tabulated in thickness of the oxide layers of aluminum film formed in air
Table II are a number of anodizing ratios for several met- is about 4 nm,10 the minimum thickness of aluminum films
als and semiconductors. The formation voltage is extremely tested by this method should be more than 10 nm. There-
sensitive to the thickness variation of metal or semiconduc- fore, the measuring range of the thickness test of aluminum
tor film, from the anodizing ratios with much more than film is from 10 nm to 1 μm.This measuring range for the alu-
0.1 nm/V. If the surface of the metal film is smooth enough, minum film is included by the direct observation method by
the test accuracy can be accurate to a single atomic layer level. FE-SEM5 or TEM.6 However, no specific or expensive instru-
However, in the practical application, the accuracy of this ments are necessary in this method and it is also very easy to
thickness test method is affected by the control of anodizing master. From this view, it is a beneficial complement to the
conditions. The determination of the parameters c in a given traditional thickness test method.
anodizing condition is critical in this thickness test method. In As a potential technology extension, this method can be
other words, the accuracy of the measurement is affected by also applied in the thickness test of films growing on metal
the environmental uncertainties such as temperature, PH, and or semiconductor substrates. The principle is similar to the
so on. To improve the accuracy, a reproducible and reliable method discussed above. The basic issue of the technology
preparation of the electrolyte under environmental uncertain- extension is to learn the recorded voltage VB when the metal
ties is an essential requirement. The selection of electrolyte is film is exhausted. The voltage change at point B should be
a critical issue in this method. The best selection of electrolyte marked enough to easily find out the recorded voltage VB .
is the electrolyte, which is not sensitive to various conditions, The following discussion is about this issue in detail.
like the AGW electrolyte.5 The AGW electrolyte is a mixed The thickness of formed oxide film can be written as the
solution of glycol and water. Hasegawa and Hartnagel15 have following equation by Faraday’s laws:7
studied the AGW process well. In their study, the AGW pro- QM
cess has been found to be always very stable and reliable, and doxide = , (9)
the result is always re-producible even after many times of the nρF S
anodization. In addition, the application of standard sample where Q = i · t is the passage of charge; M is the molecular
can effectively improve the testing accuracy, since the stan- weight of the oxide film; ρ is the density of the oxide film; n is
dard sample and the test sample are each anodizing in the the charge to form an oxide molecule; F is the Faraday; and S
same anodizing condition. is an area of the specimen surface covered by the electrolyte.
Since this method is based on the theory of barrier- Since the thickness of a formed oxide film is directly pro-
type anodic oxidation, characteristics of this method are also portional to the formation voltage in a barrier-type anodizing
process, doxide = bV, therefore,
TABLE II. Anodizing ratio of some metals and semiconductors. doxide M
V = = · Q = γ · t, (10)
b bnρF S
Metal Anodizing ratio (nm/V) and reference
where j is the current density, α = nρbF
, and γ = nρbF
· Si
Aluminum 1.30,10 1.3510
Tantalum 1.67 = α · Si = α · j .
Niobium 2.27 To make the voltage change at the point VB marked
Zirconium 2.0,7 2.1,7 2.4,7 2.77 enough, it should meet the following condition:
Tungsten 1.87
Silicon 0.387 |γ1 − γ2 | = |(α1 − α2 ) · j |  0. (11)
GaAs 1.3515
In addition, the metal film should be compact enough to
GaSb 2.523
ensure no breakdown in conductivity occurs during testing.
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094101-5 Chen et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 094101 (2014)

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