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Theoretical Contributions

Possibility Studies & Society

Pragmatic prospection, the matrix 2023, Vol. 1(4) 404–413

Ó The Author(s) 2023
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of maybe, uncertainty, and human
DOI: 10.1177/27538699231178180

Roy F Baumeister
Constructor University Bremen, Germany

The human agent exists in a world consisting not only of facts and stimuli but also of possibilities. The multiplicity of
possibilities is most readily apparent in the future. Pragmatic prospection theory proposes that people think about
the future to predict possibilities (e.g. choice points requiring decision) rather than final outcomes. This process can
be analyzed into two heuristic steps. The first one envisions a desirable outcome and therefore is optimistically
biased. The second step considers how to reach that outcome, including noting obstacles and difficulties, and is there-
fore less subject to optimistic bias. Many psychological processes are adapted for an environment in which uncertainty
is a frequent aspect, and the psychology of dealing with uncertainty mixes simple, crude responses (e.g. conserve
resources, be alert to all information) with complex and sometimes irrational ones. The advanced human form of
agency, sometimes called free will, involves complex processes including mental simulation of future alternatives, inte-
gration across time, and application of meaningful categories and principles to the causation of behavior.

agency, free will, future, possibilities, possibility, prospection, uncertainty

Human life is lived amid multiple, competing connect to research on uncertainty, which by
possibilities. The psychological study of possibi- definition invokes multiple possibilities, and it
lities has recently emerged as an exciting new will close with consideration of implications for
field (e.g. Glaveanu, 2021). The challenge is to human agency, including so-called free will.
observe and explain how the mind deals with
multiple possibilities, starting with first recog-
nizing and understanding them, and ending Psychology and the future: Origins
with setting the body’s muscles into action to of pragmatic prospection theory
execute and realize the possibilities it chose to My approach to the scientific problem of possi-
pursue. That process often includes deciding bilities is shaped by a theory called pragmatic
not to enact certain possibilities. prospection (Baumeister et al., 2016), which
The purposes of this article are as follows. emerged from several collaborations (Monroe
First, I will provide some background and an et al., 2017; M. E. Seligman et al., 2013; M.
overview of pragmatic prospection theory, Seligman et al., 2016). Its focus is on how peo-
which emphasizes dealing with the future as ple think about the future.
possibilities. It will propose two basic dimen-
sions of future possibilities, corresponding to Corresponding author:
two different ways that the human agent deals Roy F Baumeister, Constructor University Bremen, Germany.
with impending possibilities. It will then Email:
Baumeister 405

Throughout its history, psychology has future does and should change, and you need
focused on studying the past more than the to use your current values to evaluate the differ-
future. The causes of the present are presum- ent possible actions.
ably in the past. Psychology’s first century fea- When psychologists finally got around to
tured two grand theories (Freud, 1965/1933; studying thoughts about the future, they natu-
Skinner, 1938). Both of them explained the rally began with prediction. How accurately do
present based on the past, invoking either the people predict, and what things distort their
reinforcement history or the Freudian child- predictions? Studies of prediction have yielded
hood sequence of oral-anal-Oedipal stages. some valuable and fascinating findings. As one
Later on, the rise of cognitive psychology has example, Buehler et al. (1994); also Buehler
also focused heavily on the past. There are et al., 2010) had college students predict when
whole journals devoted to studying memory for they would turn in their theses. The predictions
the past. In contrast, thinking about the future included their most likely best-guess prediction,
is a minor part of what cognitive psychologists an optimistic prediction assuming everything
study. Moreover, the assumption is that present went well, and a worst-case prediction assuming
thinking is shaped by prior thoughts and everything went wrong. The researchers then
experiences, with less emphasis on how present followed up to record actual turn-in dates. On
thoughts relate to the future. average, even the most pessimistic, worst-case
But recent evidence indicates that ordinary scenario predictions were still optimistically
people think much more about the future than biased: Students turned in their thesis about a
the past, indeed around three times as much week later than the worst-case prediction (and
(Baumeister et al., 2020). Moreover, even when 3 weeks behind their ‘‘most realistic’’ predic-
people do think about the past, the focus is on tion). People mainly had this optimistic bias
how the past has implications for the future. when predicting their own future. The bias van-
Researchers have long documented the faults ished when people predicted when others would
and flaws in memory. Then neuroscientists dis- finish their assignments.
covered that the brain regions that replay past Psychologists have learned much from study-
events are the same ones that imagine future ing prediction (e.g. Tetlock & Gardner, 2016;
events (e.g. Schacter & Addis, 2007). That Tetlock et al., 2014). But is prediction the main
raises the question of which is their primary way people think about the future? The alterna-
function, thinking about future or past? It is tive my group has developed is pragmatic pro-
more useful for the animal brain to forecast spection theory (e.g. Baumeister et al., 2016;
impending events than to replay ancient his- Baumeister et al., in press). The essence of that
tory. The things that seemed like flaws in mem- is that people think about the future to prepare
ory may actually be advantages for thinking for what they should do. They are not so much
about the future. For example, memory predicting how things will turn out but antici-
researchers have bemoaned how each time you pating the choice points and crossroads, where
replay a memory, it is slightly different, never things could go in different directions, so they
reaching a final permanent version—but for can prepare to do their best to steer things
imagining the future, it makes sense to think of toward outcomes that will be better for them-
it differently each time, because circumstances selves, their loved ones, their employers. One
and possibilities change. Likewise, memory thinks about the future so that when the future
researchers found it regrettable that how you becomes the present, one will know what best
remember past events is biased by your present to do or say.
concerns and values—but it is appropriate to Another way of putting this is that people
project the future in light of your current con- think about the future not so much to predict
cerns and values. The way you project the actualities but rather to predict possibilities. The
406 Possibility Studies & Society 1(4)

important thing is to anticipate future situations reported for about half of 1% of thoughts, thus
in which things could go in different directions, hardly ever. Moreover, even those rare thoughts
so as to be ready. Predicting how things will of death were often rated as situated in the past,
turn out in the end has some interest but does so people were not thinking about their own
not have as much pragmatic utility. The famous death (which by definition must be in the future,
remark by economist John Maynard Keynes for anyone who is alive now). The inevitability
that ‘‘In the long run, we are all dead’’ epito- of one’s death is not part of conscious mental
mizes the pragmatic uselessness of long-term life.
prediction. Instead, it is useful to predict To be sure, the Terror Management theorists
upcoming points at which the agent must have a Freudian sort of explanation: Death is
choose and perform amid multiple alternatives. so terrifying that people simply repress it. It is
Thus, the agent must recognize the set of difficult to test that with our data. Nevertheless,
possibilities (the ‘‘matrix of maybe’’; see next pragmatic prospection theory has a different
section). The human mind can mentally simu- explanation. Mortality is not a pragmatic con-
late the various possibilities (not necessarily cern, precisely because you cannot do anything
accurately), evaluate the outcomes, and make a about it. It’s not worth thinking about. It’s not
rational, self-serving decision about how to act. a possibility, it’s a certainty.
The pragmatic aspect is evident in people’s Instead, pragmatic prospection theory would
everyday thoughts. We programed several 100 propose that people would mainly think about
people’s phones to beep at random points dur- possibilities of death, when these intrude into
ing the day, whereupon they recorded their their situation. A possible but avoidable death
most recent thought and answered some ques- would evoke plenty of pragmatic thoughts,
tions about it. In this way, we obtained a large aimed mostly at avoiding it.
sample of people’s everyday thoughts The test case, which remains for future
(Baumeister et al., 2020). As already noted, they research, would be a particular threat of immi-
think more about the future than the past. nent possible death. If the inevitability of death
Moreover, it was mainly the near future, in causes anxiety and thereby suppresses thoughts,
which decisions must be made and actions then when the threat of death suddenly
taken. Another sign of pragmatism was that the increases (e.g. a medical test suggests one might
majority of thoughts about the future involved have a fatal disease), people should repress it all
planning. Planning is pragmatic: What do you the more. In contrast, if the pragmatic theory is
need to do, to reach your goals? At what points correct, then people would think a great deal
will it be helpful to know how to act, what to about this possible death, so as to prevent it
say, what to choose? Preparing for those points from happening.
is the most helpful and adaptive aspect of
thinking about the future.
The pragmatic viewpoint is also relevant to
Future as matrix of maybe
thinking about one’s future death. An influen- People see the future as multiple possibilities,
tial theory has asserted that a defining and and these are organized (hence the term
unique aspect of the human condition is the ‘‘matrix’’). The organization may be quite logi-
knowledge that oneself will die, and that this cal and systematic in an objective sense—while
inspires intense anxiety and fear that people the organization in the agent’s mind may be
seek to quell by various distracting or self- much more chaotic, and indeed people may be
deceiving activities (Becker, 1973; Pyszczynski unaware of some possibilities and may neglect
et al., 1997). Our study of everyday thoughts to take others seriously. A new employee, for
included asking people whether their most example, may have to choose among assorted
recent thought was about death. Death was plans for health care and retirement savings,
Baumeister 407

and these have their own logic as to what possi- Two steps in pragmatic prospection
bilities they open and foreclose down the road.
If thinking about the future is basically prag-
But the employee may not appreciate these and
matic, how would that go? Pragmatic prospec-
indeed may not understand or even consider
tion theory proposes there are two essential but
some of them. The organizational structure also
very different steps (Baumeister et al., 2016).
entails that each possibility chosen in the pres-
(These are heuristic steps as a general pattern,
ent or near future may lead to further sets of
not a rigid dichotomy.)
future possibilities. For example, you can
Imagine an animal that is newly able to think
choose a career in law, but you might fail,
about the future. What would be most adap-
indeed at multiple levels (getting accepted to law
tive, in terms of improving its prospects for sur-
school, graduating with law degree, passing the
vival and reproduction? Two different kinds of
bar, having a thriving practice). The traditional
thoughts would seem helpful, and these consti-
way of mapping decisions as a ‘‘decision tree,’’
tute the two steps. First, the creature would
with branches leading in different directions to
want to think about what would be the best
other sets of branches, captures this well. outcome, as in what it wants. Second, and more
Many animals can think a few seconds or
complicated, would be thoughts on how to
even minutes into the future, mostly in the form bring about that good outcome.
of expectancies. Humans are remarkably differ- These two steps have different implications.
ent not only in their ability to think far ahead Thinking what you would ideally like is inher-
in time, but also to imagine multiple alternative ently optimistic. You want a best-case scenario,
futures. Recent experiments suggest this ability or at least a pretty-good-case. But when you
to think about multiple alternative possibilities then start thinking about how to get there, you
is limited to humankind (Redshaw & recognize the problems and obstacles.
Suddendorf, 2016). Anticipating those makes it useful to avoid
Many research findings illuminate the idea optimistic illusions and be realistic, or even
that the future is a matrix of maybe (Baumeister cautious.
et al., 2018). People act as if the future is more The two-step theory was stimulated by
changeable than the past, even when it is some surprising findings. An extensive
beyond their control. For example, people will research literature indicates that people make
bet more on a future event (e.g. a soccer game) broadly optimistic predictions about their
than one that has already occurred, even though future (Shepperd et al., 2013; Weinstein,
their subjective ignorance of the outcome is the 1980). Monroe et al. (2017) reasoned that
same. Other work shows that when people focus optimism should move people toward high-
on the future, they look to things that they risk-high-reward decisions, away from the
might control, whereas in discussing the past, play-it-safe strategy that would seemingly
they emphasize causes outside of their control. appeal to pessimists. Accordingly, they ran-
Anticipated emotions seem to have more consis- domly assigned people to think either about
tent influence on behavior—and more consis- the present or the future. Then participants
tently positive influence—than currently felt made various decisions between risky-high-
emotions. Moral judgments are often about reward and play-it-safe options. After all, if
whether the person should have acted differ- there’s a chance for either a big gain or loss,
ently, which thus places it firmly in the context as opposed to playing it safe, one would
of multiple possibilities. Moreover, there are expect the optimists to take the gamble while
strong arguments that moral judgments are the pessimists play it safe, right? But Monroe
often future-oriented, given the basic concern et al. found exactly the opposite. When people
with predicting how other people will act in the adopted a future mindset, they became cau-
future and whether they can be trusted. tious, not risk-seeking.
408 Possibility Studies & Society 1(4)

The evidence for optimistically biased pre- which are highly relevant to theories about free
dictions is strong. But Monroe et al. (2017) also will and agency. I think of them as horizontal
repeatedly found that prolonged thinking about and vertical. The horizontal dimension is like
the future led to caution. Instead of arguing cards laid out on a table, or ordering off a res-
that one or the other must be mistaken, taurant menu, or a fork in the road ahead—you
Baumeister et al. (2016) proposed that both can pick any one. It’s up to you. In contrast,
phenomena were genuine—but occur in the vertical dimension is like winning or losing.
sequence. The first, top-of-the-head response Wanting or choosing to win is not enough, and
tends to be optimistic, while the second is more instead of picking what you want, you need to
realistic. To caricature: First, dream big. make yourself do a good job. The agent does
Second, get real. have some control, and pragmatically it is
Evidence in favor of the two-step model is important to prepare to perform one’s best in
covered in another article in this special issue important situations, such as by practicing
(Sjåstad & Bø, in press). Briefly, across many one’s sport or musical instrument, studying for
experiments, participants were asked to make a test, or rehearsing a presentation.
predictions about their future, while sitting at a The difference is in where the value judgment
computer. They were presented with a timer. originates. On the vertical dimension, as in suc-
By random assignment, half were told to make cess/failure, the value judgment is built into the
their responses within a brief period, such as 10 situation: Everybody agrees that success is bet-
or 20 s. The others were told not to respond ter than failure, winning better than losing. On
until after the same number of seconds. Over the horizontal dimension, it originates inside
and over, people’s fast predictions were much the agent (what do you want to eat?). Another
more optimistic than the slowed-down ones. A difference is that the immediate outcome is
brief delay was enough to enable the second largely, even entirely under the agent’s control
step to get started at recognizing the potential on the horizontal dimension, but on the vertical
roadblocks and problems. Thus, the first, fast dimension there is no guarantee of getting what
response focuses on the best-case outcome, you want. Even if you perform superbly, your
while the second, slower response is daunted by opponent might outperform you and win the
the obstacles. match. Still, you have some control over your
The two steps involve somewhat different performance quality, and you can exert that to
kinds of possibility. The first step focuses on improve your chances. In an important sense,
what one wants to happen. That is after all you exert agential control to change the possibi-
highly useful and adaptive for a simple brain. If lities (i.e. improve the odds of success), even
your goal is to escape, or to have sex, or to find though you cannot choose the outcome you
something to eat, then it helps for your brain to want as with horizontal choices.
have some sense of that. Once it knows the goal Conscious thought is an internally generated
it can start plotting a pathway thither. Such simulation, even of the here and now. Crucially,
planning reveals that many plans are worse the human mind simulates possibilities. It ima-
than others, and so one must find a way to deal gines different future situations, different possi-
with the problems, setbacks, and obstacles. ble responses to the same possible situation,
and different possible outcomes. It tries to think
how things would turn out, and how they would
Two dimensions of possibility
feel. From that information, the mind decides
A theory of possibilities for human action has what to do and initiates action.
to start mapping the space, as in, how are possi- It is important to stipulate that the mind is
bilities linked among each other. I propose to not merely inventing spurious possibilities.
start with two very important dimensions, This, to be sure, might be how determinists view
Baumeister 409

the matter, given that they think alternative Uncertainty and multiple
possibilities were never really possible. But the possibilities
pragmatic approach emphasizes that the world
offers multiple possibilities, and the human For several years now, Alquist and I have been
mind can best capitalize on these by under- reading the research literature on uncertainty
standing them and thinking about them (so as and trying to figure it out (see Alquist &
to choose optimally). To be sure, the mind can Baumeister, 2022). Uncertainty is a close cousin
be mistaken. It may simulate possibilities that of multiple possibilities. Certainty means there
do not exist, such as when one ponders and is only one possibility. Uncertainty means more
decides to buy an item only to learn that it has than one.
already been sold. It may be mistaken about It is clear there are two separate kinds of
uncertainty, so you can have either, both, or
what is possible in other ways. Nevertheless, I
neither. The first type is uncertainty in your
assume most people are reasonably accurate at
mind (subjective uncertainty): you know there
understanding most of the possibilities they
is something that you don’t know. The other
face, most of the time—and this understanding
kind of uncertainty is out in the situation
is a key to successful, pragmatic action.
(objective uncertainty): The outcome lies in the
Whether the mind simulates a horizontal or
future and has not been determined yet. The
a vertical matrix of maybe leads to different
difference between the two kinds of uncertainty
kinds of preparations. The horizontal dimen-
resembles the difference between yesterday’s
sion is just a matter of choice and entirely up to
versus tomorrow’s basketball game. You might
the agent. In that situation, the agent has to
be uncertain as to who won yesterday, but
think about what decision to make. The agent
someone definitely did. The winner of tomor-
can simulate the different options and how they
row’s game, in contrast, remains to be decided.
would end up. The restaurant diner might see
These have different effects. Subjective uncer-
the fish option on the menu and imagine what
tainty calls for not taking action and searching
it will be like, and then the diner imagines eat- for more information. It would be best to find
ing it while wishing he had ordered the fancy out the facts before doing anything, and indeed
hamburger instead. The options have different there is nothing you can do about things already
values, but the agent is free to decide what those settled. In contrast, when there are multiple
values are, based on mental simulations and objective possibilities, you need to take action.
preferences. It comes down to what you want, That’s what agency is for, to function in situa-
for your own best benefit. (That can include tions with multiple possible outcomes, so as to
your desire to do what’s best for others.) steer events toward good outcomes. Uncertainty
In sharp contrast, the vertical dimension is also seems to be a cue to conserve resources,
not up to the agent to choose. Whether the agent including effort and willpower.
succeeds or fails has consequences, and the mind Another general impression from our exten-
can mentally simulate (imagine) them. Success is sive literature review is a mixture of good and
better than failure. But this time the agent’s bad news, so to speak. Responses to uncertainty
choice is not enough to dictate the outcome. seemed broadly and crudely adaptive—but not
Instead, the agent has to focus on how to per- rationally optimal. Both require explanation.
form well. Part of the outcome is beyond one’s One powerful recent theory is that uncertainty
control. In a tennis match, you can do everything and anxiety are the default (Brosschot et al.,
right but might still lose if your opponent hap- 2016). It’s not that one starts from assuming
pens to perform at a superior level. Nevertheless, safety and the occasionally learns to respond to
in the aggregate across one’s whole life, doing threat. (Threat is the possibility, not certainty,
your best over and over will increase your good that something bad will happen.) Instead, safety
outcomes, and your life will be happier. is what is learned. The basic state is anxiety over
410 Possibility Studies & Society 1(4)

uncertainty, and only when you really feel safe agree that how human beings guide their beha-
does the brain damp down these bad feelings of vior is vastly and qualitatively different from
anxiety and stress. what the other apes, or indeed all other ani-
That would explain why animals seem able mals, do.
to respond to uncertainty even though most They merely disagree as to whether this
evidence suggests they cannot really understand remarkable, evolutionarily new system for con-
or even think it. Recent evidence suggests that trolling action, deserves to have the name ‘‘free
only the human mind can prepare for multiple will.’’ And the disagreement is mainly because
alternative possibilities – unlike even our smart- they are using different definitions of free will.
est animal relatives (Redshaw & Suddendorf, In my view, the proper scientific problem is
2016). But if life starts out amid uncertainty, to understand how this radically new system of
animal brains would have ways to cope with it. controlling behavior evolved, and how it func-
The responses are simple but would be often tions. Whether it qualifies as free will, or (more
effective. likely) in which senses it does or doesn’t, is not
For example: Uncertainty means knowing our job, and we should leave that to the
one lacks information. The optimal response is philosophers.
to seek and obtain that information. Sure The traits that make us human, that consti-
enough, uncertainty stimulates searching for tute the human essence, are adaptations to
information. But it turns out uncertainty moti- enable us to sustain culture (Baumeister, 2005).
vates seeking out all sorts of information, even Culture enables us to create more resources, so
irrelevant information, even useless and unplea- we survive and reproduce better. These essen-
sant information, and so forth (see Alquist & tially human traits derive from what helps us
Baumeister, 2022, for review). It is probably participate in culture—a giant system of coop-
easier to design a simple animal brain to eration and communication that produces more
respond to uncertainty by making it become resources, thereby increasing the quantity and
alert to all sorts of new information—as quality of life. At a basic biological level, that’s
opposed to designing it to seek out exactly the what it’s all about.
information it needs, which requires plenty of One source of confusion in the free will
mental activity (forming a concept of what one debate is the stumbling block that somehow all
is looking for, analyzing the situation into prior causes combine to produce the present,
where to look for useful information). but how does a physical being acquire the pos-
sibility to split the stream of causality into dif-
ferent directions? Many scientists think that if
Why so-called free will evolved the various causes combined to bring the per-
Free will is most commonly and easily defined son to this particular point—and yet the person
as the ability to act differently in the same can still act in different ways—then the person
situations. It is thus rooted in possibilities. My must contain some kind of inner mental power
understanding of free will has been much influ- to produce different outcomes from the same
enced by List’s (2019) philosophical analysis of causes. One example might be some indetermi-
why free will is real. nate mental process, such as a random action
I have had many conversations with psychol- generator. But that is perhaps the wrong way
ogists who disbelieve in free will, and likewise to think about it—the wrong way to frame the
many with others who accept it. Surprisingly, problem. The crucial point is that the multiple
they largely agree about how the human mind possibilities are already out there in the envi-
and brain control the body’s behavior. In other ronment. The power of agency evolved to capi-
words, they don’t disagree about how behavior talize on that—to steer events toward more
happens. Moreover, and crucially, they also favorable outcomes. Agency operates in an
Baumeister 411

environment in which various things might resources and other benefits. (As a result, you
happen but also might not happen. survive and reproduce better.)
For our project of understanding possibili- In essence, humankind evolved to cooperate,
ties, the key point, again, is that possibilities to work together to produce more resources. To
exist in the world. Determinists deny what I call flourish, each individual needs to cooperate with
‘‘the reality of mere possibility,’’ that is, some- others, and, crucially, to attract others to coop-
thing might be genuinely possible but then not erate with him or her. But the brain wonders,
come true. However, the reality of mere possi- exactly how should I behave in order to attract
bility seems indispensable to building a sound future cooperators? Morality provides the blue-
psychology of how the human mind and agent print. If you behave in a morally responsible
function. and virtuous manner, others will cooperate with
Concern with moral reputation is a powerful you, more than otherwise. Thus, you benefit in
driving factor in the evolution of free will. the long term by behaving morally, and moral
Remember, the traits that make up the essence guidelines are very helpful for decision making
of being human – what makes us really among multiple possibilities, especially when illi-
human—are mostly the result of biological cit temptations are on offer.
adaptations to make culture possible. These So free will—also known as the advanced
traits are shaped by what makes the social sys- and uniquely human mental executive system
tem work best. of self-regulation, decision making, and general
Morality is an important one of those traits. action control—evolved to help the individual
(And moral responsibility is central to all seri- animal flourish as part of a flourishing society.
ous discussions of free will.) Social systems Again, when many people strive to maintain
work better when people are morally good. good moral reputations, that benefits the sys-
Imagine a culture whose moral values were pre- tem as a whole and then also rewards the virtu-
cisely the opposite of the Ten Commandments, ous individuals within it.
thus obligating people to kill, steal, lie under The human agent, sometimes called free will,
oath, disrespect their parents, bang other peo- operates in an environment full of alternate pos-
ple’s spouses, reject the dominant religion, and sibilities. Human evolution included significant
so on. How could such a society flourish, as in upgrades in the mind’s ability to recognize these
producing more resources so people thrive and alternative possibilities, to understand and eval-
the population increases? uate them in multiple ways, and to use those
The evolutionary pressure probably went this complex thoughts to guide behavior. Regardless
way (this is speculation informed by scattered of whether we call this upgraded set of mental
evidence). There is multi-level selection, but it powers ‘‘free will’’ or something else, it enables a
has to work for the individual. Why would an vast improvement in how human beings become
individual adopt morality—especially given that able to thrive amid multiple possibilities.
moral duty requires you to abstain from tempt-
ing possibilities? But morality asks people to do
what is best for the social system, even though it
sometimes is not the immediately best option The human agent lives and acts in a world
for the individual. This is presumably repaid by defined in substantial part by multiple sets of
the benefits of society. Even if you can’t always possibilities. Analyzing behavior as a simple
do what you want, you are better off by being response to a stimulus was a heuristically useful
part of this society. Maintaining a good moral starting point for scientific psychology, but it is
reputation, by visibly doing what people agree woefully inadequate to furnish an adequate
is right, helps you be a respected member of account. For the human agent, at least, what is
society and gets you access to some of its there is experienced in the context of alternative
412 Possibility Studies & Society 1(4)

possibilities. These include counterfactual simu- Baumeister, R. F. (2005). The cultural animal: Human
lations of past events, confronting alternative nature, meaning, and social life. Oxford University
behavioral options in the present, and the future Press.
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Author’s note Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D., & Oettingen, G.
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A preliminary version of this was presented at the
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Humble Approach Initiative conference on possibili-
Psychology, 20, 3–16.
ties, held in Dublin, Ireland, September, 2022.
Becker, E. (1973). The denial of death. Academic
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