Kusshhal Exhibition

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Prompt 18:-

Are some things

Word count:-805
IA prompt:-Are some things unknowable?


(picture from 1995 in Las Vegas “This was a match between Mike
Tyson and Peter McNeeley”
There are a lot of unsolved mysteries in this wild world From the
Bermuda Triangle to flat Earth too if aliens are around us, But one
of my favorite mysteries is if time travel is a real thing or if time
travel was ever done before. We all must have at least once in our
lifetime wished that time travel was a real thing.

object-1:- This is a picture taken in Las Vegas in 1955. This picture

got so popular because of the Mysterious man who was captured in
this picture holding what looks like a smartphone. By seeing this
picture people started claiming if this person has time traveled or

As we look at the object and the background of the object there

would be 2 types of theories which would be raised from the people
who believe that the subject in the picture has actually time traveled,
whereas people who do not think that the subject in the picture time

There would be 2 main questions raised for the people who think the
person in the picture has time traveled:-

(i)How did the person time travel and why?

(ii) what is the reason that the person was present there at that time
and place?
Object-2:- What are all the possible functions and capabilities
of the human mind?
The human mind is a mysterious and complex subject, and despite years of
research and study, there are still many aspects that are difficult to fully
understand. This leads to questions about the limits of our knowledge and
whether some functions and capabilities of the mind are unknowable. It also
raises questions about how personal biases and opinions can affect our
understanding of the mind and limit our ability to comprehend its functions
and capabilities.
Although researchers have studied the human mind for many years, it still
remains a complex and intricate system that controls our thoughts, emotions,
and actions. However, there are still many mysteries that we have not been
able to fully understand or explain.

Studying the human mind makes us wonder how much we really know and
how our own feelings and opinions affect what we understand about the
world. We also wonder how much of our thoughts and emotions come from
our biology and how much from our environment. But studying the human
mind can also bring up important questions about whether it's right to do so
and what good or bad things can happen as a result.

Studying the human mind can be very helpful in real life, such as finding
ways to treat mental illnesses or learning how technology affects our
thinking. This makes the human mind an important thing to study because it
shows us that we don't know everything and the world is complicated.

Object 3:- A Rubik's Cube

A Rubik's Cube can be a good example to explore the idea of "Are some
things unknowable?" because it makes us think about the limits of our
understanding of complex systems and the importance of creativity and
intuition in solving problems. Even though it's possible to solve a Rubik's
Cube, some configurations can be very difficult or impossible for some
people to solve, even if they know how the cube works. This raises questions
about whether there are some configurations that are impossible to solve or if
there are limits to our ability to solve complex problems. Additionally,
studying the Rubik's Cube can show us that gaining knowledge isn't always
easy, and creativity and intuition can be important for learning.

A Rubik's Cube is a toy that you can twist and turn to make all the colors
match up. Although it's possible to solve it, it makes us wonder if there are
some things we can't understand, especially when they're complicated. We
might also think about how important it is to use our creativity and intuition
to solve problems.

For instance, someone who knows a lot about how Rubik's Cube works may
not be able to solve a certain pattern. This can make us wonder if there are
some patterns that are impossible to figure out or if there are limits to our
ability to solve difficult problems.

Moreover, when we play with a Rubik's Cube, we can wonder how much we
should rely on our own creative ideas and feelings to solve it. Even though
we need to use a step-by-step approach, people who can solve the puzzle will
often come up with their own ideas to help them. This shows that learning
new things is not always easy and sometimes it's important to be imaginative
and trust our own feelings to succeed.

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