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Areas where gender discrimination

1. In workshop

2. In school

3. In relationships

4. In politics

5. In institution

3.3. how can gender discrimination take place in school

Some people believe that woman belong in the kitchen for this reason they should not be educated in

Women participation in Nigeria is about 0.06% to that of the average of men in Nigeria.

The stigma against women in politics is still alive and well

They continued to face structurally social economics, institutional and cultural barrier.


1. Solution to the gender discrimination

2. Give good access to education

3. End violent and sexual assault against women

4. End child marriage

2 Explanation

Give girls access to education, same right should be given as it given to boys . Educated girls can make
informed chokes, educated girls can save lives and build strong family

3. End child marriage

Early marriage perpetuates the cycle of illiteracy and poverty around the world.


5.1. Nobody is inferior and nobody is superior we are all eaqual. To treat a girl child differently is a crime
in the society. In Hausa land under aged girls are being married off in Igbo land young girls are taken as
house helps and to run errands e.t.c.

Even a day old baby is seen as icing in some societies as against girl child.

5.2 In conclusion, stands by a saying whichs says this. EVERY GIRL CHILD T ESERVE SOCIETY.


1. Google/ women discrimination

2. httyp//: www. Dictionary// discrimination

3. httyp//: www firefox//search

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