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Write an essay about the following topic:

Some people believe that doing sport at school is a distraction from more important work.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

What are some measures for students to do more sports at school without causing problems for their

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 200 words

Some individuals prioritize academic achievement in school, which may lead them to consider physical activities as
a distraction from this primary objective. However, engaging in sports offers numerous benefits to students, which
should be promoted by several approaches.

On the one hand, playing sports can bring many advantages to students, which should not be assumed to be
redundant. First of all, it gives an extra refreshment to students who are in need to regain their focus. Most students
have an extremely busy schedule, which involves heavy workload at school, extra tutoring classes and homework.
In my opinion, to handle such burden, a mental break from stress is necessary and engaging in sporting activities
can provide them an energy boost. As a result, they are more enthusiastic to continue their study with better
concentration. Secondly, I suppose other classwork is important for academic achievements; however, sports
improve overall well-being and general health for students. There is a correlation between health and work
efficiency, which makes me believe that physical education is as crucial as others.

On the other hand, there are certain measures that should be considered to both maintain students’ physical health
and avoid interfering with other classwork. Firstly, schools could arrange PE classes in the early morning or after
class so that class time for other subjects is ensured. I think arranging these exercises in the middle of other classes
may cause interruptions to students’ learning process and disrupt their focus. Moreover, organizing more sports
events or clubs can also be a good way to promote sports spirit. Students could take their own time choosing
suitable activities for themselves or have discussions with others to arrange the best possible time for their
practice and participation.

In conclusion, engaging in sports at school should not be viewed as a distraction but rather as an integral part of a
well-rounded education. I believe that by integrating sports into the academic curriculum can improve their overall
well-being and enrich their educational experience.

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